Snares of Ruin - White Shadow
Hello guys.

Thought it's time for another development update of Pegasus sequel. I've had more free time this summer than in the months before it and so managed to get a good pace on the game's development. In this development update I want to talk a bit about some of the gameplay mechanics that will be in the game, aside from the romance building that we've already talked about.

Firstly, during some of the areas, we'll get a choice to decide on which teammate or teammates to bring along. Usually it will be a choice out of 3-4 allies. This will have some effect on what we'll be able to do in the area. Some options will become available when we have a certain ally in the party. Of course there's no right or wrong combination of allies to bring. This is simply to provide variety on how some of the situations can be tackled based on who we bring along.

Another system the game has is the morale system. Those who have played the first game would remember this. However, in the first game the morale was like a currency - you could spend it. Here morale is more like a variable and is used at times for skill checks. So, if the character has enough morale, they'll perform the action, and if not, then they won't perform it. These instances aren't too numerous so not to gate off the players from too many actions, but they will come up from time to time. The morale also plays a role in the romance-building. If we want to spend romantic time with someone with whom we've not built enough of a connection yet (romance points with that character are still low), then we might be able to convince them if their morale is high enough. Do watch out though - many things that we say and do in the presence of a character will affect their morale.

We've already covered the 4 skill attributes system in one of the previous development updates. That one has stayed the way it is from the start of the development.

A couple of other systems I've introduced into the game which I am a bit unsure about at the moment and need to put more work into are the suspicion system and the character health system.

Suspicion points we acquire if we do some actions that are considered criminal. Usually this involves things such as attacking and knocking out police officers. I am planning to have suspicion rating impact some of the late game events.

Character health only applies to the two playable characters - Edan and Ethyra. Some actions and situations cause us to lose some health points. If the character gets too injured over time, some of the actions will become gated off to them. The character health will never drop to zero to give us a game over. Rather it will just impact which actions will be available during the scenes.

Thanks for reading this far. I have something special related to the game that I'll hopefully showcase to you all pretty soon. Possibly in the next development update. Many thanks for the support!
MapleStory - Ghiblee
Hi Maplers,

It has been a while since the last memo and I hope you’re having a good summer time!

Today I would like to talk about our upcoming Double Miracle Time (DMT) event that we plan to have in late July since we’re trying to run the event differently this time.

As you may know, we had server instability issues the last time we ran the DMT event as it's one of the most beloved and highly participated events in MapleStory. Due to this reason, we had to take some time to come up with ideas to run the event in a more stable way while still giving many players a chance to make the best use of the event perks.

This time, there will be a registration period prior to the actual DMT event where players will have to accept a quest and select the day when they want to enjoy the DMT perks between July 28 and August 3. We call this new version of the event “Mark Your Miracle Time” and players can participate in the Mark Your Miracle Time one day per world during the event duration. Each Mark Your Miracle Time day will be capable of hosting 4,000 players per world and in total, 28,000 players will be able to participate per world over the course of the event. This will allow us to split the participants into several days so the server won’t receive the influx of system requests all in one day. As for the Mark Your Miracle Time perks that will start from July 28, the benefits will remain the same as that of our previous DMT event. However, since you will not be able to participate in the Mark Your Miracle Time event without the registration, I would like to encourage you to keep an eye on the MapleStory website for further details so that you can complete the registration on time. The registration will start from July 22 at 5:00 PM PDT (July 23 at 12:00 AM UTC) and we also plan to release a more detailed video guide and web post that elaborate on this event early next week. Please be prepared for the Mark Your Miracle Time registration event!

One other thing I would like to let you know is that we will not have a cube pack deal with the Mark Your Miracle Time event since our number one priority this time is server stability. Due to the concerns that too many Cash Shop requests can cause severe server load, which may hinder the event, we will be holding it without the sale this time around. This might be disappointing news for some players but I hope you understand our efforts to run this event in a stable way as much as possible.

I would also like to talk about our recent players’ concern for transparent communication. I fully understand your frustration and I also agree that we need to give our players a clear answer about the important matters you care about. Players are putting a lot of effort into our game and as a MapleStory Producer, I truly appreciate that we have dedicated players like you. While we fully understand that players would like to hear more about the important topics from us, it is true that it is difficult for us to give quick answers to your questions since we have our internal process to follow when reviewing and discussing these contents and topics. We need to be responsible for the things we say, so we try to be more cautious when sharing any opinions or news with the players. It doesn’t mean that we’re not looking at what players are discussing in the community channels and what concerns our players have about some game topics. Sometimes, it takes longer for us to talk about a certain issue because some topics require thorough review internally before we come to a conclusion that we can share publicly.

However, as I mentioned in my other memo, we’re continuously working with internal teams to improve our communication and we will do our best to give you a fast and clear update when there are game issues or updates that you need to be aware of. We will try to be transparent as much as we can when providing those updates as well. Our current focus is to find out the cause of the Reboot lag issue and we’re working closely with internal teams and our players to improve the Reboot environment. We received video capture of the issue from some players and based on that information, we started testing the different server configurations to pinpoint the cause of the issue and address the problem.

That is all for today and I’ll write again when we have important news to share next time. Thank you always for your support and enjoy your summer!

Thank you,

- Anna
Jul 16, 2021
Entodrive - daydreamergamesofficial
What I've been working on :
+Added Crystal Caves North (WIP)

+Added more Achievements
+Added more npcs to Kojo City
+Added more npc that give items.
+Increased Upgrade stone and rare items drops
+Renamed Crystal Caves to Crystal Caves South
+Connected Crystal Caves North and South to Kojo City

+WIP on Fantom Tower

+8 New Entodrive

Updated Monster List :

+Fixed bug where Max Jai didn't appear after defeating the Forever Corp in snowball city
+Fixed bug where storage level for caught monsters would set to 0
+Fixed bug where NPC wouldn't give item if player spammed input at the right moment.
+Added an Entodrive report station in Kojo City

What's coming next :
Fantom Tower Events
Mathew Winter Battle
More usable items!
Updated community guides
I'm going to start working on getting Steam Cloud Saves implemented in hype for the new Steam Deck! I think the system has wonderful potential for Entodrive! I've gone ahead and input a default controller layout for Entodrive's Steam Input.

World Map :

Ability Chart :

Community Guides :
Pegasus-5: Gone Astray - White Shadow
Hello guys.

Thought it's time for another development update of Pegasus sequel. I've had more free time this summer than in the months before it and so managed to get a good pace on the game's development. In this development update I want to talk a bit about some of the gameplay mechanics that will be in the game, aside from the romance building that we've already talked about.

Firstly, during some of the areas, we'll get a choice to decide on which teammate or teammates to bring along. Usually it will be a choice out of 3-4 allies. This will have some effect on what we'll be able to do in the area. Some options will become available when we have a certain ally in the party. Of course there's no right or wrong combination of allies to bring. This is simply to provide variety on how some of the situations can be tackled based on who we bring along.

Another system the game has is the morale system. Those who have played the first game would remember this. However, in the first game the morale was like a currency - you could spend it. Here morale is more like a variable and is used at times for skill checks. So, if the character has enough morale, they'll perform the action, and if not, then they won't perform it. These instances aren't too numerous so not to gate off the players from too many actions, but they will come up from time to time. The morale also plays a role in the romance-building. If we want to spend romantic time with someone with whom we've not built enough of a connection yet (romance points with that character are still low), then we might be able to convince them if their morale is high enough. Do watch out though - many things that we say and do in the presence of a character will affect their morale.

We've already covered the 4 skill attributes system in one of the previous development updates. That one has stayed the way it is from the start of the development.

A couple of other systems I've introduced into the game which I am a bit unsure about at the moment and need to put more work into are the suspicion system and the character health system.

Suspicion points we acquire if we do some actions that are considered criminal. Usually this involves things such as attacking and knocking out police officers. I am planning to have suspicion rating impact some of the late game events.

Character health only applies to the two playable characters - Edan and Ethyra. Some actions and situations cause us to lose some health points. If the character gets too injured over time, some of the actions will become gated off to them. The character health will never drop to zero to give us a game over. Rather it will just impact which actions will be available during the scenes.

Thanks for reading this far. I have something special related to the game that I'll hopefully showcase to you all pretty soon. Possibly in the next development update. Many thanks for the support!
Jul 16, 2021
Love n War: Warlord by Chance - Soldier
Enjoy a 25% off Warlord by Chance

Make sure you check out our upcoming DLC and Wishlist now

Stay safe :staySafeWearMask: and we wish our Heroes all the best ːGladitWorkforYaː

Please join our Discord for more discussions and guides:
Jul 16, 2021
この学園からスタート(Start From School) - HusHucHu Rice
・ I put a Chinese Simplified version in the story of Start From School.
It now includes English, French (Histoire), Japanese, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.

*この学園からスタート(Start From School)のstoryに中国語のSimplified版を入れました。

*J’ai mis une version chinoise simplifiée dans l’histoire Start From School.
Il comprend désormais anglais, Français (Histoire), Japonais, Chinois Simplifié et Chinois Traditionnel.

*我在「Start From School(從這所學校開始)」的故事中放了一個中文簡體字。

*我在「Start From School(从这所学校开始)」的故事中放了一个中文简体字。

・ Changed the string of Readme text from ANSII to UTF-8.
But I think most people can't read it.
秘封フラグメント - sikakugames
Fixed some garbled text in Simplified Chinese system messages.
Jul 16, 2021
Katja's Abyss: Tactics - kiefJerky
​Hello tacticians!

The game files have been updated to include a few small changes and bug fixes. Redownloading is recommended, but will not significantly change your experience with the game.

Fixed issues:

  • Infinite mode will no longer prevent you from continuing past floor 4
  • Replaying the tutorial no longer breaks the game
  • Controls menu updated to include hotkeys and correct screenshot key

​Additionally, there is a new hotkey for ending your turn. Press the Q key to end your turn with the keyboard.

Thank you for playing! If you find any additional issues with the game, please post them in the community forum!

See you in the mines!
- Katja van Loode
Jul 16, 2021
Osiris: New Dawn - FromFenixFire
*Note - These changes are only on the Experimental Branch. To access the Experimental Branch, be sure to select it in your Steam Library. If this app does not appear, please check if this app is hidden in your Library. Experimental Branch changes upgrade to the primary branch monthly.

This week, we've continued working through our bug list and added a few new features to some existing systems to improve usability, readability, and overall performance.

First up, we've added a Droids tab to the GPS (Map) screen that allows you to command your droids from anywhere on the planet!

In addition to their new "Send to Position" command that allows you to direct them to another location on the map, we've improved their pathfinding AI and given them the ability to unstick themselves when they get confused on this alien terrain. The Sentry droid also has an update to its target acquisition code that will prevent it from attempting to aim and fire through other obstacles when selecting its target.

We were also able to make an added art pass on the Mines and Hives of Proteus. Here's a sneak peek - you'll need to brave the depths to see more!

Change List
Added - Droid Control panel to F3 map screen in PlayerGUI
Added - Improved Sentry droid targeting AI to avoid aiming and shooting through obstacles|
Added - Improved unstuck AI to droids to allow them to better handle getting stuck during traversal
Added - Various droid minimap icon improvements
Added - Travel to position behavior tasks to all available droid types
Added - Various pathing corrections in droid behavior trees
Added - Reworked compass display to greatly improve system's performance and improve readability
Added - New compass supports merging nearby markers, mostly preventing overlap
Added - Updated Interior of the spaceship with Decals and flight screens
Added - Updated a portion of the Proteus mines
Added - Updated Proteus Hives with new Art
Added - Explosive Icon
Added - Ground turret medium decals and emissive power mesh.
Added - Specific map icon for hovercraft

Changed - Improved Sentry droid's gun damage
Changed - Optimized occlusion data to reduce build size
Changed - Updated and optimized vehicle console textures
Changed - Optimized occlusion in caves
Changed - Updated Aziel sky material
Changed - Updated wall defense Prefabs with optimized textures
Changed - Updated wall Icons
Changed - Updated Aziel Atmosphere material and clouds
Changed - Updated Zer and Aziel plants with impact sounds
Changed - Restricted panning and zooming of the minimap to the bounds of the screen

Fixed - Tweaked collision and physics on Buggie so it's less likely to get stuck on terrain or glitch under the world
Fixed - Buggie should be much less likely to launch the player when running into the hood
Fixed - Droids will now properly sync in multiplayer
Fixed - The Elevator within the habitat is now much smoother to ride and can no longer crush the player through the floor of the habitat
Fixed - Riding on or within vehicles is now much smoother
Fixed - Watchtower collision meshes should no longer be visible
Fixed - Incorrect creature spawning in Lutari mines has been swapped for finished creature
Fixed - Compass now properly respects control/ownership
Fixed - Compass markers no longer move with head-bob
Fixed - Compass icons no longer display for currently occupied vehicle
Fixed - Going too far in some directions on Aziel will no longer teleport you back to the origin
Fixed - Salvaging wrecks should now properly network in multiplayer
Fixed - Common FPS hitch when the player takes damage
Fixed - Terrain collider issues on Lutari
Fixed - Lab vehicles and droids are now properly buildable in creative mode
Fixed - A single instance where item duplication was possible
Fixed - Added Custom collider for space station ring module fixing some collision issues
Fixed - Spaceship will no longer get blocked on Aziel when flying around
Fixed - Texture tiling issue on distant Aziel material
Fixed - Lutari cave without a door blocker
Fixed - Typo in fuel cell description
Fixed - Some instances of ice materials not sorting in fog
Fixed - Normal issue with spore texture
Fixed - Build icon material in the spaceship

Our team would like to thank you all for reaching out and sending in your concerns and support to us! Your honest feedback is always helpful, and as always, we look forward to hearing from you on our Socials, Feedback Reports, Houston emails, and our Discord.

“Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here.”
- Brian
Jul 16, 2021
Blast Brigade vs. the Evil Legion of Dr. Cread - Eno Derosso

Our new series of articles will focus on some of the first bosses and mobs you will encounter when exploring the tainted paradise island in Blast Brigade. Under today’s spotlight are the main types of Dr. Cread’s forces – robots and drones. These minions are obedient, easy to control and to replace – a perfect match for the devious plans of a crooked genius.

Drones work both as reconnaissance and guard units, securing important routes and locations throughout the island. What they lack in power, they make up for in speed and maneuverability becoming a bigger threat when encountered in a group. These little but tireless laborers act as Cread’s eyes and ears, allowing Doctor to watch over his domain from the safety of the HQ.

What poses real danger is the dark red robot serving as the second boss of the game - CHM-7 Siegebot. This large bipedal mech warrior is an elite guardian unit boasting not only tight defenses but also overwhelming firepower capabilities. After all, it launches chains of grenades and almost literally spits fire!

We are sure Jeff would appreciate all the explosions happening if they were not so accurately directed at him. But fret not – every door has its key! Our intel suggests that this boss has two weak points that can be exploited to gain tactical advantage. What these points are remains a mystery but apparently one of them can be accessed only after fulfilling a special condition.

Speaking of keys, if you are following our social media, you could witness a scene with two guards in quite a pickle. They seem to have placed their access card to an evil lair. Looks like CHM-7 Siegebot has some connection to it but to make sure of it – you’ll need to pinpoint its location.

The report suggests that this heavily armored guardian unit can be encountered in the jungle biome. There, it participates in the occupation of an abandoned tree village located in the center of Great Tangle. All that’s left – is to head there, learn the truth and take the enemy down.

That’s it for today! Next time we will delve into another biome and a different boss’s territory. Stay tuned and have a blast!

Blast Brigade Team
