ROGUERIA: Roguelikes X Tactics - YangTuna
Last week, we participated in the "13th Gyeonggi Game Audition" hosted by the government of the Republic of Korea, defeated many competitors, and were included in Team 25.

And we survived the first audition and were included in the last 10 teams!

Next week, we will be attending the final audition, which will probably select the last five teams.
We ask you to pray for our good luck together.

List of revised game features
  • Fixed a problem where the attack target and movement of the skill worked differently when the AI ​​used the rush-type skill
  • Fixed a phenomenon in which the portrait of the character was displayed transparently when equipping the skill of a character acquired through the level up process
  • Fixed resolution to work when running window mode
  • When the defense is activated, the operation method that the damage was negated has been modified to a form that reduces damage
  • When the character whose turn returns has not exhausted all movement and action points, the turn returns quickly in proportion to the consumed points.
  • Segmentation of skill visual effects
  • Fixed a situation where the stage was completely reorganized when using the re-challenge function when the game was over without any node succeeding
  • Modified to reduce the probability of AI's pathfinding error occurrence
  • When the effect of the artifact is activated, the effect is modified to make it more visible
  • Fixed an infinite loop when AI was unable to move
Oct 2, 2020
NationWar2:Chronicle - Desert carving
1.New: The speed of siege and camp construction will be linked to the tactical ability of the generals
2.Modify: adjust the game default mode to simple
3.Modify: optimize the text layout of the doctrine
Dark Fracture: Prologue - Twisted II Studio

We have some exciting announcements for you, new developments that are coming to the game, upcoming appearance in the Steam Game Festival, and more!

And so, we will begin with our absolute elation for our appearance in this upcoming Steam Game Festival! The event will start on the 7th of October and we are very excited to once again dip our toes into these particular waters, and there is a reason for you all to be excited about it as well! Because as we approach the festival we will unveil new material from our upcoming early access development, so keep an eye out for news from us.

We will be announcing our upcoming broadcasts, as well as show off a brand new teaser! And this teaser would include only new material from our early access! So if you still didn’t follow and wishlist Dark Fracture please do it now and keep up with our latest updates and developments towards the release, your support is truly appreciated.

Next, we have some updates regarding the prologue. We have been keeping an ear and an eye out for all the feedback we have received. And we are working on fixing a few bugs and issues. Amidst these fixes are a few bugs that are very difficult to squash, which might take a while. But we would be releasing an update to address those as soon as we possibly can!

But even that doesn't include all we have been up to of late. The translation of the prologue to a few more languages for one. And even achievements! So keep an eye out for our upcoming updates.

And last but certainly not least. We wanted to update you all about the rate of our development blogs. For a while, we have attempted to keep these at a pace of an entry per week or two. But we are planning to change this up a bit. And so from now on, we will publish a blog post whenever we have a valuable update and one that's worth informing you about. An effort that would make our blogs far more informative.

Stay dark!
Do Noob Corporate-slave Dream of Boss's Ass? - Moespirit Studios

(This article is the result of automatic translation.)

Dear Players:

As the publisher of our work, we are pleased to announce that the strategy game Boss Ass, developed by TOWA Software, will go on sale tonight!

In Boss Ass, you'll play a budding wage slave, join a long-established start-up, struggle with life in confusion and distress, and finally dream of the boss's ass sitting in the boss's position!

Game information
  • Game Name: Boss Ass
  • Type of game: strategy, role play
  • Developer: TOWA Software
  • Publisher: Moespirit Studios
  • Release Date: 2020/10/03

Distribution Manager for Moespirit Studios : 落樱 (CatElf@Moespirit)
Jump Off The Bridge - Cody Penn
Hey everyone!

First off I'd like to thank my playtesters. They helped me find a ton of bugs, and as a result I patched a bunch of broken stuff this update. Second off I'd like to thank my Patreon Supporters, I'm a bit behind on content for the poll currently, and I appreciate their support, and most of all, their patience. I also have been watching a bunch of playthrough videos on BilliBilli of the game, and have been reading the comments on those videos which has helped motivate me a ton as well as better understand what levels are the most entertaining, so thank you! And if you are reading this, thank you, for being interested in my strange little game.

Update V1.7
  • New Easymode Boss Fight: Old Rust
  • Slovak Language Support
  • Checkpoints for every Easymode Level (If you already had some unlocked, they will be automatically converted into the new system)
  • Checkpoints for every Journey to the West Level.
  • Checkpoints for all three Halloween Levels.
  • Added some turnips to the Cop and Infantry levels in the beginning of the game as well as I added the ability to pickup and throw them.
I've spent a lot of time working on these two commission levels. An awesome person reached out to me about two months ago, and commissioned me to produce levels mocking the Slovak Streamer Fifqo. Originally it was only going to be a single level, but halfway through working on Old Rust, Fifqo got into a scooter accident, and broke a bunch of his ribs. So naturally, I had to mock that. So now we have the Scooter level, as well as the originally commissioned Old Rust Boss fight!

I also decided to make my game a bit less frustrating and added checkpoints for all the levels in the game.

I've also spent a bunch of time working on Patreon content as well, so look forward to that content shortly, I will be uploading it as soon as I finish it.

Old Rust Checkpoint Icon:

Old Rust:

New Easymode Checkpoints for every level:

Journey to the West Checkpoints:

Halloween Checkpoints:

Slovak Support:

Turnips and Cops:

16 Minutes of me dying to Old Rust:

Scooter Completion Video:

What's Next?

If you'd like to support what I do, and vote for future content, consider joining my Patreon:

Feel free to join the Discord as well:

You can also support me through Crypto:
Bitcoin: 1LtZb986cQWm31eUN6UcP8eXyurtREAwMx

Contact Me
If you have any questions, comments, criticisms, complaints, requests, inquiries, anything, please send a message to:

V1.7 Changelog
  • Added Commission Level Part 2/2 (Boss Fight: Old Rust)
  • Added Slovak Language Support
  • Added a Checkpoint for every level in Easymode (Also remade sprites to be cohesive)
  • Added a System that automatically converts your old checkpoints to the new ones.
  • Added Checkpoints and Save System for the "Journey to the West Levels."
  • Added Checkpoints and Save System for the 3 Halloween Levels in the Fun Mall.
  • Added plants for a few beginning levels to reinforce learning "Throwing as Damage"
  • Added the ability to pickup and throw the Cops and Infantry in the beginning levels.
  • Fixed repeating kick sound on the coffee cups in Hipo.
  • Fixed ghostly shield_hitbox on death bug.
  • Fixed infinite audio emitter bug when quitting to the main menu.
  • Fixed wrong layer for castle secret
  • Fixed gas fire hitbox.
  • Fixed gas fire spawn height problems on branch.
  • Fixed pause menu spike's layer issue in Amigos Pizza Freezer.
  • Fixed color change position bug in Fun Mall.
  • Fixed the position of the path on the Old Age Punishment level.
  • Fixed cops/infantry getting stuck on the left wall
  • Fixed scooter brake sound, by making it only break if the player has more than 1 horizontal speed.
  • Fixed infinitely playing scooter land sound.
  • Fixed missing Back sound on Options Menus and swapping sounds.
  • Improved speaker bouncing code/collision (on Time Wizard and Old Rust Levels)
  • Improved menu selection speed
  • Removed messed up looper on Begin Menu selection
  • Level design slightly altered.
  • Bomb paths can no longer cross
  • Kobolds (k's) can't spawn more than one bomb at a time
  • Kobold's chance to place a bomb slightly reduced.
  • The Red Insect Demon is now killable by both a thrown and swung nailbat.
  • Fixed Headless Horseman Sound Glitch and fixed a bit of his AI.
  • Reduced "Get Out" Speed inside Witch's Hut slightly.
  • Fixed Particle Spawn on Witch's Hut.
  • Fixed vibrating Frogs.
  • Removed Magic Barrier Killbox, and instead made it Solid.
  • Improved Nailbat bounceback on left and right borders on Witch Boss
Oct 2, 2020
Beach Buggy Racing 2: Island Adventure - VectorMatt
Welcome to the latest installment of our game show "Find That Key!" This week, we have a special surprise for all you contestants -- we actually have a key!

The Mr Happy secret Pumpkin Patch is live, for real this time. There is a secret key to unlock it that you can actually find, and all is good. The clues have changed as well, so forget everything you thought you knew about key-finding and give it a try. We're particularly interested in finding the right balance between frustration and fun in this key-hunting-exercise, so try and start fresh and tell us what you think.
  • Mr Happy's Secret Pumpkin Patch Key Hunt Take 2. Yeah sorry about last week. This time there really is a key. And a new clue. Have at it!
  • Championship / Quick Event polish. We added new trophy logic so it's hopefully a little more clear what's going on. Also a new, prettier Championship screen.
  • We sent our robot maintenance crew back into the Biodome to clean up the giant door mess they left last week.
  • Various tuning and bug fixes
Dark Fracture - Twisted II Studio

We have some exciting announcements for you, new developments that are coming to the game, upcoming appearance in the Steam Game Festival, and more!

And so, we will begin with our absolute elation for our appearance in this upcoming Steam Game Festival! The event will start on the 7th of October and we are very excited to once again dip our toes into these particular waters, and there is a reason for you all to be excited about it as well! Because as we approach the festival we will unveil new material from our upcoming early access development, so keep an eye out for news from us.

We will be announcing our upcoming broadcasts, as well as show off a brand new teaser! And this teaser would include only new material from our early access! So if you still didn’t follow and wishlist Dark Fracture please do it now and keep up with our latest updates and developments towards the release, your support is truly appreciated.

Next, we have some updates regarding the prologue. We have been keeping an ear and an eye out for all the feedback we have received. And we are working on fixing a few bugs and issues. Amidst these fixes are a few bugs that are very difficult to squash, which might take a while. But we would be releasing an update to address those as soon as we possibly can!

But even that doesn't include all we have been up to of late. The translation of the prologue to a few more languages for one. And even achievements! So keep an eye out for our upcoming updates.

And last but certainly not least. We wanted to update you all about the rate of our development blogs. For a while, we have attempted to keep these at a pace of an entry per week or two. But we are planning to change this up a bit. And so from now on, we will publish a blog post whenever we have a valuable update and one that's worth informing you about. An effort that would make our blogs far more informative.

Stay dark!
CyberCorp - xSMNDx
Oct 2, 2020
大千世界 - 地精骑士★★★
Sentinels - Romanova
Long time no see! Unfortunately our last post (back in APRIL, good god) was a bit premature. California lockdown laughed at my happy cheery post, I think... Tl;dr: lockdowns suck, but we're back! And in good news, the forced hiatus gave us new perspective into the game, and how to address some of its problems. Turns out having your nose buried in a project nonstop can cloud your judgement a little :) We're working on a lot of QoL changes, as well as how to make some of the more complicated elements more accessible.

First off, there's the addition of a Universal slot.
This will allow for Sam, Kat, or Frank to have a slot that holds an ability that all commanders can accces. The effort here is to make the game a little less complicated by default, as the universal slot would be replacing one of the 5 existing slots, and allow you to make some more interesting tradeoffs for what you take into battle.
For instance, a simple one would be giving a morale boost to all structures when you kill a boss. This would change your strategy, as now you will want to aggressively take down bosses when they come on the board, as well as potentially change mods/items you use to take them down faster. If your goal is getting those sweet, sweet killstreaks, this would be a great way to do it. It will turn several currently default mechanics into equippable specials, allowing us to make them far more powerful.

We're also working on customizable loadouts.
The Universal slot started to make it clear that being able to customize loadouts would be great. So now, you can get loadouts that can have a wildcard slot on it, and it can be modified to add a slot of your choice. For instance, you might get one that replaces the Elite structure slot with a wildcard, then if you wanted to have a loadout with two energy specials, or maybe two activatables, that’d be an option.

Also adding in support for ultrawide monitors. Had a few monitors die on me at basically the same time, and replaced 2 with an ultrawide monitor… So yea, had to make that work. :)

Thanks for sticking with us, as always can't wait to hear what you think!