Jun 10, 2021
Full Ace Tennis Simulator - kschoice
* Online : Several fixes and performance improvements with lobby handling and high number of connected players.
* Career : Added button in player sheet menu to export character to CSV.
* Visuals : Smoothened aim target movement with over-50Hz screen frequency.
* Bug fix : Fixed toss selection sometimes requiring too high values on analog pads.
* Interface : Fixes in german translation.
Jun 10, 2021
Mictlan: An Ancient Mythical Tale - Anna_Somniar
The Aztec god of poetry, music, dance, and mischief: Huehuecoyotl, the "Old Coyote", enters the pantheon of Mictlan's gods.

This very unique-looking god is usually represented wearing garments made of "olive" shells and copper bells on arms and legs, which are associated with wind and music. He also has golden beads that fall from his hand as pictured in Codex Borgia.

In Aztec culture, coyotes were a symbol of cunning and worldly wisdom, Huehuecoyotl is also associated with worldly desires and unbridled sexuality: he is one of those gods considered as a combination between good and evil.

Alex Loera is the talented artist in our team who designed these versions of Huehuecoyotl.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

If you're enjoying seeing how Mictlan is developing and you would like to see more of our game, please support us by registering on Kickstarter and follow Mictlan: An Ancient Mythical Tale!

Victoria 3 - ParaCordelia

Hello again everyone! It’s Thursday again, and that means that it’s time to talk about Buildings. Buildings are a core mechanic of Victoria 3, as it is where the Pops work to produce resources such as Goods. Buildings represent a wide range of industries, businesses and government functions, from humble subsistence farms to complex motor industries and sprawling financial districts. In this dev diary, we’re going to broadly cover the main types of buildings and their function in Victoria 3.

To talk about buildings though, I first have to mention states! States are a concept that should be generally familiar to anyone who’s played some of our other games such as Victoria II or Hearts of Iron IV - a geographic unit of varying size in which much of Victoria 3’s gameplay takes place. States are where Pops live and (more importantly for our subject matter) where Buildings are located and built.

The State of Götaland in Sweden

We will return to states more in later dev diaries, but for now let’s keep talking about Buildings!

Before we start on Buildings, something that’s important to note is that Buildings are just places where Pops can work and generally do not represent a single building - a single level of Government Administration, for example, represents the necessary buildings and infrastructure to support a certain number of Bureaucrats. Buildings always need qualified pops to work in them to yield any benefit, and an empty building is just that - empty and completely useless. This holds true even for buildings like Railroads and Ports that did not need Pops to work in them in Victoria 2.

Most buildings are directly constructed, but some (like the Subsistence Buildings below) will appear automatically based on certain conditions. When Buildings are constructed, the construction uses Pop labor and goods, and the costs involved will be subject to market forces.

But onto the different building types! First out, we have Subsistence Buildings. These are a special type of highly inefficient Buildings that cannot manually be built or destroyed, but rather will appear anywhere in the world where there is Arable Land that isn’t being used for another type of building. The vast majority of the world’s population starts the game ‘working’ in subsistence buildings as Peasants, and much of the game’s industrialization process is about finding more productive employment for your Peasants.

Peasants eke out a meager living in these Subsistence Farms, contributing little to GDP and taxes per capita

Another special type of building is Urban Centers. Like Subsistence Buildings, these are automatically created rather than built, with the level of Urban Center in a State being tied to the amount of Urbanization generated by its other buildings. Urban Centers primarily employ Shopkeepers and provide a number of important local functions that we will get into at a later point.

The Urban Center is where you’ll find most of your middle-class Shopkeepers

Next up we have Government Buildings. These are buildings that are fully funded by the state (ie, you!) and provide crucial civil services required for the smooth running of a Victorian nation. Examples include Government Administrations where Bureaucrats produce Bureaucracy for the administration of incorporated states and funding of Institutions, and Universities where Academics produce Innovation for technological progression.

Bureaucrats work in Government Administrations to provide Bureaucracy - the lifeblood of the government

The counterpart to Government Buildings is Private Industries. The vast majority of Buildings in Victoria 3 fall under this category, which includes a broad range of industries such as (non-subsistence!) farms, plantations, mines and factories. Unlike Government Buildings, Private Industries are not owned by the state but rather by Pops such as Capitalists and Aristocrats, who reap the profits they bring in and pay wages to the other Pops working there (usually at least - under certain economic systems the ownership of buildings may be radically different!).

Many of these buildings are limited by locally available resources such as Arable Land for agriculture and simply how much iron is available in the state for Iron Mines. Urban Buildings such as Factories however, are only limited by how many people you can cram into the state, simulating the more densely populated nature of cities. In short, there is no system of building ‘slots’ or anything like that, as we want limitations on buildings to function in a sensible and realistic way.

Several different types of Private Industries are shown below

Finally there are Development Buildings. These are often (but not always!) government buildings that distinguish themselves by providing vital state-level functions. A couple examples are Barracks that recruit and train soldiers from the local population and Railways that provide the Infrastructure other buildings need to bring their goods to the Market.

From left to right: Barracks, Port, Naval Bases and Railway

To finish up this dev diary I just want to mention that building up your country is meant to be more of a hands-on experience in Victoria 3, as this is absolutely core to the society-building aspect of the game and forms a major part of the game’s core loop. This naturally also means that we need to give the player the necessary tools to manage their buildings in a large empire, which will likely involve some form of autonomous building construction, though we haven’t yet nailed down exactly what form that will take (and whether it will involve more direct decision making on the part of the investor class). Ultimately though, we want the player, not the AI to be the one primarily in charge of the development of their own country.

Well, there you have it. There is of course a lot in here (such as Production Methods) that will receive further explanation in the many more dev diaries we have planned, so be sure to tune in next week as I talk about Goods. See you then!
Stellaris - MrFreake_PDX
Hello everyone!

First I want to thank you for the overwhelming support that you’ve shown us with announcing the Custodians initiative. It’s been really fun and motivating to see so many positive responses, and for that we’re truly thankful. At the same time, I must admit that it is also a bit scary in the sense that we shouldn’t have the expectation that this will suddenly resolve any issues you might have with the game, or that we’ll be able to deliver large amounts of significant changes with every update. Let’s appreciate this opportunity and make the best of it :)

Species Pack Gameplay Themes
Last week we already talked about what the Lem Update (honoring the author Stanislaw Lem) would focus on, but I’d also like to go into more detail regarding some things.

We mentioned that we would be adding gameplay to the Humanoids Species Pack and the Plantoids Species Pack, and although I won’t talk about the exact details yet, I do want to talk a little about how we approached it, and the themes we chose.

Plantoids was a bit easier, because there are some obvious fantasies. Going around the themes of growth and plants we’re adding some new traits, civics and origin. We felt like it made sense to open up these gameplay additions to both Plantoid portraits as well as for Fungoids.

Humanoids was a bit trickier, because there are no direct fantasies that apply to them in general, so we instead chose to focus on fantasies that align with things like dwarves, elves, orcs or humans. The Civic we showcased last week was an example of how we made something inspired by a traditionally dwarven fantasy.

Let us know about any ideas or thoughts you have regarding those :)

We will be talking more about these in much greater detail later, but that may possibly be in August.

Game Balance
We’re going to take a look at reworking some of the major outstanding balance issues that we’re having.

One example that I want to talk about is the issue with Research Booming, where power players can essentially outpace other empires due to focusing a lot on research. What enables this is usually Districts that provide Researcher Jobs, which is relatively easy to gain access to early on through Origins such as Shattered Ring or Void Dwellers (the latter not being nearly as strong).

For Shattered Ring we are looking into changing the start from a pure “end-game” Ring World, to be more of an actual “Shattered Ring” that you need to repair before you gain access to the powerful Districts of the Ring World. Putting additional emphasis on the fantasy of resting this ancient megastructure to its former glory can be a fun addition to the Origin itself. Although we haven’t decided exactly what we’re doing, changing the start to be a Shattered Ring that you can restore with the Mega-Engineering technology is a likely route.

Unity & Empire Sprawl

Beyond Lem, we are also going to take a look at Empire Sprawl and Unity. The design for Admin Capacity was never really something that I felt worked out, and we never finished the design that was intended for it. Continuing to use Admin Cap as a mechanic also feels a bit like a dead end due to multiple reasons (ranging from design to technical), so we’re instead going to look into another solution.

I have a design for doubling down on using Unity as the resource for internal management, removing Admin Cap entirely, and to make Empire Sprawl something that you can never mitigate anymore. More sprawling empires will always suffer harsher penalties from Empire Sprawl, and we’ll instead focus on how Unity can be used internally to mitigate some of those penalties. Examples could be Edicts that have a Unity Upkeep Cost, and perhaps reduce the Research Cost Penalty induced by Empire Sprawl. Angry Pops could potentially also have a Unity Upkeep Cost, to represent the drain on your society.

Note that these ideas are very much in their infancy and very prone to change. We will probably start talking a bit more about that once Lem has been released, but I wanted to share some thoughts with you so that we could gather some initial feedback.


That’s all for this week folks! We’re in the middle of reviewing our dev diary schedule, so we’re hoping to be back with 2 more dev diaries before we take a summer break. We’ll keep you in the loop as we go.
Kerbal Space Program - UomoCapra

Welcome to our official newsletter, KSP Loading…! If you want to learn about all the current developments of the KSP franchise, then this is the place to be!

And now, let’s talk about everything KSP!

Kerbal Space Program Final Update on PC
On June 24th, 2011, Kerbal Space Program 0.7.3 was publicly released. Back then the game looked very different with a very limited parts catalogue, no celestial objects except Kerbin which would not rotate, and not even a proper Sun, just a light source at an infinite distance. No one ever expected that this modest game, created by a small studio in Mexico City with no experience in videogames, would turn into a worldwide phenomenon that brought space exploration closer to our households. Therefore it is almost unfathomable that in a couple of weeks we will be celebrating the game’s 10th anniversary. And on that day, we are releasing Kerbal Space Program 1.12: On Final Approach, our 12th major free update!

Kerbal Space Program 1.12: On Final Approach is going to be special in many ways. We are not only packing this free update with a massive amount of new content, player requests and all sorts of fixes, but it is also our thank you letter to everyone in our community who supported us along the way and made our dreams come true. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, or rather move on to the next chapter. So yes, On Final Approach is the last major planned release for Kerbal Space Program. While there may still be occasional minor updates to address bug fixes as needed, Squad’s efforts will now shift towards joining Intercept Games in the development of Kerbal Space Program 2.

So what can you expect on June 24th with Kerbal Space Program 1.12: On Final Approach? We’ve already shown a couple of things in our last issue of KSP Loading, and now it is time to reveal the other main changes. So buckle up!

Craft and Save Loading Improvements
On Final Approach includes a huge revamp to craft and game save loading. Search, foldering, and cross-save access are added to craft loading in the editor, and search has been added to craft loading on the launchpad/runway and to the quicksave loading dialogue. This will help you to better sort out your saved craft and games, especially if you have a ton of them. This feature will also allow you to load or save craft with different game saves. 

Alarm Clock App
One of the main features in the upcoming 1.12 update is the Alarm Clock app. With this tool, you will be able to set alarms for maneuvers, manual time alarms and alarms for various orbital positions, which will certainly come in handy for those long trips that require several burns to complete. Additionally, you will also be able to pick alarm sounds to go with your alarms, cool right?

Maneuver Creator App
The Maneuver Creator app is another of the main features within On Final Approach. With it, you will be able to quickly generate transfers to other celestial bodies, see upcoming transfer windows and get a good understanding of where you’re going and how much deltaV it will take to get there. This will cut down time spent fiddling with maneuver nodes and enhancing the accuracy of your space maneuvers, but you’ll need a level 3 tracking station to use it, so you’ll still need those maneuvering skills for your first visit to the Mun.

Wheel Improvements
Wheels have undergone major tuning. We have fixed previous issues with the stress tolerance and we have made some improvements to the suspension and friction model. Additionally, wheels now have a few new tweakable controls that will help reduce how easy it can be to flip rovers and other wheeled vehicles.

10th Anniversary Fireworks!
What better way to celebrate this milestone than to launch bright and colorful fireworks into the air! With this update we will be adding two firework launchers for you to attach to your vehicles - one with 8 bursts, and one with 32 bursts. These pyrotechnic devices will also be highly configurable, with different trail and burst types for you to choose from, as well as the ability to tweak the force, the duration, star size, launch velocity, explosion delay and the colors of the fireworks at any given time. Fill up those canisters and let the party begin!

New Slim Suit
A brand new sleek-looking spacesuit, inspired by the feats of the private aerospace sector will be available with the upcoming update. As with the other spacesuits available in the game, the Slim Suit will be available in three different variations: black and grey, grey and orange, as well as blue and grey.

This covers the main features coming in Kerbal Space Program 1.12: On Final Approach. But there are plenty of smaller ones coming in this update, check them out with us when it releases on the 24th!

Since our last KSP Loading, we also got a preliminary glimpse at the new Kerbal Space Center to be found in Kerbal Space Program 2. It surely looks gorgeous and would make Mortimer, Gene and the rest of the KSC crew proud. Check it out if you haven’t!

Remember, you can share and download crafts and missions on Curse, KerbalX, the KSP Forum and the KSP Steam Workshop.

That’s it for this edition. Be sure to join us on our official forums, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Stay tuned for more exciting and upcoming news and development updates!

Happy launchings!
DRIFT CE - apounder505
The wait is finally over!

DRIFT21 is out on Steam today

Following an Early Access period, ECC Games S.A. has worked tirelessly with the drifting community and drift racing fans to create the best gameplay experience, bringing all the thrills of real drifting racing to PC.

The Dev team and global publisher 505 Games are happy to announce that DRIFT21 has left Early Access and fully launches for PC via Steam today with a limited time price offer.


Here is what is waiting for you:

  1. Choose from a list of 12 fully licensed cars including the Mazda MX5, Subaru BRZ, BMW E46 M3 and the Nissan 350Z.
  2. Customise your cars in the garage mode with over 1900 parts to tune and extensive paint shop and decal options.
  3. Test your drifting racing skills on 7 of Japan’s legendary EBISU circuits including Driftland, Minami and Touge also big stadiums that turned drifting tracks.
  4. Test your skills in 7 single-player modes or take on the best drifting racers from around the world in 5 thrilling 6 player head-to-head multiplayer events like Free For All, Sprints. For players is also prepared Tandem`s event where two drifters can compete.
  5. Enhanced driving and collision physics adding new levels of realism to the drifting experience.
  6. Many more updates including Steam Achievements, Steam Cloud Saves, new progression-like mechanics and garage challenges.
We appreciate the support and feedback we received from you all and hopes that you will have a great time on our circuits.

Now it's just time to prove your drifting skills against the best. Welcome to DRIFT21!

ECC Games S.A & 505 Games

Fire Commander - kingab
Alert all units! Alert all units!

Get ready for action, because this Sunday, June 13th, we’re going to reveal the first gameplay for Fire Commander. For you, the awesome Steam gamers, we’ll have a very special treat: a nice, long game overview with a developer commentary!

It’s time for real time tactics. Follow us and add to your wishlist to not miss the Reveal day!
OlliOlli World - maria.khodaeva
OlliOlli World is coming to PC this winter! This skateboarding action-platformer marks a bold new direction in the critically acclaimed OlliOlli-verse that is bursting with personality. Traverse a delightful and weird world as you take on missions, challenges, and make new friends along the way to discover the mystical skate gods on your quest for Gnarvana.

We couldn’t be happier to finally bring the vision we’ve always had for the OlliOlli series to life with this ambitious new evolution. We wanted to embrace the weird, wonderful, and diverse side of skateboarding culture with a game that is all about going on a road trip with your friends, finding crazy spots, pulling mad tricks, and most of all, skating everything in sight!

Along the journey, you’ll be able to customize your character’s looks, tricks, and style while you experience explorable levels with multiple paths that provide an array of opportunities for player expression. Challenge the world in leagues or dare a friend to beat your best tricks on one of millions of sharable levels. Experience the accessibility, depth, and player freedom as you dive into the signature flow state gameplay of OlliOlli World.

OlliOlli World marks the third entry in the beloved OlliOlli series from the folks here at Roll7. We are a BAFTA and multi-award-winning London based independent studio famous for re-defining genres and creating remarkable games like OlliOlli, OlliOlli 2: Welcome to Olliwood, Laser League, and NOT A HERO. Check out our announcement trailer now.
The Tenants - u wot m8
Hello there, Landlords!

It's been a few weeks since we last posted a development update and there's plenty to talk about. First of all, we'd like to announce that The Tenants is now 20% off starting today for a limited amount of time! If you haven't yet purchased your copy or simply have a friend who's interested in playing the game, this is the time to get it! To celebrate this, we're going to be running a special event in collaboration with some of our favorite Twitch streamers, more on which at the end of this post.

We finished off April with an update that brought important changes to the in-game economy, and while we're overall happy with how things turned out, we had noticed that property pricing took too steep of an increase which in turn made the game too grindy. We have since corrected these issues and pushed an update last Tuesday that makes all properties cheaper by 20% on average. For those who prefer a more laid-back experience, we're now also working on a new game mode called Creative, which will focus on giving you more time and resources to work on your apartments.

Apartment design by our Discord community member Jan

What did we work on in May, though? Well, following our roadmap, we began working on the big Tenant Update. The first major update focuses on new features and interactions that have to do with the titled tenants. We've decided to scrap the old wishy-washy tenant core qualities system altogether since most of what it did wasn't really well communicated and instead came up with a new, more impactful system of tenant traits in conjunction with likes and dislikes. By putting in the time and researching your tenants, you'll be able to learn more about their behavior. Some tenants might turn out to be very Agreeable and they won't cause issues when living with multiple roommates, while others might happen to be Clumsy which seemingly leads to things always breaking around them. The new system should make each tenant more unique, requiring you to treat each person differently.

The Tenant Update will also bring new ways to interact with your renters. In fact, you'll be able to take the initiative and finally do something to make your tenant happier or… well, less happy, if you want them out. A new feature called Services will allow you to treat your favorite tenant to a professional manicure at home, an exclusive live music event, or even a private fire dance show. Tenants will react differently to the various services depending on their traits, likes, and dislikes.

We should have more news regarding the update's release date in the coming weeks. For now, we welcome you to join us for the official Streaming Event where a number of really awesome Twitch streamers will grapple with their renters live, hosting giveaways for both The Tenants and House Flipper. Starting tomorrow, June 11th, we'll be having two streams per day where you'll get the chance to win a free game code, as well as have the opportunity to talk to us in the chat. We'll be releasing a detailed streaming schedule on our social media (Facebook, Twitter) so keep an eye out for more information regarding the event. And don't worry if you can't make it, you can always join us on Discord where we have a great community that will make you feel right at home.

Let us know what you think of the development progress in the comments down below. Stay tuned and follow the game for more updates!

The Tenants Team
StarScraper - mitchell.t.s.garrett
Hey everyone! The game comes out today, June 10th, at noon central time. In about an hour from the time of this post.

Thank you all for your support and we hope you love the game!