Greed Knights - KadragonGames
Hey guys I am releasing a new game Gladiators IDLE.
This is a paid game but that doesnt mean this is better then my previous games or that it has more content.

I just gotta make money somewhere.

So this game plays like Knights and Dungeons and Greed Knights.
So you should like it as well!.

If you want to support me go ahead!

People Playground - zooi

[1.13] - December 7 2020

- Landmine
- Chainsaw
- Detached laser cannon
- Detached 120mm cannon
- Signal flare
- Defibrillator
- De staf van Sinterklaas
- You can now right click a wire and delete it. Deleting wires was already possible but it was incredibly unintuitive. This is toggleable.
- Basic controls are shown on spawned displays when a map is first ever loaded
- Render scale settings

- A completely different mod compiler
- Incremental mod loading
- Unchanged mods won't recompile on startup
- General purpose bomb is now much more powerful
- A torch sets things on fire when touched
- Bandages slowly heal the limb
- Anti-aliasing settings
- Windowed mode resolution is remembered
- Aerial Faith Plate retexture

- Weightlessness not affecting certain child objects
- Lots of minor bugfixes
- Epic watersplash performance bug
- ModAPI.PixelSize is correct now
- Immobility field irregularities

- The "Force refresh mod list" button is now gone. The safest way to refresh the mod list is to restart the game
Knights and Dungeons - KadragonGames
Hey guys check my new game storepage!
Gladiators IDLE plays like Knights and Dungeons and Greed Knights.
The game is paid wich doesnt mean It is better.
or that it contains more content.

I am making a paid game because I gotta make money somewhere.

If you liked Knights and Dungeons and Greed Knights you will also probably going to enjoy
this game as well.

Thanks everyone!
Dec 7, 2020
Bhavacakra Maco - TC_Dean
Content & bug-fix update.

What has been added:

1. A side quest “This guy, again” added.

2. An update to Extra menu. Two added: Benja and Mieke.

3. A Cizna guild quest “Kraken!!” added. This is a mid-level boss quest. A pretty hard one.

4. A side quest “The charred helmet” added.

5. A side quest” Oathbreaker” added. A grim quest. You may not like how this quest unfolds.

6. Alderin bath scene with Mieke has been added. She will talk about her past as an idol.
It is supposed to trigger her personal quest but it’s not ready.

Below is a list of changes/fixes

1. [1.0.5A] There was a bug where you could talk to Shana at Alderin inn even without having to met her or even having her in your party. This accidentally could trigger a side quest.
This has been ironed out.
Also added a message if Maco is alone.

2. [1.0.5A] The passive cold damage from Water dungeon level 3 and below was literally bugging battles out. You will no longer take the passive damage during a battle.

3. [1.0.5A] When you leave Water dungeon via Glaciale, you still took passive cold damage. Corrected.
Also added a way to leave Water dungeon level 4. Duh.

4. Jordin inspection wasn’t properly working. Well, it was working but it wasn’t filtering out guys with colored hairs. This has been corrected. Only Baba was getting caught.

5. A bug where you could not enter Alca with Luca in has been corrected. It is true that you won’t be able to enter Alca with Luca if you go far enough in her personal quest but it was happening way too soon.

6. Edwing (Red Turban bandit boss) has been slightly nerfed. Too hard, some told me.

7. For some odd reasons, I had set Annamaria healing spells battle only. It now works on map as well.

8. A side quest “Slimy research” was bugged. Fixed.
Broken Lines - Darkfall
  • The game will now auto save every time a planning phase starts. In cases where this is blocked a message will show how long ago the game was last saved.
  • Mortar strike and LMG has been added to Izkor's shop.
  • Rifle rounds can now penetrate targets, allowing them to take down several enemies if they line up.
  • Shotguns now deal AOE damage, allowing them to take down several enemies if they clump up.
  • Submachineguns have had their firing rate and volley delays rebalanced, meaning that they should now have fewer 'awkward pauses' in firefights.
  • Panicking characters should now be more stationary and will not run into the open or towards enemy positions as often as before.
  • Soldiers can now be ordered to move while panicking, however, shooting and abilities are still locked.
  • Soldiers can now be ordered to go where another soldier is currently standing.
  • Enemies now have an 'active' vision range and a slightly shorter 'passive' vision range; allowing you to prepare after spotting an enemy before the enemy engages you.
  • There's now a small delay between ending an event and being able to start the execution turn. Now you can spam away that starting event all you want.
  • Target lines will now show their accuracy at the target instead of halfway between the shooter and the target. This should result in less cluttering of the accuracy percentages when fighting several enemies.
  • Projectile path predictions should no longer report false positives, ie. rockets and rifle grenades should no longer detonate on the cover right in front of a soldier, provided that a clear firing line was shown.
  • Weapon DPS stats will now include the reload time in their calculations, giving a more precise measurement of the actual DPS.
  • A flare now shows the area that it will reveal when selecting a target location.
  • Toggling the UI will now also remove all of the in-level UI elements for nicer screenshots.
  • Difficulty settings are now stored per save slot instead of being stored globally.
Grey Hack - Kurouzu

- Fixed regression bug when showing the message "unknown process" when opening the configuration of StudentsViewer, PoliceRecord and EmployeesViewer.

- Fixed bug in the purchase of hardware, causing sometimes the health values of items in use to be applied to the new ones, may lead to the purchase of damaged hardware.
Penkura - LionsArt

Hello, world! Penkura is now patched to version

This small update is focused mostly on reported bug fixes, related to moving the project to a newer version of the unreal engine.

But as always we wanted to add something extra, scanner (M.P.S) is updated with a slightly bigger screen, and it will provide more information on selected items. (more info on the patch notes).

Also, we have added visual and sound cues to the Bio-Meter the moment the player drops to 1% and below in oxygen and nutrient.

And as always, for more information regarding the latest technical support, patches, and updates please join our Discord Community.

LINK ---->

For more information about the patch please visit our Patch Notes Archive.

LINK ---->

In case of problems/bugs/glitches appearing in the project feel free to visit our bug report site and inform us about the issue.

LINK ---->

Till the next Dev-Com over and out.


//////////////// BUG|ERROR FIXES ////////////////

  • When connecting to RTS mode or Bot Control, wrong Anti Aliasing was used.

  • Minor typos fixed in CCC.

  • Neurocore in MedBay didn't react after the first conversation (which is correct) but It didn't show an empty dialog window.

  • Metos Wing was unscannable.

  • Argus bot (type Oculus) could be added to the bot ownership list twice if missions didn't load from saving before CCC creates its list.

  • Player was able to use items from the quick slot bar when interacting with computers or in the middle of a conversation with NPC.

  • When interacting with the Computer Screen or starting a dialog, the play holstered his weapon after focusing on animation rather than before.

  • Player didn't reequip his weapon/tool after using the computer screen or ending the conversation.

  • Character View had a chance to not reset properly after ending manual control of a bot.

  • MMC didn't refresh its construction list after changing its slot sequence, when "create all" is active.

  • MMC will now always create the first item on its list rather than check item ID and its position on the construction list.

  • After death Metos Drone and Metos Warrior bones starter to twitch because of the physics system not registering that animations are no longer active.

  • NPC bones collision reset to default disabling ragdoll physics.

  • Neurocore save slot didn't refresh its time imprint info if "Quick Save" was used while Neurocore save slots are visible on the screen.

  • Save Icon didn't appear after the second load when using the "Quick Save" function.

  • Activating Steam Overlay, broke some of the background calculation.

  • When selecting bot in CCC, the current status always defaults to idle. (rather than checking if the bot is on/off).

  • Oculus showed the wrong preview when selecting in CCC.

  • Bot could have zero power consumption if the player exits bot control while jumping with sprint activated and deactivating nightvision at the same time.


  • M.P.S screen increase by 15%.

  • UI of M.P.S increase by 15%, font size by 10%, icons lowered by 15%.

  • Added ID security system to all bots, buildings, etc. when adding to ownership lists.

  • Minor visual improvement to MMC UI.

  • Added location bound sound cue to Bio-Meter activated when the player is below 1% of oxygen or nutrient.

  • Added light and UI visual cue when the player is below 1 % of oxygen or nutrient, status is triggered once per status change to save performance.

  • Oxygen, Nutrient, and Energy calculation were moved from player direct calculation to globalize system, saving minor performance and fixing issues connected to activating third part overlays.

  • M.P.B max energy increases from 1000 to 1500.

  • Oculus Bot max energy increases from 800 to 1200.

  • CCC now informs the player of Bot power requirements/consumption when selected.

  • Added more information when scanning these items:
    /// Bio-Container Aequus
    /// Bio-Container Bilitor
    /// Biowaste
    /// Bio-Container Curatio
    /// Bio-Container Dissol
    /// Bio-Container Ercore
    /// Bio-Container Ferox
    /// Metos Wing
    /// Metos Jaw
    /// Metos Claw
    /// Gracheri
    /// Arachnorex
    /// Noble Metal Ore
    /// Metal Ore
    /// Heavy Metal Ore
    /// Refined Polan Crystal
    /// Polan Crystal
    /// Xavoc Crystal
    /// Refined Xavoc Crystal
    /// TRX Ammo Pack
    /// Subincar
    /// Odo Roll
    /// Nutrino Bar
    /// Nutrino Bar (Expired)
    /// Nutrino Box (Expired)
    /// Nutrino Box
    /// Camubron
    /// Golden Malok
    /// Bluefloir
    /// Dynka (Seedling)
    /// Dynka (Matured)
    /// Dynka (Overgrown)
Dec 7, 2020
Factory Town - Erik Asmussen
- When searching in the Build menu, items whose names start with the search text are sorted above those where the search text appears in the middle of the item’s name
- Majority of structures, not just Paths and Logistic blocks, can have their rotation updated by building the same structure type on top of it. (This excludes structures that can be stacked like scaffolds)
- Fixed bug: Build menu was not reliably highlighting the topmost item when searching
- Fixed bug: flattening terrain would not update slope data, resulting in incorrect chute behavior
- Fixed bug: Pipe connectors that were Inlets as well as Outlets were inadvertently restricting filters based on building's recipe output
- Fixed bug: using ALT key to activate a hotkey or the 'delete block' alternate action would prevent the ability to right-click delete until cursor action changed again
- Fixed bug: After placing a Logistic or Computational block, the cursor was not updating in a way that allowed it to be immediately deleted by right-click
ASTRONEER - staymighty

Project CHEER Delivery LTE

Project CHEER crates have returned to Sylva, Desolo, Calidor, and Glacio! Recover lost objects and send them back to EXO Dynamics via the Request Platform. Be on the lookout for a new CHEER object!
EXO has also made additions to the Small Printer; use scrap and other resources to produce CHEER objects for recovery!

EXO Dynamics will give rewards for participation, these include:
  • “Tinsel Town” Palette – Rewarded for reaching 1500 Recovery Points of objects returned.
  • “Festive Chapbow” Hat – Rewarded for reaching 3500 Recovery Points of objects returned.
  • “Baublehead” Visor – Rewarded for reaching 6500 Recovery points of objects returned.
  • Useful incremental rewards along the way.
  • Randomized recurring rewards from EXO at the end of the event.
  • High Quality Mode

Added new High Quality Mode for higher end hardware which will affect draw distance, shadow quality, object detail, lighting quality and terrain quality at the cost of performance
  • Full High Quality support on PC via various sliders in the settings menu
  • Added support for limited High Quality support on Xbox One with a more involved Series X/S option (that is accessible via backwards compatibility but has to be enabled in the settings menu)
  • Added support for limited High Quality support on PS4 with a more involved PS5 option (that is accessible via backwards compatibility but has to be enabled in the settings menu)
  • Added code fixes and FOV (field of view) slider that will help with ultra-widescreen setups on PC
  • Added various CPU and GPU optimizations that will speed up game rendering even if High Quality Mode is disabled
  • Fixed periodic frame hitching due to services calls by making them asynchronous

Improved Shuttle Controls
While orbiting a planet, you can adjust your speed to avoid long waits or missed opportunities. (Adjusting orbit speed doesn't consume fuel).

The doubled up 'Launch' action has been split into 'Launch into Orbit' and 'Launch to Another Planet', which will launch the shuttle directly into the 'Planet Orbit View' or 'Solar System View', respectively. (You can back out of launching to another planet by selecting the planet you're currently orbiting).

New Platforms
Make the most of your auto arms with these specially designed platforms.

Large Extended Platform
  • Byte cost: 500
  • Recipe: Resin x2
  • Printer: Medium
XL Extended Platform
  • Byte cost: 750
  • Recipe: Resin x3
  • Printer: Large
A number of backpack items can now also be printed from the Small Printer. This includes:
  • Packager
  • Small Canister
  • Extenders
  • Dynamite
  • Fireworks
  • Worklight
  • Floodlight

If you've got leftover biofuels from the B.O.O. event, you can now research them for Bytes

Store – New Items Available Now!

New Limited Time Bundle -  GINGERBREAD! Warm up with some sweet new gear!  Available in EXO Outfitters for a limited time. 
  • Candy Crown Hat
  • Sugar Coated Palette
  • Sweet Outlook Visor

New Suit

  • Frontier Suit
New Hats
  • Seasonal Helper Hat
  • Ant-10A Hat
New Masks
  • Snowdrifters Mask
  • Festive Fringe Mask
New Palettes
  • Candy Cane Palette
  • Glow Up Palette
New Visors
  • Minted Visor
The following bugs have been fixed as of version
  • [AS-13251] Fixed a bug where the power meter around the cable slot on several sensor platforms would not light up when powered 
  • [AS-7149] Fixed a bug where plants would sometimes change color when being harvested by the terrain tool
  • [AS-6859] Fixed a bug where research samples on Sylva were sometimes changing color while in view of the player
  • [AS-6144] Fixed a bug where research samples on Sylva sometimes didn’t match the color of the plant they were attached to
Limited Time Event
  • [AS-12873] Fixed a bug with the PUM-KN Shelter not being properly shared in multiplayer sessions after unlocking the item in a different save. 
  • [AS-12372] Fixed an issue where the control panel on the Exo Request Platform would incorrectly display the host’s event progress when a client progressed to the repeating stage of the event
  • Localization
  • [AS-12494] Fixed a bug where the warning given when switching between adventure and creative modes was not properly localized in languages other than English
  • [AS-12488] Fixed an issue where the final message at the end of the credits was not properly localized in languages other than English
  • [AS-13278] Fixed a bug where the Party time Palette was not localized in any language other than English
  • [AS-12340] Fixed an issue where item tooltips would still appear over the menu when Astropedia was open
  • [AS-12936] Fixed an issue with the description of the Large Resource Canister in the catalog containing inaccurate information about the item. 
  • [AS-12492] Fixed some confusing wording in the warning given when switching between adventure and creative modes 
  • Xbox One
  • [AS-12277] Fixed an instance where the game would sometimes hitch when grabbing an item from a slot that would be automatically filled by another item. 

That's all for now!

Insurgence - Chains of Renegade - Platonic Game Studio

Discount 50% For the Main Game
Discount 70% For the DLC