Oct 11, 2020
Pulseball - Twiggs
TLDR: Fixed bugs, added chat box.

Features added:

-Added map names to server search

-Controller support (I think, can't test yet)

-Custom key bindings

-Added hackerman chat box.

Added chat boxes to training mode. Training mode will automatically join or create a chat lobby to help connect players. This will not affect training mode/singleplayer performance. I am working on a chat box for competitive multiplayer but right now it is just too intrusive/glitched out for anything competitive. Controls can now be changed + remapped also.

Fixed bugs:

-Fixed bugs regarding high network latency, weird things that occurred with laggy clients.

-Improved shot recognition/ball movement on higher latency games

-Fixed bug that allowed players to join matches even when full

-Fixed match not starting if client had extreme lag

-Fixed multiple balls/pucks spawning (for real this time I think)

Also made a discord for feedback: https://discord.gg/bc8Y5sY
Oct 11, 2020
MY WOLF - Desktop Wild Pet - 3DM Live Wallpapers

Hello everybody,

We would like to share our plans for MY WOLF. The game is currently in Early Access and we are still working on it. We have a lot of plans that will appear in future patches.

List below. The order is random so any of these points may appear soon.

Sounds and music.
Sounds and music will be added. It will be possible to turn them off but leaving the howling of the wolf that will call us.

Better menus and UI.
The menu will be corrected. A manual will be added with a description of all functions.

Better language translations.
We will minimize the number of mistakes in translations.

Wolf Character.
We will adjust the values ​​on which the wolf is built. Aspects such as hunger, sleepiness, hunting intensity etc. will be improved.

Wolf navigation.
We will be able to designate a place where the wolf can go. He can be directed to the rabbits when the wolf is hungry.

Complete life cycle.
We start with a little wolf that grows, and when it is big, we will meet a partner with whom we will have a small wolf that will be under our care in the future.

Game system.
We will improve and add aspects of the game. Many of these ideas come from our supporters. Thank you.

I remind that the order is random.

This is probably not the complete list, and many ideas could come up. If you have ideas to improve MY WOLF, please describe them in the comments.

Thank you very much for your support.
Child Arms - Toolkitz Games
Welcome to Child Arms, the first of a 3 part series of sword-fighting games. This game has been in development since 2019 and after an open beta was released last year, the development of the full version of the game was put into production. Half a year after that, I am proud to announce the first demo of the game.

Right now, the game's demo only contains 2 characters and a few modes, including versus and practice. It also contains a color editor so you can play around with the color palettes. There are plans to update the demo in the coming months to include at least one mini game and extra characters to practice with.

For the next few weeks, I am attempting to spread awareness of the game so development will come to a stop for now and will resume later on. If you so far like what you see, check out the demo and join us at the Discord server where many updates will be posted on there.

Key To Heaven - K2H_Dev
Parkasaurus - Takiyah

Update 50 : Exhibit Themes
On occasion we become so busy that we forget to fully explain a new feature that has gone into the game – today we’re chatting Exhibit Themes.

You will notice the Exhibit Pane has a new tab called Theme. Here you choose from a variety of Themes described below. Themes are separate from an exhibit Biome so there are a lot of different exhibit combinations that can be created. Each theme has a list of specific requirements in order to activate the theme’s bonuses.

Each Theme has a cool in game effect! For example, in the building video below of an Eden Theme your exhibit receives a standing rainbow!

We remove any viewable fences as required by the Eden Theme and build the final Eden Tree. Hello rainbow!

Keep in mind the main feature of each exhibit is the Theme Item which is usually expensive. Here is a list of all the themes:
  • Prehistoric
  • Secure
  • Organic
  • Eden
  • Spooky
  • Magical
Check them out below!






Be safe friends and try to be kind to each other!
Taky & Smashlore

Here are a few ways to follow us:
Mailing List
Translation Help - Localizor

Penny RPG: Shadows of the Lost - A Blood City Tale - OMC Games
Take a ride with the developers of Shadows of the Lost as we answer questions and discuss the game as well as future plans for the series. Shadows of the Lost is the first game in the Penny RPG Series which will be a collection of relatively small, inexpensive RPGs that follow some old school sensibilities. The first game, Shadows of the Lost, is a cyberpunk thriller where our protagonist wakes up in the hospital with no memory of who he was. Deciding to lead a normal life, he finds that it's easier said than done as he's haunted by visions that gradually get worse.

Follow John on his journey of self discovery as he unravels the threads of the past and ultimately tries to find peace with himself and the world around him.

Join us on Monday, October 12th at 3pm PDT. We'll be hosting our second livestream to talk more about the game and to answer any questions you have. We look forward to meeting you guys!

Visit our official OMC Penny RPG: Shadows of the Lost - A Blood City Tale website at https://pennyrpg.omc-games.com!

Oct 11, 2020
Factorization - Celerium Games

The biggest change in this release is the addition of the "hotbar". You can configure up to 5 hotbars of 10 items each, you can cycle through the hotbars using "alt+scroll".

In the build menu, there is a new button "hotbar" that allows you to bind items from there to the hotbar.
Triggering the correct (configurable) key shortcut or clicking the hotbar with the mouse will allow you to build quicker.


Because the zoom seems consistently hard to find, I switched it around: now scrolling is zooming in and out while ctrl+scroll allows you to scroll up and down the map. Alt+scroll cycles through the hotbars.


You can now remove global blueprints if you go to the build menu, check "show global blueprints" at the top, a "remove" button has been added next to the "import".

You can also update existing blueprints, which is a new option right next to "Create blueprint" in the right click menu.


- fixed a bug where decommissioned items are not always cleaned up entirely
- updated customizable keybindings to better support special keys
- updated the tutorial a bit and added the tutorial entries to the help screen so you can review them later
Oct 11, 2020
Planetary Settlers - jlcopela

Now you can go to a comet and gather resources for crafting! To get there, go to the second floor of the Moon Library and enter the portal, or teleport there from your abilities tab in open exploration mode! There is another secret way to get there as well. You will emerge in a space station built for exploring the comet. Exit, and go to the comet to collect resources! Each rock you pick up drops some standard elements, and usually gives a little bit of an additional random element! This is a way to collect rare elements for future crafting, and the current Jupiter base repair mission.

Voiceover has been added to Venus and Earth!

The ghost is back for the month!

DeadShotZ - RavenheartZ
Hello everyone and happy Halloween month!

To celebrate this month I launched a really interesting update to the game, this time not just adding new items to existing mechanics but also changing the concept of the game a bit. Here's what we have:

The Game Lore

Beside being only a hyper casual shooter game DeadShotZ now will feature lore: get yourself into this universe filled with fantasy characters in a modern post-apocalyptic setting!

DeadShotZ will feature many characters based on classic fantasy tales like elves, orcs and dwarves. All of them living in a world just like ours, having common issues (except for this zombie apocalypse of course, caused by social network companies).

Introducing Characters

To start showing these characters you can now know better Elaith Umenorin, our existing main character. He is our proud elf cop. He is fast to move around. And will be able to show some special racial traits to fight the zombies. Stay tuned on the next updates!

The Flamethrower

Another classic weapon from classic zombie games arrives on DeadShotZ. This weapon have one of the faster shootings with a big area of contact, it's value is comparable to the Rocket Launcher (also have the same price).

New Achievements

Along with the new weapon I have included the achievement for it. Also, the other new weapons achievements were missing and got added (Stun Gun and Shotgun).

New Configurations

I have improved the game menu by including separate configurations for audio volume and fullscreen/windowed modes.

Other Changes

  • Fixed the music playing on the intro credits screen
  • Blocked the F12 usage in-game
  • Included the Credits screen (developers)
  • Moved some elements in the HUD of the game to match the new characters feature
  • 2 new musics to reduce too much repetition

Have fun!
Oct 11, 2020
Blockscape - ghost in the shell
  • I'm using the Steamworks.NET library more and more. This is a great wrapper over the c++ library provided by Valve. The latest version includes the Steam Datagram Relay API. Good for us.
  • i got the first bits of steam multiplayer working yesterday. I'm going to tap into the Steam Datagram Relay service. This will make the life easier and more secure for the user as it hides the server and there is no need to open up ports in firewalls. Yay!

  • I think I'm going to keep normal multiplayer as an option. So when you create a server you can select "Steam sockets" or "Normal sockets". Why? Because if you play multiplayer on a local network "normal sockets" will be way faster.
  • The game needs better texturing. Right now I'm using big atlases for all the textures. On the upside this is very fast (which is the reason I implemented the solution in the first place). Unfortunately this also makes it hard to do certain things like proper texture filtering and mip mapping. I solved the mip mapping part with some (for me) tricky shader code years ago but the ugly filtering is stil there. That is why you see the individual pixels on all the surfaces in Blockscape.
    Monogame support texture arrays so I will do some investigation to see if that works and is fast enough to use in Blockscape.
  • I fixed some parts of the player character model. Knees to connect the legs, a solid neck, solid belly and some other minor adjustments.