Stardew Valley - (Craig Pearson)

I’m once again hacking my way through the undergrowth on the hunt for mods. This time it’s Stardew Valley, the game where you begin with a run-down farm and simply try and make it work. If you’re not terribly good at farming, don’t worry. I’m here to help.

I’ve been picking games recently where the modders have expanded tools and mechanics in order to craft an ideal version of the game, so a fair few of the mods here focus on quality of life again. Stardew’s modders really have made the farming experience a lot more parsable, meaning your work there can be as automated and as sharply focused as you like. Just a couple of the mods below will make your ground more fertile.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Imogen Beckhelling)

At Sony’s PS5 showcase last week, we got another look at Little Devil Inside, an upcoming action-adventure RPG about a little dude investigating monsters for his eccentric boss. Unfortunately, a couple of scenes in its reveal trailer showed some characters that the creators have acknowledged look like “racist stereotypes”. Some viewers were quick to call out the devs at Neostream on it though, and now they’ve made an apology, promising to fix it.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Katharine Castle)

If you’re looking for a list of all the confirmed Nvidia G-Sync Compatible monitors, then you’re in the right place. Below, you’ll find every AMD Freesync monitor that’s been officially certified by Nvidia as meeting their G-Sync Compatible standard, and we also tell you how to enable G-Sync on any Freesync monitor as well.


Wide Ocean Big Jacket - (Alice O'Connor)

In February, the creators of the wonderful Little Party released Wide Ocean Big Jacket. I really liked the funny and touching tale of a couple taking their rowdy niece and her quiet friend on their first camping trip. You probably did not play it. But that’s okay! It is one of the hundreds of games in’s Bundle For Racial Justice And Equality so maybe you’ll play it now.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Katharine Castle)

Graphics card deals

If you found your graphics card letting you down over the weekend, then what better way to start the new week than by browsing the top graphics card deals around? In truth, there hasn’t been too much shift in graphics card deal prices this week, but the moves there have been are generally in the right direction (that is, downwards), with a saving of £10 / $10 here and there. It’s still not a great time to buy a graphics card in the grand scheme of things due to ongoing Covid-19-related disruption in supply chains, but it does appear to be getting better.

To help you keep track of all of the top graphics card deals going on right now, we’ve put together this list of all the best prices for the today’s [cms-block]s so you can see exactly how they compare against one another, and whether they’re a good buy or not. Regardless of whether you’re upgrading your PC or building a new PC from scratch, here are the cheapest graphics card deals on offer this week.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Sin Vega)

I’ve barely made a dent in the Itch Bundle For Racial Justice And Equality, but I can already recommend Night Of The Consumers as a quick and rewarding intro into its daunting bounty of terrific games.

It isn’t a zombie game. The monsters are far worse than that. They are… ugh. Customers.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alan Martin)

Good news if you’re in the market for a new gaming laptop or monitor – especially if you prefer your hardware to have the Dell or Alienware logo attached. There’s a voucher code doing the rounds on HotUKDeals that takes 15% off all hardware in the Dell store, and that leads to some serious bargains on top of their already existing two-day deals prices.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alice O'Connor)

You have until 8am tomorrow (midnight Pacific) to buy’s Bundle For Racial Justice And Equality, getting you over 1700 games and things while giving money to a great cause. The bundle has so far raised over $7 million (£5.5m) for NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and the Community Bail Fund, which all proceeds to be 50/50. The bundle contains lots of games you’ll likely know, like Night In The Woods (above) and Pyre, as well as loads of the smaller games Itch is known for. It’s a bit overwhelming, so we can help you with recommendations too.


Celeste - (Imogen Beckhelling)

I used to think I was pretty good at platformers, until I played Celeste. Made the creators of Towerfall, Celeste drops you in the shoes of Madeline, whose goal is to climb a mountain. Except, the mountain isn’t really just a mountain – it’s a metaphor for all the difficulties that Madeline, and you, have overcome, and will need to overcome in the future. It’s gruelling and lovely, and you’re missing out on a wonderful experience if you haven’t gotten around to playing it. Now, however, you have no excuse not to be playing it, because it’s one of the hundred of games included in the Itch Bundle For Racial Justice And Equality.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (John Walker)

I have long described Kingdoms Of Amular: Reckoning as one of my favourite games. It has also been a long time since I checked. And as you can see, despite its status in my gaming life, I still can’t spell its name correctly. AmAlUr. Am-ah-lure.

With the very welcome recent announcement that its most recent owners, THQ Nordic, are remastering it, I thought I’d return to give them a few pointers of what needs fixing. And that does not include the troll rolling.

