Sep 12, 2021
DarkFighter - David
Sep 12, 2021
DarkFighter - David
fix dialogue
Sep 12, 2021
Anime Studio Tycoon - True Seria
Fixed issue with random pop-ins.
Fixed issues when pop-ins don't get removed after moving the mouse away.
fixed issue in build system.
Sep 12, 2021
Wizards and Warlords - Valravn Games
  • Gunpowder units can now be generated for cultures (chance based on their traits). This is not enabled by default, but can be done so by via a new Module, Gunpowder: Basic. It can thus not be applied retroactively to existing games. A new trait has been added to identify such units for the purpose of modding, and the guide updated accordingly.
  • Dragon Summoning. A new Spellcraft has been added, with a progression of research projects to unlock summoning of Dragon units of increasing power.
  • Hero for Hire tooltip now includes details on the Hero, so that the player can make an informed choice on whether to hire or not.
  • Restarting the Tutorial is now possible via a button in the Settings window. This can be used if the tutorial was closed by accident, or if the player wants to show the tutorial and still wants to keep the tutorial disabled by default.
  • Unit Battle Experience: +1 XP for units led by Character. +1 additional XP if Character has the Mentor trait. +25% to total XP gain if the Character is higher or equal level cunit.
  • Wizard Tower: Each level upgrade now gives +50 Influence cap.
  • Several City buildings now increase resource caps for Food and Influence.
  • Thieves Guild changed: No longer reduces Unrest by 10, but increases by 10. Instead Influence gain doubled from 1 to 2. It now also increases the Faction Influence cap by 25.
  • New Building: Prison (Harsh). Reduces Unrest and boosts Industry. Requires Evil, Autocracy, Lawful, and/or Slavery. Not available to Good and/or Chaotic cultures.
  • New Building: Festival Grounds. Reduces Unrest, Industry and boosts Prosperity, Decadence. Requires Semi-Cultured, Culture or Highly Cultured.
  • New Building: Sacred Grove. Reduces Unrest and boosts Spiritual. Cultures with at least one of Primitive, Savage, Barbarian, Druidic, Pact with Nature.
  • New Building: Mercenary Sprawl. Unlocks Elite Units. Requires City Pop 10+. Cultural requirement: Chaotic and at least one of: Martial Honor, Philosophy: Conquest, Philosophy: War, Philosophy: Survival. Not available to Primitive or Savage cultures.
Sep 12, 2021
Pierhead Arcade 2 - Mechabit
Added cloud saves
Revita - Gimmie_Revita

We hardly realize that the Early Access was released 6 months ago. Let's take a look of what happened during this semester!
  • The Early Access was released
  • 3 major updates and 9 patchnotes came out
  • Revita was featured at The Game Dev Direct, at the Summer Games Done Quick and took part in the Made With GamerMaker sale
  • Revita kid can wear 106 different hats
  • 231 relics are in the game at the moment, which means there are a LOT of different relics combinations
We are very excited about the upcoming months! Because a lot is coming! Next step: we are going to be at Indieland on September 24th! More info coming very soon!

Quick reminder: you should follow us on our Twitter. Something is coming tomorrow, you don't want to miss it...

And of course, we already are working on the next update. But no spoilers!

Seems like I somehow have survived the last update. Self deprecating jokes aside, the last update was very rough to put it lightly. While it didn't add as many new minor features as the cursed choices update did, it added a bunch of new, major features! (Fishing, daily/weekly challenges, new area, etc) It didn't help that I was also treading on new ground with a lot of these and surprising to no one expect for me probably, a lot of these systems took way more work than anticipated, getting us into a little bit of a production issue at the end. However, I do hope, that the new content still feels of the same quality and polish as usual! As we work towards new content, it seems like I really need to start getting better at figuring out this organization stuff, so my mental health doesn't need to suffer at the end of each update cycle... HOWEVER, on a more positive note, we brought Tom (Twitter) as a new artist on board. If you have seen any of the enemies from the Calm Caldarium, those were animated by him (and also went far beyond my expectations in quality). He has been helping alleviate a lot of the pressure on my shoulders, now that we officially have 3 artists on board, that can all work in parallel.

Anyway, I hope you are looking forward to things we got coming soonish, because there is a lot and it's pretty nifty =D

Bait & Switch has been a spicy update! A lot of visual stuff has been added and it’s easily been the biggest update for me so far. I’m very pleased with the new NPC’s I got to put out but obvious highlights are the new pond area and the new alternative area 4 boss and it’s room.

The new boss was especially a bit tricky at first because it introduced a lot of interesting problems that required solutions, due to it’s different states hopping between the background and foreground.

To go into detail with one example, at first we wanted to have the boss appear in it's full squid-like glory in the background. That would mean we needed to have a new drawn animation set of the boss but with smaller details or we could choose to drop the boss as is but downscaled. I wasn’t too pleased with either option, as the scaling would look weird, but smaller details would decimate most of the expressive features (and because it would be close in contrast to the regular foreground size, the decimated details are easily compared, and that idea bothered me.) I then came up with the idea to have the boss shroud itself with an ink cloud when in the background, which I think introduced more pros over cons.

It’s it’s own thing, it clearly separates itself in ‘phase’ because it’s such a contrast in form, I think it puts more emphasis on the ‘character’ too, the ‘squidness’, having it ink-jet away and shroud itself. And it goes well with the theme of Depression, that somber cloud prying from a distance while it lashes out with tentacles, now more clearly separated in the foreground.
It added a sense of mystery and concealed the otherwise visible proportions, so I could justify more easily and get away with having the tentacles appear and go where I needed them. On top of that, the elements you are supposed to pay attention to at that moment became a lot more readable.

At times creative or visual problems introduce themselves and I’m really happy to solve them, and that Ben gives me the freedom to solve them in the way I do!

So I thought I’d share that specific thing! Needless to say the creation of the new NPC’s, their rooms, the pond(!!!!) and designing the fishes has been an absolute blast, I don’t know what else to add to that! (other than that I came up with the measurement unit IB = Itty Bitties as a silly spontaneous joke. Yup. You’re welcome 💙 Ben seemed very pleased with it.)

Also very happy with our new animator Tom who’s done a stellar job on the new monster animations! An official welcome from me to them!

Thank you for supporting us!

I’ve been procrastinating for the last hour or so, trying to come up with something fun and witty for this latest newsletter. Then it dawned on me. There was a whole section I had to cut from my last entry because we didn’t want to spoil a single detail from the upcoming Bait and Switch release.

With that embargo now lifted, I’d like to share this adorable summertime swimmer with you. Ben and I were combing through designs for new enemies in one of our weekly brainstorm sessions when this goggled party animal came into my life.

If I remember correctly, this little baddie started off as a regular Culteye sitting atop a life raft. But, as we bounced the idea back and forth, scuba goggles and a dragon floaty quickly followed. The rest is history.
I hope this little zealot flutter kicks its way into your hearts like it did ours.

Hey friends, hey people who play Revita, hi mom!

There was quite a lot of music and especially lots of sound effects that I had to work on in August for Revita's latest update. With „Veneficium Mentis“, we now finally have a second boss theme that can play during normal boss battles and always when you're facing corrupted bosses. This is one of my personal favorite tunes I've ever written and I hope you all get as hyped as me when that track starts playing in-game! The new area Calm Caldarium, the pond, and the slot-like minigame each came with some brandnew music as well. I've also been working on a pretty important song in August that has NOT been part of the current update. Please imagine an eyes-emoji right after this last sentence.

The original soundtrack has now grown to a total of 29+2 tunes, which, considering the game is still in development, already is a huge number! Please look forward to many more additions in the near future. Once the game is finished, you will hopefully find time to listen to all the 27,000 songs on the OST (Exact amount of tracks in the final version may differ). Huge thanks to everyone who has checked out the soundtrack, who keeps saying nice things about the music, and also special thanks to the people who even decided to attend the Revita Original Soundtrack Listening Party I hosted on twitch not long ago! I've planned to host another one, once the full game is out, so I hope I'll see you there!

I never really know what to say about sound effects, a ton of work goes into the creation of each of one them as well. I'll just leave you with this last image, you know... to avoid that this text is too serious xD

Sep 12, 2021
Placebo Love - Merlandese
A few extra bugs, taken care of (we hope)!

- Fixed Week 4 NG+ lockout
- Aspect of Self should be working
- Fixed bug where CC talked about Rawn incorrectly even after you maxed his bond
- Cleared "Trophy" data as you go in to NG+
- Moved a certain endgame cheevo to the final Save Point scene
- Random typos, always

If you have any more bugs, don't be shy! And leave a review if you like what you've played. :)
Sep 12, 2021
Ark of Loif - [NKM]Anubis
Several QOL fixes.
Sep 12, 2021
Making it Home - Sean
Fixed a bug which would occasionally stop the player progressing from Primm and Kingman truckstops.
The Invincible - taj14
Where have we been? And where are we heading?

It's time we celebrate what we achieved and what we have yet to conquer.

Click on the link below, and as you scroll down, take a trip through a galaxy of endless possibilities and see how far we've come.

Follow the tag #HowFarWeAre on social media and see what lies ahead.