Colony Ship: A Post-Earth Role Playing Game - Vince
Role-playing means different things to different people. To us, it means handling quests and obstacles in a manner fitting your character. You can solve all your problems with violence, you can talk your way through the game, 'making friends and influencing people', or you can rely on stealth (and science) and have a lot of fun in the process.

One of the early quests tasks you with recruiting Lord's Mercy and her gang for Braxton (more on the conflict here link, written by Primordia's Mark Yohalem himself).

The (relatively) easy way is to convince Mercy to switch sides, but it requires skills like Persuasion and Streetwise. If you fail, you'd have to kill her to weaken Jonas, which will be a very hard fight as you'd have to fight the entire gang in their 'fort', where the negotiations take place. Obviously, if Mercy and her gang are a valuable ally in the upcoming fight for the control of the Pit, they need to be appropriately tough.

Alternatively, you can sneak inside, assassinate Mercy and leave before anyone realizes what happened.

^ Mercy's 'fort'

If you decide to practice your manipulation skills:

^ reference to the previous quest

^ the disposition meter tracks the person's reaction and shows your progress toward helping people see things your way

Back to stealth:

^ you can climb up and take out the guard on that little balcony or go past the guard on the lower level. The alert bars above the guards' heads are temporary. Our focus was on the mechanics, not the interface and presentation. The good thing is that it seems to work well, so think of it as a foundation to build on (with your help) not a finished system.

An overview of the mechanics:

1) Tiles - when you enter the stealth mode, all tiles around guards are automatically assigned detection values. If your sneaking ability (the skill and modifiers) is greater than the detection value, you remain undetected. Thus, green tiles are safe to walk on, red tiles means instant detection and combat, yellow means higher chance of detection (if you end your turn there, you'll be instantly detected at the beginning of the guard's turn).

The detection values are determined by the distance from the guards, which way they're facing, their Perception, and thermal vision gear, if any. High sneaking ability turns more tiles green and opens up more options.

2) Noise - each step and action (lockpicking, climbing, using computers, killing guards in stealth mode, etc) generates noise. Not a whole lot of noise to instantly alert the guards the moment you do something but enough to add up over time and raise the guards' suspicions. The higher the guards' Perception, the faster the alert bar is filled:

0-24: Unaware
25-49: Suspicious (a warning to the player)
50-74: Alerted
75-100: Searching

When a guard is alerted, he turns around towards the last noise generated, so if you are close he'll see you (meaning a lot of green tiles will instantly turn red). When a guard decides that it's time to investigate, he moves towards the last noise generated on his turn. If the meter reaches 100, he "interrupts" your turn and turns around immediately.

Each state past Unaware raises the difficulty of killing in stealth mode.

3) The higher your sneaking ability (skill, feats, gear) the longer you can stay undetected and the more you can do. To put it simply, if your quest goal is to steal an item from a chest nearby but there's another chest in a room down the hall, it will be relatively easy to get to the 'quest chest' but much harder to get to the optional chest (without starting a fight you may or may not be able to win). So specialization will definitely pay off.

You can reduce the noise you generate (Sneaking and feats like Ghost: -1 noise per tile, actions generate half the noise). Heavy boots and armor will increase the noise, so dress light and not get caught in your underwear.

4) Takedown aka instant killing – if your takedown value is equal to or higher than the guard's defensive rating (Con, Evasion, Alert level), you kill the guard. If it's lower, you do X points of damage (modified by different factors) as a consolation prize.

You can only use knifes and daggers for takedowns. If your favor clubs and axes, you can start a combat with the element of surprise on your side (think Sneak Attack).

That's about it for now. Thoughts?
Sep 17, 2020
Ayre - Anubis

Ayre has been updated to version 1.1.1 and brings along the following enhancements:

  • Many performance increases
  • New dynamic weather skybox (distant clouds)
  • New Volumetric lighting
  • New Time of Day system
  • New photo mode enhancements
  • Change the time of day
  • Hide the lowpoly clouds

Floppy Knights - kimchica

Wowee, it’s been a busy two weeks at Rose City Games. Portland, where the team is based, has been dealing with wildfires and lots of smoke in the last week, and as some of you reached out to ask, we first and foremost wanted to let you know that we’re doing okay. We did take things a bit slower last week as we were all keeping one eye out on the news, but we still have some updates to share!

Vibe Check!

How’re your Floppy Knights feeling? It’s going to be so much easier to tell with our latest update! We’ve been making lots of small tweaks and updates to battle visual effects, and here’s a quick summary of what you can expect to see when buffing your units (or, ahem...if you happen to take damage in various ways, but we won’t focus on that ;) ).

All the small things...

We’ve also made visual updates to other actions during battle! When using cards like Grow, for example, the effect of the card is more clearly indicated with a green number, and the numbers made easier to distinguish with an orange stroke. All small details that add up to generally quicker ways to read and interpret all the info you have at hand!

...and not so small things!

In addition to those small -- but still impactful -- tweaks, we’ve been doing some pretty substantial redesign on once familiar levels! In addition to new battlefield layouts, you may notice a couple of new objects on the field… our game designer, Christian, has had some fun creating more surprises for you to encounter in the game. ;)

It’s Science!

We’ve also been working on fortifying the decks with new cards, based on all of the design changes that Christian’s been tweeting about lately. The hardest part? You may think it’s balancing our card generation system with level design and maintaining synergy among a million other game dev things. Instead it’s more like... well... I’ll let this super scientific graph do all the talking:

Hope you're all staying safe and well!

We’ll keep trucking on development, and we hope that you all are staying safe and well, too! As always, please don’t hesitate to keep in touch -- we’re on Discord as well as Twitter!

Talk soon,

💾 Jenny and the Floppy Knights team
Sep 17, 2020
Idle Expanse - speedy7878
- The QuickStart perk now always gives an extra five barracks slots and an extra ten inventory slots.
- The delay between rounds in the AstroSlots mini-game has been reduced.
- Reduced the amount of time that pop-up messages stay on screen.
- Fixed some undesirable behavior related to the new "next item of interest" functionality.
- Fixed a rare bug where the chroniton collector dish auto-collection perk would sometimes not work properly.
- Fixed a bug in the AstroPairs mini-game where hitting the Abort button wouldn't always work.
MindSeize - Kamina Dimension Ltd
Hi everyone!

It's been a bit longer time since our last update, but a new patch is finally here. It will update the game to version 1.3.0 and includes (at least) the following:

Improvements and balance:

  • Various changes to some rooms on many planets, especially the deep pits on Verdant Gamma and Takomo 7
  • Changed the location of 2 powerups on Verdant Gamma
  • Added a short introductory conversation before the Duo boss fight
  • Added a fifth hidden log file on Research Facility, updated the achievement to require finding it as well
  • Added a hidden path leading to a powerup on Research Facility. It used to require a weapon enhancement from the last planet but can now be picked a bit earlier.
  • Made the Quad Cutters faster and more fun to use, balanced the knockback of the Morph Edge
  • Added visual cues to the Mimir PC:s on Research Facility to make them more visible
  • Additional radio conversation when fighting and losing against the Stranger, improved his hitboxes
  • Improved the Mimir boss fight in many ways. Added visual effects to his force field
  • Added visual effects to help the player know how damage Valkyrie
  • Small improvements to the dialogue

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed several bugs connected with conveyor belts and explosive crates
  • Fixed hacking sound effect playing indefinitely if the hacked drone was killed while hacking it
  • Fixed a laser not showing up correctly in one room on Research Facility
  • Fixed the Scrap Magnet sometimes causing scrap to levitate in strange way
  • Fixed the player getting stuck after loading the game if they somehow manage to die on Horizon Ship
  • Various other stuff as well.

That's all. Keep being awesome, cheers!
Kamina Dimension Crew
Marvel's Avengers - The Definitive Edition - CrystalRinny
Happy Thursday Marvel fans, and welcome to our Marvel’s Avengers WAR TABLE Weekly Blog, where we'll give you the scoop on news, patch notes, Marketplace updates, and more!



Delve into the depths of two SHIELD Vault's in this week's priority missions. Priority Missions have modifiers that will challenge even the toughest Super Hero. Your first weekly completion of these missions earns you unique gear you won’t find anywhere else.

Desert Vault (Low Power Level)
  • Famine: Enemies do not drop Regen Packs when defeated
  • Outbreak: Toxic hazarh3s are added to the environment. Gamma damage from enemies and the environment are increased
  • Collider: Particle damage from players is increased
  • Guaranteed Reward: Polychoron & Hero-Specific Gear

Tundra Vault (High Power Level)
  • Turmoil: Significantly increased presence of Riotbots.
  • Resurgence: Enemy health regenerates after a short delay
  • Clash: Melee damage from any source is greatly increased
  • Snowball: Cryo damage from players is increased
  • Guaranteed Reward: Epic Gear

Priority HARM Room Challenges have additional modifiers and reward comics that increase your collection and boost your stats.
Weekly First Completion Reward: 2010’s Black Widow #5 (0.5% Status Resistance)

Low Power Level Challenge

  • Oasis: Regen Packs have increased Willpower benefit.
  • Torpedo: Projectile damage from any source is greatly increased

High Power Level Challenge
  • Famine: Enemies do not drop Regen Packs when defeated
  • Clash: Melee damage from any source is greatly increased
  • Cosmos: Cosmic damage from players is increased

Modifiers are game changers! Check out some pro-tips from our team that will help you prepare for this week’s challenges!
  • Famine: Focusing on Takedowns and careful usage of the regenerative Nanite containers are key to survivability when Famine is active.
  • Collider: Equip any gear that provides additional Particle damage or increases the rate at which the Particle status meter builds to really heat things up when Collider is active.
  • Resurgence: Quickly eliminating a single foe as opposed to bouncing around between multiple enemies or trying to control groups with area of effect damage will help make surviving Resurgence easier.
  • Clash: When Clash is active make sure to player a Hero who has strong melee abilities and eqip gear high in the Might attribute. Don’t forget, enemies also inflict greater melee damage so watch out for combatants who try to get in close!
  • Torpedo: It’s best to select heroes with strong Ranged Attacks or to equip gear high in the Precision attribute to best take advantage of Torpedo. Don’t forget, enemy Ranged Attacks also do more damage so be sure to Dodge and Evade incoming projectiles!


We’ve got some flashy additions to the store this week, including Iron Man's legendary Fireworks Emote, Hulk's Epic “Breakups Really Hurt" Takedown, and Thor's Epic Rock Star outfit. Zebra print and fur boots? Sign us up!

The Marketplace is a place for us to feature purchasable cosmetics in the form of Outfits, Emotes, Takedowns, and Nameplates. The Marketplace’s Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary items rotate weekly, and can be purchased with Credits.


V1.3.0 - our biggest patch yet - will be dropping soon. We will update this section as soon as it is live!


Social Announcements

Check out articles announcements you may have missed!

Assembling Marvel’s Avengers: Kamala Khan [[url=]Link[/url]]
Assembling Marvel's Avengers: Thor [[url=]Link[/url]]
Assembling Marvel's Avengers: Black Widow [[url=]Link[/url]]
Assembling Marvel's Avengers: Captain America [[url=]Link[/url]]
Assembling Marvel's Avengers: Iron Man [[url=]Link[/url]]
Assembling Marvel's Avengers: Hulk [[url=]Link[/url]]
Stream the Marvel’s Avengers Soundtrack [[url=]Link[/url]]
Wrench Marvel’s Avengers: September 9 Patch Notes & Studio Update [[url=]Link[/url]]

Community Achievement

Did you know that since launch, the community has used Iron Man’s repulsor blasts 3,481,619,987 times?

Community Spotlight

Check out our community spotlight featuring some fantastic in-game photography by fans.

Digital photography by Dr. Soap

Digital photography by Dr. Soap

Digital photography by Caboose

Digital photography by Caboose

Till next week, we'll see you online, and in-game!
Feral Blue - Bruce Willis

As promised, new content and fixes are out today.

Pirate sale on the doorstep of your Steam!
We have significantly reduced the price, so hurry up to buy a game with a big discount or a whole set of games from us.

A pack of games has appeared on sale: Blood and Gold and Feral Blue in a single bundle, especially for you if you missed our previous game about adventure in the Caribbean sea!

  1. New ship line for the People's Republic: the Floating Fort, the Floating Citadel and the Steam Citadel, all quite agile and well-armed ships.
  2. New mechanic to set an emergency threshold for supplies in the hold. When the specified resource is down to this value, the crew would rather suffer hardships than waste the valuable cargo for their own needs. Use this function to preserve the goods that need to be delivered elsewhere or conserved for some important purpose. Whenever you get a mission to deliver goods, the cargo is reserved automatically, increasing the emergency threshold. After completing the mission the default threshold value is restored.
  3. The trade and barter interface now displays the value of emergency threshold. If the deal takes the player outside the emergency limits, a warning pops up.
  4. Starting ship of the Mori faction has been updated.
  5. The help screens are redesigned, their content is brought up to date.
  6. You no longer need to quit walking the town streets in order to initiate a dialog with the city government, trade or outfit your ship.
  7. Fixed some errors in trade and cargo hold screens.

Empire of Sin - missdeliana

Public enemy number one. Leader of the Chicago Outfit by age twenty six. Earning up to a hundred million dollars a year throughout the twenties. Untouchable to everyone but the IRS. Al “Scarface” Capone started in the street gangs of New York before becoming the gangster every other gangster wishes they were. His short reign at the top of Chicago’s underworld was enough to cement him in the annals of history as one of the most notorious and cold-blooded mobsters in memory and the blueprint for any wannabe gangster trying to rise through the ranks.
Since being recruited from Brooklyn by the Outfit, Capone has stamped his boot print all over the faces and places of the South Side of Chicago. Capone is the lethal combination of businessman and rottweiler; he can see the best ways to make money and knows when to delegate to his partner, Mr. Tommy Gun, and get his voice heard down Michigan Avenue.

For Capone, violence is just another part of the job. It’s a necessary trade off in the interests of furthering business prospects and status in the city. That gives him a callous edge and a heavy hand when it comes to sending a message to any chancers to his throne. In his eyes, it’s kill or be killed, and with a wife and child to stay alive for, he always makes sure he’s the man of action and not reaction.

While never convicted, Capone has direct ties to many bloody slayings throughout the city. Cold blooded is a part of his nature, and though some may see him as a ruthless killer, as far as he and his associates are concerned, you don’t get to make Chicago your kingdom without spending some lead.

Detective S. Kennedy of the Chicago Police Department is working closely with the Bureau of Prohibition to build a case against Al Capone, a man they believe to be a growing threat to the sanctity of prohibition law. Below are the notes taken by Det. Kennedy on one of his stakeouts…

File: #01032-A
Status: Open investigation

The following are handwritten notes recorded by Det. S. Kennedy with attending officer J.L. Murphy, during a stakeout and undercover pursuit of Alphonse Capone. The notes are being used as evidence to the ongoing case being built against Mr. Capone.

Date: 02/15/1920
Time Commenced: 12:00
Attending officer: Det. Kennedy, Ofc. Murphy
Equipment used: Model T, Colt .38, Naval Binoculars

12:00, South Prairie Ave. 60619 – Stationed south of the entrance to the home of ‘Scarface’ Capone. Street is quiet, save for some night-time traffic; seems a pretty residential place for a gangster to live. Looks like he’s got two guards walking a beat around his house for the night, both armed with guns the size of cannons.

12:30 – Ordered Murphy to walk the block; maybe get eyes on the rear entrance — if he can get a view — to spot anything suspicious that arises.

12:50 – One of the goons has come out to the street. He’s standing on the sidewalk looking North and South alternately.

12:58 – Taxi approached from the North and pulled up directly in front of the property. The guard opened the cab door for two ladies and a man — small stature and robust, in a gray hat and trenchcoat. The females: both average height, dark hair, mid-twenties. One in a light coloured overcoat, the other in a fur shawl. Clearly intoxicated. The man is now engaging in friendly conversation with the guard. Cannot tell who it is as he is facing away from view. All three enter the house; the guard resumes his beat around the house.

01:30 – Murphy returns to the automobile. Nothing to report, other than there’s another guard at the back.

04:00 – Taxi pulls up to the house once again. The same guard as before, ushers the three visitors out the front door. The man can now be identified as one Tony Lombardo, known associate of the Capone Outfit. He talks to the guard a minute on the sidewalk, then enters the taxi and the three drive away.

06:30 – The street is slowly starting to wake up now; mail truck, street traffic etc., I sent Murphy on the beat again to survey the back door — from a distance.

07:00 – Murphy has returned. The rear of the house now has two of Capone’s goons stationed directly outside at the back door. Capone must be getting ready to mobilize.

07:05 – A green Rolls-Royce has turned the north east corner of South Prairie Avenue., headed south. Two occupants — a driver and passenger. We are now engaging in a distant pursuit in our motor car.

07:15, Off South Prairie Ave. – Rolls-Royce has stopped at the rear of the building. The passenger has disembarked. There’s a rifle in the fold of his overcoat. Description: Tall, dark hair, clean shaven, early thirties. He’s standing in the street now, looking around…
He’s signalled to the rear of the building and Capone can now be seen approaching the vehicle, flanked by the two guards. I can now identify them as Frank Nitti and Tony Accardo. They have entered the automobile and we are once again pursuing from a distance.

08:00, Fuller Park – Stationed outside a premises near W 42nd St., Capone and Nitti have entered the building through the front. Their car remains idling outside where Accardo set himself on the sidewalk between the auto and the front door to keep watch. He appears to be having a conversation through the window with the unidentified passenger of the motor car.

08:10 – Capone and Nitti exit the building quickly. Both appear restless and Capone puts a package into the inside pocket of his suit jacket and shouts something to Accardo before entering the motor that makes Accardo laugh. Once again, we’re in pursuit.

09:00, Bridge Port – Same as before, Capone and Nitti enter a building at 134 S Halsted St., Accardo keeps watch outside. This is a faster visit and they both emerge within a couple of minutes — Suspected pick-ups of racket cash or protection money.

10:45 – Two more stops in Armor Square and Douglas – Premises are at 130 W Alexander St. and 78 S Slate St., respectively. Capone exited the S Slate Street premises wiping his hands on a handkerchief that appears to be bloodstained — Must have gotten pretty heated in there.

11:30, Michigan Ave. – Stationed north of an entrance to a restaurant named ‘The Olive Branch’. Capone, Nitti and Accardo have gone inside, after the owner — presumably — met them at the door with open arms and back slaps. Must be breakfast. The driver stayed in the car with the unidentified passenger loitering outside the restaurant, doing his best to look inconspicuous.

12:30 – The party emerges. The owner once again escorts them to the door. Capone is speaking to the owner and prodding his chest with a pointed finger. The owner’s a big guy, but damn, he looks like a scolded child. Capone slaps him twice on the cheek and follows his crew to the motor. The owner shouts after them: “Thank you Mr. Capone. You won’t regret this.”
— Regret what exactly?
Note: send Murphy back with another beat cop to scope this place out at a later date.

13:30, Kenwood – Have been in pursuit for the last hour. No stops made, and there doesn’t seem to be any direction in particular that they are going. Either they’re conducting some sort of mobile business meeting, or they smell something’s off. Murphy and I are now hanging back a couple of extra yards so as not to spook them.

14:10, Hyde Park – Their motor car has now pulled into what seems to be a garage on 35 E 52nd Street. We’re stationed south of the entrance without a clear view of what’s going on inside, and I’m not getting too close to blow cover.

14:30 – Something’s up, I can feel it. Just had a cargo truck swing by real slow past our motor, then turn into the same garage. Two guards are outside to direct it in. This could be some sort of hooch deal?

14:35 – The motor car and truck have both left the garage, headed North. We are in pursuit. Unclear if the occupants of the motor car are the same as before, and I cannot identify the driver of the truck.

15:15, Outskirts of Woodlawn – No longer in pursuit. Followed motor and truck to the south end of Washington park. An arm came out of the motor in a beckoning motion and the truck accelerated and overtook it. The motor stopped in the middle of the road and the four occupants stepped out of the vehicle. All faces were covered with bandit scarves and they pointed tommy guns directly at our motor as we approached. They said nothing, just stood there aiming. I swear one was Capone. I could see him grinning under that mask, but of course I can’t prove it was him — beyond those jazzy fuckin’ shoes he wears. We sat at their mercy and after a minute they returned to their motor and took off heading west. What could I do? Take on all four with a fucking pistol? I can’t believe the nerve of these guys. Standing in the street in the middle of the day with automatic weapons.

15:30 – Returning to base. Who knows where that truck went to get the deal done? We now have known addresses for Capone-associated rackets on record at least. They can be added to the ongoing investigation.

Watch the Chicago Chronicles video on Al Capone:
Horizon Chase Turbo - Felipe Gugelmin

Working with or against the law, there’s only one rule you need to follow: get the top speed and don’t let anyone get in your way. In Police Pursuit, Horizon Chase Turbo transforms in an intense dispute in every race you’ll find.
  • Intense chases and awesome escapes
  • Work with or against the law
  • Rules that change the basics of Horizon Chase
In our new Season, your role changes with each race: one hour you’ll be the hunter, the next time the hunt. The dispute has begun! Go!
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale - Ins Tredd
Hello guys,
today we bring several announcements about the upcoming release of Treasure Royale!

Stream on Steam festival
First things first - another Steam Festival with free demos is scheduled for October and we take part in it! Don't miss the opportunity to check how the game improved since June and what you can expect from the 1.0 version!

You will be able to join us and play together on one of the servers almost anytime during the week, or simply watch our Stream here on the store or on the official festival page.

Celebration of the International Talk Like a Pirate day!
We couldn't miss that. In Treasure Royale, along with the standard VoiceChat available for everyone, we've added a double Command Wheel for those who are not happy with their pirate voice or just want to mark something quickly and inform every other team pirate.

By the way, during the Steam Pirate Sale you can grab the first Out of Reach survival game with a really nice discount ;)