Samorost 2 - (Natalie Clayton)

Remember Samorost 2? I don’t, admittedly, but then I was only ten years old when the whimsical space gnome set off on his second adventure. Fortunately, now’s the perfect time to check out the pint-sized sequel, with the developers dropping a surprise anniversary update bringing the stylish 2005 point ‘n’ click up to date with enhanced visuals, new sounds, quality of life improvements and full Mac support.


Street Fighter V - (Alice O'Connor)

A villainous fight in a Street Fighter V screenshot.

The makers of Street Fighter and Resident Evil have reported that a ne’er-do-well got access to their computer systems this week. That’s bad. Luckily for us, they say they’ve found no hint that the unknown baddie got into customer data. That’s good. Though I’ll be changing the password of any Capcom account I have, just in case. And this happening so soon after hackers reportedly leaked Watch Dogs: Legion’s source code does make me wonder if a dramatic twist will follow.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alice Bell)

A big warrior in bone armour tucking into a massive plate of fish in Monster Hunter World

Welcome again, dear listener, to the Electronic Wireless Show, the best and most solidly on-topic PC gaming podcast the world has ever seen. This week, we invite you to be our guest, take a seat at our dinner table, and prepare for a hearty helping of chat>. About food. Because this week the topic is all the best food in games, you see. I hope I laboured that point enough.

We cover all manner of games, with only a brief mention of Skyrim, and a more extended chat about Final Fantasy XV and Monster Hunter. But to be honest we spend most of our time talking about actual food. Conversational diversions this week include how dead bodies are transported around cruise ships, and our death row meals. Death comes up a lot, actually. It gets kind of dark. But in a fun way!


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Imogen Beckhelling)

Cheaters getting banned: you love to see it. Respawn recently got rid of hundreds of the scoundrels for abusing a glitch in Apex Legends which allowed top-ranked players to get into lower rank lobbies for easier wins.

“To the 419 Diamond+ ranked players who abused an exploit allowing you to get into and farm bronze lobbies for RP, enjoy watching Season 7 from the sidelines,” Tweeted Connor Ford, a member of the battle royale’s security team.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (James Law)

My operative takes a selfie in Watch Dogs: Legion with a hostile guard

Spoilers abound for the post-game of Watch Dogs: Legion, so don’t read on if you’re yet to complete the main story. After the final climax of the game, you’ll be shunted back into the open world of London with a surprisingly small number of material differences despite the fact that you’ve #resisted the oppressive powers that be. Maybe it’s saying something about society. Maybe oppressive fascism can’t be stopped. Maybe they just wanted you to carry on running about the open world without any significant changes. Anyway, here’s where to find Bagley’s corrupted memories in Watch Dogs: Legion.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Colm Ahern)

Claire from the Resident Evil 2 remake, but with the head of Gabe Newell

Let’s just pretend that Halloween is this weekend and we were very timely when choosing the theme for this week’s Mystery Steam Reviews, okay?


GHOSTS! GOBLINS! SCARY THINGS! Yes, because it’s that time of the year again, we decided to test each other’s horror game knowledge (via Steam reviews) on this week’s episode of The PC Gaming Weekspot.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Katharine Castle)

A photo of the Lenovo Legion 7i

[cms-block] is steadily getting closer, but there are several Black Friday deals you can pick up early if you want to avoid the rush, particularly when it comes to gaming laptop deals. On top of Razer’s ongoing sale in the UK, several other retailers have also started putting up early Black Friday gaming laptop deals, and so I’ve rounded all the best ones up below into one handy list. I’ll be updating this article regular as more early Black Friday deals go live, so make sure you stick it in your bookmarks to stay up to date.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Katharine Castle)

A photo of AMD's CEO Dr Lisa Su holding one of their new Ryzen 5000 CPUs.

Today might be the launch of AMD’s new Ryzen 5000 CPUs (and you can read my Ryzen 5 5600X review and Ryzen 9 5900X review if you missed them earlier), but the company already have their sights set on what’s coming next, and that’s ray tracing capable processors. Speaking during a behind-closed-doors Zen 3 engineering panel before today’s launch, AMD’s Joe Macri told RPS that the realistic lighting technology “will happen” on AMD’s APUs (that’s their accelerated processing units with integrated graphics, rather than their Ryzen central processing units, or CPUs) – it’s just a matter of time.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alice O'Connor)

A fireworks display in an illustration from 'The Street railway journal'.

Remember, remember the fifth of November: gunpowder, treason, and plot. I myself see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot. But while we commemorate gunpowder treason with fireworks on Bonfire Night, can you honestly tell me you remember with complete certainty whether we’re celebrating the fact that the plot was foiled, or that someone at least tried to detonate a king? You can’t. Don’t pretend. But seeing as this is a day of joyous explosions, I must know: what’s your favourite video game explosion?


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Katharine Castle)

A picture of the AMD Ryzen 9 5900X seated in its motherboard socket.

I’ve always been sceptical about the need for high-powered processors like AMD’s Ryzen 9s and Intel’s Core i9s in ordinary gaming PCs. It’s all very well if you use your PC for work editing videos, animating 3D models or running virtual machines and the like, as the extra processing power afforded by their considerable number of cores and threads is no doubt exceedingly useful in these sorts of cases. But if all you want is a fast CPU for gaming, they’ve rarely been better value than their cheaper Ryzen 7 / Core i7 counterparts.

It was certainly the case with AMD’s Ryzen 9 3900X, which, while fast, wasn’t really that much nippier gaming-wise than the Ryzen 7 3700X. I suspect it will probably be the case for the Ryzen 9 5900X, too, as while I haven’t yet been able to test the Ryzen 7 entry in AMD’s new Ryzen 5000 family just yet (although a review is coming), the performance gains the 5900X offers over the stonkingly good Ryzen 5 5600X are also quite minimal. Certainly not enough to convince me to spend another £300 / $250-odd on it in any case. However, if you are in the market for the bestest best gaming CPU money can buy right now and you only care about having the fastest possible processor, then the Ryzen 9 5900X is definitely the one to go for, as it trounces Intel’s Core i9-10900K in almost every test going.

