Fastest Hands In The WASD - Rain
  • Fixed minor spelling mistake in description of Lucky Dice, now properly says "Silver" instead of "Gold"
  • Sped up enemy death animation time by 25%
  • WASD presses while pistol is shooting will now apply after the bar finishes emptying
  • Added small settings button to top right of Idle Mode
  • Added player head to event bar for clarity on when events are taking place
  • Changed store tab from the word "Guns" to picture of a gun for consistency with other tabs
Escape from Naraka - Headup Games

Greetings, escapees!

Even if we are just a small three dev indie team, we want to make our game shine as good as possible. This is one of the reasons why we decided to develop Escape from Naraka on Epic's Unreal Engine 4. It is a very powerful tool!

This is also the reason why our ways crossed with Nvidia. When they offered us the opportunity to work with them on implementing Ray-Tracing and DLSS to Escape from Naraka, we didn't have to think twice before saying "Yes!". Because for us as a small three-person development team, it's a great honor to work with Nvidia. Like a dream come true!

Of course, we asked ourselves beforehand whether Escape from Naraka could benefit from DLSS and Ray-Tracing. And since it's a mix of runner and platformer including Steam Leaderboards, and it is up to the player to achieve the best possible time, the extra FPS won't hurt. DLSS? Check!


Although players run and jump through hell and the game is interpreted in a very mythological way, the presentation and style is realistic. We photographed many elements such as statues or entire temple areas by hand and implemented them into the game. And to emphasize that, we've included several RTX technologies into Escape from Naraka. Ray-Tracing? Check! But of course, even without Ray-Tracing and DLSS, the game looks as good as we could make it!

We make use of Ray-Traced Reflections, Ray-Traced Shadows and Hybrid Translucency. So where and how will you notice Ray-Tracing in Escape from Naraka? There are real-time reflections on water and smooth surfaces and softer and more realistic shadows. Overall, our hell makes a much more realistic impression this way. If you can put it that way. ːsteamhappyː

But the cherry on top is RTX Global Illumination! Using it the light is bouncing with very high accuracy and supports the more realistic impression even more. Thus, the warm torchlight is reflected on smooth surfaces of figures or refracts realistically on the uneven stones of walls. Really impressive! Overall RTX Global Illumination makes the levels much more homogeneous.

It was a really exciting ride for us to implement Ray-Tracing to our game! Of course, it is always a matter of taste, but we LOVE how Escape from Naraka is looking with Ray-Tracing and DLSS on! And that's why we thank Nvidia for their support. Without you, Escape from Naraka wouldn't look as good as it is doing for its release on July 29th! So: "Thank you!"

And to all of you escapees out there: See you in the hellish depth of Naraka next week!
The Xelo Games Team
Star Trek Timelines - WRG_Shan

Captain Sulu, among others, feels Starfleet has been approaching the temporal anomaly crisis with the wrong attitude. Instead of viewing it as a crisis that has to be set right, Starfleet should consider themselves to have entered uncharted space, populated by foreign explorers, and conduct themselves accordingly. Together with his contemporaries Captain Harriman and Captain Bateson, Captain Sulu mounts an expedition to try and enter one of the many temporal anomalies dotting the galactic landscape, and for the first time try to report back what is on the other side.

Event Name: The Captain’s Oath (rerun)
Event Type: Hybrid Faction/Galaxy Event (shuttle/supply missions)
Event Start: Thursday, 07/29 at noon ET (16:00 UTC)
Event Finish: Monday, 08/02 at noon ET (16:00 UTC)

Squadrons: Y
Crew Sharing: Y (phase 1 only)
Faction Winner Bonus: N
Community Rewards: Y (phase 2 only)

Event Crew: Captain Saru (New) 5*, Captain Bateson (Existing) 5*, Captain Sulu (Existing) 4*, and Captain Harriman (Existing 4*)

Ranked reward 5* crew: Tribble McCoy (New) - this crew will be featured event crew in the event starting on 08/05.

Bonus crew
- high bonus: event crew
- small bonus: variants of Saru, Sulu, and crew with the “inspiring” or “explorer” trait.

Event Faction

Live long and prosper,

KARDS - The WW2 Card Game - Thomas

Hello Kards community! It is with great excitement that 1939 Games announces the KARDS World Championship 2021 and invites everyone to join!

The KARDS World Championship 2021 is an open event for all KARDS players starting with open qualifiers in September and October and culminating in a grand finale in Iceland in December where we will crown the KARDS World Champion 2021.

To guarantee a fun event for all participants, the World Championship has three stages so everyone can dip their toes into the competitive pool for a taste of the action

  • In-Client Open Qualifiers
  • Knockout Stage
  • Finals stage (in Iceland)

While playing in the World Championship is already a great adventure on its own, the way to the final is sprinkled with additional rewards ranging from cosmetics to the unique KARDS 2021 World Championship Cardback.

How do you become the KARDS World Champion?

The World Championship 2021 has three stages, you need to be successful at each to become the World Champion.

Previous season winners, KARDS Open winners and OCC winners as well as the top 4 players from last year's KARDS World Championship are all guaranteed a spot in the top 128 that compete in the knockout stage.

Stage 1: Open Qualifiers in September/October

Join one or both of the two open qualifiers available through the KARDS Client during weekends between September 4th and October 9th to earn your 2021 KARDS World Championship Cardback and compete to qualify for stage 2 of the tournament. The top 50 players from each qualifier will advance.

Stage 2: Top 128 player knockout stage

The 100 players from the open qualifiers and the 28 pre-qualified players are randomly drawn into 16 groups of 8 players and will play a round robin group stage during the weekend of the 23rd and 24th of October. The two players with the best score in each group will progress into a 32 person double elimination bracket played during the weekend of 30th-31st of October to qualify the four players that will make it to Iceland for the final stage of the tournament.

Stage 3: The grand finale of the World Championship!

All finalists will be invited to Iceland by 1939 Games for a thrilling adventure and to battle for the title of KARDS World Champion 2021 in an offline setting! A very limited number of seats will be available for those interested in attending the finals in Iceland, more information on that later.

Start preparing for battle!

With the first set of qualifiers starting at the beginning of September, now is your chance to start preparing your forces for battle to challenge for the title of KARDS World Champion and your share of the $10.000 Prize pool.

Start thinking about what types of decks you want to bring, what cards you need to get to be in fighting shape come September to take on the world's best players!

Rewards: Prizes all along the way to the top

Even though participating in the KARDS World Championship is already a great adventure in itself, we have sprinkled your journey through the various stages with additional rewards and prizes!

Let’s go over the rewards one by one.

  • Every player that completes three qualifying sessions in the Open qualifier for the World Championship will receive the KARDS World Championship 2021 cardback and a random golden special card.
  • Every player that qualifies for the top 128 - the knockout stage will receive two cosmetic in game-items as well as a pack of 10 draft tickets
  • The four finalists will get an all expenses paid trip to Iceland to play the finals in the bunker and will compete for their share of the $10.000 prize pool.

We will publish more details on all things KWC2021 in the coming weeks and months, so make sure to regularly check in for updates!
Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty - Prologue 1939 - KateMels

Hello, guys! Some of you probably remember the community vote we held when deciding the historical tracks lineup for the Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom. We think it worked out greatly, so now we are back with the new vote regarding the Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty.

We want to let you participate in the Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty development and help us choose the best tracks that will then be recreated by our partners - Daraba Studio to serve as the game soundtrack.

Our goals:
  • We want to select 5 tracks that for sure will be in Spirit of Liberty.
  • We will most likely pick at least one track from each of the Classics, Marches, and Propaganda categories below.
  • Note! All tracks we create will be instrumental (no voice). So, while we link some songs for the reference, there will be only tunes in game. Make sure to take that into account when you make your choice. Some tracks might lose much of their value without the voice.
  • All tracks we link are just the reference and the final tracks we create for the game might differ significantly in the way they are performed and their length.
  • Choose one of our community hubs and post your choices there - multiple entries by a single Steam account do not stack.
  • Choose 5 tracks you like most and rank them. The number one gets 5 points, number two gets 4 points, etc. Example vote:
    1. Jean Sibelius - Karelia - Intermezzo [gets 5 points]
    2. Vapaussoturin Valloituslaulu [gets 4 points]
    3. Njet, Molotoff! [gets 3 points]
    4. Jääkärimarssi [gets 2 points]
    5. Säkkijärven polkka [gets 1 point]
  • The more points the track gets - the more likely you will listen to it in game.
  • Steam vote is the key vote, but we will hold other votes on Reddit (or other media) that will serve as a recommendation and hold less power. You can participate in both.
  • You are encouraged to leave any feedback and/or suggest other tracks that could be added to the game. However, make sure you have stated your 5 choices clearly first.
  • The vote lasts from 21 July to 1 August. All later entries will not affect the results.
List of candidates by categories:


  • Jean Sibelius - Finlandia (00:00 — 06:08/09:36):
  • Jean Sibelius - Karelia - Intermezzo I (00:00/00:50 — 03:15/04:20):
  • Jean Sibelius - Karelia - Ballade (08:40 — 10:20):


  • Vapaussoturin Valloituslaulu:
  • Pioneerien taistelulaulu:
  • Jääkärimarssi:
  • Porilaisten marssi:
  • Sillanpään marssilaulu:
  • Muistoja Pohjolasta instrumental:
  • Muistoja Pohjolasta with lyrics:


  • Njet, Molotoff!
  • Uraliin
  • Kremlin uni


  • Säkkijärven polkka

Looking forward to learning your opinion!
Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty - KateMels

Hello, guys! Some of you probably remember the community vote we held when deciding the historical tracks lineup for the Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom. We think it worked out greatly, so now we are back with the new vote regarding the Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty.

We want to let you participate in the Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty development and help us choose the best tracks that will then be recreated by our partners - Daraba Studio to serve as the game soundtrack.

Our goals:
  • We want to select 5 tracks that for sure will be in Spirit of Liberty.
  • We will most likely pick at least one track from each of the Classics, Marches, and Propaganda categories below.
  • Note! All tracks we create will be instrumental (no voice). So, while we link some songs for the reference, there will be only tunes in game. Make sure to take that into account when you make your choice. Some tracks might lose much of their value without the voice.
  • All tracks we link are just the reference and the final tracks we create for the game might differ significantly in the way they are performed and their length.
  • Choose one of our community hubs and post your choices there - multiple entries by a single Steam account do not stack.
  • Choose 5 tracks you like most and rank them. The number one gets 5 points, number two gets 4 points, etc. Example vote:
    1. Jean Sibelius - Karelia - Intermezzo [gets 5 points]
    2. Vapaussoturin Valloituslaulu [gets 4 points]
    3. Njet, Molotoff! [gets 3 points]
    4. Jääkärimarssi [gets 2 points]
    5. Säkkijärven polkka [gets 1 point]
  • The more points the track gets - the more likely you will listen to it in game.
  • Steam vote is the key vote, but we will hold other votes on Reddit (or other media) that will serve as a recommendation and hold less power. You can participate in both.
  • You are encouraged to leave any feedback and/or suggest other tracks that could be added to the game. However, make sure you have stated your 5 choices clearly first.
  • The vote lasts from 21 July to 1 August. All later entries will not affect the results.
List of candidates by categories:


  • Jean Sibelius - Finlandia (00:00 — 06:08/09:36):
  • Jean Sibelius - Karelia - Intermezzo I (00:00/00:50 — 03:15/04:20):
  • Jean Sibelius - Karelia - Ballade (08:40 — 10:20):


  • Vapaussoturin Valloituslaulu:
  • Pioneerien taistelulaulu:
  • Jääkärimarssi:
  • Porilaisten marssi:
  • Sillanpään marssilaulu:
  • Muistoja Pohjolasta instrumental:
  • Muistoja Pohjolasta with lyrics:


  • Njet, Molotoff!
  • Uraliin
  • Kremlin uni


  • Säkkijärven polkka

Looking forward to learning your opinion!
Panzer Strategy - KateMels

Hello, guys! Some of you probably remember the community vote we held when deciding the historical tracks lineup for the Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom. We think it worked out greatly, so now we are back with the new vote regarding the Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty.

We want to let you participate in the Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty development and help us choose the best tracks that will then be recreated by our partners - Daraba Studio to serve as the game soundtrack.

Our goals:
  • We want to select 5 tracks that for sure will be in Spirit of Liberty.
  • We will most likely pick at least one track from each of the Classics, Marches, and Propaganda categories below.
  • Note! All tracks we create will be instrumental (no voice). So, while we link some songs for the reference, there will be only tunes in game. Make sure to take that into account when you make your choice. Some tracks might lose much of their value without the voice.
  • All tracks we link are just the reference and the final tracks we create for the game might differ significantly in the way they are performed and their length.
  • Choose one of our community hubs and post your choices there - multiple entries by a single Steam account do not stack.
  • Choose 5 tracks you like most and rank them. The number one gets 5 points, number two gets 4 points, etc. Example vote:
    1. Jean Sibelius - Karelia - Intermezzo [gets 5 points]
    2. Vapaussoturin Valloituslaulu [gets 4 points]
    3. Njet, Molotoff! [gets 3 points]
    4. Jääkärimarssi [gets 2 points]
    5. Säkkijärven polkka [gets 1 point]
  • The more points the track gets - the more likely you will listen to it in game.
  • Steam vote is the key vote, but we will hold other votes on Reddit (or other media) that will serve as a recommendation and hold less power. You can participate in both.
  • You are encouraged to leave any feedback and/or suggest other tracks that could be added to the game. However, make sure you have stated your 5 choices clearly first.
  • The vote lasts from 21 July to 1 August. All later entries will not affect the results.
List of candidates by categories:


  • Jean Sibelius - Finlandia (00:00 — 06:08/09:36):
  • Jean Sibelius - Karelia - Intermezzo I (00:00/00:50 — 03:15/04:20):
  • Jean Sibelius - Karelia - Ballade (08:40 — 10:20):


  • Vapaussoturin Valloituslaulu:
  • Pioneerien taistelulaulu:
  • Jääkärimarssi:
  • Porilaisten marssi:
  • Sillanpään marssilaulu:
  • Muistoja Pohjolasta instrumental:
  • Muistoja Pohjolasta with lyrics:


  • Njet, Molotoff!
  • Uraliin
  • Kremlin uni


  • Säkkijärven polkka

Looking forward to learning your opinion!
Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg - KateMels

Hello, guys! Some of you probably remember the community vote we held when deciding the historical tracks lineup for the Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom. We think it worked out greatly, so now we are back with the new vote regarding the Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty.

We want to let you participate in the Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty development and help us choose the best tracks that will then be recreated by our partners - Daraba Studio to serve as the game soundtrack.

Our goals:
  • We want to select 5 tracks that for sure will be in Spirit of Liberty.
  • We will most likely pick at least one track from each of the Classics, Marches, and Propaganda categories below.
  • Note! All tracks we create will be instrumental (no voice). So, while we link some songs for the reference, there will be only tunes in game. Make sure to take that into account when you make your choice. Some tracks might lose much of their value without the voice.
  • All tracks we link are just the reference and the final tracks we create for the game might differ significantly in the way they are performed and their length.
  • Choose one of our community hubs and post your choices there - multiple entries by a single Steam account do not stack.
  • Choose 5 tracks you like most and rank them. The number one gets 5 points, number two gets 4 points, etc. Example vote:
    1. Jean Sibelius - Karelia - Intermezzo [gets 5 points]
    2. Vapaussoturin Valloituslaulu [gets 4 points]
    3. Njet, Molotoff! [gets 3 points]
    4. Jääkärimarssi [gets 2 points]
    5. Säkkijärven polkka [gets 1 point]
  • The more points the track gets - the more likely you will listen to it in game.
  • Steam vote is the key vote, but we will hold other votes on Reddit (or other media) that will serve as a recommendation and hold less power. You can participate in both.
  • You are encouraged to leave any feedback and/or suggest other tracks that could be added to the game. However, make sure you have stated your 5 choices clearly first.
  • The vote lasts from 21 July to 1 August. All later entries will not affect the results.
List of candidates by categories:


  • Jean Sibelius - Finlandia (00:00 — 06:08/09:36):
  • Jean Sibelius - Karelia - Intermezzo I (00:00/00:50 — 03:15/04:20):
  • Jean Sibelius - Karelia - Ballade (08:40 — 10:20):


  • Vapaussoturin Valloituslaulu:
  • Pioneerien taistelulaulu:
  • Jääkärimarssi:
  • Porilaisten marssi:
  • Sillanpään marssilaulu:
  • Muistoja Pohjolasta instrumental:
  • Muistoja Pohjolasta with lyrics:


  • Njet, Molotoff!
  • Uraliin
  • Kremlin uni


  • Säkkijärven polkka

Looking forward to learning your opinion!
Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom - KateMels

Hello, guys! Some of you probably remember the community vote we held when deciding the historical tracks lineup for the Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom. We think it worked out greatly, so now we are back with the new vote regarding the Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty.

We want to let you participate in the Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty development and help us choose the best tracks that will then be recreated by our partners - Daraba Studio to serve as the game soundtrack.

Our goals:
  • We want to select 5 tracks that for sure will be in Spirit of Liberty.
  • We will most likely pick at least one track from each of the Classics, Marches, and Propaganda categories below.
  • Note! All tracks we create will be instrumental (no voice). So, while we link some songs for the reference, there will be only tunes in game. Make sure to take that into account when you make your choice. Some tracks might lose much of their value without the voice.
  • All tracks we link are just the reference and the final tracks we create for the game might differ significantly in the way they are performed and their length.
  • Choose one of our community hubs and post your choices there - multiple entries by a single Steam account do not stack.
  • Choose 5 tracks you like most and rank them. The number one gets 5 points, number two gets 4 points, etc. Example vote:
    1. Jean Sibelius - Karelia - Intermezzo [gets 5 points]
    2. Vapaussoturin Valloituslaulu [gets 4 points]
    3. Njet, Molotoff! [gets 3 points]
    4. Jääkärimarssi [gets 2 points]
    5. Säkkijärven polkka [gets 1 point]
  • The more points the track gets - the more likely you will listen to it in game.
  • Steam vote is the key vote, but we will hold other votes on Reddit (or other media) that will serve as a recommendation and hold less power. You can participate in both.
  • You are encouraged to leave any feedback and/or suggest other tracks that could be added to the game. However, make sure you have stated your 5 choices clearly first.
  • The vote lasts from 21 July to 1 August. All later entries will not affect the results.
List of candidates by categories:


  • Jean Sibelius - Finlandia (00:00 — 06:08/09:36):
  • Jean Sibelius - Karelia - Intermezzo I (00:00/00:50 — 03:15/04:20):
  • Jean Sibelius - Karelia - Ballade (08:40 — 10:20):


  • Vapaussoturin Valloituslaulu:
  • Pioneerien taistelulaulu:
  • Jääkärimarssi:
  • Porilaisten marssi:
  • Sillanpään marssilaulu:
  • Muistoja Pohjolasta instrumental:
  • Muistoja Pohjolasta with lyrics:


  • Njet, Molotoff!
  • Uraliin
  • Kremlin uni


  • Säkkijärven polkka

Looking forward to learning your opinion!
Strategic Mind: Spectre of Communism - KateMels

Hello, guys! Some of you probably remember the community vote we held when deciding the historical tracks lineup for the Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom. We think it worked out greatly, so now we are back with the new vote regarding the Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty.

We want to let you participate in the Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty development and help us choose the best tracks that will then be recreated by our partners - Daraba Studio to serve as the game soundtrack.

Our goals:
  • We want to select 5 tracks that for sure will be in Spirit of Liberty.
  • We will most likely pick at least one track from each of the Classics, Marches, and Propaganda categories below.
  • Note! All tracks we create will be instrumental (no voice). So, while we link some songs for the reference, there will be only tunes in game. Make sure to take that into account when you make your choice. Some tracks might lose much of their value without the voice.
  • All tracks we link are just the reference and the final tracks we create for the game might differ significantly in the way they are performed and their length.
  • Choose one of our community hubs and post your choices there - multiple entries by a single Steam account do not stack.
  • Choose 5 tracks you like most and rank them. The number one gets 5 points, number two gets 4 points, etc. Example vote:
    1. Jean Sibelius - Karelia - Intermezzo [gets 5 points]
    2. Vapaussoturin Valloituslaulu [gets 4 points]
    3. Njet, Molotoff! [gets 3 points]
    4. Jääkärimarssi [gets 2 points]
    5. Säkkijärven polkka [gets 1 point]
  • The more points the track gets - the more likely you will listen to it in game.
  • Steam vote is the key vote, but we will hold other votes on Reddit (or other media) that will serve as a recommendation and hold less power. You can participate in both.
  • You are encouraged to leave any feedback and/or suggest other tracks that could be added to the game. However, make sure you have stated your 5 choices clearly first.
  • The vote lasts from 21 July to 1 August. All later entries will not affect the results.
List of candidates by categories:


  • Jean Sibelius - Finlandia (00:00 — 06:08/09:36):
  • Jean Sibelius - Karelia - Intermezzo I (00:00/00:50 — 03:15/04:20):
  • Jean Sibelius - Karelia - Ballade (08:40 — 10:20):


  • Vapaussoturin Valloituslaulu:
  • Pioneerien taistelulaulu:
  • Jääkärimarssi:
  • Porilaisten marssi:
  • Sillanpään marssilaulu:
  • Muistoja Pohjolasta instrumental:
  • Muistoja Pohjolasta with lyrics:


  • Njet, Molotoff!
  • Uraliin
  • Kremlin uni


  • Säkkijärven polkka

Looking forward to learning your opinion!