Cosmo's Quickstop - IAN
Looks like the devs are really hitting their stride. Let's see what they are working on this time!

Erin - This week, I’ve been working on some more animations that you’ll only see when playing multiplayer! Below is a little preview of what I’m working on, which is a tiny cutscene before you start the second day of the tutorial. The idea is that when you beam into the station, your space cat sneaks in too. Morv-O will find the sneaky cat hiding behind him and shoo him away. We’re always looking for more places to use the cat, so this was a fun chance to get him into a scene.

Lauren - It's been all about meet and greet the aliens this week on TikTok! I'm adding more humour to the videos and freshening them up with some facts about the aliens that many people didn't know! And I've been writing up plans this week for more fun activities to do on our Discord and get everyone involved! The other part of the week has been reaching out to some streamers interested in playing our demo and scheduling streams for the upcoming weeks!

Ian - This week is the start of playing through the multiplayer campaign! Currently I am up to the second boss and have found 59 bugs so far, which is around where I expected the number to be. These things involve small issues like “Controller recharge tip window stuck on if player changes control scheme mid day” and more ambiguous things like “How broken is the beauty capstone?” Finding all these issues is always a little overwhelming because it is a reminder on how much work you need to do, but once you start fixing them it actually feels really great to see the list get smaller and smaller. Below is a small section of bugs that have already been fixed.

And that wraps up this week! Keep an eye out for future updates about what the devs are working on next.
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - [Fatshark] Trelly
An absent-minded man of mysteries, Franz Lohner relies on his bulging journal to keep track of occurrences, intrigues and arguments around Taal's Horn Keep. Sometimes his notes are even useful, believe it or not. The Franz Lohner Chronicles are extracts from that journal.

Franz Lohner's Chronicle - Why I'm a Worthless Mayfly
Hello diary. I hope you don’t mind me addressing you, an inanimate object, as if you’re some kind of sentient being worthy of conversation? I know it’s unseemly.

Alas, you are my only real friend … probably because you have no eyes with which to see how often I scratch myself in unseemly ways, or ears to hear that strange whistling noise I make with my teeth while I scour my tiny mayfly brain for what passes as a useful thought.

Believe me, you’re much better off for it. If only the others were so blessed.

I come to you with a confession. I have recently realised that I must be much, much, much nicer to Kerillian. Or rather, to Lady Kerillian the Beautiful and All-Wise - as I should really start calling her. She is patently as far above me as I am above the worms churning the soil.



She is patently many times farther above me than I am above the worms churning the soil. I cannot give you a precise number, no, as counting makes my head hurt and my tongue itch.

Alas, it’s a source of constant, guilty shame that I do not readily prostrate myself and clean Lady Kerillian’s boots with my tongue. Which she would of course not allow, because my tongue – like the rest of me – is filthier than her boots ever get. Yes, even after she’s been forced to walk through yet another sewer because I arrogantly assumed that doing so was a good use of her time.

I understand now that Lady Kerillian’s longevity is no excuse for such poor planning on my part. I should be endlessly grateful for every moment she sees fit to grant me - me! - and never again ask her to join Bardin’s misguided attempt at a sing-song.

Let me see. What else? What else do I talk about all the time? Oh, that’s right.


Pumpkins. Pumpkins. Pumpkins. Pumpkins. Pumpkins.

I love pumpkins. In fact, I sometimes wish I was one.

Pumpkins. Pumpkins. Pumpkins. Pumpkins. Pumpkins. Pumpkins. Pumpkins. Pumpkins. Pumpkins. Pumpkins.

Yours, Franz Lohner, in pumpkin love.

Dino Galaxy Tennis - Vixa Games - Slivka
The time has come!

Dino Galaxy Tennis is AVAILABLE NOW!

Join our official Discord for some awesome release-related FREE DINO STEAM KEYS GIVEAWAYS!

Just Cause 4 Reloaded - AndySquareEnix

Save up to 80% on Just Cause 4 on Steam!

The sale ends on March 25th 2021 10am PDT - so get in quick!
Fantasy Grounds Unity - The Simple DM

New Releases since Monday, 15th of March 2021
Candlekeep Mysteries
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
System: D&D fifth edition
Type: Adventure

D&D Classics: Marco Volo: Arrival (2E)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
System: D&D Classics - AD&D 1E/2E
Type: Adventure

D&D Classics: Marco Volo: Journey (2E)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
System: D&D Classics - AD&D 1E/2E
Type: Adventure

Pathfinder 2 RPG - Pathfinder Society Scenario #2-04: Path of Kings
Publisher: Paizo Inc.
System: Pathfinder 2.0
Type: Adventure

Pathfinder RPG - Campaign Setting: Druma, Profit and Prophecy
Publisher: Paizo Inc.
System: Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL
Type: Setting

Foreven Worlds: Creatures of Distant Worlds
Publisher: Jon Brazer Enterprises
System: Traveller 2E (Mongoose)
Type: Accessory

Jans Tokenpack 22 - Oozes and Fungus
Publisher: Indie Publishers
System: Generic Add-ons
Type: Token Pack

Fantasy Grounds Classic - The Simple DM

New Releases since Monday, 15th of March 2021
Candlekeep Mysteries
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
System: D&D fifth edition
Type: Adventure

D&D Classics: Marco Volo: Arrival (2E)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
System: D&D Classics - AD&D 1E/2E
Type: Adventure

D&D Classics: Marco Volo: Journey (2E)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
System: D&D Classics - AD&D 1E/2E
Type: Adventure

Pathfinder 2 RPG - Pathfinder Society Scenario #2-04: Path of Kings
Publisher: Paizo Inc.
System: Pathfinder 2.0
Type: Adventure

Pathfinder RPG - Campaign Setting: Druma, Profit and Prophecy
Publisher: Paizo Inc.
System: Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL
Type: Setting

Foreven Worlds: Creatures of Distant Worlds
Publisher: Jon Brazer Enterprises
System: Traveller 2E (Mongoose)
Type: Accessory

Jans Tokenpack 22 - Oozes and Fungus
Publisher: Indie Publishers
System: Generic Add-ons
Type: Token Pack

Seablip - jardar
Seablip in its current state is not a big game, but I hope you can have some fun! I have added a second island you can visit in the alpha, but there is no need to look hard for those secret islands yet..

The enemy can be quite difficult if you encounter a bigger ship. A good progression system is not really added yet, and I see most of the battle mechanics as a work in progress. Please feel free to give me feedback on what you like, and what you wish for in the future. Despite that sea battle can be hard, I believe you have a decent chance to win a fight or two if that is what you want.

(The icy environment is not represented in the alpha, but will play a big part in the end)

Feedback on the Alpha test

When you are done playing Seablip's alpha - I would be very happy if you can write a comment/feedback in:

Steam's Discussion Thread
Seablip's Discord Forum

This is what I look after with the test (Feel welcome to add more)
  • What do you want to see from Seablip in the future?
  • What do you like about the current version of Seablip?
  • Is it something that you don't like with the current version?
  • Did you encounter some serious bug while playing?
  • Get inspiration I can use for the rest of Seablip's development journey!

I will carefully read all comments and feedback then write down all the things I find meaningful.

Thank you for reading this, and have fun playing!

Best regards Jardar :)

(Important: Did you forget to request access? Then you have to wait for a confirmation before you can play.)
Super Squad - BadFox Studios
Join us in 2 hours to check out the brand new Ping System, and don't forget to hop into our discord to chat with us while you play.

Take a peek at our gameplay trailer to see what you're up against:

See you on the battlefield!
Deepest Chamber: Resurrection - vladw
Hey there friends!

We're happy to announce that this Sunday (March 21st), at 13:00 PT / 21:00 CET our friend and deckbuilding roguelike aficionado Northernlion will be doing a live playthrough of Deepest Chamber over on

This marks the first ever live public viewing of the game and we're very excited for you to finally catch a glipse of what we're currently working on.

Many thanks for following the game so early in it's lifespan. There's plenty more to come in the near future, so stay tuned!

Follow us on Twitter!
Join the DIscord Community!

- Deepest Chamber Team
Nebuchadnezzar - GTB79
Greetings, rulers of Mesopotamia!

Are you tired of constantly buying copper from other cities? Well, now you won’t have to!

Along with plenty of small improvements and features that will come with our upcoming major 1.1 updates, it will include a new structure where your city, given the map has copper deposits, can excavate copper - Copper Mines!

We’re currently working on some amazing features to include in the 1.1 updates so be sure to join us on Discord for more Nebuchadnezzar news. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to hear about such future updates too!
