Mannequin Character Generator - helloar14
Hello! Today Mannequin has been updated to 0.3.12 and we have brought a lot of big changes to the app. Let us go into more details!

New Features

Here are the highlights of the new features introduced in this update:

Reworked Hair Template Structure

Hair templates has been totally reworked, enabling much more control and customization. Previously, you can only select one hairstyle template, assign hair color, and that is it. Now hair templates are split into four parts: Primary Hairstyle, Bangs, Sideburns/Wisps, Facial Hair, and Additional Hair Parts/Accessories. Each part can be colored independently.

With Additional Hair Parts, we are now able to accommodate various popular styles that has been requested before, such as ‘Ahoge’ and Animal Ears.

Hair Accessories has been moved from Clothing Styles section to become a part of Hairstyles. This is due to the nature of various hair accessories that is dependent to a specific hairstyle. For example, ponytail bow requires, as expected, ponytail hairstyle to work. However, if you have a character with two hairstyles, say one with hair let down and one ponytail, then a Ponytail Bow in the Clothing Styles section becomes problematic, showing or not showing depending on the active Hairstyle. With the latest change, we can now bind each Hair Accessory to a specific Hairstyle, always ensuring that it works properly. This is also why hats are not considered hair accessories since they are less dependent to a specific hairstyle and are more universally compatible in nature.

Alongside this restructured template, we have also added a lot of new hairstyles into the mix. Here are some samples of what you can now create which is not available in the previous versions of Mannequin:

PNG Export Cropping

If you are using the PNG export format as your primary choice, then chances are you really do not want the hassle of using additional image editing applications at all. Therefore, we have added canvas cropping for PNG export, with option to automatically crop so that is no empty pixels on each side or set the cropping dimension of each side manually.

Compact UI

Multitasking is of course a common occurrence in the world of game development, so with this update we have tweaked Mannequin’s UI to support a more compact dimension. With the compact UI active, the sidebar becomes collapsible to allow more space for the canvas.

Other Tweaks & Performance Improvements

Some other aspects that have been added or improved in this version are:

  • XS and XL chest sizes are now available to use.
  • Legs for the female template has been adjusted for a more proportional length.
  • Iris and Lip Style can now be applied to all Expressions.
  • Very minor change in character such as iris style change should now render faster.
  • UI response for several controls (plus, minus buttons and color pickers) has been tweaked to update without waiting for the canvas to finish rendering.
  • Character Animator PSD export now can be aborted mid-progress.
  • Choosing ‘Clothing Only’ Export Mode with PNG format will now create a perfectly cut clothing image minus the body parts, ready to be stacked with a naked base via your preferred game engine (for example, layeredImage in Ren’Py). Check out ‘Invisible Bra’ in the ‘Tester Items’ DLC section to make a naked base that will not clip in the chest area when making female characters.


Below are some of the bugs that has been fixed in this version:

  • Iris style reverting to default when switching between expressions.
  • Refresh button in the library window not working under some circumstances.
  • Using Character Animator PSD Optimization causes Export Mode section not showing up, even when switching to PNG or SVG export.

What’s Next?

With the fundamental change in hairstyle template now already done, our next focus will be adding more content and optimizing how the app deals with more custom content:

  • Library window will be tweaked to better convey parts that are currently equipped, and we will add option to show content from the default library and installed DLCs all at once.
  • Better indexing for template changes in the filesystem.
  • Initial support for Steam Workshop, highly likely to be very rudimentary at this early stage.
  • We also have some more performance improvements already in the pipeline. This will also be accompanied with an option to switch between high quality preview (as shown right now) and a low quality one, which will improve editing speed.
  • In the content-side of things, we are planning for a Summer Collection DLC, which will add items such as bathing suits add summer dresses.

That is all for now! It has been a long journey for this update, but we believe in the end it was worth it considering the massively increased customization capabilities. We apologize for the extended delay that plagues this release and will do better for the next.

As always, stay safe, stay creative, and see you in the next update!
May 24, 2021
Valor & Victory - RobertaM
Valor & Victory, to be released on June 17th, is entering the last stage of beta testing, and we're now running a beta tournament. If you're in the beta and would like to help, you can sign up here.

The gameplay in Valor & Victory is as loyal as possible to the original boardgame, and each turn is divided into specific phases. This first video tutorial covers Command Phase and Fire Phase.

Command Phase: the game starts with the Command phase, during which you will be able to combine and split your squads and exchange weapons.
Fire Phase: simply select the units and then click on any enemy in line of sight to order your units to shoot. Then wait for the die roll to determine the combat outcome. The die will take into consideration your total Firepower and any potential hindrance modifier.

Check it out!

DarkDIRE: The Advanced Set - Counterparry Software
We are now rolling out the newest version of DarkDIRE. The windows and linux versions will be available immediately, the mac version will be released sometime within the next few weeks.

Update notes:

Fixed a bug causing randomly generated seashores to not build in the correct directions.
Better syncing of melee timers with server.
Fixed a bug: Updates to the world map causing lag on client.
Kingdoms with lots of NPCS (aka Swampstone) should spawn these NPCs faster.
Characters with fully trained jumping skill will complete a jump instantly as originally intended.
Characters will face the correct direction after jumping.
Desktop version have a button at startup to switch between full and windowed view.
Fixed a bug labeling all character on a admin account as admins.
Craft The Mapcrafter:Gathering Magic Words - kuro Game Studio



Cardful Planning - Walk Home Games
Hello Everyone

Here are the latest bug fixes and improvements made

- Various room tweaks and shuffling of rooms to improve room flow
- More tutorial text and better written tutorial text for various rooms
- Fixed issue with Card going over an Ace value causing it to change suit
- Fixed issue with lasers sometimes becoming out of sync after dying
- Fixed issue when dying with certain abilities disabled was causing the abilities to remain disabled
- Fixed issue with Heart Boss audio continuing to play shortly after death
- Fixed issue with two blocks that are not on tiles becoming immobile and unable to be moved together
- Increased build number

Walk Home Games
May 24, 2021
Half-Life: A Place in the West - Yorick
Hey folks!

We’re very pleased to announce that Chapter 7: The Dark Between the Stars has been released. It marks the halfway point in our story and features 38 pages of all-new artwork by Kristian Rossi, Ester Salguero, and DC Hopkins.

It’s an incredibly exciting chapter that sees the comic’s setting, New Franklin, descend into civil war as Long, Rajani, and Banks fight for control of its future.

Next up is Interlude 7.5: Castle Okno, which will be released for free later this year. It’s a flashback to Leyla’s time in Eastern Europe, and takes us to a Combine portal monitoring station somewhere in the wilderness…

But that’s not all we’re working on. We know the wait between chapters is long. It’s not ideal, but comics are incredibly expensive and are funded by our jobs. We can only make what we can afford. However, we want to introduce more content that expands the comic’s world and gives our readers something to enjoy in those months when we’re in production.

First up is a prequel novel written by Ross. It’s called Half-Life: Phase Transition and takes place a few years before the events of A Place in the West. The story follows a helicopter pilot called Ray who is shipped to Eastern Europe in the first weeks of the Combine occupation, where he meets a young Leyla Poirier and joins her on a journey into the heart of City 17. We’ll start releasing it for free, one chapter a week, towards the end of the year.

Secondly we’re putting a third soundtrack volume into production. It will once again come courtesy of the very talented Chris Jolley, whose work you can check out here. The third volume comes with a twist: it will feature a narrative component, exploring the life of a particular set of people in New Franklin.

We’re very excited about all of these projects and the comic’s future – it’s going to be an exciting and surprising year! As ever, please do share news of the comic, leave us a review, and check us on Twitter and Discord.

Mike and Ross

PS: In case you missed it, we have Achievements currently disabled. You can read more about this in our news post from yesterday. We hope to have this resolved soon!
Total War: WARHAMMER III - CA Grace
Ice and guns and bears, oh my!

The fearsome Kislev War Sleds crash into their foes and finish the job with firepower.

You see one of these coming, you’d best get out of the way 🐻
May 24, 2021
Infinitode 2 - Infinite Tower Defense - radcat
  • Added Vietnamese and Indonesian translations
  • Crafting queue size and case decryption research now give additional bonuses
  • (Steam) Fixed: desync check did not work with Java 16
  • Quest "Kill 400 enemies with Splash" replaced with "Kill 1000 enemies with bullets" on level 1.b1
  • Fixed incorrect amount of chests given for the quest on level 6.2
  • Random tile / barrier packs now open 5 times faster (25 packs at time) when you hold the "Unpack" button
  • Bit dust is now always uncovered in the list of loot (pause menu / flying items)
  • Depleted sources on custom maps are now marked with a black dot in the center
  • Daily loot quests became easier
  • Extended statistics are now always available on the daily quests
  • Your best replay will be automatically downloaded from the server when you start to play a level (for the in-game statistics pane / replay feature)
  • Resolved issues #0001492, #0001568, #0001592, #0001628, #0001632, #0001641, #0001657, #0001656, #0001481, #0001474, #0000547, #0000589, #0000670, #0001619
Love and Sex: Second Base - andrealphus_games

Hi guys,

Here is 21.5, the May release once again with a lot of new content!!!

I had so much planned for this release that we will have to split it between this month and the next, as a result this update is focused on Shiori and Audrey the next one will focus on Lavish and Aletta.

A special thanks to MidnightDatura, Lent1, Apoc, Spiritmaster, BlissFullDarkness, Domestos, and Firesparq who helped a lot with this one (again) :)

Full Changelog:
  • 431 new lines of voiced dialogue (Camila, Lexi, Audrey)
  • 17 new story events (Audrey, Shiori, Lavish, Aletta)
  • 15 chibi actions
  • 12 new CG/scenes (Audrey, Shiori, Lavish, Aletta)
  • 4 new backgrounds
  • 2 new teaser girls
  • New work outfits (Audrey, Shiori, Lavish, Aletta)
  • Choose your starting day
  • Reincarnation mode(NG+)
  • Bug fixes

The action chibis are cute little drawings to represent minor actions done by the MC.

The reincarnation mode (NG+) allows you to keep your stats, money and skills when you restart a game after a wedding. Hopefully this will cut a lot into the grindiness of the game ^^

Have fun :)

Swiss Knife - Nô'
[Patch Note 0.99d - [23/05/2021]

- Fixed an issue with Engineer Action tag Triggers.
- Upgraded Triple Stand behaviours.
- Added Random Idle Animation when waiting on Idle State for 20 secs.
- Fixed the resurrection trigger.

Scene Upgrades & Fixes
Brocelia Forest
- Upgraded Mayor Quest and fixed last bugs.
- Upgraded Brocelia Village textures and models.

Sahra Desert
- Changed the Wind challenge in the Sahra desert to feet better to the new gliding mod.
- Upgraded Sahra Sun Pyramid.

Mayor Tower
- Totally Reworked Mayor Tower.

Cherokee Canyon
- Upgraded Cherokee Mine.
- Added new puzzles in Cherokee Mine
- Upgraded lightings in Cherokee Mine
- Added Engineer Leader in the bottom of the mines.

Barkan Island
- Upgraded SK Mansion. Changed the way you can read books.

Batsu Amusement Park
- Upgraded Music Box
- Upgraded Cherokee Rollercoaster ruins.
- Upgraded Antrum Maze.
- Changed Glitsch Texture.