Depths of Sanity - nmasercola
No one likes talking about a game’s HUD.

Most of the time, players don’t even notice it unless it’s actively getting in the way of their gameplay experience. And yet, a tremendous amount of time and man-hours go into making them. Creating a HUD that manages to convey the tone and style of a game alongside all of the information a player needs, WITHOUT getting in the way of their experience takes a whole lot of time, patience, and creativity.

So let’s talk about it.

Depths of Sanity - our underwater, metroidvania nightmare - just entered Early Access after 3.5 years of development, and it took a whole lot of refinement to get there. One of the hardest components for our artist was the HUD, which went through many redesigns over the course of development.

Our game takes place entirely underwater, with the player character Abe piloting a submarine for the majority of the game (except for sequences that take place in a diver suit).

Bennett, our artist, wanted to use that unique concept to drive the look and feel of our HUD and all of its elements, while still conveying information to the player quickly and simply.

Here is how he approached it:

Year One - Pre Alpha
The first HUD I made was designed to look like an old green monochrome monitor, as if you were reading the information off of the sub's screen. The concept was to make it seem like a “cockpit” view of the submarine’s vitals, and it was something that we tried to maintain across versions as it evolved.

One of our earliest story concepts had the ship’s computer as a villain, so we kicked around the idea of messing with the player's HUD as part of it. This lo-fi, almost DOS-like version allowed us to mess with the player in a lot of ways, allowing the computer to send you messages in the text of the HUD and override any of the information you were seeing.

However, we ultimately moved away from that story concept, and by extension, this HUD, which was visually dull and stylistically harder-to-read than it should’ve been (particularly the map in the upper right). So I tried again, using a classic as inspiration.

Year Two - Pre Beta
The second major revision lifted heavily from Super Metroid as a guidepost. The current version still largely follows that format, which helped me to focus and clean up how we showed important information to the player.

One of the things I wanted to do was have a full HUD from the start, but with many of the indicators not working - i.e. the empty cartridge slots, closed switches, etc. I thought it would be a cool way to build anticipation for what kinds of weapons and abilities would fill it out over the course of the game.

This build of Depths also had an additional HUD at the bottom of the screen that indicated which primary weapon was currently equipped. Some of them even had special animations that would play when the weapon was being used.

While I definitely liked this HUD from a pure artistic perspective, we wound up moving away from it. The lower portion took up too much screen space and was quite busy, limiting the player’s field of view without providing need-to-know information. Also, it was kind of redundant with the weapon wheel.

Speaking of which...

The Weapon Wheel
The weapon wheel went through multiple visual iterations during the first version of the HUD. The original concept was a drop down menu system, like you were finding and running a DOS program on a computer. Admittedly, I liked it a lot stylistically, but it was way too cumbersome to actually use.

Sanity prevailed and we eventually swapped to a wheel format, but we were still using words to select the weapons, which was both unattractive and didn’t make sense with how the look of the ship was evolving.

Early versions of Abe’s ship had a gun on the side, and the gun would change based on the weapon selected. In this version, we used green silhouettes of those weapons instead of words for V3 of the weapon wheel ( you can see how this looked in the very first screenshot at the top of this page).

However, the look of the ship changed dramatically over development, eventually causing us to remove the visible weapon changes for a variety of reasons. The final change came our Early Access HUD.

HUD and Weapon Wheel Year 3 - Current Early Access Version:
This year, we wound up simplifying the HUD and the weapon wheel significantly. The wheel was paired down to simple icons to help you determine which weapon you were using (for instance, in the screenshot below, we use a “bouncing ball” icon for the Bounce Shot).

The overall HUD also got a lot of nips and tucks. The biggest was that we peeled away the bottom portion, freeing up space that we could use for different purposes as needed, such as revealing your oxygen gauge when you leave the ship, or giving more room for dialogue scenes.

Up top, we added a temperature gauge for the section of the game involving heat (previous players were confused about how the mechanic worked), expanded the edges for wider displays, and moved a few things around in order to better organize what remained.

I’m definitely pretty happy with this final compromise. This current HUD gives the game it’s own unique feel - keeping the idea of having a “cockpit” view of your vitals - while being much more useful and visually interesting.

Early Access
Now we’re in Early Access, and while the team is happy with the design, we’re still adding tweaks as people play through the game and give us feedback. It’s been a pretty enlightening experience to have players finally being able to sink into the game for hours and help us tailor it for the eventual full release.

If you’d like to help us, you can get your Early Access copy here. Right now it contains the first 3 chapters of the game (out of 6), with Chapter 4 dropping in a few months.

Thanks for helping us, and we hope this gave you a bit of insight on how to arrive at a HUD that works for your indie game.
Groove Gunner - Chalkairtoe
  • Song time remaining countdown above stage portal added
  • (Editor) Markers updated to support labels and a flag for use in upcoming practice mode
  • (Editor) Map author field added (will display in-game in future update)
  • (Editor) Key bindings disabled when input field is focused
  • (Editor) Added ability to change playback speed

Bugs Fixed
  • Pattern indicator disappears during last pattern in training
  • First few bullets/targets may not spawn after song restart during first few seconds of song
  • Stage actions that reference media should check if media reference can't be resolved
Nov 17, 2020
Space Debris - Vilpa
This small update adds a cheats menu that you can unlock with resources. You cannot earn resources while cheats are on! So far it has 2 cheats that we used in testing the game:
  • Unlimited ally AI Ships in Survival. (limited by your CPU, I guess?)
  • More Frequent Enemies. (meaning more powerups!)
Additionally we updated the Game Over screen to have the ability to either back out to the main menu or start fresh at the most recent wave.
Edit: There was a crash issue for some players on viewing the Cheats menu. This has been fixed in the latest build.
WGT Golf - WGTChampion
WGT will be down for server maintenance and updates tonight beginning at 9:00 PM PT.

Expected downtime is 3-hours.

We'll have you back on the course as quickly as possible.


-WGT Dev Team
TaleSpire - Bouncyrock Entertainment
With most of the work being done on the new Chimera build to get it to a playable state (still quite some ways away), we've got a smaller update on our Dragon Build this week. Still pretty neat, though.
  • We've added names for dice roll groups when using DiceURLs. This will name the rolls in the history tab and show the initial group name on top of the roll result UI. Examples:


  • We've added a shadow behind the cursor to make it easier to see in snowy areas.

Till next time!

BUILD-ID: 5834553 - Download Size: 3.0 MB
Escape Dungeon -
Thank you for all the wonderful reviews of Escape Dungeon! We'll take into account your comments and suggestions to improve the game!
Regarding the true ending and unlocking all memories, we will be splitting it into two phases.

Phase 1: All Memories Unlocked (updated)
After receiving lots of feedback, we've decided to unlock all memories after escaping the dungeon!
We hope you'll successfully escape with Shalith and "enjoy" reminiscing the experience!

Phase 2: True Ending/Queen H-Scene (Currently Working On)
After escaping the dungeon, players will be able to access a new H scene with the Queen!
Nov 17, 2020
Combate Monero - Strider Spinel
We made a mini update to fix some errors we came across while developing the last one, and added a new Achievement "Para que sirve esa barra" wich you can unlock by performing 100 super moves.

Town of Salem - shapesifter13
Hey Townies!

We want to thank you all again for testing out the latest Ranked rolelist, and all the feedback you have given! From what we have seen the Mafia might be a bit too strong in this current list. We are going to make another set of tweaks to see if it brings things more in line with what we hoped for. Check out the latest changes below:

Town Investigative
Town Investigative
Town Protective
Town Killing
Town Support
Random Town
Random Town
Random Town
Random Mafia
Random Mafia

One of the biggest issues with the previous list was that Mafia could quickly gain voting majority if the Town made 1 or 2 mistakes. We felt this didn't allow for enough skill expressions from other players if 1 or 2 of the Town fumbled. There was also the issue of the NE being a little to random, and it sometimes feeling like an Exe or Jester didn't really contribute to the Mafia as much as a Witch. With this list the guaranteed Witch should help prevent some of that swing. The Exe being in the game means that there is a sorta of half to quarter extra evil. While the Exe or a jester could be detrimental the Mafia, it is generally in their benefit to cause problems for the Town. The Exe also allows for some amount of plausible deniability to why a Mafia kill did not go through as well.

While it is still not certain this will be list used, or even if the Mafia Vs Town style of list will be used for the coming Ranked season we appreciate everyone's feedback, and help gathering data.
Nov 17, 2020
Onward - KasperVld

Hello everyone!

Another month passed, and it’s time for our monthly update on the development of Onward! Since our last Sitrep we’ve released two major patches: 1.8.5 and 1.8.6. Update 1.8.5 brought us specular maps for the weapons so that they catch light more realistically, custom maps to enjoy and improved support for haptic devices, to name a few. Onward 1.8.6 was an iterative update to improve on the foundations that 1.8.5 gave us, and to address a good number of bugs. We’re still investigating reports of some new and existing issues, and if needed those will be addressed in a patch before update 1.8.7 drops. We’re hoping to drop 1.8.7 just in time for the December holidays.

The most noticeable change coming in with Onward 1.8.7 will be the game’s audio system, which will be completely overhauled for this update to bring you a more immersive and AAA quality audio experience. To do this we have replaced the Unity audio system with Wwise, which gives our sound designers a lot of great tools to make the audio sound like you are really on the battlefield.

In terms of improvements you can look forward to directional voice quality, improved (ambisonic) ambience sounds, improved reverberations and high dynamic range settings. On top of that actions will have more audio feedback, and we’ve improved the general audio quality as well. It’s hard to convey changes in the audio quality through text, but we’re very impressed with the results so far.

Aside from the audio improvements we’ve been working on something else we’ve received a lot of feedback over the last couple of months: smoke grenades. We’ve changed the smoke grenades so that they’re no longer directional, but instead form a sphere of smoke around the grenade: these types of smoke grenades are easier to use in game because of their predictability. We’ve also managed to remove the blinding effect encountered when looking at the smoke through a scope due to a series of performance optimizations.

On to the re-release of Onward’s various maps. we’re working to release an improved Snowpeak map in the next update, and to follow that up with the Abandoned map. As a special preview we’ve included aerial top-down shots for Abandoned and Snowpeak below so you can get an idea of what we’re working on. Jungle, which we had hoped to release with update 1.8.6 last week, will need more work based on the feedback we’ve gotten from our Unit 51 player feedback group. We’ll be taking our time to get it right, rather than release a map that doesn’t meet your expectations and our quality standards. Also on the topic of maps we’ll be announcing a new community mapping contest with prizes later this week, and we’re excited to see what the map creators will amaze us with. If you’re interested in learning how to create maps for Onward, check out the Community page on our website.

We mentioned the Unit 51 playtest group a bit earlier. Unit 51 has been doing a great job providing us with feedback and catching some nasty bugs that had slipped by us. As a result, we’ll be looking to expand Unit 51 with new players in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for that announcement on our Discord and social media.

That’s it for this month, until soon and stay frosty!
Di[c]E - Slyt Digital
A new, much faster saving system is rolling out!
It remains compatible with the old system which means you don't lose your progress.

Some freezes may occur when creating a new game during the tutorial windows. They are completely normal: this is where the magic happens to give you a smoother gaming experience afterwards.
