Graywalkers: Purgatory - Anomalous Underdog
  1. Fixed bug with buttons in Game Over screen not working in certain missions.
  2. Fixed bug with not being able to reload certain weapons.
  3. Fixed bug with enemies standing on the same tile.
  4. Fixed empty Combat Victory screen being shown when player kills an already defeated unconscious enemy outside combat.
  5. Fixed error messages popping up when target in combat is all surrounded by walls or other characters (can't reach target).
  6. Fixed various bugs in missions.
  7. Adjusted various enemy AI properties.
  8. Fixed some minor issues where enemies attack too early preventing the conversations

Linux update will follow shortly.
Sep 27, 2020
Live the Life - One Man Behind

New: Now you can rotate objects;

Some bugs were fixed;

Question to VR owners. I changed some engine settings and now I want to know if there is still Vr problem;

I am still working on some bugs that were mentioned in the discussions.
And something new will come out soon.

Best Wishes,
Niki !

Natural Locomotion - Myou cat
We've added a HTC Vive "wand" controllers profile for NMS but it requires you to configure SteamVR controller bindings explicitly, otherwise it won't work. From SteamVR settings, go to controllers, manage controller bindings, set custom, choose another, and search our binding in the community: "Natural Locomotion (Vive Wands)". Then configure the game to use head relative direction and you're good to go.

This update also fixed the buttons and sprinting issues mentioned in the previous announcement which also included a profile for Windows Mixed Reality.

Close and reopen Steam again to make sure you have the latest update.

If you experience problems with buttons or lack of sprinting, the driver may not be properly updated. IN that case follow these steps to ensure it's up to date:
  • Close SteamVR.
  • Reinstall Natural Locomotion. (alternatively you can use "verify integrity of game files")
  • Open Natural Locomotion without opening SteamVR first.
  • You only need to follow these steps once. After that you can open it in whichever order you prefer.
Sep 27, 2020
Sons of Valhalla - info
Hi guys,

welcome to my first Sons of Valhalla Dev-blog! This month I mainly worked on my online presence. So the Steam page is finally live and you can now also find me on IndieDB and GameJolt.
Besides that I worked on a lot of little things regarding the game and one of them is how I bring life into trees. I'm going to show you how it works in todays dev blog.

First of all, I needed a tree like this one:

This tree is beautiful but if it had some movement it would be even more beautiful to look at. So I took a wind shader from Unity (you can find it in the Lost Crypt demo) to make the tree vibrate.
Because the shader is on the entire tree, the trunk and treetop move at the same time.

Then I decided to divide the tree into individual parts, so I can equip each part with a different wind speed. This will make the tree look more realistic because the entire treetop will not move evenly.

After the split I put the parts back together and gave each part a different wind speed.
I think the result is really impressive.

To make the tree fit into the background, I created a rim color mask for all parts. With the wind shader it is possible to transfer the light color of the scene onto the tree rim and it looks as if light is shining through the rim. Very cool!

Because the tree sometimes loses a few leaves, we definitely had to have a particle effect here.

The end result is highly impressive, right?

That's how I make trees dancing in Sons of Valhalla! If you haven't already, please add SOV to your wishlist. I'd really appreciate your support!

See you in the next dev blog episode!
Under a Desert Sun - Gear
Hi there,

I thought i'd post a post to make sure everyone knows I am still on track and to inform people about my short abscence during the birth and after of our baby!

So, progress on the SP (single player) sliver is going well. I've added a few in editor screens to show where this is going. I have the main track of the first bit of this level figured out and the rough outline of what I want to happen in the SP sliver. Basically it will be the first 10 to 15 minutes of the game.

Inside area


Since the first look at this level allot of the rooms and area's have been propped up, Meaning more detail and small stuff in the background. I also added effects like foging etc to set the scene more. You can't see it in these images but allot of the wall boundry stuff and interactive objects have been added as well.

Yeah so I mentioned this before. We're having a baby and it's gonna be here pretty quick now. This means I will be offline for a bit to take care of my wife and the baby. Since this is my first I am going by assumption here, but it could be that there's no update for a month or two. Rest assured this does not mean I will not continue the work. I will simply be..preoccupied with poop daipers and stuff for a short while.. Please don't see the project as "dead" in the meantime because it is very much alive!

If any bugs or suggestions are found in the meantime. Hop on the discord or the forums here and please do mention them!

Don’t forget the discord channel. Any feedback is greatly appreciated! The discord:

Also don’t forget the Under a Desert Sun roadmap. You can find it here:

Be safe everyone and kind regards,
ΔV: Rings of Saturn - Koder
This is a customary follow-up hot-patch to address all the bugs that slipped into previous big release. Changes:
  • Incoming dialog will not obscure Eagle Prospector's HUD.
  • A lifepod from a pirate ship will no-longer cause combat music to trigger.
  • Added one new personal crew story.
  • Targeting ships and ship with autopilot was improved.
War of Rights - [CG]TrustyJam

42nd Pennsylvania national & 1st Georgia regimental

Hello everyone,

Today, we’re pleased to be releasing our biggest update to the infantry battle flags of the game yet as part of alpha update 168. We’ll also be giving you a fresh progress report about the much anticipated “Platform System” - a core system for War of Rights going forward.

First thing’s first, however. Let’s talk about the massive flag addition featured in update 168. It’s my pleasure to pass the word on to our newest team member at Campfire Games, Bradley.

Battle Flags

My name is Bradley and I am the Historical Texture Artist for Campfire Games, as well as a Graduate Student concentrating in the American Civil War with special interests in Confederate Chaplains, the Siege of Vicksburg, small arms and artillery, and vexillology in the Civil War (the study of flags).

19th indiana regimental & 18th Mississippi national

One of the most important material objects of the Civil War is without question the battle flag. The battle flag was more than just a signal to communicate a regiment’s identification to other units on the chaotic and smoke-filled battlefield, although the “colors” were vitally necessary in serving this practical purpose—the battle flag was also an important symbol to the men that fought under it. For many enlisted men, their regimental standard was a piece of their past and a reminder of home. Not infrequently, ladies back home had sewn the regimental colors and sometimes even constructed the standard from their own wedding dresses, as silk was a precious wartime commodity. The soldiers themselves carefully stitched or painted Battle Honors such as “SEVEN PINES” and “WILLIAMSBURG” onto their banners. These were more than names where gallant fighting happened, these were the final resting places of brothers-in-arms, many dear friends and family members killed hundreds of miles from home.

69th New York regimental & 5th Texas national

My great-great-grandfather, his brother, and their brother-in-law fought at Sharpsburg with the 8th Florida Infantry, some eight hundred miles from their homes in Nassau County, Florida. At Bloody Lane, their under-strength and relatively untested brigade suffered fifty percent casualties. A Chaplain in the Florida Brigade witnessed, "Five times our colors fell." The flag staff was shot in two and the final bearer was killed as the Confederate center abandoned the sunken road. In October 1862, Abraham Lincoln and George B. McClellan posed for photographer Alexander Gardner in the general's tent at Antietam. At the bottom left hand corner of this famous image is a crumpled Confederate battle flag that some have identified as the battle flag of the 8th Florida Infantry. So it was, this particular rebel flag continued to serve an important symbolic purpose even in Union possession.

Lincoln & McClellan next to what is probably the captured battle flag of the 8th Florida

With this update, most of the flags in-game have been rescaled to historically accurate proportions, and we are proud to introduce over fifty new battle flags based on months of meticulous research. War of Rights players, whether on the battlefield or in drill camp, will encounter flags nearly identical to surviving artifacts, down to the tilt of stars and placing of text. Where no artifacts survived for us to follow, we strove for authenticity. We expect future findings may require some flags to be revisited.

32nd Pennsylvania national & 1st Texas regimental

Update 168 Patch Notes

- Added or updated the following battle flags:

  • CSA 2nd Bunting
  • CSA 7 star national
  • 3rd Arkansas regimental
  • 3rd Alabama regimental
  • 6th Alabama regimental
  • 8th Alabama national
  • 8th Florida regimental
  • 1st Georgia regimental
  • 1st Georgia national
  • 18th Georgia regimental
  • 1st Louisiana regimental
  • 6th Louisiana regimental
  • 9th Louisiana regimental
  • 18th Mississippi national
  • 4th North Carolina regimental
  • 14th North Carolina regimental
  • 27th North Carolina regimental
  • Hamptons Legion South Carolina national
  • Palmetto Sharpshooters South Carolina regimental
  • 1st Texas national
  • 1st Texas regimental
  • 4th Texas regimental
  • 5th Texas national
  • 13th Virginia regimental
  • 30th Virginia regimental
  • 33rd Virginia national
  • USA 32 star national
  • 14th Indiana national
  • 19th Indiana regimental
  • 19th Indiana national
  • 15th Massachusetts national
  • 28th Massachusetts national
  • 1st Maryland national
  • 7th Michigan national
  • 17th Michigan national
  • 1st Minnesota national
  • 1st Minnesota regimental
  • 9th New York national
  • 9th New York regimental
  • 20th New York national
  • 69th New York national
  • 69th New York regimental
  • 8th Ohio national
  • 87th Ohio regimental
  • 28th Pennsylvania national
  • 32nd Pennsylvania national
  • 42nd Pennsylvania national
  • 114th Pennsylvania national
  • 2nd US Regulars national
  • 10th US Regulars national
  • 1st US Sharpshooters national
  • 1st US Sharpshooters regimental
  • 2nd US Sharpshooters national
  • 2nd US Sharpshooters regimental
  • 2nd Wisconsin national
- Added 4x4, 6x6.5 and 8x6 feet flag models in order to support the historically correct sizes of battle flags.
- Overhauled the corpse manager: corpses are now divided into sectors of the skirmish area. A sector is able to spawn in as many corpses as the corpse count in the game options allow for. By moving the corpse count setting from being global to being sector based you will now be able to see many more corpses spread out across the entirety of the skirmish area with no change in performance.
- Added a ringing noise following discharging to all bronze cannons in the game.
- Fixed the sponge clipping through the barrel of the cannon when sponged while the barrel is elevated.
- Made all artillery pieces and limbercarts produce sounds when hit by small arms fire.
- Improved the enter bayonet melee mode from shoulder arms animation.
- Fixed a bug where most weapons in first person when aiming were not aligned properly to the direction they would shoot.
- Detail work, North Woods, Antietam.
- Pry Grist Mill skirmish area vegetation work, Antietam.
- Bolivar Heights detail work, Harpers Ferry.
- Drill Camp level detail work.

Platform System Progress Report

Given it’s been a while since the last time we spoke of the upcoming platform system (which can be read here) we thought it might be a good idea to give you all a fresh progress report. We’re happy to announce that internal testing has begun and we’re making steady progress towards being able to bring it to a public test branch available to every War of Rights owner very soon indeed.

The goal of the public test branch is to stress test the platform system as much as possible - this means to fully populate the test server and leaving and joining it multiple times, possibly even causing it to crash or mass boot everyone on it. At the core of the platform system is clearer information available to us developers when things do go wrong which is going to massively help us increase alpha stability (client and server alike) going forward so we’re extremely excited to be seeing what sort of new information we can get our hands on during the initial stress test. We hope many of you will join in on the testing when we soon announce the details of the public test branch launch.

That’s all for now. Until next time, have a good one!
Sep 27, 2020
Scrapnaut: Prologue - Bart

Greetings Scrapnauts!

Today we have a new patch for you to download with few changes.

But before checking the changelog - please consider adding Scrapnaut to your Steam wishlist.

Now let's move to the patch section.


Patch 1.0.37:
- Key bindings,
- Improved building system (Automatic wall moving when you build a floor.)


In the upcoming updates we plan to implement the following fixes and features:
- Difficulty levels,
- Turrets range,
- Moving structures in build mode,
- Improved tutorial,
- Improved movement,
- Support for more languages,
- Community ideas.


Join our Discord community:


Kind Regards,
Scrapnaut Team
Sep 27, 2020
Pieces of my Heart - Henley
Hey hey hey! We have just updated our community items here on Steam to include the functionality for Steam Trading Cards. To start collecting cards you just need to play the game! With 5 total cards to collect, getting yourselves a few badges from our game should be easy!

Along with this we now have a selection of Steam profile backgrounds and emoticons to use in Steam messages and chat! I hope you all enjoy this little extra feature!

Also if you do not want to do the whole "trading card thing" you can grab the emoticons and backgrounds from the Steam Points Store

Thanks for playing Pieces of my Heart! Be sure to leave a review for the game on our Steam profile and join our growing community on Twitter and Discord!
Sep 27, 2020
Fisher Online - Woolf

  • Added the ability to modify the smartphone screen
  • Added ability to change hand texture
  • Added animations for sabrefish, fint and alosa
  • Expansion of the location Poland (species composition remained the same)
  • Errors correction