Jun 7, 2021
The Handbook - Zeyt8
-Minor bug fixes
Save files should be compatible with previous version.
Jun 7, 2021
World of Tanks Blitz - tall_alpaca
Download the new version starting June 8!

More Tanks
We recreated American experimental concepts presented in 1953. Four Tier VII–X heavy tanks are ready to be researched! The new Americans are eager to attack, and the high-tier tanks are capable of elegantly retreating since they're equipped with emergency tracks.

More Realism
Check out massive graphics improvements! Each tank will have an individually tuned dynamic suspension. It won't affect gameplay, but the laws of physics never looked so beautiful in action!

An even bigger change awaits! We're going to update vehicles to a new graphics quality! What does this mean? Check out the new Yohs: all materials look and seem more realistic. Tanks can become covered in snow or mud. And they clean off after being rinsed down by water. We will gradually rework all tanks so that your gaming experience will become even more immersive.

More Comfort, More Style
Now, camos that you have a suitable certificate for are marked with an exclamation sign in the Camo menu of each tank.

The Instigator Legendary camouflage for the TVP 50/51 is now available in the camo selection menu.
The Hardy, Oriental Waves, and Staunch Defender camos will no longer be available for purchase.
Improvements and Fixed Bugs
- Smasher. The bug where AP shells didn't lose penetration over distances was fixed.
- Now the Camo menu becomes available once the player gets a Tier IV tank.
- The bug where auto-aim switched to a passing tank was fixed.
- Various screens, descriptions, and notifications were improved.
- General bugs and client crashes were fixed.
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker
On the 8th of June 2021, starting from 8:00 CEST (7th of June, 11 PM PDT), the server will not be available for 5 hours due to the application of Update 0.36.

Please note that the content of this major update will be disclosed in a separate post.
Neos VR - Frooxius
Hello everyone, I'm back! :smile: Here's a bunch of smaller additions, tweaks and bugfixes to clear up a bunch of the GitHub issues that have popped up while I was on the break. This includes numerous improvements and fixes for the Context Menu Injection, LogiX, avatar legs randomly popping up (and other random glitches, as it was caused by an underlying math function that's used in a lot of places), glitchy audio on Unity Native video playback and more!

I'll be working on some larger things next, I've already started poking around BEPUv2, so that will be a major upgrade, but not certain how long will that quite take yet, as well as on some cloud and builds things to improve some internal processes. Hopefully this build will help get rid of some of the pain points in the meanwhile!

New Features:
- Added "Keep Position" to ContextMenuSubmenu which will not reposition the context menu when it's opened through this option (requested by @3x1t_5tyl3)
-- Note that you should make sure that the context menu is in a good position when it's opened first before using this, otherwise it'll end up in whatever random last position it was last spawned in, resulting in usability issues
- Added "OnlyForSide" field to RootContextMenuItem, which allows the context menu item to be optionally filtered based on the hand that opens the context menu (requested by @Shadow Panther [RU/EN, UTC+3])
- Added TooltipAvatarPoseFilter (under Transform/Interaction) which allows installing avatar pose filters when equipping tooltips (requested by @3x1t_5tyl3)
-- This needs to be placed on the same slot as the tooltip to work
- Texture Asset Variant system now supports RawRGBAHalf texture compression for HDR and high precision textures
-- This fixes HDR textures set as "Uncompressed" loading as LDR RGBA32 textures, resulting in loss of all the HDR data (reported by @SmolCookie | VRtualis CEO)

- A dummy character controller is now activated when no locomotion module is active (e.g. when sitting in an avatar anchor or when all are disabled by permissions)
-- This fixes users in avatar anchors not being tracked by ColliderUserTracker and being excluded from culling systems and events
-- If you run into issues where you need the user to be excluded from events and such with your avatar anchor, let us know and we'll add a mechanism to provide this. Currently I'm not sure if there are any use-cases for this.
- SessionOrbsController now skips updates in background worlds with no users present to avoid unecessarily loading and unloading thumbnails
- Default User Scale is now respected when user is reset because of falling outside of the map or when their scale gets corrupted (reported by @Gawdl3y)
- Categorized Float2/3/4Driver components under Transform/Drivers (requested by @Epsilion)
- Importing all asset types (Audio, Fonts, import dialogs...) will now place them in the user's current space rather than root (reported by @Kyuubi)
- Pressing secondary when dragging a wire to a Type input on a LogiX node will now spawn the Type input node (requested by @3x1t_5tyl3)
- Increased the maximum value of "Cleanup Interval" in the session menu to 3600 (based on feedback by @3x1t_5tyl3)
- FindCharacterControllerFromSlot now ignores any disabled character colliders
- All avatar records that aren't in public folders have been marked as non-public
-- Note that you won't see this reflected in your inventory right away, as the records will still be cached. I recommend waiting a day and clearing your database if you want the UI to reflect the change, but it's not necessary for the security improvement to work

- Merged Japanese locale additions and tweaks by @Aesc
- Merged Russian locale additions and fixes by @Shadow Panther [RU/EN, UTC+3]
- Merged Korean locale additions by @Guide
- Merged Czech locale additions by @rampa_3 (UTC +1, DST UTC +2)
- Merged Spanish locale additions by @Ruz

- Fixed custom context menu not responding to changes of the Sprite on ContextMenuItemSource when the menu is opened (reported by @seif1 and @Axius)
- Context Menu open/close speed is now sanitized, preventing invalid values (0, negative, infinity, NaN...) from breaking it (reported by Asakleiman)
- Neos will now retry API requests on 502, 503 and 504 responses, which usually indicate transcient issues
-- This should improve robustness of cloud functionality and syncing (based on report by @Shadow Panther [RU/EN, UTC+3])
- Fixed Context Menu breaking when the Label is null (reported by @Hayden)
- Custom context menu will now preserve the CommonTool summoner and pointer when already opened or try to use the one from the hand that has opened it
-- This fixes flick misbehaving when opened from the main context menu (reported by @Gawdl3y)
-- This also fixes custom context menus not being usable when the laser is disabled (reported by @Electronus, @Hayden, @Ukilop and @Psychpsyo)
-- This also fixes the context menu not preserving its position when the item is clicked with other hand (reported by @Gawdl3y and @Psychpsyo)
-- This also fixes not being able to interact with the context menu when the laser is occluded by a collider (@Ian Corvid and @Epsilion)
- Fixed Unity Native video playback engine producing glitchy audio on videos that aren't stereo (e.g. Mono, Quad or 5.1) (reported by @Gawdl3y and @Enverex)
- Fixed Slerp operation producing NaN quaternions in some rare cases due to floating point imprecision, resulting in random corruptions and glitchy behavior
-- This fixes avatar legs randomly jumping up on some avatars (reported by @Earthmark, @Cael Thunderwing, @H3BO3 and @HaruMaki)
-- This will also likely fix other random cases of glitchy behavior across the board (including when you use the Slerp function in LogiX) as the function is used widely internally
- Fixed LookAtUser always looking at the local user when the target node is set to View (reported by @AshtonSparx and @Sox)
- Fixed "Prevent reticle from going below the horizon" option no longer working after desktop update (reported by @ooBLANKAoo)

Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

We’d like to invite you to another round of a special community-driven event organized by Drackenfells. In this event, you’ll be joining a Custom Match in the BMD-1 Tier 3 Armored Fighting Vehicle. The organizers will be driving the M1A1 Storm MBTs and will attempt to ram you to death. Whichever BMD owner survives the longest, wins.

The event will take place on June 19 at 20:00 CEST (14:00 EST).

To register to this event, please use this link: {LINK REMOVED}

The following prizes are available:
  • First place: Northern Wind Battle Path access with 50.000 Battle Coins
  • Second place: M1A1 Storm Tier 7 Premium MBT
  • Third place: MBT-70 Tier 6 premium MBT
Please note:
  • Players in event will need to use the BMD-1 Tier 3 AFV
  • Player can use any retrofits and consumables and Commander (except for Ophelia Kitescu)
  • Players in match cannot use any weapon systems nor deploy troops, but can use smoke
  • Players cannot try to hide or get to places where they cannot be rammed
  • Players are not allowed to purposely damage, kill, or sabotage other players during the event
We hope that you will enjoy the event and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Cross Soul - MidoriGames/Midoriko
Thanks for your patience, and here's an update.
This time, only bug fixes.

There is no end to the bugs.
There are only a limited number of things I can find in my own test play, so feedback helps me a lot.

Bug Fixes
The main menu did not appear after the credits were displayed.
The credits could not be displayed again after interrupting the credits
The name of the equipped weapon of the shadow/black dragon was not displayed.
The attack graphics of some weapons were not displayed correctly.
The icons of some items are different from the original ones.
The background of some items is displayed before the character.
In the Unga Village Festival, there were cases where the character in the yagura protruded into the air on the right side.
In the festival of Unga Village, some dialogs were displayed repeatedly.
When controlling Aoha, Anu's archmaster did not hit the reflection arrow.
When taking damage from the Wheel Eye, the damage display color is now white (enemy damage).
The name displayed when acquiring some items was different from the actual name.
The player could not escape from the deepest part of the Labyrinth of spirit.
The boss graphic of Abyssal Cloister B was not displayed.
The details of items were not displayed on the blacksmithing screen.
Some material icons were not displayed in the blacksmithing screen.
Blacksmithing could be performed even when food/equipment was full.
In the blacksmithing screen, some material icons did not appear.
When an enemy dropped an item, a rectangle with the word "item" on it was visible for a moment.
When the Banamageddon was facing right, it did not attack.
No damage was generated by the direct attack of the Banamageddon.
In the crafting screen, when crafting is executed immediately after moving the cursor, it is executed in the menu before moving.
In the crafting screen, when crafting right after moving the cursor, the crafting would be executed in the menu before moving.
When you were attacked by a large number of enemies at the same time, you could not take any damage until the next floor.
The damage of shuriken against Abyssal Almee was negative (HP increased).
A red square would momentarily appear in the sky above the Unga facility (fast move point).

It seems that there are still some bugs that we were not able to reproduce.
We will investigate the cause and fix them as soon as we can reproduce them here.

Please continue to send us your feedback if you notice any issues.
Thank you for your continued support!
Jun 7, 2021
Cauldrons of War - Stalingrad - Maestro Cinetik
Here are 2 features you were waiting for :

Display units on the map

German symbols for Armies, Corps and Divisions will now be displayed on map if you choose so (use for that the new button on the bottom left of the screen).
A glance at the map is now enough to evaluate the balance of power.

The minimap on the operation screen

You can now replace the illustration by a minimap when you are on the operation screen.
Even better : hovering actions that send units to other operations will display that minimap and center it on the concerned operation : isn't that great?
You won't have anymore to switch between screens to figure out where you should send your armies.

And what about the new map I promised?

It is still a work in progress, BUT :
try that cheat code "C"+"S" when you are on the map screen.
That will change the current map for the futur map.
(Borders are pre war, some cites are not well positionned etc..., but at least you will have the same feeling that the futur map will ptovide)

Once that map will be out, I will certainly suppress all other maps.

And what about the Stalingrad Scenario?

The game system does not suits well to urban fightings at company level...
So that scenario will be a whole different game in the game.
I would say that I've done 20% of the work.

2 game systems in the same game may not be a good designer's practice, but I just don't care ^^
(I hope you won't mind neither)

Have fun!

Maestro Cinetik

Jun 7, 2021
Brigand: Oaxaca - brianlancaster45
New update, my babies. Mostly I just improved the shitty light beam textures and made it so you can open the Builder's Manual from the GUI world editor. Plus new keywords in the "ASK" dialogue options.

More importantly, there will be a new DLC out in about a week called BRIGAND - NIGHTMARE, which will be the main Oaxaca story, but with a bunch of Panama items, baddies, and abilities thrown in, higher difficulty (not in the really hard parts), and one extra optional map and job thrown in for good measure. It's gonna cost $1.99.
Time to Morp - Patomkin
Thanks to everyone who participated in the playtest! We had a blast reading your feedback and had a laugh from the bugs you have found! Time to Morp fix some stuff!


Overall, everything went according to plan. Only a few bugs, not too many annoyances, and many requests and suggestions are about something we are already working on! But the best part is that everyone seems to enjoy the gameplay, which makes us quite happy! We just need to keep on working and adding more content!

What's next

Patch 0.4 is already in production, and this time we would like to touch up some existing mechanics (décor, movement) and fully invest in new ones to improve exploration. It would also be cool to finally add some story, so let’s hope we will have time for that! The next playtest is currently planned at the end of the Summer. So be ready to come back and enjoy the game again!


Meanwhile, we received some amazing art from playtesters on our Discord Server! Much thanks to them!

And that’s all for now! The Playtest will be closed in a few hours, so be sure to save and give us your last notes! Cya next time!

Discord Server | Twitter | Facebook | Website | Instagram

Best Day Ever - Mex
Welcome to Waters City!
The life here is pleasant. The people are kind, tolerant and... What? You don't believe it?
It's true that everything is not so easy for Jenny, Paul, Emma and Jordan. But it should be okay, because you'll be there to help them through their problems, right?

What is Best Day Ever, exactly?
Best Day Ever is a narrative / management game in which you play 4 characters. To fulfill their objectives, you will have to manage their daily life by choosing which actions to do throughout the day.

During their activities, our characters will meet friends, strangers, and even less friendly people. During these dialogues and events, you will have to make certain choices, sometimes unimportant, other times crucial.

The choices you make with one character might have a decisive impact in the story of the other 3 protagonists.

Can you create the best day ever for Jenny, Paul, Emma and Jordan?

What are the themes of the Best Day Ever's stories?
4 characters, 4 stories, 4 lives to discover spread over more than 5 months (fictional months, we reassure you!).
Each scenario deals with different themes. Consider Emma Nadjeur, for example: her boss, a well-known and talented businessman, tends to use insulting names to call her and mock her in front of her colleagues and clients.
Faced with this sexism, which affects her daily life, Emma is lucky to be able to count on her friend Kate, but also her colleague Iris, who is also affected by the same remarks. How to create a healthy atmosphere and change these bad behaviors in the company?

Despite appearances and serious themes, Best Day Ever's stories are meant to be positive and optimistic. You can always reach a "good ending"!

Any closing thoughts?
The whole team hopes you enjoy Best Day Ever.
We are very proud to release this game and we are looking forward to reading your experiences and feedback!

Have a great day!