Mortal Online 2 - FarmerJoe
  • 'Reset Ingame UI' button added to Settings > UI. This will reset the position of all in-game UI elements.
  • Added cooking to starter skill list.
  • More loot added to loot tables.
  • More Red priests added to world.
  • More Guards added.
  • More wildlife spawners added.
  • Added more combat animations for animals.
  • Added support for lictor guards that only attack players and do not defend players vs ai unless the ai is tamed.
  • Attributes maximum value now display the weight class bonus.

  • Mounts and the mounted player now receive fall damage.
  • Buffed Guards.
  • Mounts player input and "brain" has been replaced with a brand new system. It does no longer rely on the navmesh to work. (solves the "invisible wall" issue)
  • Mounts will now try to avoid obstacles and water while being controlled by a player. This means that they will automatically steer or slow down depending on the obstacles ahead.
  • Mounts will now slow down or halt depending on how deep the water is. This means you can ride through shallow water but will slow down to a halt when close to submerged. No swimming yet.
  • You now correctly get knocked down from a mount if you carry too much.
  • Movement updates for players have been completely changed on the server and client to improve network and server load performance. This should greatly increase the number of players the server can hold and how fast the server can process the updates.
  • Paperdoll rendering is now paused by default. Changing its setting is now persistent and will remain until next time you start the game.
  • FPS counter has been replaced with a new one in the top right corner. The previous FPS counter was confusing to players as the time in milliseconds was mistaken for network ping. The FPS counter state is persistent and will remain until next time you start the game.
  • Added skill tree lockstate, which can be clicked to update the selected skill current state.
  • Updated various tooltips in the UI.
  • Some of the Tutors have been updated.
  • VOIP icon display state logic improved.
  • Various art fixes and polish in the world.
  • Polished animation sequences and deformations for some creatures.
  • Keybind text on actionbars are now displayed more clearly.
  • Refactored UI drag and drop system. This should get rid of the annoying 'grid-like' placement of UI elements and also fixed several bugs. See fixes for more details.

  • AI no longer gets stuck in the world, teleports or sinks into the ground when there is no navigation mesh present. ("invisible walls for mounts and pets" issue)
  • Mounts should no longer ride under the ground when overlapping terrains are present.
  • Knockdown should now correctly remove you from the mount.
  • Feed pet now updates pet stats(loyalty etc) much better without changing panels.
  • Mount frame UI location should now get saved.
  • VOIP and chat is now separated between Haven instances and Nave and should no longer 'leak' between these places.
  • Vendor prices should now be correct.
  • Better light transitions when entering dungeons.
  • Mounts can no longer move faster than the first 'throttle' when in mercy mode.
  • Better UI scaling when using aspect ratios other than 16:9.
  • Fixed some visible terrain seams in the world.
  • Removed hidden terrain mesh under Tindrem. (optimization)
  • Attributes who only had one skill contributing to levels was also showing strength.
  • Thursars were not able to gain standing due to incorrect race index.
  • Mounts should now collide with other characters.
  • Earthquake now properly calculates damage per target instead of propagating. This bug allowed the use of the pets damage modifier to amplify damage to all nearby targets, including players.
  • Dragging elements in the UI should no longer snap them to the wrong position on release.
  • Thursar clade gift 'Adamant' were not getting increased vulnerability to physical and decreased vulnerability to magical damage while buff was active (it just removed the passive buffs temporarily)
  • Actionbars should now save its state properly.
  • You can no longer toggle mouse mode in character creation and login screen.
  • The UI elements in settings now get reverted if you close the Settings window with 'Esc' without clicking save.
  • The inventory window no longer disappears when dropped onto an action bar.
  • UI windows should no longer end up outside the screen.
  • Size and height values, in the paperdoll, should now reflect character's actual height when updating cladegifts.
  • Possible crash fix for additional character physics crashing when character enters ragdoll state (crash can't be reproduced by the developers, we will have to see if we stop receiving these crashes).
  • Extraction should now take skills into account to adjust how much items you would receive from the extraction.

Known Issues:
  • Multiple crashes related to DirectX12 and drivers. Please update to the latest drivers if you experience this or switch to DirectX11. Start the game inside the Steam Library to select DirectX11 or DirectX12.
  • When you drag the actionbars all the way to the left side of the screen,
  • and then change aspect ratio they might end up off screen. Use the reset button in settings to restore it.
  • Clade gifts don't get saved properly on actionbars.
  • Pet Level lockstate is not implemented fully so it doesn't work atm.
  • Mounts can in rare occasions get stuck in corners/objects. If you can't move away from the stuck position, dismount and move away. The mount should unstuck when it tries to follow you if you use the follow pet command.
  • Chat position/scale doesn't reset when using Reset ingame UI.
  • Mounts will continue to run while falling through the air. AI will get a proper falling animation state soon.
  • AI can't swim yet. They will either avoid water or walk on the bottom of the lake/sea/river.
  • Player blocking animations are not visible at 10 meters / 30 feet away.
Apr 3, 2021
DemonCrawl - Therefore Games
Hi folks,

We just released a hotfix for the Easter patch - version number is unchanged. We will continue to update this post throughout the day as we deploy additional fixes.

Thank you!


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed "Sugar High" mission
  • Fixed an issue with Spy Doll
  • Fixed a crash related to Bunny Ears
  • Fixed a crash related to Wizard casting Magnet
  • Fixed a crash related to monsters on cursed cells
  • Fixed an issue with special event progress carrying over from previous special event
  • Speculative fix for a crash related to the Egghead boss
  • Fixed a possible issue with Egg paints being more rare than intended
  • Fixed a rare crash related to opening a chest on the Easter stage
Apr 3, 2021
Mr. Prepper: Prologue - Rejected Games
We wish you a peaceful and happy Easter! Remember to spend the holiday with your loved ones. Stay safe and healthy!

Truly yours
Rejected Games

Apr 3, 2021
Mr. Prepper - Rejected Games
We wish you a peaceful and happy Easter! Remember to spend the holiday with your loved ones. Stay safe and healthy!

Truly yours
Rejected Games

Wooden Ocean - leif.ian.anderson
v5.2.1 Expanded Ghost Town

New Features:
Expanded size of Ghost Town.
Ghost Town graphics increased from level 8 to level 10.
3 customizable buildings added to ghost town. (first one is at level 4)
Began introducing knowledge and charisma system. (this currently has no
effect on the game, but its hidden accumulation is halfway implemented)

Readjusted ghost town construction rate. (slower growth at first, but faster
growth overall)
+1 economy per town level.
Soldiers now cost 1 economy each.
Increased status chance for most enemy skills.

Fixed some talent points rewards not being rewarded.
Mighty Fight Federation - jspillane
Hey Mighty Fighters,

We've pushed a hotfix and quality-of-life update that addresses the following issues:

[Critical] Fixed memory leak causing occasional crashes on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch
[Critical] Fixed potential soft-lock when quickly navigating from Quick Play to Lobby
[Critical] Partial workaround for Windows 7 users unable to boot game. Game now boots and is playable, but Arcade Mode videos don't play. We're working on the fix for that.
[Bugfix] Killbot no longer goes invisible when canceling out of teleport.
[Bugfix] Originelle no longer has infinite hitbox when canceling out of Hype Attack.
[Bugfix] Earl no longer leaves ghost presents when re-spawning or canceling at various intervals.
[Bugfix] Arcade Free-For-Alls no longer favour ToeJam & Earl and Yooka-Laylee.
[Bugfix] Fix for players occasionally getting stuck in throws (Zen Handbag glitch).
[Bugfix] Fix for ToeJam & Earl Color 1 having incorrect win pose assets.
[Bugfix] Fix for Tutorial referring to Heckbane when it should refer to Strikefist.
[Bugfix] Fix for "slo-mo" glitch when a Hype Attack is activated during a kill-cam.
[Bugfix] Yooka-Laylee no longer stay invisible when finishing a match with Camoflage activated.
[Bugfix] Yooka-Laylee no longer has duplicate Color name on Fighter Select screen.
[Balance] ToeJam & Earl: Earl now has a limit of 3 presents at a time.
[Improvement] Added timeouts to Fighter and Stage Selects when playing online to prevent griefing.
[Improvement] Optimized loading of assets

Thanks for playing and for keeping the community thriving!
Apr 3, 2021
Road to Eden - Zouking™

Hello survivors!!

Alpha 5.57 is out!
In this update there is a new gardening station where you can craft more than 70 new gardening items
I have also added a new armored and deadly vehicle.

The new gardening plots have a few extra features; auto harvesting when crops are ready and you can see the water level without entering the plot.

Indoors plots can only be placed in greenhouses and don't lose water over time.

Patch note

  • Added vehicle "the Armored turtle"
  • Added gardening station
  • Added fences
  • Added fences gates
  • Added 3 gardening plots
  • Added 1 indoor gardening plot
  • Added 1 wooden shed
  • Added 10 planing pots
  • Added 1 garden path foundation
  • Added 1 grass foundation
  • Added 1 soil foundation
  • Added 13 decorative plants
  • Added 1 garden chest
  • Added 6 potted plants
  • Added 2 greenhouses
  • Added 4 border walls
  • Added 4 garden stairs


Perilous Warp - XaeroX
  • Russian text editing and proofreading (thanks @seliverstovid).
  • Minor design improvements on "Troubled Waters".
Apr 3, 2021
Sacrificial Lighthouse - sonatameda
Our game Sacrificial Lighthouse received 4 nominations in Indie Cup W’21!
Maquette - Graceful Decay
We have another update with some major changes, look for it soon!. We''re trying to remain spoiler-free here in this description.

NEW: Speed Boost

There is now an automatic speed boost in certain sections of the game. This should make certain areas much easier to explore. Most notably, the Wedge chapter.

NEW: Improved Crystals

The Crystals found in "The Gateways" can now be dropped in a lot more instances. This should reduce some pain points in this chapter.

FIX: "The Wedge" Soft-Locks and Waypointing

We've fixed a lot of places where you can get stuck with no way back to the center of the world. We also changed behaviors on some camera cut and levers to make it more obvious as to where to go next.

NEW: Chapter Select

A proper chapter select menu has been added. Playing the game normally will now unlock chapters as you get to them. If you have a save game from before we added this, it should automatically unlock ALL of the chapters (even if you haven't gotten to them yet.)

The Chapter Select cheat code is still available: (Controller) Hold D-pad left and tap the left bumper 5 times. (Keyboard) Hold cursor left and tap the left bracket ( [ ) five times.

FIX: Controller Movement Sensitivity

We've fixed the Controller Movement Sensitivity slider so it actually functions as intended. Adjusting it will now change the level of sensitivity on a controller when pushing the stick small amounts.

POSSIBLE FIX: Crashes On Chapter "The Exchange"

We're still testing this one, but we believe we've fixed the crash some people were experiencing in The Exchange when clicking on the owl.

Misc. Bug Fixes

Lots of smaller bug fixes here and there related to art, game play, and overall experience.

Thanks for playing!