Mar 4, 2021
Loop Hero - MattN
Loop Hero, a boundless old school adventure from enigmatic developer Four Quarters has begun its endless crusade on PC, inviting fearless heroes to shatter the endless cycle of despair that has befallen the world. In fervent anticipation of the coming release, check a look at the beguiling new launch trailer and prepare yourself for infinite adventure...

Unlock and wield an expanding deck of mystical cards to position enemies, buildings, and terrain along the path of each unique expedition to piece together your brave hero’s memories and restore balance to the world.

Recover and equip powerful loot for each class of hero for their battles and expand the survivors' camp to reinforce each adventure through the loop. Unlock new classes, new cards, and devious guardians on your quest to break the infinite unmaking of reality.

No hero’s expedition is ever the same as those that have gone before. Only the boldest and most resourceful can overcome the unholy guardians over a grand saga to save the world!

Discover more about the mysteries of the loop at and join us on Discord!
Mar 4, 2021
Iron Snout - SnoutUp
Hello snout smashers!

It's been a while and you're probably bored of kicking wolves around with the old piglet outfits, so I figured you could use a few more of those! All added to the main game and easily unlockable with in-game actions.

  • Cupid Pig - hit wolves 2500 times
  • Leprechaun - catch 100 items
  • Saiyan Hog - get 25 hit combo

Glad you're still having fun with this little fighting game, but for the past year I've been working on a pig-related card-based dungeon crawler which is currently in Early Access and discounted! Could use a few more players there...

Check it out and let me know what you think!


Mar 4, 2021
Trickery&Strategy - iceyan22
Mar 4, 2021
Warriors: Rise to Glory! Online Multiplayer Open Beta - Gavra Games
Greetings brave warriors!

Patch 0.34 is now LIVE!

In this patch, we fixed some desyncs that some of you reported, added a limit for money offering in Brutal matches, and of course bug fixes.

Patch 0.34 notes:
  • Added anti spam mechanism to game invites.
  • Better RTL languages support when writing names and chat.
  • Added a limit for money offering when a player is begging for his life in Brutal Match.
Bugs and Technical Issues
  • Fixed issue where the game would use too much % of the GPU.
  • Fixes issue where Rapid Shooter would cause the game to desync.
  • Fixed issue where Combo attack would cause the game to desync.
  • Fixed issue where two messages would show simultaneously when two A.I players enters into an alliance.
  • Fixed issue where a player would lose more money for alliance than what he actually offered.

Your feedback is vital to the development of the game, so you are more than welcome to reach out to us in the various community channels:

Official Discord server
Steam forums

Stay Vigilant!
Mar 4, 2021
Arcane Waters - burlin_gauna
- ??added battle logs to investigate enemies attacking each other

Receiver 2 - Moz

Introducing Receiver 2's biggest update yet: The Compound. Practice your aim in the fully fleshed out shooting range, test your firearm skills in the challenge dome, or maybe try exploring the compound to find some of its many secrets!

With this update, we hope to give Receiver players a place they can call home. A place free from the threat where they can explore, relax, and really start to understand their firearms. Can you find all the Easter Eggs?
Galaxy Guardian Royale - Bl0ckDave | Tady nikdo neni pičo
Hi gamers,

I'm so sorry but due unexpected technical issues and lack of time I have to change release date of game "Galaxy Guardian Royale"

Its sad but due to actual world eventsm, I've been forced to change my profesional career and it took a lot of time, to be honest Im not able to solve all technical issues in current project state. I'd love to reach maximal quality of game and lot of fun for all space enthusiasts. Release date has been set to 31st March 2021 09:00 CET.

Your Game Developer,
Dandy Ace - co_neowiz_global

Greetings Magicians,

This week we're going over the rest of the Yellow Magic Cards available in Dandy Ace. These skills tend to be more utility focused providing Ace with personal shields, barriers, and a wide variety of crowd control options. Although damage isn’t a primary focus for these skills, they can still pack a punch! If you would like to read about the role Magic Cards play and the Yellow Magic Cards covered previously you can check out Part 1 HERE as well as our Introduction to Magic Cards.

Decoy Ace
Two Aces are better than one! Decoy Ace is a tricky Yellow Magic Card that allows Ace to conjure a decoy that confuses enemies. Enemies will attack the decoy and once destroyed it will explode. All nearby enemies will take damage and gain the Fear condition for a short period of time. Feared enemies will stop attacking and run away from Ace. Decoy Ace adds Death Fear to any card it is used to upgrade. Death Fear applies on hit with the upgraded skill and will cause the enemy to spread Fear to nearby enemies on death.

Magician Overdrive
Magician Overdrive is a powerful invulnerability based Yellow Magic Card. On activation Ace will come to a stop, releasing a burst of magic around him dealing a small amount of damage to enemies and making himself Invulnerable for a short period of time. After the initial explosion Ace will gain the bonus of Overdrive doubling Ace's damage while also causing him to take double damage for a brief period. Upgrading a card with Magician Overdrive will add Overdrive to that card.

Scintillating Chains
Scintillating Chains are a ranged Yellow Magic Card. Ace throws out mystical chains that will teleport Ace to the projectile's location on skill reactivation. Upon teleporting Ace will cause an explosion dealing damage and applying Bind to all nearby enemies. Binded enemies are unable to move but can still attack. Upgrading a card with Scintillating Chains adds Death Bind. Enemies affected by Death Bind will spread Bind to all nearby enemies on death.

Guardian Fairies
Guardian Fairies are a shield oriented Yellow Magic Card. When activated Ace will summon three fairies to protect him. The Bullet Ward bonus makes the fairies destroy any enemy projectiles they come in contact with. Any enemies that collide with the fairies will take damage and also gain the Weakness condition. Weakness makes enemies to deal 30% less damage to Ace for a short period of time. Upgrading a card with Guardian Fairies will cause its attacks to apply Weakness to enemies on hit.

Event Horizon
Event Horizon is a ranged AOE Yellow Magic Card. When activated Ace will fire a projectile that spawns a wormhole. Any enemies caught within it take damage and gain the Slow condition for a short period of time. Slow causes enemy attack and movement speeds to be reduced by 50%.

Upgrading a card with Event Horizon adds Death Slow to the card. The upgraded skill applies Death Slow on hit and will cause affected enemies to spread Slow to nearby enemies on death.

Cosmic Vortex
Cosmic Vortex is an AOE based Yellow Magic Card. When used, Ace will conjure a big cosmic vortex around him. While it remains active Ace is unable to move. All enemies caught within the vortex will take damage for as long as they remain within it. Upgrading a card with Cosmic Vortex adds Mini Vortex to the skill. On activation a smaller Cosmic Vortex will spawn around Ace but without restricting his movement.

Vanish is a Yellow Magic Card that allows Ace to go invisible for a short period of time. When reactivated Ace will strike from the shadows dealing a significant amount of damage to the enemy he hits. Upgrading a card with Vanish will add Invisibility to the skill. On skill activation, Ace will become invisible for a short period of time. Using any skill will cause Ace to come out of invisibility.

Ace Hook
Ace Hook is a ranged Yellow Magic Card. When used Ace will fire a hook projectile, if it collides with an enemy it will Stun and Pull them towards Ace. When used to upgrade any other card, Ace Hook adds Death Stun to the upgraded skill. When an enemy affected by Death Stun dies, all nearby enemies are stunned briefly.

Consume Power
Consume Power is an AOE based Yellow Magic Card. When activated, Ace will release a powerful burst around him dealing damage to nearby enemies. The skill also has an added bonus called Consume Power. This makes the skill deal extra damage for every buff Ace has and removes from himself.

Upgrading a card with Consume Power adds Power from Within. When Ace has any buff active, the upgraded skill will deal more damage.

Binding Chains
Binding Chains is a ranged Yellow Magic Card. Ace will send out magical chains that will Bind and damage any enemies hit. Bind stops enemies from moving for a short period of time. The upgrade effect will vary depending on the color of the card it is combined with. Combining Binding Chains with a Yellow or Blue Magic Card adds Bind to the skill. Pink Magic Cards gain Delusional Freedom which causes Binded enemies to take more damage from the upgraded skill.

Check out the free Dandy Ace demo and try many of these cards out yourself available on the Steam Page prior to Dandy Ace’s Steam Launch on March 25th! The support we’ve been receiving from the community recently has been amazing to see and we can’t wait to get you all playing very soon. We have lots of exciting events and news coming up starting next week so be sure to follow us on all of our social media channels to stay informed and consider adding Dandy Ace to your Steam Wishlist if you haven’t already, it helps us a lot!

Follow Dandy Ace on all of our Social Media:
Mar 4, 2021
Rust - holmzy
This month we've added an underground transit system, slot machines, a new round of Twitch drops and more improvements and fixes.

Rail Network

You'll now find train entrances scattered across the world, typically you'll find entrances next to existing monuments. Upon the first inspection, they may not appear to be anything special but after venturing inside deep below the terrain, you'll now find a vast rail network with drivable workcarts.

When entering the train entrances you'll notice the huge spiral staircases penetrating deep into the terrain, central to the stairs you'll find a much quicker, but perhaps less safe elevator shaft.

Everything in Rust wants you dead, these tunnels are no exception. Upon reaching the bottom of the shafts you'll encounter some not so friendly tunnel dwellers. From this point forward you'll likely to encounter many more dwellers if you decide to continue exploring.

With risk comes reward, while the dwellers may be unwelcoming the loot they protect could well worth the risk.

After exploring the shafts and tunnels you'll finally be standing at the rail platform. On each platform, you'll encounter more dwellers but increasingly better loot.

At the end of each platform, you'll find a driveable workcart.

Consider this a first pass of a new dungeon system. Everything here is procedurally generated and we plan to add new track segments, bespoke entrances at each monument, puzzles, new NPCs, and eventually use this system to procedurally generate the cave network.


Each station of the Freight Transit Line will have two workcarts facing opposite directions. Running on Low Grade Fuel, these can be used to rapidly traverse the map. There are 6 throttle settings (3 forward and 3 reverse) and the vehicle will remain in operation even after you depart the cabin.

You may also encounter NPC barricades deep in the tunnel system. Be sure to slow down when approaching as hitting barricades or other work carts at high speeds will damage your workcart. Don't worry though, when a collision is imminent, a proximity alarm will sound and you can adjust the throttle accordingly. Barricades can be broken through without damage to your cart if approached at low speed.

If you encounter a track junction, you can use your left or right strafe key to choose which track to follow. Lastly, damage will slow the speed of a workcart and it can be repaired with a hammer for metal fragments.

Slot Machines

Test your luck with 3 new Slot Machines in the gambling room of Bandit Town. To operate the Slot Machine you need to mount it and then deposit Scrap to start betting.

Each bet is 10 Scrap and the payouts range anywhere from 3 to 6k Scrap. Be sure to grab your winnings and any unused betting Scrap before leaving. Good luck!

Server Browser

As I'm sure many people are aware, there are quite a few issues with the server browser. You will likely never be able to see every Rust server out there due to the how Steam implements this functionality, but it can be improved. I made a few internal changes to the server browser to improve discoverability of servers:
  • Empty servers are now hidden by default
Unless you're on the official, friends, history, or favorites tabs (they will always be shown here)
Note: This means you will need to enable showing empty servers sometimes
  • The "Show Empty" filter will now apply filtering within Steam
This means when "Show Empty" is off you should see no empty servers and see more of them
Toggling the "Show Empty" filter will force a refresh of the community and modded tabs

We also made the tags look less terrible. We're working towards a UI refresh for the server browser so the filtering will improve even more in the future. We're also always working on cleaning up the server list to remove servers that are spamming, advertising, or lying to try and get ahead.

Server Performance

Whilst looking through the server profiles recently, We noticed that certain entities were updating and sending data more than they needed to. Two of the biggest offenders were entities with buoyancy (boats) and horses. Now we try our best to not update them if there aren't any players around or they aren't in use.

Combining these fixes with some fixes that Jarryd made with entity flag networking, servers should handle more players a bit better both in terms of CPU and bandwidth usage.

Steam Family Share

Players abusing Steam family share to circumvent bans and other malicious behaviour is not uncommon, on February 17th we disable Steam family sharing for the foreseeable future.

We currently have no plans to re-enable Steam family share.

Improvments & Fixes Highlights

Healing 3rd Person Animations Bandage and syringe 3rd person animations when used on another player

Oilrig RF Frequency Fixed Oilrig RF constantly enabled

Smoother Horse Movement Smoother horse movement when traversing bumpy terrain

Mixing Table Box Due to popular demand you can now place a small box under the mixing table

Marketplace Flat Fee Marketplace now charges a flat fee for delivery instead of per quantity

Compound Monument Spawn The compound will no longer spawn in the arctic / snow biome

Puzzle Loot Reset All puzzle room loot is destroyed before respawning - no half looted boxs

Substation Radiation Radiation is now removed from all roadside subtations

Skin Picker Update Skin picker now places the last picked skin to the front of the queue after closing UI.

Twitch Drops

Starting from today till March 11th Twitch drops are enabled for Rust Twitch streamers. You can earn special and unique skins simply by watching your favourite Rust Twitch streamers.

We've teamed up with blooprint, Ricoy, Bnans, Willjum, deathwingua, Shroud, Swales, iRiskpvp, albin, r00t, Vice Versa Gaming and TwinkleCave to bring you special unique drops which can only be earned by watching their channels

Learn more at

Change List

  • Added Rail Network
  • Added Rail Monument
  • Added Workcart
  • Added Slot Machines to Bandit Town
  • Thompson viewmodel - Fixed finger clipping on admire anim
  • Bow viewmodel - Fixed thumb clipping through glove meshes
  • Bow 3p - fix for incorrect arrow material, updated arrow model
  • Medical syringe viewmodel - Fixed floating elements during anims
  • Fixed sometimes not being able to throw Mace
  • Fixed missing downloadable workshop meshes for Jackhammer
  • Fixed bandage and syringe 3rd person animations not playing when using these items on another player
  • Fixed item spend notifications not appearing (while repairing, building and upgrading)
  • Fixed Dropbox deployment difficulty on stone walls
  • Fixed heavy helmet overlay covering chat UI
  • Fixed RFBroadcaster stackable
  • Fixed wind generator volume prevent building and deploy volume mismatches causing confusing behaviour
  • Fixed fridge excessively large prevent building volume
  • Fixed XL neon signs blocking windows
  • Fixed heavily charged batteries displaying incorrect time remaining (used 12h format)
  • Fixed constant RF spam at oil rig
  • Jackhammer viewmodel - Added admire anim
  • Jackhammer 3p - Updated pose and anims
  • Sheet Metal Gloves Skinnable
  • Vending machines at different heights will now group together on the map
  • Marketplace now charges a flat fee for delivery instead of per quantity
  • Improved server and network performance for Boats
  • Removed radiation from road side substations
  • Holding RF Transmitter no longer flags the player as hostile
  • Allow small box placement under mixing table
  • Stricter large swimming pool volumes
  • Reduced Gong crafting cost
  • Smoother horse movement when traversing bumpy terrain
  • All puzzle room loot is destroyed before respawning - no half looted boxs
Bonsai Castles - Scissors
  • Fixed a bug that caused enemies to stop moving.