Side Effect - JL
Yo, it's me again guess what I have for you... a new update! It's 0.2.1 and for this update I was wondering why the "Report an Issue" form was empty for the entire month. Not sure if my programming skills are so on point or players just don't care to report problems when they see them (I thinks it's the second option but not sure).

Anyways here's what I got for ya:

  1. Garbage is now randomly tinted by dirty color to make them look more older and damaged.

  2. Fox now collects garbage around itself automatically without waiting for the player. This is compensated however by decreased "garbage visibility range" from 20 metres to 10 for Tobi.

  3. "COMMING SOON" message typo in main menu corrected.

  4. Fox now checks for valid paths before he moves which should rule out any possible "him getting stuck" situations.

  5. Facebook button and group removed.

  6. Recycler's salvo progress bar has now an icon.

  7. Recycler also shows small hotkey hint about how to respawn it for those players who might be confused or just didn't pay too much attention during "tutorial" section of gameplay.

  8. Updated look of golden garbage to make it look more distinct since sometimes new players are not aware that this is a collectable.

  9. Changed butterfly's path so that now it will show the player more of the forest and navigates him straight to the next stage.

  10. Butterfly has been sped up to match player's speed now.

  11. Golden garbage has been excluded from total garbage counter which is displayed on credits screen.

  12. Player's speed now changes when he meets fox.

  13. Increased player's speed during gameplay from 4 to 5.

  14. Fixed an issue where total collected garbage number wouldn't calculate properly on credits screen.

  15. Sad music has been shortened a little to prevent music clashing / cutting when you progress from first to second stage.

I really hope these tweaks, fixes and additions will make your gameplay experience even more interesting and as always if you encounter something weird in the game or you break it somehow, please let me know by filling up the issue form from the main menu. I will be very grateful for that.

That's all from me guys, have a wonderful day.

Sincerely, your dev

武林志2 (Wushu Chronicles 2) - WLZ2









Vidya Poker - coolnames
Hey guys and gals! coolnames here!

I have been working hard on the next big update for Vidya Poker for the past weeks, putting all other projects on hold.

🎊🥳🎉 This next patch will be Vidya Poker leaving 'Early Access' on Steam!! 🎉🥳🎊

New stuff that you should like:
- 2 new card styles to unlock and use
- 30 total card back designs to unlock and use
- Ability to change Graphics Quality (very useful for lower spec'd machines)
- 2 new achievements
- Install size reduced even after all the additional content
...and lots of optimizations and some bug fixes! 🦶🐛

One very important change is how Stats and Unlocks are tracked/saved. I have rewritten all the code and moved away from Steam Stat tracking and am now doing the tracking in-game, on the local machine.

What this means is that your current stats, coins, and unlocked toons/skins are going to be reset when the patch hits. 😲
Steam Achievements will NOT be reset.

I could have spent a TON of time writing code to migrate all your data saved on Steam servers to the new system, but I have instead decided to focus on working more on the actual game design and new features!

Vidya Poker Early Access players' current Diamonds will be maintained. All spent Diamonds for unlocks will be refunded to the player. Players can then spend Diamonds on their favorite unlocks right away.

I hope this is an acceptable compromise as I continually add content and optimization!

When the beta is available to test, I will let you guys know!

As always, any feedback you have, please shoot me a comment or whatever!

-- coolnames
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

Before we talk about the ultimate prize of the Northern Wind Battle Path, let’s take a quick stop at the vehicle that will be available via blueprints. Like before, the blueprints will be available in the Battle Coin shop (with its expanded and improved inventory) or for completing the Elite mission change. The vehicle in question is the CV90120 Ghost Light Tank.

As you could have guessed by its name, the CV90120 Light Tank (sometimes also called CV90120T where the letter T stands for “Tank”) consists of the CV90 platform and a turret armed with a 120mm cannon. Of course, the attempts to convert the CV90 chassis into a Fire Support Vehicle have been around since the mid-1990s (starting with the CV90105 TML prototype), but the CV90120T was the first attempt to become fairly widely known.

It was designed in the late 1990s as a private venture between BAE and Hägglunds (at the time a subsidiary of Alvis Vickers) before BAE acquired Hägglunds in 2004. The idea was to create something lighter, more mobile and cheaper than an MBT, which could ideally replace it. It wasn’t timed perfectly as the War on Terror, which saw the NATO military shift towards counter-terrorism operations, would only come years later, but still had enough potential for BAE to invest significant sums into it.

The prototype was only lightly armored (frontal protection against 30mm autocannons, sides against 14.5mm bullets only), even though its protection was enhanced by a soft-kill APS consisting of a laser warning receiver connected to smoke grenade launchers. What made it interesting was the double layer shell, which (thanks to its sharp shape) significantly reduced this vehicle’s radar and IR signatures.

The CV90120T weighed some 26 tons and was powered by a 670hp Scania V8 diesel, allowing it to go as fast as 70 km/h and 43 km/h in reverse. It had a crew of four and was armed with the L/50 version of the Swiss 120mm RUAG Compact Tank Gun. Despite being compact enough to be possible to use in such a light vehicle, the gun could fire standard 120mm NATO ammunition, including advanced APFSDS and HEAT-MP shells. The gun could elevate to +22 degrees and depress to -8 degrees. It was operated by a rather advanced Fire Control System with the hunter-killer capability and advanced electronics.

The first prototype was available in mid-1998 with the vehicle participating in Swedish military trials later that year. Further trials followed between 1999 and 2000, but nothing really came from them. It was one of those cases where everyone likes something but nobody really wants to buy it. Doctrinally, the CV90120T didn’t really fit anywhere and more than one military got caught in an internal conflict between the opponents of classic MBTs (citing them obsolete and preferring faster and lighter vehicles such as the CV90120T) and their proponents, who argued that operating MBTs was not only a matter of doctrine, but also of prestige. A good example of such an early conflict would be the fate of the Polish Anders platform.

Regardless, the CV90120T did not die and updated versions continue and are marketed to this day, including one that’s typically referred to as CV90120 Ghost. Note how the letter T was dropped from its designation by BAE.

The Ghost more than lives up to its name, as it emphasizes stealth over protection. It is a demonstrator of mating the already stealthy CV90120T with a camouflage system called ADAPTIV. ADAPTIV was a system that was capable of not only hiding the vehicle in the IR spectrum using a wide range of sensors and hexagonal cells that conceal the vehicle’s true signature and even project false images in the IR spectrum. That way, the Ghost can appear to a thermal imager like a car or a van. The rest of the CV90120T’s surfaces were changed as well to reduce its radar signature even further, giving it that stealthy and futuristic look.

The gun was also upgraded to a shorter but more advanced version of RUAG’s CTG, the L/47. It can elevate to +22 degrees and depress to -8 degrees. The Scania engine was upgraded to crank out some 800hp, although the maximum speed of the Ghost remains the same. The tank retains its 4-member crew; the gun is manually loaded, although there’s an assisting mechanism in place, allowing the vehicle to fire 12 to 14 rounds per minute. All standard 120mm NATO rounds are, of course, supported.

The development of the ADAPTIV camouflage system began in 2008, but it wasn’t only until 2011 before the Ghost prototype appeared in public. It took the world by storm with numerous videos of its ADAPTIV capabilities being available around the internet. In fact, it became one of the best-known CV90 variants overnight thanks to its coolness factor and... nothing. Nobody really wanted to buy it. The ADAPTIV kit is offered as an option to this day, as is the CV90120 itself, but it’s unlikely it’ll ever see any service.

There are several reasons for that. For one, the vehicle is extremely high-end and few are likely even able to afford it. This sort of defeats the affordability argument behind the whole FSV concept. As a result, it’ll likely never become battle-proven and vehicles without any combat record aren’t exactly popular, especially when it comes to costly “gimmicks”. The ADAPTIV kit is simply too costly for mass-production.

Secondly, despite the launch of America’s MPF program and China’s ZTQ-15, the time of such FSVs may slowly be coming to an end as the military paradigm once again shifts from counter-terrorism operations to full-fledged war, for which such systems aren’t well-suited, unless you’re planning to do a lot of island hopping or to fight in the mountains. As such, the nations that previously considered the era of the Main Battle Tank over are scrambling to develop its next generation, a clear indication of the fact that the combination of fifty tons of steel and a massive gun will always find a use on the battlefield.

In Armored Warfare, the CV90120 Ghost will be a Tier 9 Premium Light Tank. But before we tell you more about it, please note:

The numbers below are very preliminary as the vehicle has not been properly tested. They are sure to change and should only be discussed as an indicator of how we’d like to set the vehicle up.

With that being said:

We’re looking at a decent, agile Light Tank with a lot of firepower and excellent camouflage thanks to its ADAPTIV system, which you are already familiar with from the PL-01. But this vehicle will be more than just a PL-01 of Tier 9, much more.

Let’s start, as usual, with the protection. As you might expect, this won’t be the strongest aspect of this vehicle with the basic hull being able to withstand autocannons only. It’s not all bad though, as the vehicle will have the AMAP-ADS hard-kill APS available as an additional progression module (unlocked by completing Battle Path missions and challenges).

The mobility, on the other hand, will be excellent since we’ve upgraded the Scania DS16 engine to 1200hp, which translates into the acceleration from 0 to 32 km/h in 3.3 seconds and the maximum speed of 70 km/h.

But the fun only really starts with this vehicle’s firepower. In its stock configuration, it’s definitely not anything to scoff at – we’re looking at 120mm smoothbore cannon with 800mm of penetration and the damage per minute value of 7200 units (5 seconds of reload time, 600 points of damage per shot).

However, you’ll have the option to customize your performance by choosing one of two additional protection modules. Either you can choose to unlock a new shell type with increased penetration (850mm) or you can unlock an entirely new gun. The alternative L/47 LLR cannon has slightly lower penetration (780mm) but comes with a 6-round Ready Rack, allowing you to fire one shell per 2.8 seconds when loaded. And that’s not all – even when empty, the reload time will be exceptionally short (5.6 seconds).

In other words, you can choose between extra penetration and burst damage. It’s worth noting that the Ready Rack option damage per minute value stays roughly the same (7158).

The camouflage will, of course, be excellent, as befits this stealthy vehicle. The baseline camouflage factor value of 27 percent will be complemented by solid viewrange (430m) and the ADAPTIV camouflage system, which provides you with an environmental camouflage bonus when stationary.

And, last but not least, your active ability options will include Retreat, Zero In and Rapid Fire.

In summation, we’re looking at a vehicle that can be played two ways. First, as a fast hit-and-run Light Tank using the combination of a Ready Rack and its excellent mobility, or as a stealthy sniper using the ADAPTIV system and the upgraded ammunition. While you won’t be as stealthy as dedicated Tank Destroyers or small AFVs, you’ll still be able to do a lot of damage from behind the safety of your lines.

We hope that you will enjoy it and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Jun 9, 2021
Animyst - DedPimpin
PATCH NOTES 06/09/21:

-Upgrades to many existing spell sounds and sound spatialization.
-Addition of many sounds on explosions and spell effects.
-New ambient sounds on portals and in the Caverns.
-Tons of new monster sounds (tuning and volume still in progress)
-Adjustment of the Patriarch's behavior.
-Addition of sound on Sand Circle and Gnat gathers.
Wargame: Red Dragon - [EUG] Gal Marcel Bigeard

Welcome back to another deep dive in our upcoming Wargame: Red Dragon - Nation Pack: South Africa. In our last post, we put the spotlight on the South African Infantry forces as they would appear in-game, including armament and transport options.

This week, Armor receives our special gameplay treatment. Let’s look at what you can expect from the South African armored fighting vehicles, from tanks to SPGs, from imported to domestic designs and rare prototypes!

Please keep in mind that everything is still very much work in progress and is subject to change. In case you were wondering: the integration and balancing of these units is done in close consultation with a leading South African military expert!

Kings of the battlefield

First up: the almighty TANK, which in Wargame: Red Dragon - Nation Pack: South Africa is brought to you in three distinct South African “families”:

  • Olifant main battle tank. The tracked heavy-weight brawler of South Africa’s arsenal comes in a myriad of versions such as the Mk1 (including command variant), Mk1A (1985), Mk1B (1991), and Mk1B Optimum (1994 prototype). The Mk1 can be considered a rough equivalent to the Israeli Sh’ot Kal with a +1 FAV, but slower. With the Mk1A, the Olifant reaches the 2275m range, with a slightly better motorization and accuracy/stab over its predecessor. The Mk1B gets +2 FAV and a major motorization, accuracy and stab upgrade. The Optimum is an up-armored Mk1B with improved optics.

  • Loggim prototype. This tank is a 1994 prototype MBT, a planned but canceled South African “heavy.” It is close to a USMC M1A1(HC) Abrams, featuring the same FAV but lesser side and rear armor, but more accurate and with 23 AP.
  • Rooikat wheeled tanks. These rapid and cool-looking vehicles can be deployed in two variants: the Rooikat 76 Mk1C (1989, including a recon variant) and the Rooikat 105 (1994 prototype). With 3 FAV, they are incredibly fast (120km/h) “glass-cannons.” The 76mm variant has 2100m, while the 105mm gets 2275m range. Their key feature is their high accuracy (65%) and almost full gun stabilization, making these wheeled tanks ideal for hit-and-run strikes.
Using HESH rounds, all 105mm and 120mm South African tanks receive a “British” +1 HE damage bonus.


Next up are the reconnaissance units. Aside from the ubiquitous recon Rover jeep, RECON only fields two families of armored recon units:

  • Eland 90, both 1978 vehicles. The original Eland 90 is identical to the French AML-90. The Eland 90 ENTAC (prototype) is armed with two extra ENTAC anti-tank missiles, in the same way as the existing Ferret ENTAC (see below).
  • Rooikat 76. This vehicle is the same as the wheeled tank variant (see above) but in a dedicated recon configuration.

Tank destroyers

The South Africans have two tank destroyer families:

  • RCL Vehicles, which include the ubiquitous Rover 106 (pre-1980), armed with a M40 recoilless rifle, and the Ferret Mk2 106 (1976). This latter unit is “jalopied”, meaning its turret is removed, and the operator stands in the now-empty turret ring. The Ferret is equipped with an improved M40A1C.
  • ATGM Vehicles, which begins with the already mentioned Ferret ENTAC (1975), can also to be found with the ANZAC forces in-game. This unit is followed by the Ferret Mk2 MILAN (1980), another “jalopied” Ferret, but featuring a MILAN launcher this time around. The vastly more effective Ratel ZT3-A1 (1987) is also available. A non-transport Ratel armed with a ZT3A1 Swift ATGM. These guided missile launchers are 70% accurate, 20 AP and have a 2625m range. The Ratel carries 12 of them, with 3 ready to fire.

Indirect fire

There are quite a few artillery options, including:

  • MRLS vehicles. There is a Rover 107 (1981). This one is only encountered in Airborne and Support decks, being a light MRLS based on a Chinese-made 16-tube Type 63 107mm rocket launcher bolted on a Rover jeep. In-game, it will come with an incendiary loadout. The Valkiri (1981) is manufactured on a light Unimog chassis. This unit is the most widespread and standardized South African MRLS, with a classic HE and smoke loadout for its 24-tube 127mm rockets. Finally, we have the Bateleur (1989) built on top of an armored Samil, carrying two 20-tube which can rain down devastating salvos of its 127mm cluster ammunition.
  • Mortar vehicles include the Eland 60 (1978) 60mm mortar carrier, identical to the French AML-60. This vehicle evolved into the Ratel 81 (1985) and Ratel 120 (1994 prototype), which are respectively a 81mm and 120mm mortar carriers. All of these vehicles come equipped with HE and smoke rounds.

  • SPG vehicles include the venerable WW2 relic Sexton (1944!) with its still decent 25-pdr gun. Nonetheless, this grandfather of self-propelled artillery is rather slow (as you would expect) and only belatedly replaced by the excellent 155mm G6-45 Rhino (1987). This latter unit is a lightly armored but fast-wheeled SPG, being among the world’s most accurate artillery pieces by the end of the Cold War. In-game, it is a 40km ranged 155mm howitzer, with a round dispersion closer to a regular mortar.

A little bit of anti-air

And last up, the South African anti-aircraft vehicles, pooled in two distinct families:

  • AA cannon vehicles with the Ystervark (1980) leading the way. This is a Buffel light armored truck fielding an Oerlikon 20mm gun. This vehicle was succeeded by the Bosvark, an armored Samil truck with captured ZU-23-2 twin 23mm guns. Finally, the Rooikat ZA-35 (1992 prototype) is a variant of the wheeled tank with its turret removed and replaced by a radar-guided twin 35mm system. This means that SEAD can target this unit. In-game, the Rooikat is roughly equivalent to a German FlakPz. Gepard A1 with the same ranges, faster and slightly more accurate for the ZA-35, but with a lower RoF.
  • SAM vehicles. The South Africans can field the Cactus (1971), identical to the Crotale, which the SADF received before the French, as well as the Cactus SAHV (1992 prototype). The latter unit is a Cactus used as a testbed for a new SAHV missile under development - in-game featured as an IR version. Replacing the R440 missiles, the SAHV-IR missile provides slightly improved anti-helicopter range and accuracy, with its Fire&Forget trait. Lastly, the Rooikat ZA-HVM (1992 prototype) is a Rooikat with its turret replaced by a system firing SAHV-3 missiles. It retains the anti-helicopter and accuracy of the IR version and improves its anti-airplane range to 4200m range. Being radar-guided, it can be targeted by SEAD.

Nation Pack: South Africa in detail

In case you’ve missed it, we’ve already covered the combat arms historical context of this upcoming Nation Pack:

  • We have put a spotlight on the all-important grunt: SADF Infantry. Read all about it here.
  • We also took a look at the SADF Armor force, which you can read more about here.
  • The flyboys claim all the glory in our SAAF Air Force article, which you can read here.
  • Hugging the earth, SADF’s rotorcraft fleet get a special treatment in our Helicopter showcase, which you can read here.

What will the South Africa Nation Pack bring?

Wargame: Red Dragon - Nation Pack: South Africa will feature:

  • Close to 90 new SADF units, including 20 brand-new vehicle models, as well as many new variants. All feature new Afrikaans and South African-accented English voice-overs, aie boet!
  • These include the ubiquitous Casspir and Ratel APCs (in numerous variants, from IFV, recon, command, mortar, and even SAM), the Rooikat wheeled tank (including variants and prototypes), Eland (license-produced French AML), Cactus (French Crotale), the only tracked Olifant MBT, many armed variants of locally made SAMIL trucks (Ystervark and Bosvark SPAAG, Valkiri and Bateleur MLRS), to the iconic G6 Renoster self-propelled howitzer.
  • The Air Force includes old Buccaneer[/], Vampire and Impala as close-air support, and several French Mirage variants and the locally modified Cheetah as fighter and multirole aircraft. Furthermore, you will find the Atlas Carver prototype, the first full South African prototype plane design (which never left the drawing board).
  • Helicopters include the French Alouette III, Puma, Super Frelon and their locally produced versions and prototypes such as the K-Car, Oryx and XTP-1 Beta. You’ll also be able to deploy South Africa’s very own attack helicopter design, the badass-looking Rooivalk.
  • Infantry will include Bokkop regular riflemen, Parabat paratroopers, SASF special forces, and many more units such as militia, recon, MANPADS, engineers. You will find Portuguese-speaking Angolan UNITA squads, as well as SADF’s own 32 Battalion (the Buffalos) as a veteran light infantry formation.
  • SADF weaponry features imported or locally built R1 and R4 rifles, SS-77 and Mini-SS MG, LRAC and APILAS LAW, but also the more original HK-21, FT5, Inflict and, of course, the iconic Y2 grenade-launcher and NTW-20.

What happens next?

That’s it! We’ll be back in two weeks.

Make sure to follow Eugen. Check out our Eugen forums, or (Facebook page and Twitter)!
Ancestors Legacy Free Peasant Edition - skarlet138

Thursday is a small Friday, right? While anticipating the weekend, check out the new “Ancestors Legacy” trivia...

Add "Ancestors Legacy" to Wishlist:
Ancestors Legacy - skarlet138

Thursday is a small Friday, right? While anticipating the weekend, check out the new “Ancestors Legacy” trivia...

Add "Ancestors Legacy" to Wishlist:
Jun 9, 2021
Community Announcements - bob
After developing the game for over 1 year, we finally found that this game has reached a satisfying status. So we decided to end EA after this patch. Thanks to all our supporters. Our adjustment and maintenance for this game will be continued even after the release.
In this update, we mainly focus on creating smooth game experience, especially a smooth experience with our unique battle system. That's why we did a lot changes related to Command Cards generation. These are the changes:
System Improvement
  • Increased loot multiplier in multiple difficulties
  • Increased enchantment chances
  • Decreased battle frequency
  • Added some new enchantment mods related with Command Cards generation
  • Added a new enchantment mod related with Channeling Skill

Champion Changes
  • Reworked on one of Doriya's rune, making it possible to generate Command Cards
  • Reworked on one of Pondo's rune, making it possible to generate Command Cards
  • Reworked on Merigold's Passive Skill, making it possible to generate Command Cards
  • Reworked on Hasaki's Passive Skill, making it possible to generate Command Cards
  • Reworked on Alta's Skill, making it possible to generate Command Cards

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where Elisa's crown has low HP than expected
  • Fixed a bug where game manual has wrong page number
  • Fixed a bug where quality of enchantment mod is presented incorrectly
Seeker: My Shadow Playtest - Jestercraft
Seeker: My Shadow Playtest will be closing on 14th of June! You're still able to sign up for the testing and we will be letting in testers for the coming weekend. Next Monday, we will close the Playtest until the final release of My Shadow!

We are planning on using Steam Playtest for short tests to minor parts of the game within coming weeks, but only for small group of testers.

We've gathered a lot of awesome feedback from the testers so far and with your contribution, we've been able to tackle a lot of bugs, polish the controls, add more tutorial elements and interesting new content!

Humble thank you for everyone who've attended, expect to hear from us soon when the Steam Fest kick-off on 16th of June! (Which is next week)

Best regards,
Team Jestercraft