Dec 2, 2020
Sigma Draconis - Draconis
This is the monthly update for December.

The main feature of the December update is the new Checklist. It is meant to act both as a tutorial and as a reference guide. There are over 50 items to complete, taking you all the way from gathering the first resources to launching a rocket.

There are a few other changes and improvements as well, here's the full list:

- Added Checklist feature, as described above.
- Made some changes to the hydroponics and compost projects. In particular, a project is now required before hydroponics planters can be constructed. *
- Removed New Game and Load Game from the in-game options menu. **
- Wall UI has button to convert to door, and door UI has button to convert to wall (previously conversions were only possible using the construct tool).
- Can now lock doors open or closed.
- Added a light to the door (red if locked, green if unlocked, yellow while opening or closing).
- The default temperature range for the environment control is now 0 to 30°C. Unless the room has crops or an algae pool then you probably don't need to change this.
- Also changed the min and max temperature ranges. Min can be anything from -10 to +36°C, max can be 0 to 40°C.
- A colonist working at a lab won't prevent another colonist from using the same tile to access a dispenser.
- When attempting to place a water pump or mine, a production rate or resource count is shown even if location is not currently buildable.
- Added warning by mouse cursor when using deconstruct tool on plants which are fruiting or may do so in the future.
- Stacking areas default to target stack size instead of target silo level (figured this is probably the most intuitive option)
- Escape key now toggles the options menu if nothing is selected and no other UI is active.
- Made the remaining buttons on the in-game options panel very slightly bigger.
- Options menu can now be controlled with keyboard. Also buttons can be selected with mouse wheel.
- Removed the code that automatically hides the options panel after a few seconds.
- Renamed the engineering project Hydrogen Storage to Hydrogen Fuel.
- Tested some old saves and found that those from the very first Steam release - v0.1 - no-longer work. Couldn't easily fix so these are now marked as incompatible.

* - Hydroponics planters are now locked behind a project. I realised that new players are ignoring mush and building planters early on. In a way this does make intuitive sense, but it's actually not a good strategy - it takes too much metal and crops take a long time to grow. On day one, harvest as many bluefruit as you can, then make mush when these run out. Save your metal for a power plant. Don't bother planting crops until the morning of day two.
** - Why have I removed the new and load game buttons from the in-game menu? The code around creating and loading games is some of the oldest in the game and it needs some work. Having only one entry point - the main menu - will make this easier. If anyone asks then I might put these buttons back later, but to be honest I don't it's going to be worth it to save a couple of clicks on something you're unlikely to do very often.
Dec 2, 2020
Interstellar Space: Genesis - Adam Solo
This is a small update for some important bugs discovered in the previous version.

Saves are 100% compatible.

Thanks to all who bought the game and the Natural Law expansion so far. You are awesome!

Change list

  • The ships' abbreviations displayed in the 'Request Defense Fleet' desire tooltip now show the full ship class name (e.g. Frigate) instead of an abbreviation (e.g. FF). Note: Requires new desire to fire to reflect the changes.

  • Fixed a bug that was causing technologies to be all hidden even when the option 'Show Techs' was set with random techs. When going with random techs (option in the New Game screen), the player can go with either the 'Show Techs' or 'Hide Techs' options. The former shows the random techs in the tech tree while the latter option hides them ('Unrevealed' status).
  • Fixed a bug in the 'Influence Leader' spy action that required the player to influence a leader even when none was left in the rival empire to influence. This happened when the psy-ops agent was ready to influence a rival leader in the same turn the player raided and conquered one of their planets capturing the rival's only remaining leader to influence in the process.
  • Fixed a bug in the 'Ancient Ship' galactic event that was not allowing the player the pick the 'Nothing happens' option when the survey ship was sent to another system before the event choice was made.
  • Fixed an issue in the 'Heat status' tooltip which was not listing all the possible effects when heat reached critical level on a ship.
  • Fixed an issue in the colony research tooltip when listing the bonus from the 'Exceptional Fossils' planet special. It was showing double the amount of the bonus provided. The calculations were correct, but the value on the tooltip was wrong.
  • Fixed an issue in the weapons damage tooltip in the ship design screen. A space was missing between the damage value and where it read "From Weapon Base".
  • Fixed a bug in the space combat which could cause a freeze when the AI used the 'Illusion Materializer' special system. [Hotfix]
  • Fixed an issue where notifications for ship crew XP level ups could be presented for destroyed ships in battle if they happened to gain a new level in that battle. [Hotfix]

Puzzle Forge Dungeon - FluffyMinion
Thanks for helping us dig deeper into the labyrinth of Anvilar.

In this new update, we’ve added two major changes to the gameplay:

- Welcome your brand new blacksmith inventory: the panel is placed on the right side of the screen so that you can pick and drop any items directly from your inventory to the board. In consequence there is only one game "hand" now with 2 to 6 objects max.
- You can now choose the "depth" of difficulty for a game run. You'll need first to start a game that will determine this level of difficulty, monsters, loot etc... This feature is still in development.
You can find the details about the log changes on our Discord channel ==>

Thank you from the Tuesday Quest team!
Demetrios - The BIG Cynical Adventure - COWCAT

After 4 years of work, I'm finally ready to unveil my new adventure game - "BROK the InvestiGator!"
And I have a surprise for you...
A free prologue is available RIGHT NOW!

GRAB it, PLAY it, and POST a review on the Steam page! This helps a lot!
Oh and wishlist the full game, of course ^^
I hope you'll enjoy it!

NB : A Kickstarter for Brok is also coming up!

It should be launched in approximately one week. That should give you time to try the game :)

In addition, I have updated Demetrios (Windows version).
Nothing fancy but I've finally added the "Chapter select" which is in the console versions.

- Updated Steam Windows version to be on the same technical level as the one on a certain three-letter store. This means DirectX 11 support is now required. (Windows 7 or later)
- Disabled automatic "start fullscreen" which caused the game to go full screen then back to window if you choose to play in window mode
- Added "Brok" banner on the title screen to let players know about my new game. (I hope you won't mind, I'm making sure all the Demetrios fans get a chance to know about Brok!)
- Implemented the "chapter select" option from console versions (warning : not fully re-tested!)

Let me know if you have any questions!

GearStorm - Armored Survival - roguegodparticle
Loyal Community,
GearStorm release 1.620 is out! This release improves the readability of the cockpit displays in all the vehicles, fixes for the pickpocket ability and fixes for players locking themselves out of chests/doors.
Easier to read cockpit displays:


Locked chests/doors are fixed to prevent locking yourself out:

Full change log below:
  • Improve readability of Cockpit ammo readout
  • Pickpocket feature now works
  • Code to prevent players from locking themselves out of doors/chests, Updates to Vanguard quests with more Log information
Blightbound - RonimoNiel

New Features
- Naxx and Kruxx now have unique visuals to accompany their status as bosses in the game.

- Fixed a rare issue in the Tutorial, where the player would sometimes be teleported out of bounds when switching from Scarlet to Korrus.
- Reaching a checkpoint in the tutorial should no longer potentially softlock the game.
- It is no longer possible to skip checkpoints by teleporting with Korrus.

- Fixed an issue where Mages would occasionally slide during their auto-attack animation.
- Tek'ka's passive now functions correctly when aiming his primary attack with a controller; the game does not register the aiming as movement anymore.

- Mwaan's Half Moon now only grants 20% cooldown reduction instead of 50%, when used in combination with the Chakram ability. This item in combination with other high cooldown reduction items introduced unintended gameplay where cooldowns were reduced too much. This has also been updated in the item description to correctly include percentages.

- Byrinth now has the correct portrait in the Bestiary.
- Totems summoned by the Sinful Totemist no longer trigger a Bestiary notification.
- The stats panel now shows up when using 16:10 resolutions.
- Enemy type labels are now visible in the Bestiary.

- Fixed some rare cases where enemies would remain invincible in the side-rooms of the Underhold Depths.

- Host migration will no longer leave players in a state where the exit to a room leads them into the same room.
Dec 2, 2020
Ponpu - Kauka
Bombs on! We are beyond excited to finally be able to share Ponpu with you, and we're all looking forward to smashing some eggs together :)

The egg-tastic launch competition sponsored by G-Loot is also now officially live! More info can be found here:

Enjoy the game, and may the best duckling win!

If you enjoy Ponpu, please consider reviewing the game :)

Much love, Purple Tree and Zordix

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis - [PSO2_Moderator]
Don’t miss out on your last chance to grab some great value by purchasing one of these special packs before they’re going, going, GONE!

This is the last chance to grab several special packs, Arks! These offers will end on December 8th at 10:00 PM (PST). These special packs feature several items at a great value, including Ragol Memories, AC Scratch Tickets, EXP Earned +150% boosters, and of course fashion pieces!


Ragol Fashion Pack 2nd
Ends: 12/8 10:00 PM (PST). Price: 29,99 USD

*Ragol Memory can be exchanged for any item displayed at the Ragol Memory Exchange Shop in the game.
**ARKS Badge: Black can be exchanged for any item displayed at the Badge Exchange Shop in the game.
***The Ragol Fashion Pack 2nd will be available for multiple purchases.

SONIC Collaboration Pack
Ends: 12/8, 10:00 PM (PST). Price: 59,99 USD

*Limited to one purchase per account.
**To see images of these items, please visit this page.

Phantasy Star Online 2 -The Animation's Hero Edition-
Ends: 12/08 10:00 PM (PST). Price: 49,99 USD

*Limited to one purchase per account.
**To see images of these items, please visit this page.

Phantasy Star Online 2 -The Animation's Heroine Edition-
Ends: 12/08 10:00 PM (PST). Price: 49,99 USD

*Limited to one purchase per account.
**To see images of these items, please visit this page.

See you in the game, Arks!

- The PSO2 Team

Baldur's Gate 3 - Deliah
Hello everyone!

How are you? It’s been a little while. We’ve been very busy both reading feedback since launch, and implementing some pretty major tweaks & changes that represent your ideas. Today’s patch, which we’re calling ‘Inspiration, Freedom & Pacifism’ for reasons you’ll soon find out, is perhaps the first time you’ll see a lot of major changes to design and gameplay, inspired by your feedback and discussion.

Last week, we announced the fact that this patch would render prior save games incompatible once the update is applied, and you can read more on that here. There’s time both before and after the patch rolls out to set yourself up to continue your adventures on Patch 2, rather than today’s Patch 3.

For why all the hullabaloo you ask? Eagle-eyed readers may have spotted Swen’s chat with IGN where he openly reflected on a lot of the feedback from players since the release, October 6th. (Doesn’t it feel like such a long time ago?). That interview was conducted very much in the midst of the aforementioned design changes we’re going to talk about today. Fresh on the mind then, and fresh into the game today. Delicious!

What’s in Patch 3? Let’s get stuck in. Today we’re going to offer a Neat Factoid for every topic below. At the end there will be a quiz*, so make sure you don’t miss anything.

The road less travelled is now rewarding...
Our games have always been about rewarding creativity and exploration, but some people were disappointed with the lack of experience rewards for pacifism, and creative solutions that utilize the road less travelled. Patch 3 introduces rewards for avoiding combat situations, whether in dialogue or through exploration and environmental puzzle solving. Now, all you pacifists will be able to carve out a journey more true to your character’s identity. Or, it’ll just offer more options for specific circumstances.

Neat Factoid: 56% of players avoided combat with the Goblin Rooftop Ambush. Now those players will be properly rewarded without needing to kill the Goblins anyway.


Companions will now feel more… companionable
On the topic of behaviour, we’ve certainly noticed your companions were perhaps a little negative at times. We’ve taken steps to move away from frequent nitpicking, so that they’ll start focusing more on the bigger picture. Companions will now be more tolerant. Not nitpicking about every single little thing they don't like but rather focusing on the things they do like while still maintaining their personality and having strong beliefs about certain things. In short, they’ll feel a little more like companions.

Neat Factoid: For all 204k of players who let Astarion chow down, you won't have to deal with SH's approval dropping in what should be a private moment between the two of you.


Dialog skill checks will be less likely to ‘lock you out of content’
Dialogues with particularly harsh or dramatic skill checks have been rebalanced - instead of failing an entire situation based on one difficult roll, you'll have a higher chance of succeeding the roll. This is to stop dice from locking you out of content unless the situation really merits it. Ultimately, however, you’ll still have to flow with the will of the dice.

Neat Factoid: A little over half of all players who use Speak with Animals on the Owlbear still fail the overall encounter. These success numbers only vary by about 5% for those without Speak with Animals. We've tweaked the DC here to reward investing parts of your character in animal handling.


No more micromanaging party jumping
Micromanaging gymnastics probably wasn’t something you thought you’d be doing in the Forgotten Realms, so now when you jump across a gap, for example, your party will automatically jump across it to follow you. Hooray!

Neat Factoid: Just over 200k players jumped the crossing to speak to a wayward and injured tiefling near the busy rapids of the river. No doubt making that jump alone. Now your companions will join you automatically.

More adventuring, and less resting
You now get 2 short rests after your long rest. Previously, you only had a single short rest. That’s twice the rest, for the same price! This means you have more uninterrupted adventures, and all the perks of resting.

Neat Factoid: 2 is exactly double the value of 1.


Rebalanced cantrips & fewer surfaces
This was a wildly popular community request. Spells that cost finite resources to cast will now feel much more impactful, as cantrips are now less impactful than ‘true’ spells. This’ll make the management a lot more meaningful, and the ‘true’ spells a lot more rewarding to use. What’s more, we’ve made changes to surfaces, reducing them dramatically to avoid accidents as well as to address other feedback about how combat felt to the community. Fire Bolt, Ray of Frost and Acid Splash no longer create surfaces on impact. Fire Bolt still ignites flammable surfaces, and Ray of Frost still freezes water and blood puddles.

Neat Factoid: In the last week, players died 78,293 times by fire. Making up 28.6% of player death. Perhaps this will change as we expect surfaces to be a little less common now that cantrips are changing


UI improvements including spells & inspiration points
Inspiration points are now visible in the UI, so you can actually use them!

You’re now able to select upcasted versions of spells via a separate widget to declutter the hotbar UI, see today’s update video for how that looks. DnD allows a caster to cast the same spell at different ‘levels’, costing different resources and generally producing a stronger effect.

Previously, each level at which a spell could be cast had a separate icon. After a while, this led to tons of icons cluttering up the hotbar and players having to tediously rearrange it on level up. Now all the variations are neatly packed into a fly-out menu inside the single icon per spell.

Neat Factoid: 770k of you rescued the Fishermen Thralls in the crash site. Now, you'll clearly see that this also results in you gaining an inspiration point

Cross-save is finally here! And it’s finally activated!
Something we’re working very hard on in the background at Larian HQ(s) is our own infrastructure for different services that allow you more freedom in how you play (see, freedom, it’s in the title!) The launcher - which we do not yet have an official name for - is to you just a simple UI layer when you start the game, but behind this are a bunch of people at Larian working on things like today’s cross-save functionality.

It was partially functional between Steam and GoG but we didn’t really want to talk about it widely until we had it working across all platforms we’re currently released on. Now, your Larian account facilitates cross-save via the omnipresent ‘cloud’ the world is always talking about. The best thing is that we’re the ones running this cross-save service, so we’re totally in control of it. This means you’re able to share your saves across Steam, Stadia, Mac, and GoG. If you’re online, your save file will automatically upload to the cloud once it’s created, including all autosaves as you play. In an airport lounge on a laptop? Connect to Google Stadia and continue your adventure, for example. On your MacBook for work? Well… let’s briefly talk about that.


Baldur’s Gate 3 was heavily featured in Apple’s November 10 event. In this event, Apple announced a truly revolutionary new chip: the Apple M1. It’s early days for Baldur’s Gate 3 on the Apple M1 architecture, but native support for M1 is right around the corner. As of today, both Divinity: Original Sin 2 and Baldur’s Gate 3 run on the new range of Macs, but they currently run via Rosetta 2, which doesn’t really make use of the exciting features M1 enables.

Practically, what this means is that you can now play Baldur’s Gate 3 across the whole suite of Apple’s new hardware. Before, you would never have been able to play BG3 on a MacBook Air, and it would have struggled on a MacBook Pro, but even running via Rosetta 2 we’ve been toying around playing Baldur’s Gate 3 on the ‘high’ setting with very little noise, which we think is super cool because it means your experience - when combined with cross-save - is now a highly portable one, ready for when the world starts to behave itself.

If you're lucky enough to have one of Apple’s new Macs, give it a shot today and tell us what you think. Be aware that our friends at Elverils are working hard on M1 native support, which will really make the hardware shine (and the game with it), but this is just the first step in what looks to be a pretty interesting journey into the future of AAA games on ARM architecture.

That just about covers today’s major points of focus! Of course, Patch 3 comes with a whole host of bug fixes. Want them? Have them:

  • Improved character follower movement.
  • Added an option to hide your helmet in the equipment screen.
  • Added trajectory preview for force application when using spells.
  • All characters now correctly stop running when forced turn-based mode is activated.
  • Companions will now jump to follow the main player character.
  • Fixed and re-enabled Larian Cross Save between all platforms.
  • Assorted tweaks to companion approval ratings.
  • The Combat AI now accounts for falling from jumps.
  • Changed AI behaviour archetypes for the Boar, Intellect Devourer, and Tiny Spider.
  • Combat music no longer ends when a character joins combat.
  • Audio configuration now updates on selection of an option.
  • In multiplayer, other clients can now hear the dice roll events of a player in dialog.
  • Decluttered the hotbar UI by allowing selection of upcasted versions of spells with a separate widget.
  • Improved look of toggle-able Passives that can be added to the hotbar.
  • Improved some skill tooltips in Character Creation.
  • Added a tutorial for Inspiration points.
  • Cinematics: Adjusted emotions and lookats in certain areas.
  • Cinematics: Camera tweaks and lighting improvements in certain areas.
  • Cinematics: A large pass of improvements on emotions and attitudes.
  • Cinematics: Improved fade timings.
  • Cinematics: Improved blending between poses.
  • Any dialog associated with a mask will play before equipping it instead of after.
  • Jumping down a hole now teleports any following characters as well.
  • Overhauled the sheath/unsheath weapon logic for more consistent behaviour.
  • Experience is now awarded for avoiding combat and completing smaller side quests.
  • Added a new sound for rolling initiative in combat.

Balancing Changes
  • Fire Bolt, Ray of Frost and Acid Splash no longer create surfaces on impact. Fire Bolt still ignites flammable surfaces, and Ray of Frost still freezes water and blood puddles. Fire Bolt's damage has been adjusted accordingly
  • Tweaked default ability distribution for Clerics and Rogues. Clerics start with more DEX to take advantage of medium armor; Rogues start with more INT to open them up for Arcane Trickster archetype.
  • It is no longer possible to perform infinite actions by moving in and out of a White Spore Cloud in a single turn; the status from a White Spore Cloud should now persist until the end of a character's turn.
  • Toned down camera shakes for spell prepare effects.
  • The Shatter spell now works properly with Sculpt Spells.
  • Melee Sneak Attack now requires a finesse weapon.
  • Invoke Duplicity now only works properly if the attacker is within 3m of the summon.
  • Surprised statuses can no longer stack.
  • Increased price of drow armor to 800 gp.
  • Allowed effects of multiple Hex spells to stack on the same character.
  • You can now use Dash while staying hidden (sneaking).
  • The party can now take 2 short rests per long rest.
  • The default action on a container's tooltips is now 'Open' instead of 'Pick up'.
  • Rebalanced difficulty of dialog skill checks.
  • Changed the melee skeleton's ability from Cleave to Slash to make it consistent with his weapon.
  • Fixed NPCs not reacting to Hunter's Mark as a hostile action.
  • Tweaked the AI archetypes of Goblins.

Performance and Stability
  • Fixed not being able to load some saved games.
  • Reduced long save times - better thread planning for 4-core CPUs.
  • Improved stability of the Vulkan version.
  • Fixed a random crash when removing a character that has followers.
  • Fixed a random crash when switching weapon set while dual wielding.
  • Fixed a crash when deleting a lot of saved games
  • Fixed a crash when lock-picking a heavy chest.
  • Fixed a random crash on passive roll fail.
  • Fixed a crash that can occur when items fall on top of each other.
  • Fixed a crash while loading, related to being in a jump state
  • Fixed a crash when looting several imp bodies in a sideroom in the tutorial.

  • Resolved a multitude of cinematic staging issues.
  • Fixed incorrect flow in some dialogues.
  • Characters can now walk to positions even if blocked by an invisible object.
  • Automatic pathfinding has been fixed for a few specific items.
  • A weapon that can't be dual wielded will now automatically be equipped by double-clicking on it.
  • All Passives should now display on the Character Sheet.
  • In combat, the chance-to-hit preview should now be correct — even if your character still needs to move.
  • AI melee archetypes now properly calculate damage done to allies and neutral characters. This should reduce unnecessary friendly fire when characters use any area-of-effect attacks or abilities.
  • Incantation sounds have been restored to some spells.
  • Summoned guards will now patrol an area before leaving it.
  • Some dialogs got stuck after being prompted with a Persuasion check roll - these have been fixed.
  • You can no longer switch weapon sets when casting a spell or moving to cast a spell.
  • After loading a saved game, quest markers should now correctly disappear when objectives change.
  • Added input delay to prevent spamming through roll states.
  • Fixed a desync issue where client characters would move back to their previous positions after a jump.
  • Journal notifications should no longer get stuck on the screen.
  • Fixed a bug where visuals wouldn't show up in the Examine window.
  • Fixed a bug where the player profile would not be created correctly when using specific characters in the profile name.
  • Profile switching now carries over any changes made to sound settings.
  • Fixed animation issues when applying statuses to NPCs in forced turn-based mode.
  • Doors that have been opened now look like they're open.
  • Scroll of Invisibility now costs the same as scrolls of other 2nd-level spells.
  • Armor of Agathys now correctly deals 10 cold damage when using a 2nd-level spell slot.
  • The Life Domain Cleric's version of Cure wounds now heals for 2d8 HP when using a 2nd-level spell slot.
  • Great Weapon Fighting no longer triggers on ranged weapon attacks.
  • When wielded two-handed, the quarterstaff now does 1d8 base damage instead of 1d6.
  • Dissonant Whispers now shows the correct damage values at 2nd-level.
  • The Mother's Loathing potion now lasts until rest (as stated in the tooltip).
  • Some broken healing potions no longer display as Superior versions.
  • When loading a game saved during turn-based mode (on an NPC's turn), characters now have all of their equipment properly equipped.
  • Characters will now take fall damage when hit by an Eldritch Blast with the Repelling Blast passive feature.
  • Faithbreaker's weapon action (Absolute Power) now correctly triggers a pushback.
  • No more UI overlap when 4 players recruit Lae'zel and Us in the tutorial.
  • Removed trade & attack buttons from Lae'zel's recruitment.
  • When recruiting Lae'zel, you can no longer gain double XP.
  • Harpies should now be able to reach more spots in combat.
  • Journal entry is now correct when players leave without fighting the harpies.
  • In the Thayan Cellar, skeletons now destroy their caskets when spawning.
  • Music should now play and transition more cleanly in the goblin camp.
  • Minthara no longer vanishes after asking certain questions.
  • The moon puzzle no longer flips the moons after rotating adjacent disks in succession.
  • The stats of the companion bear no longer have ten times the intended weight.
  • The dialogue with Ethel and Mayrina's brothers no longer ends early if you side with no one.
  • Fixed a bug preventing you from picking up the letter to Kagha.
  • Removed an incorrect music trigger in the swamp.
  • Lae'zel no longer refuses to speak after the encounter with the Githyanki at the bridge.
  • When entering the aura of a Sussur Bloom, spells are now correctly disabled in the hotbar.
  • More general quest fixes and flag check improvements to make the story experience smoother.
  • Flags fixed in Kagha's denouncement scene to prevent nearly-identical nodes from repeating.
  • Fixed a custom crime flag when clicking the goblins' beer tub to make sure the right dialogue appears.
  • Fixed quest-giving and journal flags in the Zhent's shipment situation.
  • Ensured Arabella dies when she's meant to.
  • Flow-blocker fixed in Anders' dialogue - it now correctly checks the right flags.
  • The Thayan undead now has idle behavior.
  • Flags added to add reactivity to Shadowheart's part of the Arabella court scene.
  • Edits to Lae'zel's recruitment flags in the plains to better account for the flow leading up to it.

*there won’t be a quiz.
Flying Circus - poliko; entertainment
Lighting system has been entirely updated. Every mission has now a new lighting. Light in cellar was added so it isn’t dark in there anymore. Visibility in night missions is also a lot better now. Most of the artifacts (light leaking on diagonal walls and on the roof and black or bright spots on the walls) have been removed. Levels have been updated to a completely new technical architecture. Levels are now even more optimized so the game should work more smoothly. All levels have been checked in terms of props colliding with each other. Reflections in windows were also improved. Few new props were added. Textures of some of the props were improved. Some of the existing props were modified. First ten levels were verified in terms of story. Overall playability was improved. Shaders were improved. Physics system was optimized.

Change log:
  • updated lighting and reflections system
  • removed most of the light artifacts
  • updated level technical architecture
  • optimized levels
  • updated textures of some of the props
  • modified some of the existing props
  • added few new props
  • improved overall playability
  • improved shaders
  • optimized physics system
  • fixed various bugs

Due to the change of level architecture some of the levels (except first ten) may be a bit buggy. We are currently working on final verification of levels.

We also recommend clearing your local game data for Flying Circus in Steam.

Furthermore we have to inform that due to the current global situation we may not be able to upload future updates in time. Nevertheless we still plan to run the two week update schedule.