CARNAL - VrystaatMan
  • Fix for buttons at the end of Episodes summary screens not working anymore
  • Fixed some map exploits (thanks DocDeltree)
  • Adjusted the health of the boss enemies on E1M4 to be more less of a pain.

If anything comes up please let me know!
Aug 6, 2021
Midnight Stories 2 - sssaam.cindy.2019
A new update is ready, with 2 new side stories in Episode 01

1. Cindy and Lloyd
2. Nadine and Justin

Nadine and Justin has a male narrator as 1st POV.
I'm working on a new update that will have a female voice as a narrator and two additional voices for Justin and Nadine.
Minor audio effects (door closing ,steps, little moans, etc.) will be ready with the next update.

Sheltered 2 - Greg_Team17
Happy weekend, Survivors!

Just before you go, we thought we'd give you some insight on factions in Sheltered 2.

In Sheltered 2, factions are one of the biggest additions to the series — and will play a core role in the experience. In order to beat the game, you need to defeat or, ally with all of the factions on the map!

Check out our latest feature video for more info:

Sheltered 2 release date info is coming very soon!

Fractured Veil - samzenpus
Aloha Thrivers!

We’ve been hard at work updating the game and integrating your suggestions. Our Kickstarter campaign is just around the corner and we’re excited to share where we see the game heading with the backing of your support. In the meantime, we’ve added a huge amount of new content and upgrades to keep the momentum going. We are breaking up the amount of stuff we’re showing off so we’ll have another update early next week just to cover everything.

Your feedback is super important to us so keep it coming! If you’re interested in helping out, head over to our discord and let us know! We love hearing your ideas and talking about what’s coming up next.

Here’s a look at just some of the biggest improvements players will see and all the fixes we’ve made thanks to our testers.

New Features and Content
Ammo Vendor

We’re adding a bunch of vendors to the game's starting area, The Throcon Power Plant. Our goal is to make everything a player might need to survive and thrive for a price available through various vendors.

Here’s a look at one of the latest, an ammo vendor.

We tried out a few different configurations to see what would fit best.

Here is a mock-up of what it would look like inside.

Inventory UI
We’ve completely overhauled the inventory to make it better looking and the UI easier to use and more intuitive.

BEFORE: Some of our original testers will recognize the look and feel between the old inventory

AFTER: After getting some feedback, and talking a lot about what works best, this is the new version.

Vendor UI
We also updated our vendor screens. After showing mockups and hearing the community’s thoughts, we settled on this design for handling all of your vendor dealings and transactions.

Flare Gun
We’ve introduced flare guns in the game. They’re great for signaling other players or distracting the drone if it is focused on you when you’re trying to be stealthy.

They do attract mutants and other players can see them but that can work to your advantage if you have people sneaking around your base with bad intentions during the night.

Of course, if you’re more concerned about aesthetics than tactics, there are very few things more beautiful than being chased by a group of burning mutants.

Breakable Loot and Bodies
We’ve made looting a lot more fun by adding a breaking system to the items you find exploring the map.

Bags fall apart.

Crates break up.

Bodies explode into parts and potentially useful items when you hack at them now.

Even the hanging bodies you find around the map fall apart when you damage them enough.

We’re not encouraging you to do it, and you may not like the treats inside, but hitting one of the “mutant pinatas” will make stuff drop out now.

Construction Destruction
While we were busy making things break in new and interesting ways we decided to add a destruction feature to player constructions because sometimes tearing stuff down can be just as fun as building something up.

Attacks on your base won’t cause your construction pieces to disappear anymore; they actually fall apart.

Sometimes the results can be very dramatic, just look at how much air this piece of foundation gets.

Sewer Dungeon
Lastly, we’ve given our sewer dungeon a big facelift and added a few more passages to explore.

The place has come a long way since the days when everyone had one choice of clone.

We’ve improved lighting and textures, added more dangers and rooms to explore, and put a fresh coat of slime on the walls to make your time down there as enjoyably horrifying as possible.

Mahalo to our testers who help us find what’s not working and what can be improved in the game. Your feedback is very important to us so keep it coming! If you’re interested in helping out, head over to our discord and let us know! Here’s everything you found and we fixed this week.

  • Kitski - Player items disappearing bug
  • [GOONS]RedbeardYarr - Can't loot body after dying
  • Tempus Thales - Creating a Character name that starts with special characters causes the game to crash
  • Acro - Spawned in with god mode active and I can't equip anything
  • [uRxP]D3coy - Clothes disappear after logging out
  • [EBC] Yala - Logging in and finding no inventory besides the default
  • Maikowl/Bored/spitfire - Throwing any item turns it into a machete
  • Bain - Cant build anywhere within my totem zone
  • spitfire - Road paint on my barrier
  • Jake Frost - Logged in and torso is bleeding
  • Bain - Trying to get into totem permissions kicks me from game and duplicates totem
  • spitfire - Pick up other players barricades regardless of inside or outside of totem areas
  • Pistoling - Sawtooth axe attack and hold throw animation don't match the 3rd person animations
  • spitfire - tool bar not displaying
  • Pistoling - Permissions on totems erased on server restart, claim lines change drastically after re-adding your player to them.
  • ItsTom - Hotkey bar is a bit mixed with multiple zeros
  • Pistoling - Water catchers and water barrels spawned by the server do not currently function
  • spitfire - Pick animation broken
  • writeplace - Doors disappearing and reappearing
  • spitfire - Torch animations broken
  • [FRV] Brandan - Spike barricade is labeled as arrows when interacting with it up close
  • chickdrummer88 - Crafted items disappear when made and use materials
  • spitfire - Stuck in floor
  • [FRV] Ryan - Crossbow/bow/compound bow doesn't decay with use
  • Lavim - Everything inside base despawned, smelter, boxes, firepit
  • Jman - When attempting to pick up crafting bench by holding F, it dumps you straight into crafting menu instead of picking up
  • Ferdinandus - The designation of Campfire when we open its menu is SMELTER
  • TheLefty2319 - Bananas disappear when dropped for another player
  • Ferdinandus - Weapon vendor appears when opening a crate

If you want to learn more about Fractured Veil check out our Discord server, visit our Reddit page or join our Facebook group.

More About Fractured Veil

Aug 6, 2021
Lostria - Krysta Games
The beta version of the game is finally available!

Although the game is fully playable, it still lacks a number of 3D models, illustrations and icons. We're doing our best to complete the game by the end of the year.

To celebrate the opening of the beta, every Saturday in August you will get a quest giving you 10 Krystal Coins for every 3 wins! Enjoy it :)

We thank all the testers, thanks to them various bugs were discovered and fixed for the launch of the beta!

We are going to organize an event soon, but the theme is not yet decided. Tournaments? Drawings? Map editing? or maybe something else? What do you prefer?

Aug 6, 2021
Bunny Factory - LadyDilly
Fixed that if a client joined server after opening any charged machine the effects didn't display to the client and it was impossible for client to define what color will be the charged block.
Potion Permit - laurence-pqube

Hey all,
We are very happy to say our week-long alpha is underway!
As this is our very first alpha for Potion Permit,
we wanted to let you know what to expect in the current build, and what's left to come!

- Character creation
- Ability to name your character
- Ability to name your dog companion
- NPC friendship events (only the first friendship event is available)
- Player housing upgrades (only the first upgrade is available)
- Tool upgrades (only the first upgrade is available)
- Stamina upgrades (only the first upgrade is available)
- Health upgrades (only the first upgrade is available)
- Cauldron upgrades (only the first upgrade is available)
- The Carpenter shop
- The Blacksmith shop
- Fishing shop (limited items)
- The Farmhouse
- The Tavern
- The Community Board and weekly requests (limited)
- Fishing (limited)
- Diagnosis mini-game
- Friendship tokens for approval badge (limited)
- Approval badge (limited)
- Environment obstacle removal events (limited)
- Cooking (limited, temporary assets)
- Side quests
- Side events
- Tutorial pop-ups and feature unlock notifications
- Fast travel (limited)
- Keybinding (limited)

- The Bathhouse
- Clinic upgrading
- The Arcade Center
- The Town Hall
- Fishing Rod upgrades
- Trust level
- Dog friendship and actions
- Weather
- NPC rain schedule
- Time skip after events/fast travel
- Housing decorations
- Public services on quest board
- Dating
Stormworks: Build and Rescue - Deltars

Dear Stormworkers,

You can now refuel your aircraft air-to-air using the new official aerial refueler!

The aerial refueler is a new AI plane that patrols the skies of the Stormworks world. It is visible on revealed areas of the map and flies at a steady heading and direction. The fuel tanker aircraft carries auxiliary fuel for delivery via hoses on the left and right wings.

When joining the aircraft, you can refuel via a simple fluid connector. When connected, pressurised fuel is fed to your connector, and consumption is charged in a similar way to buying fuel from a fuel gantry, except at a high flat rate. While it is the most expensive way of taking fuel, the refueller can roam anywhere across the Stormworks map and can extend the range of aircraft operations.

We look forward to seeing how Stormworks pilots react to the new refueller! This has been created using the existing add-on system and is very similar to AI planes.

As well as this new update, there are many fixes and improvements included in the update. See the patch notes below for more info!

Much love <3,

The Stormworks Developers

Patch Notes


Feature - Refuelling Aircraft AI Vehicle

Fix - MP client simulating physics without data from the server (vehicle rubber-banding)
Fix - isInZone now correctly checks all zones with the specified name instead of returning after one check
Fix - Magalls causing a crash when exiting from a game
Fix - setButton and setKeypad now search by name only from their respective types
Fix - Zones should now despawn after testing a location

Added the following functions:

CLOCK = server.getTime()
["hour"] = hour (24),
["minute"] = minute (60),
["daylight_factor"] = midday factor (0-1),
["percent"] = day_cycle_percent (0-1),

WEATHER = server.getWeather(transform_matrix)
["fog"] = fog factor (0-1),
["rain"] = rain factor (0-1),
["snow"] = snow factor (0-1),

Added .voxels field to getVehicleData

The following functions have been reworked to return a table and is_success instead of individual parameters to make them more scalable/neat:
data returns null if is_success is false

data, is_success = getVehicleDial
data = { value = value_primary, value2 = value_secondary }

data, is_success = getVehicleTank
data = { value = current_amount, capacity = capacity }

data, is_success = getVehicleBattery
data = { charge = charge_factor }

data, is_success = getVehicleHopper
data = { value = current_amount, capacity = capacity }

data, is_success = getVehicleSign
data = { pos = { x, y, z } }
Warhammer The Horus Heresy: Legions - EGPepe

"It is time to take the initiative."
– Alexis Polux

Have you tried the new single player campaign? Check out the new video explaining everything you need to know about the new game mode.

Are you ready to face new challenges and reap glorious rewards? This first update brings the Battle of Phall, where you’ll play as the Imperial Fists against Perturabo and his Iron Warriors. Check out the details in the latest blog post.

Battle readiness, brothers! Embody Alexis Polux in The Battle of Phall and kickstart your Imperial Fist collection before time runs out!