Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Now that we're over the E3 hump, Imogen and I thought we'd catch a break on this week's episode of the Ultimate Audio Bang. But no, the online shooters simply do not stop reloading. PUBG dropped a new map on its test servers, Warzone fixed its murder door, and Valorant's new agent sounds very> overpowered.

And speaking of agents, our theme this week was, well, agents/heroes/operators/characters, or whatever else you'd call them in an online shooter. We both went down the Overwatch route because my word does that game have some good heroes. I think they're called heroes?

It was Imogen's turn to surprise me with some strange names she's played with this week. Amazingly, two of them weren't Sage players in Valorant. Unbelievable.

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Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Monster Hunter Rise isn't due to arrive on PC until early next year, but I've been playing the Switch version over the last week after getting the game for my birthday - and I actually can't stop. Over the last couple of weeks, I've been slicing up its oversized lizards with my beloved Dual Blades like nobody's business, gutting their scales, pelts, fangs and goodness knows what else to make even stronger pairs of dino pants so I can get back out there and take on ever-larger beasties and make ever more fashionable trousers. It's a familiar rhythm to Monster Hunter games of yore, but there's something about Rise that's kept me hooked far longer than my jaunts in previous MonHan games, including PC mega hit Monster Hunter: World. And I think it's partly down to my new dog friends, the Palamutes.

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Rock, Paper, Shotgun

While BioWare are keeping their lips sealed on Dragon Age and Mass Effect newness for now, they've announced some surprise newness for their 10-year old MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic. They're launching a new expansion named Legacy Of The Sith, which will add new story, combat styles, areas and more. It's coming out towards the end of this year, and the devs say this is the start of a year-long celebration for the game's 10th anniversary (so even more updates will arrive throughout 2022).

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Rock, Paper, Shotgun

I think I am slightly out of sync with the original fortnightly schedule for this, owing to E3 destroying about a week of our lives, but now I'm back! Or rather, I'm gone - to my mum's house again. This means that my big rig is alone in Brighton, while I am here with my MacBook Air for company.

As such, everything this week is also playable on Mac OS. And blimey, loads of good games are on Mac these days, aren't they? It's a really great distraction from all the spiders in this house, and the fact that the shower osscilates between being freezing cold and boiling, bum-burning hot. The actual realities of cottagecore would shock you people.

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Rock, Paper, Shotgun

A lot of video games have silly names and there's no reason for it. It just confuses the potential player. Why call it Mass Effect when you could instead call it Kiss Kiss Bang Bang? So, for Mystery Steam Reviews this week, we're celebrating those video games that tell it like it is.

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Rock, Paper, Shotgun

If you were just dying to know> more about zombie parkour 'em up Dying Light 2, then that's great, because developers Techland showed off a new gameplay trailer in their latest "Dying 2 Know" livestream. First thing to note: there is a lot of parkour. Second: the stealth actually looks quite good. And third: you will recognise many of these zombies.

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Rock, Paper, Shotgun

A Dead Space return has long been rumoured, with everything from a remaster of the first game to a new game being hinted at. It looks like it’ll be somewhere in between, with reports suggesting that EA Motive are working on a remake of the original game, and an expected reveal at July 22’s EA Play Live.

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Rock, Paper, Shotgun

I joined Rock Paper Shotgun in 2013 with the vague mandate from Jim Rossignol to "do whatever needs doing." For the past eight years, it's been a pleasure to do just that.

Now my time has come. The corporate mother has chosen me and today is devouring day. I'm no longer the editor-in-chief of Rock Paper Shotgun, but I'm excited to introduce who is.

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Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Back in April, Humble Bundle removed the sliders that let buyers determine how much money from their purchase went to a publisher, a charity, and Humble themselves, effectively capping the amount you could give to charity at 15%. It wasn't a great look for a charity-based storefront, and following a lot of backlash, they rolled back the change shortly after. Now, however, they've announced a new tweak to the system, making it so the minimum you can allocate to Humble will be between 15% and 30%.

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Rock, Paper, Shotgun

After six months of silence, we’ve finally received a new update on Hytale’s progress. The ambitious, Minecraft-inspired RPG’s previous release date of 2021 has been obliterated, with developers Hypixel Studios saying: “We no longer expect to be ready to launch Hytale before 2023 at the earliest, and it could very well take longer.”

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