Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Katharine Castle)

Good news for SSD hunters this morning. The excellent 250GB and 500GB versions of the Crucial MX500 have tumbled in price over at Amazon UK today, with the former falling to an all-time low of just £31, and the latter dropping to another all-time low of £48. You may also be tempted by Crucial’s 480GB BX500 today, too, which is now down to a ridiculous £38, but trust me, it’s nowhere near as fast as the MX500, and you’d be much better off spending the extra tenner to get its MX500 sibling.


Sep 20, 2020
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Graham Smith)

Sundays are for being at the beginning of a week-long holiday. These days off feel like the best idea I’ve ever had.

At PC Gamer, Andy Kelly spoke to the developers of Paradise Killer about how they made the open world detective game.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alice O'Connor)

A skeletal illustration from 'Emblemes nouveaux; esquels le cours de ce monde est depeint et representé par certaines figures, desquelles le sens est expliqué par rimes'

This is, very sadly, the last WPWPWPPWAPPW including Matthew Castle and Sin Vega, who are no longer with RPS. If you’ve not already said goodbye to them, do hop on over to that post to share well wishes and good memories. Video games shall endure, but we will miss them.

What are you playing this weekend? Here’s what we’re clicking on!


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Lauren Morton)

The newest casualty in Apple and Epic Games’ legal squabble is Fortnite: Save The World. Nah, not the battle royale everyone plays, just the co-op horde game. If you’re just catching up, Epic kicked off a big stink with Apple last month with a weird, 1984-inspired propaganda video as they circumvented Apple’s cut of App Store sales. It’s been all drama since then. Has this really only been going on for four weeks? This is going to be a long, tiresome ride.


She Dreams Elsewhere - (Lauren Morton)

The fifth Game Devs of Color Expo kicks off this weekend with presentations by a number of different creators. Although the weekend of talks is a paid event, you can spot some developer interviews and free demos being hosted by the expo over on Steam in an event called Gradient Convergence. You’ve got from now until Monday, to try those out if you’re keen.


Crysis - (Lauren Morton)

A screenshot showing Crysis Remastered's iconic nanosuit.Crysis Remastered

is out and yes, you can probably run it. You will need to buy it though, because that’s how these things work. The remaster includes visual updates like 8k resolution textures and ray-traced reflections for those of you willing to put your systems through their paces. Not to worry, ye old Crysis joke will live on for several more years if Crytek have anything to say about it.


No Man's Sky - (Lauren Morton)

No Man's Sky - Best space games 2020No Man’s Sky

is in for yet another update to its giant spacefaring simulation sometime next week, Hello games say. They’ve shared the title for the new update and hinted that it’s the beginning of some big new piece of the game, but don’t appear to be sharing more until the update and its patch notes drop next week. That won’t stop me from taking some guesses based on the new artwork though, now will it?


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alice O'Connor)

Descent Underground loading screen art.

Over five years after Descendent Studios successfully finished a Kickstarter campaign for Descent: Underground, their dream of a new game in the tunnelbound spaceship shooter series has not yet come true. It got pulled from early access, its plans changed to focus on singleplayer, and… it went quiet for a long time. Descendent Studios and the publishers, Little Orbit have been tied up in a legal battle, y’see. Well, Descendent issued an update this week saying work has come on and they do still plan to release it, even if they can’t use the Descent name and have to call it “Ships That Fight Underground” or something.


Cyberpunk 2077 - (Lauren Morton)

In yet another Cyberpunk 2077 news brief, CD Projekt Red have talked more about Night City’s layout, gangs, and revealed the PC system specifications you’ll need to run their biggo RPG. For a city that seems so big, the tech you’ll need to visit it is quite small. It will apparently only take up 70GB of storage space and will run with an Nvidia GTX 780 GPU.



A screenshot of Final Fantasy 16's protagonistFinal Fantasy 16

‘s future on PC may have been thrown into doubt over the last 48 hours thanks to Square Enix’s ongoing exclusivity mess, but man alive, I am EXCITED all the same. Partly because its brand new “Awakening” reveal trailer shown off during Wednesday’s latest PS5 Showcase a) looked fantastic, and b) explicitly stated it had been captured on PC, thereby giving me hope that it will come to PC eventually. But mostly because it reminded me a lot of the previous game in the series, the wonderful (but epically flawed) Final Fantasy 15. Allow me to explain.

