Block in the Lock - Peyda
Weekly Challenges?...
Yes, if you didn't know already, I was making a few levels a week and uploaded them on Itch every week (now that I think about it, I feel kinda stupid that I didn't make them available on Steam as well, but I guess I was just too lazy to implement all that network and database stuff).

Now, after making 50 Challenges with 150 new levels, I can finally rest.

Wait! What if I still want to play them?
Aaah, I see. You want to play these limited time level packs, even though you missed your chance by not following me on Twitter?

Don't worry! The thing that makes me happier than anything are people like you that want to play the stuff I make :)

So in just a few weeks (hopefully) I will be releasing the NEXT BIG UPDATE with all of these NEW CHALLENGE LEVELS.

New Challenge World

There will be a new world after the final world where all the challenge level packs will be placed. This world behaves a bit differently. Each level is actually a level pack with 1 to 5 levels (or stages) inside of them. Levels also unlock a lot faster and there is no final unlocking of the world.

The Challenge World will be unlocked after finishing the main game.
孤胆惊魂2:消失的207(Fear 2: The Disappeared 207) - dch1153
1. Update the legendary weapon-the sword of the evil demon, which can be purchased in the new game + store.
2. Update skills: Stealth, release skills to be invisible, escape the enemy's pursuit.
3. Update skills: Backstab, after stealth, backstab the enemy can directly kill the enemy in seconds.
4. The above two skills need to be equipped with the sword of the evil demon before they can be released.
Aug 1, 2021
Hentai Hack-Her - GreatherGames
Nothing to see here, just a bug fix.
Aug 1, 2021
Arcane Waters - burlin_gauna
updated map editor tool and main game code base to process npc shop reference using shop id instead of shop name

#3734 - Carrots look weird when they land

Aug 1, 2021
AREAZ - areazgame

Hi, just released another content update - the Birds.
It includes reworked birds mechanics - birds can now walk, fly or even some of them swim.
Also they inherit animal behavior and player sensing.

Birds can be killed and will provide following bird meat volumes:
Eagle 100%
Owl 80%
Duck 70%
Seagull 60%
Crow 40%
Pigeon 30%
Sparrow 15%

On first map there are spawn zones for seagulls and ducks.
Other birds will be available on upcoming Inland and Mountains maps.

When taking off - they might glitch thru terrain or objects - but solving this would costs a lot of performance, so I decided not to do so, as it happens only occasionally.

Another change is for player mechanics and interaction - when holding a lit torch or flare - picked item will go directly to inventory, preventing torch to extinguish.

Thank you for your support! Please do not forget to review the game - it helps a lot!

Please report all issues on our discord:

I will be also pleased to answer any questions.

Juraj Bachar
Game Creator
Community Announcements - Resident007
We're still working on Solnechnogorsk map for Bus Driver Simulator!

Right now, we're working on implementing functionality for the map, primarily traffic and pedestrians, bus stops, routes and schedule.

The main work is already done, so add the DLC to your Wishlist on Steam in order not to miss the moment it releases!

Thunder Tier One - Purple Dogg
We’re extending Gameplay Preview Bravo until 2 Aug, 11:00 AM CEST

If you’re not part of the playtest yet, now is the time to jump in! You can request access from the Thunder Tier One store page.

If you’re already part of the Gameplay Preview Bravo, we’d love to hear your feedback. We’ve prepared a short survey that will only take a few minutes to fill out. Please share your experience and thoughts with us: {LINK REMOVED}
If you’d like to learn more about Thunder Tier One, head over to our Discord channel and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
Aug 1, 2021
TERA - Action MMORPG - [CM]threea

Non-stop action and events, and a whole load of loot: there’s plenty to look forward to in August with TERA! Read on to find out more about what’s coming up.

Just want a quick overview? Then take a look at our [event calendar].

New Mentor Rewards
**From 3rd August 2021 (9 AM CEST, 3 AM EDT)**
Help inexperienced players in their first dungeons and earn just rewards for your efforts! Here’s how the system works:
* You count as a rookie if you have completed a dungeon less than 5 times and have an account younger than 30 days, or have returner status.
* When rookies and experienced players complete a dungeon together, the rookies can compliment the experienced players at the end.
* Only applies to groups found through instance matching.
* Compliments are rewarded with items. Depending on the dungeon difficulty, you can look forward to the following:
* Adventure Coins
* Goldfinger Tokens
* Elleon’s Mark of Valor
* Legacy Essences

Beach Party
**3rd August 2021 (9 AM CEST, 3 AM EDT) to 31st August 2021 (9 AM CEST, 3 AM EDT)**
Let your hair down at the beach of Ostgarath, or help in the arrangements for the Festival of the Sun – just like every summer, there’s plenty of cool loot to be had.

The League of Levelers
**5th August 2021 (9 AM CEST, 3 AM EDT) to 31st August 2021 (9 AM CEST, 3 AM EDT)**
The road to success is hard and winding – but the League of Levelers is here to straighten you out. For reaching certain milestones on your adventurous career, you’ll be rewarded with handy items. Earn experience, a permanent Vulcan Drake as your flying mount, Complete Skill Advancement Books, a Smart Box: Frost Guardian and loads more! You can find all the details on the rewards in our [event calendar].

Low-cost Dungeon Entries
**10th August 2021 (9 AM CEST, 3 AM EDT) to 17th August 2021 (9 AM CEST, 3 AM EDT)**
Enter dungeons for fewer Adventure Coins:
* The Abscess for 135 Adventure Coins (instead of 175)
* Akalath Quarantine for 135 Adventure Coins (instead of 175)
* Damned Citadel for 150 Adventure Coins (instead of 200)
* Velik’s Hold for 150 Adventure Coins (instead of 200)
* Stormed Citadel for 220 Adventure Coins (instead of 280)
* Fusion Laboratory for 220 Adventure Coins (instead of 280)
* Grotto of Lost Souls (Hard) for 220 Adventure Coins (instead of 280)
* Bahaar’s Sanctum for 325 Adventure Coins (instead of 400)
* Cursed Fusion Laboratory for 325 Adventure Coins (instead of 400)

Extra Partner Loot
**13th August 2021 (6 PM CEST, 12 PM EDT) to 16th August 2021 (9 AM CEST, 3 AM EDT)**
In this event your partners will be extra meticulous on their hunt for loot, either bringing home 100% more items than usual, or benefiting from a 100% greater chance to bag rare items.

Double Dungeon Loot
**19th August 2021 (9 AM CEST, 3 AM EDT) to 24th August 2021 (9 AM CEST, 3 AM EDT)**
During the event, your chances of loot is doubled *in all dungeons*!

Quest Boost
**24th August 2021 (9 AM CEST, 3 AM EDT) to 31st August 2021 (9 AM CEST, 3 AM EDT)**
You’ll earn double loot and Gold for Vanguard Initiative quests during the event period.

Double Chance of Card Fragments
**27th August 2021 (6 PM CEST, 12 PM EDT) to 31st August 2021 (9 AM CEST, 3 AM EDT)**
Complete your card fragment collection—you’ll have double the odds of getting those missing pieces during the event.

Third Crisis - Anduo Games
  • Added the final ending for the bar route that includes four new animations.
  • Fixed problem where the bar ending start locked you out of the main quest.
  • Fixed problem where the streetwhore doggy scene had bugged eyes.
  • Fixed problem where unequipping and reequipping the bra during the prologue in
    Destroyed Stronghold would softlock you in a dialogue loop and crash the game.
Devil Slayer - Raksasi - xebecnan

# Bug Fix

- Fix the issue that the dropped Soul Charm Pouch would turn into coins if "Trial Token - Glittering Gold" was enabled.
- Fix the problem that the name shown in the Kunlun Witch battle appearance animation was not translated.
- Fix some inaccurate descriptions in manuscripts.