Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alice O'Connor)

A frame the classic meme video All Your Base Are Belong To Us, with the villain repeating that line.

Adobe today put another nail in the coffin of Flash, making it so the Flash Player can no longer play all these games and animations and things. The company announced officially ended support for the Flash Player on December 31st, after prophesising its death back in 2017, and today they straight stop it from working. However, you can still play and watch a lot of the Flash classics, thanks to the efforts of enthusiast archivists.


Dead Cells - (Imogen Beckhelling)

It’s not long now until Dead Cells takes a deadly descent into its next paid expansion. Motion Twin and Evil Empire just announced the hack ‘n’ slash roguelite’s Fatal Fall DLC will launch on January 26th, bringing with it new biomes, new enemies and new weapons with which to whack ’em.

One of those weapons is a lantern, which I thought maybe you’d just shine at enemies, but judging from the trailer below it seems you’ll be using that to clobber baddies to death too.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Ed Thorn)

The player, dressed in samurai garb, bows to a little green Kodama who wears a red miso bowl on their head as a hat.

Over the Christmas hols I dipped my kusarigama back into Nioh 2, an action RPG that blends the crushing difficulty of soulslikes with Diablo’s emphasis on loot hoovering. In hindsight, this was quite an intimidating game to play post figgy pudding, especially as it’s all about carving up twisted demons.

Boy did it make me feel alive, though. And with Nioh 2: Complete Edition arriving on Steam in February, I thought it would be good to remind everyone that while, yes, it is full of scary monsters, it is full of very nice and cute monsters, too.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Katharine Castle)

A photo of AMD's CES Dr Lisa Su during her CES 2021 keynote speech.

AMD have announced their superb Ryzen 5000 CPUs and RDNA 2 GPUs are coming to laptops. There will be over 150 different laptops with AMD’s new Ryzen 5000 HX series CPUs and RDNA 2 GPUs launching in 2021, and the first ones will be arriving in February. Here’s everything you need to know.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Imogen Beckhelling)

Riot Games are dropping a sneaky new character into Valorant later tonight. His name is Yoru, and not only can he go invisible, but he can fake the sound of teammates’ footsteps and teleport to get the drop on everyone. He sounds like a lot of fun to play, and a lot less fun to play against. He’s arriving with the tactical shooter’s second Episode, along with a new battle pass, and a host of balance tweaks for agents like Omen and Brimstone.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alice O'Connor)

Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones in Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom.

Elder Scrolls and Fallout publishers Bethesda Softworks today announced an Indiana Jones game, of all things. It’s being made by MachineGames, the studio who revived Wolfenstein starting with The New Order. They say the mystery game will have an original story, so don’t expect a direct adaptation of the Harrison Ford adventure films. Beyond that, it’s a mystery. And apparently not due out for a while. For now, come watch the teeny teaser trailer.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Imogen Beckhelling)

Today, Blizzard add a brand new deathmatch map to Overwatch. It’s a pleasant surprise considering I thought they’d be neck-deep in Overwatch 2 development by now. Turns out the surprise is even nicer however, because the new map comes with a cat café (!) as well as a challenge to unlock a new Hanzo skin, and it launches later today.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alice Bell)

The Jackass logo: a skull and crossed hospital crutches on a black background

I’m still in the state of mind that you get over the Christmas break, where you see a movie that’s playing on TV in the middle of the day, and think “Eh, sure, I’d watch all of Miss Congeniality right now”, as you eat the last of the stale cheese and crackers. Which is how I ended up watching Jackass: The Movie this weekend.

It’s almost more of a cultural artefact than it is a film. Arguably, when your child asks you “Papa/mama, what were the early 2000s like?” you could do worse than showing them Jackass, with no further explanation. And from this I became very interested in the history of Jackass, and discovered that there was a PS2 era video game called Jackass: The Game. (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (James Law)

The FFAR 1 gun with the header 'Call of Duty Warzone FFAR 1 Loadout'

The FFAR 1 is a super fast-firing assault rifle which can output a great deal of damage when in the right hands. Of course, like with any fast-firing rifle, you’ll need to get good at aiming this thing at long-ranged targets, but once you do, the FFAR 1 will completely ruin the enemy’s day. Without further ado then, here’s the best FFAR 1 loadout for Warzone.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Katharine Castle)

Asus' ROG Maximus XIII Extreme Glacial Z590 motherboard next to their non-Glacial Maximus XIII Extreme motherboard.

Asus and MSI have lifted the lid on their upcoming line-up of Z590 motherboards for Intel’s soon-to-be-released 11th Gen Rocket Lake CPUs. Launching on January 27th, these new motherboards will be primed and ready for Rocket Lake, and Asus have confirmed their boards will be backwards compatible with Intel’s existing 10th Gen Comet Lake CPUs as well..

