Insurgence - Second Assault - Platonic Game Studio

Discount 30% for Insurgence - Second Assault
Summerland - Conner
Surprise, surprise... version 1.0.7 didn't work! I do really apologize for that, no idea what happened there. 1.0.8 has the same fixes as 1.0.7 with some additional minor things. Hope this one goes over a bit more smoothly!

In other news, I'm looking into hiring a freelancer to improve game optimization. I'm realizing more and more that my skillset is not what it needs to be in order to get the game in a more performance optimal state. No one has been hired at the moment, but once the optimizations have been made, I'll consider it a victory worthy of a 1.1.0 update, so keep an eye out!

Let me know if there's anything else I can do to improv the Summerland experience for you! Take care!

- Conner Rush of FYRE Games
Grimtale Island - Michael schade
Warman - Oleg Dammer
I'm still working on improving the technical details. There are a lot of improvements to the multiplayer networking, loading times and UI performance.

While reworking the UI on a technical level, I also redid the layout for the workbench.

Neon Wings: Air Race - Fubenalvo
  • Completly new respawn system! You will spawn on your last valid location from now!
  • Steering assist improvements
  • The Tournaments are completely wiped and made some new ones. Now we have Easy, Normal, Hard tournaments and also different game modes in them.
  • From now you can select ship Tier level for the races. Also, the tournaments now have tier limitations.
  • The level "Mine" got a complete visual upgrade
  • Several changes to prevent the "return to the track" message randomly come out
  • Tutorial level visual changes
  • Minor changes in the homing missile scripts
  • The ship "Huntress" is much more controllable then it was before
  • Fixed a bug in knockout mode, so from now we can use it in tournaments too.
  • If you collide with mines, it won't slow down you that much as before
  • When a ship hits another ship it will cause minimal damage. From now you won't explode instantly.
  • Race track booster works in a bigger radius (if you stay near to the track line)
  • AI difficulty changes to make better races- Completly new respawn system! You will spawn on your last valid location from now!
Sky Haven Tycoon - Airport Simulator - mr.gmg
Version (EA Beta)

* Improvements
- updated description for temporary researches and rewards
- changed time wheel to represent actual day sections
- corrected nightime helper info
- changed unsheduled flights to signed flights title in the shedule window
- added/fixed spots for afterflightcheck service:B707, B727, B737, Caravelle, DC10, DC6, DC7, DC8, F27, Comet4, Viscount
- improved errors handling

* Bug fixes
- fixed a crash related to road constructing
- fixed crash saves
- fixed crash and stuck passengers related to not cleared trap's queue state
- fixed road auxiliary lines don't disappear
SteamVR - Programmer Joe
This build is a candidate for a full release. If you encounter issues, please report them in the forum so they can be fixed before this build goes out to everyone.

If you encounter issues with this update, please post in the SteamVR Bug Report forum. If possible, please include a system report to aid in tracking down your issue. Replies to this post are not tracked for bug reporting purposes. Please use the forum linked above to report issues.

  • Fixed issue with Quest 2 controller model that was causing crashes in some titles (including Skyrim).
Edge of Reality - phoenix.c
Fixed work of bilungua mode for Linux users, when choosing a primary language other than English
The Black Grimoire: Cursebreaker - Lukebox

Hello and welcome to a small dev diary post about the quest and dialogue design in The Black Grimoire: Cursebreaker. Our game is designed to be an open-world solo RPG adventure; as such it will contain a single main story quest line, which is accompanied with a multitude of smaller side quests and tasks. The side quests tend to have distinct steps or phases to them, which involve navigating through dialogue, while tasks are simple objectives the player may encounter while out in the world. For example, these tasks may require killing a monster that is nearby, escorting an NPC to safety, or perhaps destroying a barrier or performing another action that involves a skill check. If the player’s path is blocked by woods and shrubbery, passing through may require a certain level of skill in woodcutting for instance.

Quest dialogue with Marshal Harrington of Haywind

Investigating the disappearance of a local herbalist in Thornhill

The main quest in the Black Grimoire has you play through the story of Lord Rothar Aercrest, a former ruler to the Lordship of Imberthale (names of characters and places may or may not still change). As the game starts, Lord Rothar has in fact been dead for some time and his spirit dwells in the afterlife known as the Dream, where the dead dream of moments that took place during their lives. However, Rothar’s dream is soon to be rudely interrupted, as an evil wizard known only as Gabrius uses necromancy to raise him from the dead. Rothar becomes bound by magic to serve Gabrius as his blackguard. But while Rothar is forced to roam the world carrying out Gabrius’ petty will, he may yet run into an opportunity to break free from the wizard’s command. Ultimately, however, there is only one way to end Rothar’s curse of undeath – Gabrius must die. This may prove to be more difficult than expected due to a mysterious black grimoire the dark wizard carries with him.

Started and completed quests can be found in the quest list

The quest tracker tells you the essential information about your current task

Full quest details can be found in the Quest Journal

The main story quests involve plenty of dialogue, which we’re designing to have the shortest path to skip to the end, while also having optional branches that may offer additional information about the quest or lore in general. We’re also adding small in-game cinematics to certain points as the story progresses. Of course, sometimes the dialogue options can be consequential too; it may be possible to haggle on prices, conflicts may be resolved either peacefully or through violence, and so on.

Full NPC dialogue and player responses recorded in the chatbox

Although the story itself is linear in the sense that there aren’t many different ways it can play out, we are looking for smaller ways to weave meaningful player choices into the quests. One such example is a quest reward changing based on the choices the player made during the quest. If the player takes the “evil” option they might be rewarded with an aggressive weapon, while the “kind” choice may award the player an item with certain utility, etc. Additionally, some choices may lead to rewards while others do not. And perhaps poor choices are met with punishments, such as debuffs that require dispelling.

Exploring the Oldroot Forest

Naturally we are sharing screenshots of our work and can’t wait to share more of our progress in the future. We wish happy Christmas times to everyone and hope you stay away from viral infections!

Follow us to keep updated!

Dec 7, 2020
Shotgun Legend - tindelljk
  • Hearts on the hud now have shadows like everything else on it.
  • Changed the gamepad button sprites on the hud slightly.
  • Added an error message/sound if the second player tries to join without the doppelganger item.
Bug fixes:
  • Opening the inventory no longer cuts off error and warning sounds.