Super Meat Boy Forever - (Alice O'Connor)

Dr Fetus makes a rude gesture in a Super Meat Boy Forever screenshot.

Several years later than planned, the sequel to 2010 smash hit Super Meat Boy has arrived. Super Meat Boy Forever is its name, and more murderously tough platforming is its game – though this time with an auto-running twist.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Lauren Morton)

Key art of the main character from Call Of The Sea.

Contract terms are one of those things that—no, wait, don’t go. I promise this is important. Negotiating a contract is tough no matter what industry you’re in, including publishing agreements for small game developers. The process of reaching an agreement is only made tougher by the lack of examples available. How do you know if you’re signing a potentially bad deal if you don’t have anything to compare it to? At least two indie game publishers so far have begun sharing the standard terms of their publishing contracts so that developers can see what they’ll be agreeing to ahead of time.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (RPS)

An image of Horace the endless bear wrapped around a Christmas tree, for the RPS advent calendar 2020.


To open this door, you’re going to need a little electronic fob clicker thing. You’ve not got one to hand, but you can make one easily enough, right? You proceed to do just that, and learn a valuable lesson about the dizzying hidden complexity of technological civilization along the way. By the time you stride out of the continent-spanning purgatory of machines that proved necessary to assemble the fob, it is February. Of 2026.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alice O'Connor)

Steam Winter Sale artwork showing the dates over a forest filled with colourful birds.

Now that Steam’s servers have recovered from the marauding horde of bargain-hunters who arrived when the Steam Winter Sale started last night, we can look at what’s actually worth buying. Normally at RPS we do a big batch of recommendations from the whole gang, but everyone else has already sacked off for the year so it’s just me and my factual opinions. Probably the best RPS recommendations ever, I’d imagine.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Kat Brewster)

Back in late March/early April, I got to know all the corners and bits and pieces of my house a little better. There’s a small bit of wood chunk missing from the threshold into the kitchen, and a crooked staple in the doorway to my office. The golden afternoon light in my bedroom is unparalleled, but the light in my office before 10:00 is perfect for getting work done – bright enough without too much glare. I even took some time to clean and bleach the grout on my kitchen floor.

I originally played the Bitsy game Vertigo around that same time: back at the beginning of quarantine. In April, those halcyon days where the idea of isolation was somewhat novel. Magma Subterraneo made Vertigo as a part of the Bitsy Isolation Jam, which sought to explore all the various feelings of isolation via the medium of Bitsy. In it, you explore bits of your (or the dev’s?) apartment. You reminisce on various objects until you, very literally, begin to float away.


Warframe - (Alice O'Connor)

Chinese media conglomerate Tencent have bought Leyou, a name which might not mean much to you but you’ll know some of their subsidiaries: Warframe developers Digital Extremes, and Dirty Bomb devs Splash Damage. Both those studios have issued statements saying hey, don’t sweat it, this will be fine.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alice O'Connor)

Junkrat with a present in Overwatch's Winter Wonderland event.

Not much to do over Crimble? Hey, maybe you might fancy bursting some faces with colourful violence in Overwatch. Blizzard’s multiplayer FPS is holding a two-week free trial over the hols, and is on sale right now if you like it enough to want it for keepsies. Or if you just want something new to play for a bit, that’s cool. The game is running its Christmas event right now too.


Cyberpunk 2077 - (Alice Bell)

Johnny Silverhand in a Cyberpunk 2077 screenshot.

Let me preface this by saying that I, like everyone else, have an enormous amount of respect and affection for Keanu Reeves. By all accounts he is just a very lovely man, and to different people he is Ted “Theodore” Logan, he is Neo the chosen one, latterly, he is dog-loving murdermachine John Wick. He has put in fabulous turns in some truly iconic productions.

It’s just that, with the best will in the world, his performance as Johnny Silverhand in Cyberpunk 2077 isn’t one of them, is it?


Ritual of the Moon - (Alice Bell)

A black and white image from Ritual Of The Moon showing several ritual items - a photograph, a plant in a bottle, some different stones and crystals - arrayed in a semi circle above the words 'THE UNIVERSE RUNS THROUGH MY BLOOD'

Ritual Of The Moon

is an unusual game. Similar to The Longing, it has a real time element to it, although with Ritual Of The Moon it is more specific. You see, the Ritual Of The Moon has to be played once a day, every day, for 28 days, in order to complete it. Oh ho ho, you can see where this is going.


Metro 2033 - (Alice O'Connor)

A dingy tunnel in a Metro 2033 Redux screenshot.

Well, the gifts start coming and they don’t stop coming. The latest free game on the Epic Games Store is Metro 2033 Redux, the revamped version of the spooky shooter set in post-apocalyptic Soviet subways. The game was already a good’un in 2010, then 2014’s Redux fancied up its looks and improved bits like the stealth so yeah, worth getting.

