May 29, 2021
Tanto Cuore - E-Laser
Found issues arising from hosting/joining multiple games in a single session
- Fixed an issue that could cause games to start with no hands
- Fixed an issue that could cause games to start with an empty game board
- Fixed an issue where no one would be notified if a non-host player left the game

Changes to the AI that should stop them from obsessing over Colette and spam buying cheap cards
Implemented the beginning of a new system for AI decision making
The AI will be improved more and more in the coming weeks

Found possible source of games being started with no hand

Single Player:
Updated a few opponents in some single player levels

Quality of Life:
Playable cards in your hand will now be indicated with pulsing
Hands are now sorted
Discard popup shows card names when you hover over cards
Level 1 Tutorial has been updated
Level 1 Tutorial is now optional

Found issues with avatars, your avatar may change with this update and can be corrected from the profile, but this should never happen again now
Fix seemingly random Private Quarters being shown when using tabs to navigate on the end-game screen
May 29, 2021
Big Bang Empire - European Games Group
Gaming can be so sexy! There’s hardly a gamer alive who can resist a hot Gamer Girl - and neither can we! That’s why we’re dedicating a whole Special from 30/05/2021 to 02/06/2021 to all the gaming ladies!

During the special, you’ll have a chance to pick up the exclusive “Gamer Girls” Package at the Diamond Shop, which not only contains a handful of sparkling diamonds, but also an item from the “Kidnapped Princess” item set! If you’re looking for more Diamonds, the seductive “Girls&Games” Package has you covered.

On top of that, each day during the special, you’ll receive five free refinements. Don’t miss out!

Warmest regards,

Your Big Bang Empire Team
Diesel Railcar Simulator - Lapioware
This patch fixes some issues left over from the previous controls update. For example, it's now possible to assign the view menu to the left mouse button and still have the menu buttons work. The patch also fixes several crashes and has minor performance optimisations.

  • Fixed crash when trying to add speed limit signs in route editor
  • Fixed torque curve and profile editors in train editor
  • Fixed missing controller setting move up/down buttons in train editor

Other changes
  • Fixed Class 03 sometimes not shifting up properly under simple controls
  • Fixed various problems in AI brake use
  • Made HUD helper checkboxes more prominent

Facebook page
Youtube channel
Discord server
Way Back Witness - Fox Leean
归路:见证 Way Back Witness与今日正式发售。

本游戏为一人制作,所以在流程方面可能会有照顾不到的地方会出现bug,本人也会于近日全程保持更新姿态,如遇bug请加 QQ群 463869315 联系群主,我将尽快修复。
May 29, 2021
Cave Confectioner - MSE
Hey folks! Here is a timely update to address some concerns you may have.

New stuff

* Early alpha support for modding (more on this below)


* Added an additional hint to the tutorial

The modding system (which will be augmented by the ISteamUGC API in a future update) currently requires passing command-line parameters ("launch options"). The syntax is as follows:

-mFirstModFolderPath -mSecondModFolderPath etc.

Everything following the "-m", without any spaces, is the absolute or relative path to a mod data folder. The folder should contain files that overwrite files in the game's "data" folder when the mod is used.

For example, I could save an edited copy of the world map in a folder called "MyMod", then launch Cave Confectioner with the option "-mMyMod". As long as the map has the same file name, the game will load the modded version instead of the original version. This works for graphics, sounds, dialogue, everything except fonts.
Version 5 Patch Notes
(Thanks DaniTutor- what?)





Bingus Climb
Trippy 1 1/2
Pog City(SVN Special)
Arcade (SVN Special)
Bedroom (SVN Special)
Gambit (E-Sports Team)
Speed Slide (Sliding)
+12 More

Here are some screenshots :)

Season Pass Maps
Lava Outpost (RTX MAP)
+3 More

Added some achievements for old maps
(List old maps with new achievements)

Added The Stonks Collection

Wooden Knife

Crimson Knife

Hand Wraps (Black)

Hand Wraps (Blue)

Sapphire Knife


Scorched Gloves

Bloody Gloves

Sakura Knife

Galaxy Gloves


Frostbite Gloves

The Stonks collection is available in the store for 100 Bhop Coins

Daily Rewards
Every Day when you log onto the game you get Bhop Coins for free!

Day 1- 250C
Day 2 - 500C
Day 3 - 750C
Day 4 - 1000C
Day 5 - 1500C
Day 6 - 1750C
Day 7+ - 2000C

Revamped the knife, glove and single player menu’s.

New Steam Art

Various other bug fixes.

Thanks for playing Scuffed Bhop Simulator Version 5!
This update drops Tomorrow (31/5) at 12PM EST
May 29, 2021
Lovely Planet Remix - quicktequila
Update 8a is Up!
  • Jelly Vol. 2 is now playable

  • Added water in 1-8 with splash SFX and animation

  • Background music in Remix playlist

  • Fixed issue where leaderboard would be visible for a single frame on loading level from main menu

Current Level Count : 74
Cepheus Protocol - Halcyon Winds
UI Updates Pending for Polish stages

Experimental Build

A few weeks ago we talked about Early to Middle game improvements and how our team can learn from games like Prototype and how they handled the simulation of a viral outbreak. You guys wanted the virus to be a bit more alive, deadly and wanted improvements to Chelsey across the board.

As an early showcase of the new system we now have put up an Experimental build for all to play and give their input. In some cases you might have to restart steam to see it but everyone can now opt into a new branch to try out the new direction and give their feedback. Again it will have TONS of performance issues and we are aware of them and working towards a tech solution to fix them as we speak.

As a reminder only talk about the Experimental build in #experimental-build-feedback or it will be buried in the day to day chats.

Recap of what im talking about :
Discord Post

We are aware of a bug where the ammo runners/ammo suppliers stop working we are looking into a fix for Monday/Tuesday

Patch notes to public beta & Experimental
  • Fix for Character's weapon fire montages not properly respecting their Rate Scale
  • Hooked up the new Roadmap images to the tutorial screen slide widget (that opens when starting a new pandemic game)
  • Fixed the Electrified Gate upgrade being available for Electrified Gates (allowing you to erroneously upgrade something into the exact same upgrade, wasting money)
  • Unit Card double-clicking and related also updated to work with opening the shop properly (selecting the group the deployed truck is in will not do open its shop, but directly clicking or double-clicking on the Truck's card will)
  • Fixed the Capture Truck not properly 'overlapping' the zone it spawns in without leaving/re-entering it
  • Made Capture Trucks purchaseable from the CERC tent (if the Game Instance option for capture trucks mode is enabled)
  • Improved the Capture Truck shop's "Destroy" button to instead be a functioning 'Undeploy' button (with separate image, hovertip, and 'are you sure' text)
  • Added logic to enable an 'Emergency Call In' for the Capture Truck (if you have none left)
  • Fixed a hovertip issue on the capture truck
  • Floating fences fixed
  • increased zone income by 1.5X, increased assault price to 2k, decreased heavy to 3k , increased sniper to 5k, increased ammodrop price, increased airstrike price
  • Presidio buildings adjustments across the board
  • Lowered Tier 1 wall price by 80%
  • Made the 'Objectives' indicator (on the bottom right of the HUD) auto-close after 30 seconds if you do not interact with it
  • Smoothed out some navigation settings on player walls
  • Towers no longer are 'null nav' but 'player wall' nav (which infected ignore, so they won't psychically go around a fully walled path)
  • Added 'capture progress' saving to the Capture Truck (if it's in the process of capturing a zone when saved, it'll remember how long until it finishes)
  • Improved the loading for the capture progress bar for the Capture Truck to be more visually accurate (instead of starting at 'zero' but filling faster if it already had progress)
  • Added a 'SetTargetThreat' value in 'WeaponConfig', so each weapon can have a threat override for right-click-to-target logic
  • Boosted this value for Grenade Launcher and Javelin to 10,000 (from 750 default)
  • Updated the 'pack up units' logic of the initial 'Select Starting Location' logic to not 'duplicate' unit images when putting them in the Helicopter garrison
  • Made the Capture Truck call in 'parachute in' instead of being dropped by a Sparrow
  • Removed population cost for capture trucks
  • Lighthouse area, adjacent to actual building previously unbuildable now fixed (location volume
  • texture swap/resize (Financial spelling error on billboard)
  • Updated unit-purchasing logic to allow for purchasing a zero-population unit even if your unit population is currently maxed out (for capture trucks)
  • Combat movement will now also avoid moving into an area where there is an active Restrictor
  • Safeties added to prevent 'false emerges' which cause the Leviathan to emerge 'partway' and get permanently stuck
  • Safeties added to prevent the Leviathan from getting stuck in 'burrow mode' and never emerging again
  • Updated the 'generic mouse following widget' to work as a hovertip for this
  • Crash fix for ordering civilians around in horde mode
  • Added custom hovertips to each vehicle that has DeployMode available
  • Fixed the Capture Truck being able to purchase a BMG at the Motor Pool (may not be retroactive with previous saves)
  • Fixed the 'rally point' for several buildings being incorrect
  • Fixed Atlas ammo runners taking up unit population
  • Improved 'ammo restore' logic for Ammo Runners to 'stop short' rather than move into the target
  • With an extra 'safety check' for if Capture Trucks are enabled, a zone owned by Chelsey will 'revert to neutral' instead of remaining infected-but-yellow
  • CP Truck can now place down an ammo station & Medical station

Patch notes to Experimental
  • Fixed an issue with fully-corrupted zones not properly marking themselves as such for Capture Trucks
  • Made Capture Trucks in a fully-corrupted zone 'undeploy' should the zone get ousted by the infection
  • Made Capture Trucks not be able to deploy in a fully-corrupted zone
  • Added safeties to pod/tower clearing in zones to ensure that a Tower won't be erroneously left behind and considered 'alive' after its destruction
  • Fixed an issue where clearing all pods from a zone could result in losing zone control
  • Made Aggressive Roaming infected target 'random' units in their zone rather than merely the closest (so large groups of infected don't 'stick together' and beeline the same unit) Made Aggressive Roaming infected not get despawned by the clearing logic
  • Made Aggressive Roaming infected not get despawned by the clearing logic
  • Made the 'Civvie Spawn Goal' (how many civilians appear in a zone when the other units are nearby) customizable per zone, and increased the numbers for Civvie spawns in some of the larger Infection Zones (like in Presidio+Angel Island)
  • Tweaked the Civilian Population numbers for some of the zones (tweaked it up for some of the Angel Island zones that had really low numbers, and tweaked it down for some of the Presidio zones that had really high numbers)
  • Added a slight delay to the Chelsey System's 'startup set location' logic, so if the Factions are active the Chelsey System can evaluate which territories are owned before it moves
  • Made the Chelsey System not try to relocate into Faction-owned territory (Previously it didn't care, but faction combat in a sparse zone can 'stifle' Chelsey's start pretty significantly, so added this change)
  • Fixed Chelsey (in the new Chelsey System) not properly initializing her stuck-fix logic
  • Expanded the 'critical' stuck fix to require 8 'stuck calls' in a row
  • Restored the 'minor stuck warp forward' logic, but made it less likely to occur
  • Improved her critical stuck fix to coincide with the Chelsey System's positioning (instead of a 'universal start' at the hospital)
  • Improved Infection Zone 'corruption' It now 'progresses' smoothly between its current infection level and the new 'ceiling' introduced by new infection pods (i.e. instead of jumping to 25 or so from a single pod, it'll rise to 25 over time). This also works in reverse for when pods are destroyed.
  • If a zone hits 100% infection level, it'll start a five minute timer to oust the current Zone Owner. This timer is displayed on the Zone's widget.

Cepheus Protocol Novelization is now available on Steam Store!
Fret Smasher - Knolan
Be sure to join the official community servers on Guilded and Discord where you can communicate with us developers and other fans eagerly waiting for Fret Smasher!

Over in the servers you can ask us questions about the development, suggest features we should add in, participate in community events, and so much more!

Guilded Invite:

Discord Invite:
May 29, 2021
Divided Reigns - [NAG]Oreo
We've received several negative reviews now saying the game is too hard. This update aims to address these complaints by giving more options and control to the player over the difficulty of the game. Below are the specifics, but to summarize...
  • Regular difficulty is now slightly easier (via slightly more HP, Defense, and Magic Defense)
  • New "Story Mode" difficulty for people who just enjoy the story and don't want to worry about battles
  • New "Very Hard" difficulty for people who want an even greater challenge than Hard offered (and a new accompanying Very Hard achievement)
  • Chickens in every town to permanently lower your difficulty if desired.
New Difficulty Selection Screen

On a new game, you'll notice a snazzy new difficulty selection screen. I tried to summarize each difficulty mode in as simple of terms as possible without getting into the specifics and overwhelming a new player.

Slightly Easier Regular and Easy Modes
We've received a few negative reviews saying the game is too hard. In an effort to address these concerns, all characters have slightly more defenses on Regular difficulty. HP, Defense, and Magic Defense were all raised slightly to make fainting characters a little less common.

Also, on Easy difficulty, all characters now regenerate 5% HP and 2% MP in and out of battle.

New Difficulties

Story Mode
Story Mode is designed to make the game less tedious and much easier for someone who wants to experience the story more than anything else. Story Mode takes the stats from Easy mode and makes these changes:
  1. Significantly more HP for all characters
  2. All characters have a passive 10% HP regeneration and 5% MP regeneration. The goal here is so players don't have to heal after every battle.
  3. Half as many random battles
  4. Double the experience earned for each battle to make up for there being half as many.
  5. Easy achievement is still earned upon beating the game.
Very Hard Mode
I (Andrew) like a challenging JRPG! Hard mode was originally designed to be very, very difficult. After release, many aspects of the game became more streamlined and a bit easier. Hard mode has become a little less hard (though it's still far from a walk in the park). To satisfy players like me who want a difficulty that really pushes the limits of your knowledge of the combat mechanics, Very Hard Mode won't disappoint.

Characters base stats were lowered from Regular difficulty to Hard difficulty. The base character stats are basically the same for Very Hard mode as they are for Hard mode HOWEVER the stat changes apply to equipment as well! This suggestion was made by unknown_zzz, so thanks to him for the idea!

Here is an example:

In the top two screenshots, you can see the difficulty is set to Hard mode. The equipment gives the full bonuses as expected. In the bottom two screenshots, the difficulty is set to Very Hard mode with the exact same equipment. The equipment bonuses are lessened to the same extent as the base stats. This solves one issue with Hard mode where the game gradually became easier the farther you got into the game because your equipment gets exponentially stronger and stronger. This is no longer the case for Very Hard mode.

There is a new achievement for Very Hard Mode! No one has the achievement as of posting this announcement. Could you be the first ever to achieve the Very Hard achievement?

Chickens/Lowering Difficulty

There's one last major change with this update: the addition of chickens in every major town across the game except Moloke. Speaking with a chicken lets you have the option of chickening out ;-) to an easier difficulty. You can do this throughout the game up until very near the end of the story. Hopefully this addition will help players who underestimated the difficulty of Divided Reigns and can continue to play the same saved game without having to start over.

As always, if you have a moment please write a review of Divided Reigns. It helps us tremendously!

Happy Adventuring!