Novena Diabolos - Riluri
Our team will be playing the Novena Diabolos Demo during the livestream, while also cracking jokes and having a good time. You are welcome to join us, to kick off the Steam Next Fest together!

Enjoy the Demo until then, don't forget to Wishlist the game, and see you at the Festival!

Find us on Facebook:
Espresso Tycoon - joanna_dreamwaygames
Let us present you some new features that we’ve been working on in Espresso Tycoon.

1. City life nearby the coffee shop

The coffee shop is not the only place where something’s going on in Espresso Tycoon. There will be also some people in the streets (and not everyone will come to your place – you have to convince customers to come). But there will be also city traffic with some cars driving (or staying, when the red light is on).

We added also birds – pigeons, to be more specific. They will fly in different directions nearby the coffee shop, they can also sit on the roof.

2. Different movements and behaviors

Our customers will not just stand or sit still in one pose. That would look odd. That’s why we decided to implement some different gestures and movements. They will move their legs, hands, they can stretch a bit, wave, etc.

3. Emotions of the characters

We focus a lot on the facial expressions of the characters. We are adding different emotions to them. That’s why you can see if they are happy, sad, or angry.

4. Adding a mess to the coffee shop

A player will have to remember to clean the coffee shop. The customers can leave the garbage – like dirty cups or used napkins. It will be also a feature connected with managing the employees. If a player will not be able to keep the place clean – the customers will not be happy. That’s why there will be a need to hire a cleaner.

5. New decoration items
We're still adding new items to the decoration feature, so you will be able to create the coffee shop out of your dreams. We already have a lot of different floors, colors, and textures.

That’s all for that devlog episode – we will keep you informed about our next steps!

Craft The Mapcrafter:Gathering Magic Words - kuro Game Studio





Jun 7, 2021
Terrene - An Evidence Of Life Game - Albatross Wirehead
Atoms, Trees and More! Another TERRENE Update for you!
We have been having an absolute blast adding content to the game. The highlights of this update are a main boss overhaul, a new space boss, large additions to planet biome variation and a Cyberpup ship cannon for coop. We cannot wait to see where this game goes in the future.

- Added new Atom Boss in Space.
- Overhauled Heart Bosses with new art, attack patterns, and heart chamber.
- New Upgrade to allow Cyberpup to be in a detached turret when in the ship, working in single player and controllable in coop.
- Added 100s of new plants and rocks.
-Updated the procedural ground texturing.
- Added surface ore deposits for Gold, Diamonds and Bio Matter.
- Added more labyrinth and space hulk foliage, and boss room foliage.
- Updated the mine-able asteroid generation, more and bigger asteroids that will now also generate in the empty space above the orbiter and closer to the orbiter.
- Added small 1x1 block tunnels.
- Added random blocking of caves with ground.
- Updated sky enemy spawn rate by how much cargo your ship is carrying. More cargo = more enemies!
- Can now destroy Poison Vines with the mining beam.
- Added a warning message when overwriting a save.
- Updated boss spawner art (in Skypods and Asteroids).
- Can now float in space when in the ship (No forced gravity).
-Added a system to convert older save files to add Atom space bosses and updated heart bosses to old version saves.
-Added enemy blood spatter that sticks to walls.
-Changed goop block behavior, now slows player on touch and goop regrows after being cleared.
-All sub bosses, bosses and ship now flash red when taking damage.
-Various gui art updates.
-Various bug fixes and balancing.

Thanks again for playing!
JustWall & Wirehead
Goblin Stone - Lewis

Hey all,

We're excited to announce that on June 16th we'll be taking part in the next Steam Festival until June 22nd. It's also an opportunity for us to deliver a new build of the demo, which will add several key additions including a mini-map, music from the famed composer Peter McConnell, as well as three new classes!

Don't worry, we'll deliver full patch notes as soon as the update is live.

In the next few days we'll be pushing the build so that we can bug squash with your help. Our hope is that Goblin Stone is as good as it can be for all those new players set to dive in next week.

The eagle-eyed amongst you might have also noticed we've updated our Steam page with new art: we hope you like it!

/Goblin Stone
Hell Architect: Prologue - WoodlandCommunity
Hello Sinners,

Only two more days... 🗓
Days to play Hell Architect Prologue and see us live 😈

Join our Discord ⬇

Hellish regards,
Woodland Games Team
Jun 7, 2021
Vivid Knight - y-o
- Added symbol information to each accessory on the result screen.
- Improved Gem visibility when sealing Gems.
- The "Boss Defeat Reward" given at the start of the game has been changed to a "Boss Achievement Reward". The "Boss Defeat Reward" given at the start of the game has been changed to a "Boss Arrival Reward" so that you can get the reward even if you don't win the boss.
- Changed the "Mana Reduction Event" so that it only appears once on each floor.
- Corrected the explanation text of (Heavy Technique).
- Changed the rarity appearance rate of the jeweler in the Ancient Lab and the
traveling jeweler
- Changed the rarity appearance rate of the jeweler in the Witch's Maze and the traveling jeweler.
- Revised the defense and magic defense of the gold unit gold star upward.
- Changed the condition text of Witch's Maze 2.
Jun 7, 2021
Police Response VR : Disturbance - POLICE RESPONSE VR
Hi All,

Another overhaul within the game to help the FPS rate. Many thanks for the post pointing towards this problem.

Still working on the separate scenes that'll give the players a whole bigger challenge!

Stay Safe People

Overboard! - Tom Kail
Thanks to everyone submitting bug reports over the weekend - we're delighted to have fixed everything submitted, and it's not even yet lunchtime!

  • The flipping profanity filter now persists across runs, and even across a full reset
  • Exorcised a few ghosts who were returning from the dead
  • Assorted minor story fixes
  • Fixed a rare bug where an image panel appeared over the map
  • Fixed a rare bug where the clock didn't reset fully on restarting
Just Read The Instructions - Knackelibang

Last update we presented the first look on the games procedurally created levels, on these levels the players will have to navigate to find and ultimately solve the various instructions. We will discuss the instructions specifically in a future update.

The levels so far are quite straightforward with relatively logically structured streets and paths (especially the current city theme) for the players to walk through. While we have a lot of space within the procedural tool to change the exact structure of the level-layout, we also need some minor hindrances to make it more challenging to navigate, one of the solutions are roadblocks.

Roadblocks are essentially what the name suggests, in its simplest form a wall that blocks a specific path, forcing you to find another one, thus making navigating the level a bit more difficult by creating maze-like paths. However, just blocking a path can be quite boring, it really does not present you with much of a choice as there are no solutions to such a hindrance other than picking another path. So aside from strait-up blockage we have several types of roadblocks that can be bypassed.

A simple example of this is a destructible wall, the wall has a small hint that it can be damaged, and with a bit of firepower you can bring the entire wall down. However, this does force you to use your weapons extensively, which leads to wearing-down your gear.

Another type is more of a “puzzle-light” blockage. For example a wall with 3 doors, where only one door leads to the other side. You still need to spend time opening them, something that is risky while surrounded by enemies. Finally we a password protected door where you need the correct combination to open it.

We also have a few other concepts of roadblock-types that we hope to have in the game:


Roadblocks will, as the rest of the level, be procedurally placed around the level. The goal with roadblocks is to make the levels more interesting to navigate, as well as create a way to control the difficulty depending on the type and number of blocks. It also creates smaller continuous choices where the player has to evaluate if its worth the time and effort trying to solve them or completely bypass them.

More updates in the coming weeks!

And lastly, don't forget to sign up for our beta!

/ The Knackelibang Team