ABC: Audioreactive Beat Circle - Fbdm
Managed to improve the feel of the controls by introducing acceleration and deceleration to the player character. They are very unnoticeable, but they still can be felt when trying to accurately control the player character.
Dec 7, 2020
Approaching Infinity - IBOL17
I just released the "Die Faster" update over the weekend, but it's time for another Beta Branch upgrade. This will hit the main branch this coming Friday, barring any major bumps.

I listen to what you're saying here on steam, and in the Approaching Infinity channel of the Roguelikes Discord. Much of this update relates directly to player feedback. Here's what's new now:

Empty Slot Listing
Now, when your ship can have an extra weapon or shield, or if you haven't fully equipped your away team, you'll get visual feedback about it. It says "Empty Slot", and tells you what should go there.

This should especially help new players understand their ships and load-outs, but will also be useful when bringing in new features, like the recent addition of grenades and swap-weapon slots.

Melee Attack Animation
Now when an entity melee-attacks, there's a very quick "move towards your target then back" animation. It helps to visually communicate what's going on. And don't worry, those are "killer bunnies", not the lovable, fluffy, pet-able kind.

Better Tool-Tip Information
Improving tool-tips is a constant work-in-progress. Now when using the look command, or tool-tip everything, you see the hit points and damage of monsters, as well as whether or not they resist any of the types of damage you can do with your current equipment. If not, it will clearly say "no resistances".

Melee Weapons Have Damage Types
From now on, all melee weapons you find, buy, or craft will use the game's damage types. Knives do piercing damage, swords cause slashing damage, hammers do crushing damage, and eviscerators cause hybrid damage, which is just about irresistible.

The system is designed to make sense wherever possible: slashing damage is great against plants and zombies, but is easily deflected by hard silicoid creatures. Smashing damage works well for bugs and rats, but bounces off of spongy blobs. Let me know if there's one I've overlooked.

Field Medic, Self-Sealing Suits, Medical Bay, Ship's Surgeon
These skills and devices were about the only way to heal your away team in the past. But now that you can rest to heal, they've changed.

Field medic/SSS now heals you more often, while medical bay/SS makes it harder for your crew to die in the first place. These skills will definitely undergo further changes, but they are intended to still be useful.

Fixed Grenade Tool-tips
There was an error in the grenade tool-tips that was listing a stat called "Recharge". That is fixed. Your grenades definitely do not "recharge". Once they're gone, you'll need to install new ones in the shuttle.

First Away Team Weapon Cool Down!
Launchers are great, right? Well, they're kind of *too* great. So now launchers have a cool-down. With their long range, high damage, and blast area, they're still very useful. But you'll also need a swap weapon. It's great fun at first, blasting your enemies with wild abandon, but after a while, it starts to feel too easy... Roguelike players need a challenge, right?!

Instant Weapon Swaps
It has been said that maybe weapon swapping should not count as a turn. Sometimes, by the time your swap is complete, the tactical situation has changed. Well, let's try it a different way, and see what happens!

Weapon swapping is now instantaneous. Enjoy it, and please let me know whether you think it's a good change.

That's it for now, see you Friday!

art of rally - funselektorlabs
The beta for the heritage update is live on the "beta-beta" beta branch.

  • added new cars: le gorde, la regina, the pebble v1, la hepta, the pebble v2, la super montaine,
  • la longana
  • livery mods can be added into the game files and shown in-game
  • added ghosts to time-attack and custom rally
  • leaderboards for the previous 5 online events can be viewed in the online events leaderboards now (main menu only)
  • added new screenshot button in photo mode
  • populate the polaroids in the main menu with images taken by the player using the new screenshot tool
  • added ability to rotate cars in car chooser menu
  • added option to toggle the game running in the background
  • added option for instanced and indirect rendering for vegetation in advanced graphics settings. (if you can’t see the vegetation and you’re on ost/linux, change it to instanced)
  • added an "extras" screen with funselektor links in the main menu
  • added new menu items in the main menu (heritage update and mods)

  • updated the input plugin
  • adjusted all car colliders so that they don't clip through the ground on hard impacts
  • car physics bodies are way less bouncy which should help on jump landings and reduce weird behaviour
  • added a ui popup in menus to display what song is currently playing
  • reduced build size by removing unused textures and increasing compression on textures and sfx

  • fix for bug where input would freeze on end of stage screen after returning from replay
  • fix for bug where countdown timer would not show if stage was reset during countdown
  • fix bug where controller vibration could continue during stage over screen
  • fix for potential crash when retiring from career after completing a stage
  • fix for potential crash when relating to the particle system during replays
  • fix for potential crash when replays are restart
  • fix for bug where the car physics remain frozen when restarting a stage during a waypoint reset
  • fix for potential crash when using autofocus in photomode
  • fix bug where screen fade would hitch if stage reset was called during a waypoint reset
  • fix bug where quick stage restart would happen instantly on button down in time attack
  • fix bug where the timer wheel ui would be hidden after using quick stage restart
  • fix bug where stage times had rounding issues.
  • fix bug where screenshake would happen after a stage restart or offroad reset
  • fix a bug where pausing as you hit the finish line would trigger an out of bounds reset
  • fix some explosive hay bales in hockweiler
  • fix bug where car momentum could carry over after a stage reset
  • fix bug where skidmarks were not cleared immediately on car recovery
  • car dirtyness in replays is saved per-frame, so when rewinding it still has the correct dirtyness. this fixed a bug where the car would get dirtier when rewinding.
  • fixed the car slowing down when going on the ice on the kvannkjosen stage for some playerst
  • fix bug where restart race ui didn't disappear immediately
  • fix bug where prop repositioning occasionally didn't happen on stage restart
  • fix bug where music stopped working until introduction sequence was watched again

To access the beta version:
Go to the "beta-beta" branch in the game settings for art of rally
Dec 7, 2020
Kaiju Fishing - niftynick
Weekly Dev Update #33
Week of November 30, 2020

This week at Mutant… we jump for joy - but for real this time.

Medium fishing has been a… thing. Lots of ups and downs, lots of little wrenches being thrown in the path. But our “gameplay wizard extraordinaire” Zach (I’m probably going to petition to make this his actual job title soon) has been doing real magic behind the scenes.

As we’ve shared a few times throughout this process, every little action and detail of medium fishing has a lot (a LOT) of moving pieces and different assets coming together. The rope, the water, the fish, the camera - it’s been a monumental task. But we are finally coming to a point where we’re pleased with the movements and gameplay so it’s time for the final tune up this week.

The jump works! Two weeks ago, we shared a clip of the jump not exactly performing the way we wanted. If you missed it, here it is again:

The fish would catch some air, sure, but they would break the movement or they’d fly too high - it wasn’t where we wanted just yet. In internal tests, he'd flat out break the game... it was progress, but not complete yet.

But now look at this lil fellow!

The jump is smoother and timed better, he keeps his momentum, he doesn’t break the game, he just keeps on swimmin’. Lovely.

Like I said earlier, we have a few more details to tune up and we have plenty of work to do with the presentation of it all, but we’re happy with this progress this week. And keep in mind, these are only the medium fish. There are still two sizes to go... so stay tuned!

For other elements, we’re transitioning back into some concept work for the environment, which I’m excited to show off next week as we head into the holidays. Which reminds me, I still have shopping to do...

Anyways, that’s all for now. Be sure to share the game with your friends to get the word out about KAIJU FISHING. As always, thanks for reading! Stay safe out there. <3

If you want to stay up to date with KAIJU FISHING, you can follow us on Twitter @MutantStudios and/or Wishlist the game here on Steam. You can also join our Discord, link is on the main Twitter page.

Deep Space Battle Simulator - yeswecamp_DEV
This update adds new laser impact effects for capital ships, you will now see if you hit a shield, or if you dealt damage to the hull. The droid patrolling system also got reworked, the droids now move around more naturally and don't get stuck in some corners or in hangars anymore.

There are also new keybinding options and improvements to the keybinding menu, as well as lots of minor improvements and bugfixes you can take a look at in the full changelog below.

Full changelog:

-ADDED: shield impact effect when shooting at a capital ship section that has its shields up
-ADDED: explosion impact effect when shooting at a capital ship section that has its shields down
-ADDED: keybinding options for smaller fighter left/right roll

-REWORKED: droid patrolling system, to prevent them from sometimes just standing in hangars doing nothing and instead cover the whole ship all the time

-IMPROVED: asteroid field collision detection
-IMPROVED: asteroid field GPU performance
-IMPROVED: keybinding menu layout

-FIXED: droids firing at friendly turrets
-FIXED: fighter sometimes instantly landing again when flying out of a hangar and hitting a hangar door
-FIXED: fixed players sometimes respawning in a box outside the map
-FIXED: B2 Attack droids sometimes spawning in the wrong ship
-FIXED: Pitch Up/Down keybindings not resetting correctly
-FIXED: no AI Tactical Droid spawning inside the frigates
-FIXED: potential issue that resulted in shuttles from the frigates spawning inside the capital ship interiors
-FIXED: capital ship flying through the planet
-FIXED: hangar doors hitbox being wrong
-FIXED: hangar doors shield not being visible from the outside
-FIXED: hangar doors not showing flames on the outside when falling below 50% health
Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin - omnisyncd
This update (Build ID: 5931687) applies the following bug fixes and balance adjustment:

Bug Fixes
-Fixed an issue where the same menu would carry over to the following day when starting dinner after the date changes at midnight
-Fixed an issue where status buffs would not be reflected by equipment-specific Enchantments (such as the Gold Iron's “Tailor Made” ability)
-Fixed an issue where the next level of Spirit Bough's power would be released automatically if the conditions were already fulfilled when the previous level was released
-Fixed an issue where, if players loaded save data at the moment an enemy dropped an item, that item would be acquired in the loaded save file
-Other minor bug fixes

Balance Adjustment
-If the Divine Raiment fails to connect with anything when used in midair, it is now possible to extend it a second time
Frostpoint VR: Proving Grounds - Antoverse
Frostpoint VR: Proving Grounds – Update 1.251419

• An issue which led to multiple matches being spun up with partial teams has been addressed. Less partial teams should now occur as the game will correctly direct more players into active sessions.

• Players can now switch teams throughout the entirety of a match.
• Fixed an issue that prevented some players from being able to access or use the redeploy option on the map back at base.
• Increased Reclaimer projectile speed.
• Increase Shredder ranges at which they can fire.
• Bot accuracy is now 100% when killing a down-but-not-out (DBNO) player.
• Timing for bots in DBNO state changed to ~1/2 second before dying.

• Resolved an issue that would keep different languages stuck in the UI even after that language had been deselected.
• Resetting language to default while the game is set to en-US (English/United States) will now correctly default to English instead of German.


Known Issues
• Error 400: We have implemented additional tracking for this error to help us alleviate this in a forthcoming update - if you encounter this in the meantime, we recommend waiting a couple of minutes and restarting the game before attempting to re-queue.

• Depending on your network stability, the game client may not match correctly when initially launched. If you encounter errors when attempting to matchmake, we recommend checking/refreshing your network connection, and also restarting the game.

• Improvements to passive scrap generation have been implemented. This is one we’re continuing to monitor; The intention here is to give the team with less points captured, a small passive income trickle. When a team has at least 2 of the capture points, the other team’s participants will earn 5 credits for every second in that state. When a team captures all 3 points, the alternate team members will each earn 10 credits per second.
Warframe - paul.facey

Deafen your foes and dazzle your allies with the newest Prime Vault release!

Banshee Prime and Mirage Prime return alongside their Prime Weapons and exclusive Customizations for a limited time.

A feast for the senses. Leave a lasting impression with these sensational Warframes and Accessories!

- 1200 Platinum
- Banshee Prime and Mirage Prime
- Euphona Prime
- Kogake Prime
- Akbolto Prime
- Helios Prime
- Deconstructor Prime
- Capella Prime Syandana
- Abbera Prime Syandana
- Atavist Prime Armor
- Ictus Prime Sentinel Accessories
- Banshee Prime and Mirage Prime Glyphs

- 400 Platinum
- Banshee Prime Warframe
- Euphona Prime
- Helios Prime
- Deconstructor Prime
- Capella Prime Syandana
- Ictus Prime Sentinel Accessories
- Banshee Prime Glyphs

- 400 Platinum
- Mirage Prime Warframe
- Kogake Prime
- Akbolto Prime
- Abbera Prime Syandana
- Atavist Prime Armor
- Mirage Prime Glyphs

- 200 Platinum
- Capella Prime Syandana
- Ictus Prime Sentinel Accessories

- 200 Platinum
- Abbera Prime Syandana
- Atavist Prime Armor

The Prime Vault opens December 15 at 2 p.m. ET on all platforms!
War of Gaia : Into the Fire - Bocoarmy
This is a short video to show off some of the new effects and environmental changes to the game. We also worked hard this year to update the framework behind the game. Now with more additional content to soon be announced and released. Enjoy the little teaser video!

Knight`s Pride - KadragonGames
Hello guys! Hello fans of Knight`s Pride!
I am releasing a new paid game.

Unlike Knight`s Pride Gladiators IDLE is more of an IDLE game.
That means most aspects of the game are automated and you will play it by being AFK.

Unlike Knights and Dungeons and Greed Knights, I will be charging this time a small amount only because I gotta make money somewhere.

If you wish to keep supporting me and my games go ahead!
