Cubers: Arena - kasaider
Hi Everyone!

The game page for our upcoming game Cubers: Arena is now live on Steam. You can check it out below.
And here you can watch the trailer↓↓↓
If you like the game, remember to add to wishlist! :) We will inform you about the release date soon.

Thank you for your support!
Skul: The Hero Slayer - Skul: The Hero Slayer

The bug listed below was taken care of with this hotfix for Release Version 1.7e.

  1. Fixed bug where part of the text for the Archlich didn't appear for some languages.


Skul Squad!
This Patch welcomes 3 new skulls to the Continent of Harmonia!

The uber-powerful Archlich will strike fear into the hearts of enemies, while the Thief will rob enemies blind and then use their coins against them in the heat of battle. All of the new skulls have their own unique characteristics and skills, so you should experience even more special action and have a great time playing with them.

Also, we have improved and added to the sounds and special effects in the game. So listen closely!
See below for more detailed info.

  • New Skulls Added
    - Archlich
    - Aqua Skull
    - Thief


  • Grade: Legendary
  • Type: Balance

*Gatekeepers of darkness! My agents and soldiers! Obey my command!*

Aqua Skull

  • Grade: Rare
  • 타Type: Power

*A Skeleton Soldier that fell into the Elemental Lake.*


  • Grade: Common
  • Type: Speed

*When I got Demon Life Insurance, they didn’t pay me, but rather just brought me back from the dead as a skeleton!*

  • Grim Reaper
    - Drastically increased the amount of skill damage dealt when swapping
  • Ninja
    - Fixed problem where you could cancel a skill by jumping

  • Archdemon
    - Fixed it so that projectiles won’t explode even after hitting walls

  • Improved and added sound for Adventurers
  • Improved sounds effects when swapping
  • Improved overall quality of the sound
  • Added sound effect to Iron Shoes of Bitter Cold when landing on the ground
  • Improved sound of the Broken Mana Engine

Dear all Captains,

In the last two days, server were down because of our cloud service provider had problem with networking issue. Therefore, we are announcing the compensation for the inconvenience and at the same time 23 April is the China Navy Festival, so we are providing additional reward for the community.

Server suspension compensation + China Navy Festival Content

1. 100 KPcoin (can only redeem on 23 Apr 2020!! ) Red Pocket Notification should pop-up, just click the gold button

2. Premium Account 15 days

3. 7 Days first win reward & 7 Days Blitzkrieg reward will be counted as completed automatically and reward included in 20200420 compensation pack

20200420 compensation pack will be listed in item store for 0 gold until 30Apr 23:59(Server Time) which include the following items: (we are creating the pack, pack will be listed in store within next 12 hours)

165k credits

400.5k points

Smoke x 17

Expert+10 x40

Expert +100 x4

Exp30% x 11

Mine x 10

Super Elite Fighter x1

Super Elite Engine x1

Premium Sailor x1

Hero Sailor x1

4. Honor medal x 105, KPscore x 2400 and Auto FCX (1 day) (will be delivered to account within 48 hours)

5. ChongQing(Neutral) & DingYuan(China) Ships will have 10% discount until 30Apr 23:59(Server Time)

6. Veteran Conversion Rate will be increased to 400% for Premium account, 350% for normal account on 23 April from 0:00-23:59 Server Time

7. Players who did login in the last 30 days will receive one coupon for charging KPcoin ¥288RMB-¥19RMB = $42.3USD-$2.79USD, coupon will expires in 7 days(will be delivered to account within 2 hours)

8. 180 days consecutive login NFX sailor reward compensation arrangement will be announced later

Thank you all for your support and sorry for the downtime, we seek to improve our service continuously.

NavyField Management Team
Apr 24, 2020
Out There: Oceans of Time - MikahSlash

Welcome to the first Codex entry, where we will share regular information about the Out There universe. Today, we will focus on Zeros - one of the many alien species inhabiting the galaxy.

Zeros love the Gods. These insects are the most savage - and mysterious - warriors in the known universe. Fierce and powerful, no other species has ever defeated them - with the exception of one extraordinary woman named Nyx. Zeros know no lies, property or fatigue and have thus been enslaved for profit by cunning races like humans.

The location of their mother planet, Origin, is shrouded in secrecy.

In the past, Zeros could dream. Today, they have lost this capacity and the species is vegatitive and unable to adapt to the progress of the universe. Once in their lives, they may be able to dream again. This sacred vision is fleeting and delicate, symbolising a state of enlightenment. Once a Zero has dreamt, it must paint the motif of their dream onto a white mask. Wearing this white mask gives the right to appeal to Power, a sacred telekinetic force capable of everything. Some Zeros never dream and those who do hope in vain for a new dream. As such, when you meet a Zero, you will likely find it asleep. However, it isn’t sleeping: it is searching.

Extracts from “Out There Codex” available on Amazon
Apr 24, 2020
Captain Hannon - The Belanzano - coops

Patch Notes 1.40

This patch is a smaller patch and will become the norm for a while until I can collate more feedback. I have been cleaning up smaller sub systems and adding content here and there. Whilst tweaking other systems. Over the next month I will continue to do this in smaller patches like this one.

Edited spawn rates in systems based on the Law Level, The spawns will still occur just not right as soon as you move :) Over time I will work this out to be smoother and work on making it flow more realistically.

I've returned some of the ships view rates back to their lower setting, some strange behaviour was exhibited on longer ranges. Will investigate this.

I have added three new star backdrops for the spaces for Arlington, Zeonis and Defiance. These add certain Nebula type affects and also give a variety of visual effects when travelling.

Bounty Hunter Missions - Each system now generates its own Bounty Hunter Missions. A Mission log is created for the 'Type' of mission and this reflects the location (system) you should look for these bounties. The bounty ships themselves spawn randomly. You will always be warned on the screen when one has been detected in the system.

Once the required amount are killed the Mission will self-complete (in space) and you will be paid. No need to return to the station. The next time you dock any Dog Tags you have will be purchased off you. (automatically).

Issue BR-007 is now resolved. Was an issue where a mob died directly in front of an active event. This will now be accessible regardless of dead mobs.
Touhou Big Big Battle - kuroyuki






Gone Viral - Skullbot Games


Well, we’ve been beating on the beta the last few weeks, laying in a bunch of groundwork stuff that is Big, Mostly Invisible, and Totes Necessary. It’s like a combination of a duck and an iceberg: with big stuff under the hood, churning away making it happen.

So what’s the scoop?

Localization! Now our game (including chat) can handle localizable fonts, preparing us for our future World Takeover.

Emotes and Twitch overhaul! We completely retooled our Twitch integration - the immediate benefit of this is that you can now see Twitch emotes, username colors, etc. both in in-world chat and the chat boxes… but we’re also now hooked up so in the future we can add stuff in the game for things like knowing who subscribers are, when donations happen - all that. It’ll open the door to some Neat Stuff in the future - letting us share some of our Devs Screwing With Streamer™ powers with mods and viewers in interesting ways that won’t ever Go Horribly Wrong.

MOAR PRETTY! The last few untextured or Doug-hacked-it-in assets are all getting polished up - so the Juggernaut is fully textured and modeled, signals his attacks better, and more. The health gambler (aka WTF WHY DID I JUST TAKE DAMAGE machine) now looks like a… thing that lets you gamble health. The giant spike-shredder doesn’t look like Doug jammed a bunch of cones into a giant cylinder he found lying around. Yay!

And, of course, a batch of polish and fixes we couldn’t do without y’all beating on the game - some nice finds there @botchiball, @Geef, @Vinc3ntvega, and the recent streams from @StandardDamge, @Baron_Fortesque, @Helixplays1, and @Skäggfobi.

Enjoy! Next up - MOAR CONTENT!

-Ze Skullbottians

-- Full UTF-8 (i.e. non-English character support, like say Cyrillic) added to Twitch chat - thanks for the stream @GoldenSire
-- New fonts in use with more language support

-- Added yet more icons from @LeoFonseca!
-- Juggernaut visual overhaul:
-- New Boss Model for the Juggernaut
-- New Mace Asset for Juggernaut
-- Added textures for Juggernaut Bolas
-- Added Lighting effect to Juggernaut Bolas to make them look more dangerous.
-- Unified VFX color of dangerous attacks for Juggernaut

-- Dev Game Master commands now work properly through the plugin interface
-- Twitch login status now properly reported
-- Cleaned up UI for TwitchWatcher widget when not connected (was partially offscreen previously)
-- Twitch system now properly parses messages/whispers
-- Twitch system now properly handles whispers
-- Twitch system now properly handles authentication
-- Twitch system now properly handles channel joining, Oauth formatting, and nicknames for login
-- Twitch bulletproofing overhaul
-- Status messages are properly updated during the connection process
-- Twitch settings menu and TwitchWatcher widgets are much more informative about any connection/settings issues
-- Twitch properly handles multiple attempts to reconnect
-- "Connect To Twitch Now" button clearer about what it does and providing status along the way
-- Productized TwitchWatcher widget
-- Created a new Twitch status message widget on a different layer than main Twitch watcher so that it sorts properly with mutations/etc.
-- Marked for Localization all text associated with TwitchWatcher/Twitch connection status/Twitch Chatbox
-- Initial Twitch Emoji functionality - emotes are dynamically downloaded from the Twitch servers, stored in images, and displayed in Rich Text in the chat box.
-- Twitch Settings window properly sets the desired Twitch connection status as you leave (if you tested out new settings and did/didn't save)
-- Tweaked God Text location
-- Twitch Watcher and Twitch Status messages scale/relocate properly
-- Emojis!
-- In-world chat and chat window now supports rich text (bolding, coloring, etc) and emojis
-- Rich Text decorators support caching of emojis for re-use (much more efficient)
-- Individual emotes are downloaded as-needed if the initial emoji downloads have an issue or if folks use emojis to which the streamer doesn't have access
-- Much log reduction now that things are functional
-- Chat work galore -
-- Emotes now word wrap (thanks @[AG] Moosey and chatters in his stream!)
-- Full support for inline Rich Text
-- Twitch colors supported for usernames in chat
-- Chat now waits for all emotes to be loaded before displaying a chat line to work around Twitch server issues delivering emotes - no more "missing emote" question marks when emotes need to be delivered from the Twitch servers (thanks again @[AG] Moosey and chatters)
-- GodText now supports localized fonts, set up to support rich text and emojis
-- GodText now displays more quickly

-- Fixed an issue with the character info on the character select screen being unknown
-- Added new Announcer image and Announcer frame
-- Moved Announcer swoop to localizable font
-- Adjusted transparency of announcer frame
-- Adjusted spacing/sizing of Announcer
-- Added temp icons for the various chests
-- Added very slight variation on the Nukerock ignition sound to prevent ugly stacked sounds (thanks @Geef)
-- Bulletproofed a crash from @Geef's stream.
-- The issue - when going to the Big Show level, if you have the Game Master mutation AND you have the Rain Of Bombs as yer carnage item, it triggers a crash; that particular level is built in a special way and isn't fully built while combat is beginning to start, confusing the item.
-- Fixed RainItems spell to no longer risk odd cases that might cause an infinite loop (further bulletproofing @Geef's earlier find)
-- NPC Mutation Tougher no longer shows up in list with a blank icon (thanks @botchiball)
-- Character summaries on level change now list the character's equipment to make it easier to track issues like @Geef's in the future
-- NPC Mutations are now listed in the Murderpedia (some tweaks to come)
-- Added descriptions for all NPC mutations to game/Murderpedia
-- Level Greeter object now marks displayed buffs as visible so you can find them in the Murderpedia immediately
-- Adjusted the widgets so long stat names like "Max Innate Armor" are displayed well in the Murderpedia without clipping
-- Tweaked wording on Terminal Velocity mutation to be more clear (good call @botchiball)
-- Mutation Headhunter now applies its effects to any living bosses even if it is picked up mid-boss-combat (nice subtle find @botchiball)
-- Fixed an issue where minimap icons were never going away
-- Juggernaut now telegraphs the locations of where his bolas shall spawn
-- New asset and texture for Gambling Machine (needs gameplay hook up for wheel spin)
-- Fixed an issue where walloping enemies with melee attacks and orbit was not changing the orbit direction (thanks @Vinc3ntvega)
-- First pass on implementing the brand new health gambler machine
--Added destroyed gambling machine stump
--Added machine gear and spring gib assets
--Added Textures for spike door
--Adjusted Bomb and Heart multi-pickup assets to be more clear
--Replaced Bomb pickups with something more bomb-like.
--Added Murderpedia Portrait for Abacus
-- Added an extra safety net to detect when enemies escape an active combat room and bring them back
-- Fixed a bunch of unnecessary collision changes on the tile turret
-- Removed a performance optimization that was causing picking the closest safe to rarely pick the closest safe tile
-- Fixed a typo in the Headhunter mutation
-- Added another layer of auto-fill to the Twitch settings as users often miss the Username field which breaks their connection
-- Replaced temporary art (Sorry @Doug ) with new assets for Champ fight SpikeRoller
-- Updated the collision on the new spike roller asset
-- Added grinding sparks asset for Champ roller wheel
-- Added initial spark positions for the spike roller
-- Adjusted size, life and velocity of grinder wheel sparks for champ fight.
-- Spike roller sparks now activate and deactivate at the correct times
-- Fixed several bugs in how medlab machines were being saved
-- Polished the interactions with the health gambler

Developer Notes
-- [DEV] Adding the new Twitch plugin to 4.24
-- [DEV] Removing a bunch of intermediate files for the Twitch plugin
-- [DEV] Enabled TwitchWorks plugin
-- Dice from Gambler Carnage Item have debug info display
-- [DEV] Updating a bunch of game end engine settings to prepare Gone Viral for localization
-- [DEV] Additional setup work to prepare for the first four localized languages
-- [DEV] Adding fonts for several more languages to the project
-- [DEV] Twitch Plugin shifted from Engine to Game plugin
-- [DEV] Fixed a spelling error in the IDDisplayMap table
-- [DEV] More preparatory localization work
-- [DEV] Removed an unused column that had old, localized text in it
-- [DEV] Minimap rooms no longer depend on DisplayType for icons
-- [DEV] Added iMinimapRoomContent interface and MinimapIcon enum to C++ - implemented for Pickupables and Chests (no more forgetting to tag new mutations/weapons etc)
-- [DEV] Cleaned up some Murderpedia DisplayType references
-- [DEV] Removed DisplayType entirely from IDDisplaymap and all related items
-- [DEV] Flagged a number of literal strings as non-localizable
-- [DEV] Removed some more (disconnected) references to Display Type
-- [DEV] Significant clean up to prepare for localization
-- [DEV] Refreshed the IDDisplayMap table to force it to realize that it now has 500 less words to be localized
-- [DEV] Moved much of C++/blueprint to use new TwitchMessage format
-- [DEV] Long names added to TwitchWorks plugin
-- [DEV] TwitchWorks plugin now supports whispers fully
-- [DEV] Significant clean up of the data in the IDDisplayMap table
-- [DEV] Finished cleaning up localized text in /Content/UI
-- [DEV] Additional localized text clean up
-- [DEV] Switched some dev columns in the IDDisplayMap table to strings so they aren't automatically localized
-- [DEV] Exposed color as a parameter on M_EnergyShield so it can be edited on instances
-- [DEV] Adding shifted versions of the announcer poses and his frame so that they can just be stacked on each other without repositioning them
-- [DEV] Fixing a build error in GVEdController
-- [DEV] Rejiggered Twitch UI hierarchy/cleaned up redirectors
-- [DEV] Prisoners no longer spam the logs when registering themselves to rebroadcast Twitch comments
-- [DEV] Twitch plugin has all constructors initialized/C++ scrubbed for memory issues
-- [DEV] Emotes are loaded using Ctrl-Shift-I while in dev mode
-- [DEV] Some initial thread-safety for the Twitch plugin
-- [DEV] Possible workaround for memory stomp
-- [DEV] Continuing the localization pass through the Blueprints folder
-- [DEV] Adding Jeff's test VO to the project
-- [DEV] Updated the stylish moves to use the test Jeff voices
-- [DEV] Possible end to the descent into madness with full slate TSharedPtr memory management implemented
-- [DEV] Significant additional localization text cleanup
-- Avoiding potential memory issues in GetEmoteSet and GetTwitchUser
-- Fixed issue with caching emotes
-- Adjusted demo dev mode cheats
-- [DEV] Finished cleaning up the blueprints folder for localization
-- [DEV] Added test suite for cooked build
-- [DEV] Potential fix for issue in test case 1
-- [DEV] Test case 2 bulletproofing
-- [DEV] Good lord these are the most boring checkin notes I've ever had I want to stop debugging asynchronous memory management and code some 'splosions
-- [DEV] Removed a ton of old and unused assets
-- [DEV] Pulling test carnage move voices back out
-- Eliminating more possible issues from threads
-- [DEV] Removed 600 words from our localized text list by changing a single text box
-- Emojis loaded sequentially
-- Various memory cleanups
-- [DEV] Updated default starting position of Gambling Wheel
-- [DEV] Some additional localization work
-- [DEV] Emoji system rewritten from scratch in GV code; passes phase 1 testing
-- [DEV] Room Editor automatically checks out SavedRooms file if needed
-- [DEV] Adjusted texture size of existing Decimus Murderpedia Portrait to be a multiple of two
-- [DEV] Documentation added in various places for emoji code
Empires of the Undergrowth - Mike
There's a new Empires of the Undergrowth extra level available now! In Baby Sitting, you have an AI-controlled sister colony. They're very plucky, but not that bright. You'll have to make sure they don't bite off more than they can chew and keep them out of trouble! Both queens must survive to win the level. To find the new level, choose "Other Modes" from the main menu, then "Extra Levels". Good luck!

Note: your game client will not need to update for this level to be unlocked.
Apr 24, 2020
80 Days - inkle
The year is AD 673. Camelot has fallen. Sir Mordred is due to meet Arthur on the fields of Camlann, and Arthur will surely die. Who can keep the dream of Camelot alive?

Pendragon is our next step forward in the world of highly-interactive narrative. An epic Arthurian adventure, Pendragon is a strategy board-game that writes its narrative turn-by-turn around your actions you take. Will you step forward courageously, or cautiously retreat? Will you sacrifice one knight to save another? Will you flee, or triumph? Every move you and the enemy makes driven the narrative forward, one instant at a time - and what happens in the narrative unlocks new possibilities in the gameplay.

No two games of Pendragon are ever the same, and with a huge cast of characters to find and unlock, each with their own stories to tell, we think it's shaping up to be something really special.

You can check out the teaser video on the Steam page, and wishlist if you like what you see!
Apr 24, 2020
Last Oasis - Avalanche
  • Fixed rupu turrets not shooting enemies.