Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Ed Thorn)

Three Operators line up in the plane, ready to drop into Verdansk.

Fight your way to the final circle in Warzone right now and you’ll likely encounter something thought long-gone, something thought to be extinct. Yes, I’m sorry to announce that the infinite stim glitch has returned.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alice O'Connor)

The Lucasfilm Games logo, which say Lucasfilm Games in that ol' Lucasfilm font.

Disney have rebranded the Lucasfilm video games division, this time sending the Star Wars lords back to a name from 1986: Lucasfilm Games. That’s the brand under which they developed games including The Secret Of Monkey Island and Loom. This seemingly is only a rebranding, mind, and they’re not rebuilding the development studio. Because Disney run time on a loop, presumably they’ll rebrand to LucasArts in 2025, essentially close it down in 2048, then return to Lucasfilm Games in 2056.


Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - (Nate Crowley)

An ant, wearing a medieval hatte from Age Of Empires 2.

Probably the most common woe, for all but the most unnaturally gifted players of real-time strategy games, is the feeling of being overwhelmed. Particularly in games from the genre’s “golden age” in the late 90s, there’s a relentless need to focus on several things at once, and endlessly jump back and forth between combat and economy. Age Of Empires 2, beautiful beast though it is, is certainly no exception, even with the concessions to modernity introduced in its Definitive Edition last year.

However. What if I was to tell you there was a way to play the game, totally unmodded, in a way that eliminates this concern entirely? Well, as the bloke off of Pirates Of The Carribean once memorably said, “you’d best start believing in posts about weird, gestalt-consciousness Age Of Empires sessions; ye’re in one.”


Dawn of Man - (Nate Crowley)

A lovely iron age village, being assaulted by ruffians.

In strategy games that cover broad swathes of human history, it’s always a bit sad that the Stone Age is, at best, an early game sideshow – something to be breezed past in a couple of technological leaps on the way to better things. Not so with Dawn Of Man, which concentrates on the various something-lithic periods to the exclusion of everything else. In this game, pointy bits of iron, ploughs and cheese are end-game tech.


Lords Of The Fallen™ 2014 - (Lauren Morton)

Back in the year 2014, before Dark Souls 3, there were those of us out there looking to find some more Souls-style RPGs who hoped perhaps we’d find it in CI Games’ Lords Of The Fallen. No such luck, as it turned out to be quite an average attempt to emulate the formula. Now, CI Games are talking up their planned sequel Lords Of The Fallen 2 once again, revealing a logo and plans to make the series more popular among those Dark Souls fans they didn’t quite convince the first time around.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Katharine Castle)

11th Gen Intel Core H-35 mobile processors for ultraportable gaming balance enthusiast-level gaming and mobility.

Intel have just announced their first crop of 11th Gen H-series CPUs for gaming laptops. Comprising of three processors in total, this new trio of high-performance Tiger Lake CPUs will help usher in a new era of even thinner and lighter gaming laptops in 2021, with the first laptop designs coming in at just 16.6mm. Here’s everything you need to know.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Lauren Morton)

Hitman 3

is nearly here to bring you more adventures in deadly dressup with Ian Hitman himself. Ah but what will you be dressing up as while you seek out your targets and stash their friends in closets? You might be able to take some guesses as Io Interactive have now revealed the remainder of the locations you’ll be visiting when the stealth adventure sneaks out later this month.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Lauren Morton)

A mashup of classic shooter Wolfenstein 3D and silly arcade romp Super Monkey Ball is ridiculous. It shouldn’t work, any rational person would say. Return To Castle Monkey Ball is indeed ridiculous but somehow it does actually work. You can find out for yourself by rolling your way through this fan project for free right in your browser.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Lauren Morton)

High society MMO Ever, Jane managed to snag necessary crowdsource funds to get off the ground way back in 2013. The socialising and gossiping online game went through both closed and public beta in the years since, aiming for a full launch at last in autumn 2020. Alas it’s gone the other way. Ever, Jane shut down its servers right at the end of 2020, it turns out.


Red Dead Redemption 2 - (Lauren Morton)

Online game roleplay is a wonderful and curious exercise in creativity and adaptability, especially as the number of participants in an attempted scenario grows. Such was the case when the Wild West RP server for Red Dead Redemption 2 got together a group of players to act out the sale and transfer of cattle between two ranches. Herding cattle can’t be so hard, can it? Unless people are playing the unruly cattle, that is.

