Operation Zeta - Sfs Studios
This weeks update added a new race and some features that have been suggested by you guys since launch. A lot of those suggestions came from our Discord, feel free to join if you want to see your ideas in future updates!

New playable race: Golemite

Golemite has been added as a new playable race and has the largest ship in the game with 9 parts! They shoot out rocks at the ground in front of them and have a special that makes them explode out 12 rocks around them!

New quests

New quests have been added! This includes a new quest from one of our patrons who wanted to have a santa themed quest. (all patreon tiers get to design a quest)

In order to make this quest happen you can now grapple creatures! Some more new quests have been added to find and bring creatures to NPCS.

Mini map

Due to popular demand we have added a minimap to help you from getting lost in the system.

Other small improvements

We have added other small improvements such as Steam "Rich Presence" to show your friends what you are doing in the game!

Update Stream
Something we want to try to do is do a short livestream here on Steam and on Twitch going over some of the update as well as hearing from you guys about ideas for future updates and thoughts on this update. We will post a condensed version of the stream on Youtube later in the week.

Final thoughts
Overall thank you for all the support and feedback you guys have given OZ since launch. We are going to keep doing regular updates with more improvements, new quests, new mechanics and new races for the foreseeable future! Feel free to let us know anything you would like to see or what you think about the game on Discord, the Steam forums or in a review (they help us a ton).

  • Added a couple new quests
  • Added new quest type: Creature capture.
  • Added new playable race: Golemite
  • Added Stream "rich presence"
  • Added toggle-able mini-map
  • Added home subtle arrow pointing to your home planet
  • Added new NPC: Santa
  • Added new NPC: Cold Flirx
  • Added new creautre: Quazardeer
  • Added ability to grapple creatures with your ship grapple
  • Added new patron names & quests
  • Added new Achievements for Golemite
  • Changed some of the coloring on helper arrows
  • Changed delay laser upgrade to only add 30 seconds each level instead of a minute
  • Changed icon for exiting ship
  • Changed: Increased the amount of planets in each run
  • Changed so some races no longer require o2
  • Fixed rocks frequently spawning over NPCS
  • Fixed lack of o2 not killing you.
Sep 16, 2020
Apprentice Arriving - Emerald
This update contains the following bug fixes and adjustments:

  • Lightning Spell was sometimes in a loop when toggling from one enemy to another causing
    enemies to be permanently paralyzed
  • Lightning Spell had no cooldown and could be spammed
  • Randomly some enemies didn't spawn properly (created well working enemy-spawners)
  • Balver was floating towards player when Boxing Attack event was triggered
  • HUD and other UI elements will now disappears when any dialogues on the screen pop off and will reappear once the dialogue is done
  • Balver Boxing Attack are now 6 hits instead of 1 and deals a lot of damage
    (We now highly recommend you dodge this deadly attack) !
Sep 16, 2020
Godking: Master of Rituals - Claus
It’s been an intense five months of early access and at times we worried we would not get this far. The amazing support from the community has been a key element, and we want to thank everyone for helping us get here.

This update adds many finishing touches to the game, and fixes a few long standing issues we wanted done before release.

Hope you are enjoying the game, and remember to find us on Discord!

  • Added AI difficulty settings when starting a new game. On Footman setting the AI player gets no bonuses, while Knight gives +50% and Lord gives +100% resource income bonus. The Lord difficulty setting will challenge even veteran players.

  • Added option to show only direct units under a commander on the Manage Armies screen. This is a tick box that makes it a lot easier to instantly see who commands who.

  • Added beautified unit icons to the game with formation and rank information. This makes it easy to at a glance identify units. These changes affect Manage Armies as well as Faction Select and Holding Recruitment UI.

  • Added improved minimap with easier to read holding ownership coloring. We also dimmed the biome colors somewhat to make the political information stand out.

  • Added increased range for most catapults and siege weapons to make them more useful in very large armies.

  • Added improved godrays for faction HQs and armies, making them prettier and less noisy.

  • Added several missing tooltips across the game.

  • Updated the ingame encyclopedia with improved texts and screenshots.

  • Fixed an issue with tooltips not displaying the correct movement cost for armies with movement traits, such as Forest Walker or Swamp Expert.

  • Fixed several smaller UI issues.

Sep 16, 2020
Primeval - Exhibyte
  • The dinosaur nest 3D-model has been replaced with a new model that does not have eggs as decorations built into the mesh. The old nest having eggs built into the mesh was being calculated in the world's collision and it was causing dinosaurs to not be able to walk over them. The new models don't have that problem and dinosaur hatchlings are once again free to roam around the nest area.
  • Eggs are now spawning at the correct size.
  • Food being dropped should no longer be spawning under the terrain.
  • Dinosaur AI should no longer be picking up food if it is not within interaction range.
Greak: Memories of Azur - Micki_Team17
Hello again!

Welcome to Dev Log #3! This time, we will talk about a region in the lands of Azur called the Swamps of Bremul and the development of some of it’s mechanics.

Azur is the name of an unexplored cluster of Islands located in the northern hemisphere of the Alassya Planet. The lands of Azur have different regions with very diverse ecosystems. From mountains to tundra, Azur stands out for its vast natural resources. Within the different areas in Azur are the Swamps of Bremul which after being taken by the Urlags, are home to a large number of dangerous enemies.

Concept Art of The Swamps of Bremul

Throughout the game, it is very important for us to keep adding different platforming elements for the player to explore the world of Azur. For this devlog, we wanted to delve deep into how we created the Interactive Ropes that you will find in this location.

The basic pieces of the Rope Physics
In order for the ropes to look and behave in a natural way, we had to rely on the Unity Physics engine to do most of the work for their movement. Then, we made the characters behave around them accordingly.

The rope is created using multiple invisible pieces connected between them with Physics Joints allowing them to react as if they are linked to one another.

We then use a line that goes through each one of these links to make it look like it was a single interactive object.

Blending the Ropes with the World
To make the Ropes blend in with the rest of the world, we added a texture in the line that connects the invisible pieces.

We then added a few additional details in order for them to stand out as an interactive object in the environment. For example, the counter weight at the bottom or the tiny gear at the top to represent the Rope anchor point.

Player Interaction and Animations
In order for the characters to interact with the rope, it will check if they have come into contact with one of the invisible links, and when that happens, it can attach them to that point and interpolate their position.

Characters will always face the direction the rope is swinging towards. To make it feel a lot more responsive, we made different swinging animations that will be set depending on their speed. In this case, the characters will quickly turn around when they need to change their orientation.

Stacking characters in a single Rope
Sometimes, when moving with multiple characters, there will be times when they all grab the same rope. In this case, it could become confusing since they would collide with one another.

To prevent this situation, we made them stack on top of each other and allowed only one character per Rope Link.

In Game Result
Finally, here is the final result on how the ropes look in game!

We've got some other interesting surprises waiting for you at the Swamps of Bremul! We hope you have as much fun playing around with them as we did experimenting with the different ideas to make them work!

Thanks for reading this month's devlog, and stay tuned for more next time!
Sep 16, 2020
General War Memories - jtggame

A great event that will allow you to get points for the spent gold coins, which can be exchanged for excellent items.
Features of this event
  • If Score Exchange is launched in parallel with Lucky Draw, then one spent gold coin is equal to 2 points.
  • These accumulated points can be used both in the Score Exchange event itself and in the Lucky Draw event

Now the Lucky Draw event is active, which means spent 1 gold coin = 2 points - don't miss this moment! Good luck!

Best regards JTGgame Team!
Soul Scathe - BlueberryBandit
  • There is now an options menu selection for basic graphics settings, providing improved texture and shadow quality over previous builds of the game.

  • Potions now only break if they are empty, avoiding accidental misuse.

  • Sheathing a weapon is more reliable.
  • Corrupted Vessels no longer sometimes cause you to be permanently stuck in place.
  • The potion slots on your waist now properly highlight in green.

Work currently continues on Chapter 2, which will be a major content update. When I can share more, I'll be sure to post on here so stay tuned!

- Blueberry.
Project Exhibited - Strik3One
Greetings Agent,

In our last announcement, we claimed to have released the final update to Project Exhibited. It turns out we lied. Because of the increasing interest of the speedrunning community, we have come back to bring you two small additions that might help your running career.

The two additions are:
  • In-game loot percentage counter
  • In-game timer
We hope these additions will help you find the most optimal routes! (Both can be found and activated in the general settings menu)

If you are interested in joining the speedrunners visit: https://www.speedrun.com/projectexhibited

On another note, as of today, you can visit the store page for our upcoming release of the Project Exhbited Soundtrack. From the dynamic sound system present in the game, our music magician Stijn de Koning has created two linear versions for you to enjoy!

- Team Thieves
Sep 16, 2020
DumbBots: Hello World - McSyko
DumbBots: Hello World is the FREE demo for DumbBots.

The tutorial levels have been made freely available to provide a taste of what's to come, as well as a basic introduction to some coding principles for anyone interested in picking up the craft.

And it's available to play NOW.

Sep 16, 2020
General War Memories - jtggame
Try your luck in the Lucky Draw event, every day you get x1 free attempt to spin the wheel, and the spent gold coins are awarded to you in the form of points, which can also be used in this event.

Good luck be with you!

Best regards, JTGGame Team