咔叽探险队 Kaki Raid - yuhz


- 翡翠沙拉提高的体力由5点回调至27点
- 上调了秘境问答事件的积分
- 冰缓现在不再会驱散燃烧状态,燃烧也不再会驱散冰缓与冻结状态
- 将守护者模式中的“仅在规划路线中自动冒险”,改为了“切图后取消自动冒险”
- 暂时移除了初始能量精华

- 修正了武器烙印后,点击驱印时无法显示武器驱印后的属性的问题
- 修正了绞喉者会沉默持有者的问题
- 修正了秘境无名墓穴无法进入的问题
- 修正了神石商店会在200层前出现并且没有事件的问题
- 修正了不朽时依然会被毒死的问题
Drop In - VR F2P - Jasonakauno
* Added Football
* Added Soccer
* Updated Stadium to support goal interactions
* Added button to swap between soccer and Street Hockey
* Updated client throwing replication to better deal with latency

Bug Fixes:
Updated profile detection for clients on index vs wands vs wmr etc to properly handle grip/release/toggle behavior on clients. Was a case were the host would sometimes rep out the profile grip settings to clients for late joiners.
A Duel Hand Disaster: Trackher - Ask An Enemy Studios

The Indie MEGABOOTH folks have worked hand in hand with Valve to put a sale together that brings attention to 150 devs who have shown their creations at events IMB has put together. In addition they've also provided us all the opportunity to do a livestream with the chance of being featured directly on the IMB sale page. This is that opportunity.

Stop by and see what a ride this whole thing has been for me. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two. Hell, if you have a question just ask.

<3 Jaycee

Dear Players,

We would like to inform you that this Tuesday, 5th May (PDT), we will not run the regular maintenance.

Thank you for your support.

EOS Team
Greetings operatives!

Agent Incognito back again with another development update! We're trying to come up with these secret updates as often as possible, and want to make sure all of you are aware of what's going on with Delphyq development. Alongside all of the new content and features we're developing, we're  making sure all of the current bugs we encounter are squashed right away.

Without further ado, here's what we've been doing for this week.

The All New Tutorial 

We're hard at work polishing the Tutorial in time for our debut at the Steam Festival of Games this coming June! We're very excited about this and we hope that when the time comes, you not only try out our brand new demo, but wishlist our game on Steam as well.

Here's a glimpse of some of the new things we have coming up in the new Tutorial.

Delphyq Tutorial Screencap 1: Unpause

Delphyq Tutorial Screencap 2: Camera Movement

New "Steppes" Map Labs Area Concept Art and Initial Render

The work in progress of the Steppes Map, Labs section is really a sight to behold! While the concept art for the Steppes Map is already interesting, the artist's ability to render them onto the Delphyq landscape makes it even more impressive.

Here's a look at the concept art and some of the initial 3D renders by our artist. Amazing stuff!

Delphyq Steppes Full Map Concept Art

Delphyq Steppes Map Lab Area Concept Art

Delphyq Steppes Map Lab Area WIP 1

Delphyq Steppes Map Lab Area WIP 2

Delphyq Steppes Map Lab Area WIP 3

We can't wait for the final, polished look of the Labs map, along with all the lights, backgrounds and effects!

Full Enemy Textures

The enemies are now complete! With the artist's complete renders of the final textures for all enemy units, we now have a much clearer and more intimidating look at the enemy robots in all their glory.

The glowing veins along their limbs adds to the intimidating effect--which means they too have powered limbs and can be devastating adversaries for our Operatives on the field.

Have a closer look

Delphyq Enemy Units Default Texture WIP

Delphyq Enemy Units Default Texture LineUp WIP

Delphyq Enemy Units Default Texture Group LineUp WIP

Regression Testing

Here's something that we also haven't taken for granted--testing and debugging!

Currently, there are a number of minor bugs that are causing a little bit of mischief but so far we've only encountered one game-breaking bug. Our QA and development engineers were quick to squash that bug and are hoping no more big ones come out to play.

Incidentally, some of the minor bugs are actually quite endearing--and turn out to be quite the hoot when played out. We'll share those bugs in a later update to keep you guys entertained with some of the funny stuff.

For now, here's the major bug that was squished in time for the new demo: the Operator could not fire at an enemy from behind cover for some reason, and had to step out into the open just to take a shot. Obviously, that presents a very real--and dangerous--problem for your team: stepping out of cover into direct enemy fire usually results in death. So this was definitely a game breaking bug that needed fixing ASAP. Thankfully, it's no longer a problem!

Delphyq Operator Behind Cover But Not Shooting Bug

As mentioned in the previous update, we'll be sharing more updates as the weeks progress.

Also, take note that we'll be joining the Steam Festival of Games this coming June 2020. More details on that will be release in the coming weeks.

Please don't forget to wishlist our game on Steam: {LINK REMOVED}

And also, join our Discord Community: http://discord.gg/QpKJTrZ

Once again thanks for sticking around! See you next update, Operative!

-Agent Incognito
May 3, 2020
Brimhelm - NorthFireStudios
Update V1.0.1
-Fixed Bugs
-Adjustment to experience gained for balancing
-Added loot recieved from enemies
-Added Timer to levels
-Added waves to Defense trial
-Adjusted enemy damage and health for better scaling
-Added more unique abilities to enemies
-Changed main menu setup
-Optimization to improve performance
-Many minor tweaks

Inferno Wizards - Home Fire Games
Hi everyone!

I added a new npc with a side quest to unlock a fire shield at any level. Press E to interact. I've optimized the game to run faster on all machines, with additional tweaks for the "lowest" setting. Find the bonfire to learn Flame Shield at any level.


1 new story quest

3 new npcs

1 new side quest

Game optimizations - 10x cpu performance increase and 2x gpu performance increase

More detailed world map

Better npc animations

World boss now does higher damage than normal mobs

Hearth fire heal amount fixed

Underwater camera animation


Bug fixes

Water wizard world boss, new enemy type and quest

Chat names

Persistent save after logout
May 3, 2020
Hex of Steel - valentin56610
- Added : Panzerjager I, SIG 33 15 cm, Sd. Kfz. 233, T19, VK16.02 Leopard.
- Added : In the deploy menu, it will now show wether your unit is motorized or mechanized.
- Added : Popup appearing when successfully upgrading to another unit.
- Added : NATO counters for all units, mechanized and motorized for all types missing (Artillery/Mortars/Infantry).
- Change : I remade all sprites for the following units -> Sturmpanzer I Bison, Sturmpanzer V Brummbar, Panzer Ausf. IV G, Panzer Ausf. IV F2, Panzer Ausf. III G, Hummel, Flak38, Flak 36 88mm, Panzerwerfer, Sd. Kfz. 251/9 Stummel. That's the ones that looked the worse, so that's why I remade them, they now look super nice !
- Change : A lot of unit's stats, especially german ones
- Change : Stug III A is now in the artillery category/filter.
- Change : Camera won't move to defensive AI units as it was doing previously, I thought it was useless as they are not moving.
- Change : Reorganized all german artillery in order of strength so when you buy the best is at the bottom.
- Change : More money from captured VPs.
- Change : Easy difficulty now doubles your starting money.
- Fix : Camera glitching, i finally found what it was (Z axis was changing constantly, now its good).
- Fix : HP of the AI being not in the good orientation when you discovered them in the fog of war.
- Fix : Your unit's little red target and little green arrow were being shown like you could move or attack even when the AI was playing.

I forgot to mention in the previous update, and could not find any button to edit the previous event so IMPORTANT PLEASE READ :

If your save / map contains any of those units : Sd. Kfz. 251 / SS infantry (the STG one). Your map / save is broken and will not launch as they have been removed from the game.
Easy Red - corvostudio
Hello from Corvostudio.

We just sent our #3 newsletter with new details and screenshots about Easy Red 2.
We talked about AI improvements, character models and cities.

You can see all the news here.

We also started working on some voice acting, but we will talk about it in next letter.

Tell us what you think about those Easy Red 2 progresses.

Thank you all,
Cartridge Defense - TheDannyOutlaw
-Improved win round sound effect.
-Improved error logging.
-Fixed a few UI elements.

Balance Changes
-Changed Greed in Lightning to Rare (was Epic).
-Reduced cost of The Destructors to 600 (was 700).