Strategic Mind: The Pacific - Daizor
“There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people.” (c) Heinz Guderian

“Heinz Wilhelm Guderian was a German general during World War II who, after the war, became a successful memoirist. An early pioneer and advocate of the "Blitzkrieg" approach, he played a central role in the development of the panzer division concept. In 1936, he became the Inspector of Motorized Troops.

At the beginning of the Second World War, Guderian led an armored corps in the Invasion of Poland. During the Invasion of France, he commanded the armored units that attacked through the Ardennes forest and overwhelmed the Allied defenses at the Battle of Sedan. He led the 2nd Panzer Army during Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Soviet Union. The campaign ended in failure after the German offensive Operation Typhoon failed to capture Moscow, after which Guderian was dismissed.”

“To imitate the ostrich in political matters has never been a satisfactory method of avoiding danger; yet this is what Hitler, as well as his more important political, economic and even military advisers, chose to do over and over again.” (c) Heinz Guderian

His dismissal was partially due to his outspoken manner (even in front of Hitler), and partially due to him disregarding the high command orders if he saw them unfit (usually he would ignore them to save his men from certain death, in case of his timely retreat during the Battle of Moscow, or to the contrary - he would carry on with the unauthorized attack to keep the initiative and momentum and thus minimize his units losses during the offensive).

“You hit somebody with your fist and not with your fingers spread.” (c) Heinz Guderian

Guderian was a prominent advocate of armored units and their offensive employment. In Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg tanks will also play a major role - being an ideal unit for swift offensives due to high movement points, tracked movement type, high defense/attack values, and the Overrun ability.

Unlike many other games, in Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg almost all the tank models (except those having only small-caliber guns, like Panzer II) have an attack range of 2, allowing you much more tactical freedom - your panzers can attack from a distance with a range penalty, or perform a frontal assault depending on the situation.

Stay tuned for more information about new content and game development progress.
Please add the new upcoming title - Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg to your wishlist!
With best regards
Starni Games development team
ATOM RPG: Post-apocalyptic indie game - AtomTeam
Greetings, friends!

It’s finally time to share some more news about the development of ATOM RPG: Trudograd. This time, we will have two distinct topics: skill tree and weapon mods.

Skill tree

Ever since the release of our first game, we listened to your advice on the ways ATOM RPG’s Skill Tree could grow into something bigger and better. This is the result of all that feedback, plus many improvements of our own.

Unlike our previous skill tree, this one is segmented into categories, and has much more skills for every type of play. You won’t have to pick something you don’t want, just to get to something you do want to learn, anymore. At least, that’s what we’re going for.

Icons, names, and even skill balancing are still works in progress, but the concept itself is final.

The skill point system has also changed. Before, each new skill was 1 point more expensive than the previous, and this was critiqued by you a lot. Now all skills are distributed amongst four price tiers. All starting skills have the price of 1 point, and the most powerful ones - 4.

Weapon mods

The need for a weapons mod system was seen by us even at the time ATOM RPG first came out, but introducing it back then would’ve required too much time and resources. Now, in Trudograd, we are finally able to do it!

Every single piece of weaponry in Trudograd has some modification slots, which can be filled with all manner of mods. This will help you create weapons, fit for your playstyles and character roles.

However, all good things come at a price. In ATOM RPG: Trudograd, weapon modifications will have pros as well as cons, like higher skill reqs.

Currently, the weapon mod system’s visuals and some stats are a work in progress, but we basically figured out the base balancing mechanics already.

We thank you for the time spent reading this dev update, and we would like to use this opportunity to remind you: stay safe, stay healthy, do all that is recommended to avoid and combat the COVID-19 infection.

We promise more dev updates soon!

Oh, and as always, let there be ATOM!
Vengeance - cottbus99[314 Arts]
Hey guys,

at the moment we are working very hard on version 1.0. We are polishing the UI, models and animations. Today, we want to show you some of the things we have been working on in the last weeks:

Big shoutout to our animator: NourムddiИ

Model 11 (New weapon)

First of all, we want to show you the new "Model 11" shotgun we are working on!

Grenade Rework
We created new grenade animations.

M9 Pistol Rework

We also updated a few of the M9 Animations.

P250 Pistol Rework
The USP was replaced by the P250.
A new fire animation was also created.

See you guys!
- 314 Arts
Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg - Daizor
“There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people.” (c) Heinz Guderian

“Heinz Wilhelm Guderian was a German general during World War II who, after the war, became a successful memoirist. An early pioneer and advocate of the "Blitzkrieg" approach, he played a central role in the development of the panzer division concept. In 1936, he became the Inspector of Motorized Troops.

At the beginning of the Second World War, Guderian led an armored corps in the Invasion of Poland. During the Invasion of France, he commanded the armored units that attacked through the Ardennes forest and overwhelmed the Allied defenses at the Battle of Sedan. He led the 2nd Panzer Army during Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Soviet Union. The campaign ended in failure after the German offensive Operation Typhoon failed to capture Moscow, after which Guderian was dismissed.”

“To imitate the ostrich in political matters has never been a satisfactory method of avoiding danger; yet this is what Hitler, as well as his more important political, economic and even military advisers, chose to do over and over again.” (c) Heinz Guderian

His dismissal was partially due to his outspoken manner (even in front of Hitler), and partially due to him disregarding the high command orders if he saw them unfit (usually he would ignore them to save his men from certain death, in case of his timely retreat during the Battle of Moscow, or to the contrary - he would carry on with the unauthorized attack to keep the initiative and momentum and thus minimize his units losses during the offensive).

“You hit somebody with your fist and not with your fingers spread.” (c) Heinz Guderian

Guderian was a prominent advocate of armored units and their offensive employment. In Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg tanks will also play a major role - being an ideal unit for swift offensives due to high movement points, tracked movement type, high defense/attack values, and the Overrun ability.

Unlike many other games, in Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg almost all the tank models (except those having only small-caliber guns, like Panzer II) have an attack range of 2, allowing you much more tactical freedom - your panzers can attack from a distance with a range penalty, or perform a frontal assault depending on the situation.

Stay tuned for more information about new content and game development progress.
Please add the new upcoming title - Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg to your wishlist!
With best regards
Starni Games development team
Wizards - Snazzy Bowtie
This is our first Steam announcement and we thought it would be most appropriate to make it about our community. Everyone's support has been absolutely astonishing on Discord, Twitter, and even a few posts on our Steam discussion boards.

In our opinion, some of the best games out there are ones that allow players to create content within them. As developers, we want our players to be able to shape their experience playing Wizards to their liking. Luckily, that's where giving power to our communities really shines.

We want to empower our community with workshop tools. Our game will come bundled with a map editor so you can submit maps easily for all to play. I've put up a few test maps on the workshop, and obviously they are horrible but I am a programmer not an artist. ːsteamhappyː

In the next few weeks we are hoping to release a map editor tool early so everyone can start brainstorming and uploading maps to the workshop. In addition, costume editors are free to submit their costume designs on the workshop as well. The community will be able to vote on their favorite designs. We will hand pick the top voted items and make sure they get into the game.

We hope you are as excited as we are to see what everyone thinks up.

See you soon,
Wizards Team
Fall of Civilization - lukedodds
While Covid-19 hangs heavy over alot of us right now, I hope everyone is well.
This week I will be showing the changes to Trading so far.

The last two weeks have been hectic, this past one having me move from my work home to another location where I'm now all set up riding out the quarantine. With that being said, Im healthy and hope to stay that way, so Im going to carry on working on this.
Right now I have some of the functionality done but the artwork is not final, just for the prototyping.

New (In Progress)


I wanted trading to have more options and impact on your gameplay, so instead of just trading items and resources, I will also be adding resources per turn and structures.
Maybe you want to offer resources in small installments or give up a watchtower that you can't maintain?

As always I would love to hear from you and see what you think, what you like and what you don't.

So feel free to reply, post a discussion or reach me and other members of the community on the Discord.
Mar 28, 2020
First Day - BadWolf Games

To be honest, I'm tired of the abundance of news about this, but we are ready for the virus!

Main events:
  • Viruses!
  • New item Plague Doctor's Hat!
  • New item Plague Doctor's Mask!

What you need to know about viruses?
  1. Viruses are transmitted by airborne droplets!
  2. You can become infected by contact with the carrier!
  3. Many of the mutants and zombies are viruses!
  4. If you are infected with the virus, avoid contact with your fellow tribesmen.
  5. Infection can occur in various ways, and be accompanied by diseases.
  6. For a complete recovery, monitor your diet and your health reserve.
  7. Masks increase virus protection by 66.6%!
Mar 28, 2020
Arbitology: Dei Gratia Rex - Robert — High Tower Games
First and foremost, I hope everyone reading this is staying safe and well. The isolation and disruption is hard, to say nothing of those suffering the disease itself. Despite the difficulty, we will make it through though! Speaking personally here, I developed a bit of a cough the last few days, so I've put myself in as much isolation as is possible, even beyond what had been called for before that. It's likely nothing, but we all need to do our part to minimize contagion.

Anyway, on to video games!

No Fully Good or Bad Traits

When composing any interactive narrative, it is very easy to fall into a trap of making “good” and “bad” choices. When a choice is presented but there is an answer that is under all circumstances always right or always wrong, that is a false choice. It is instead a test to see if the player knows the event or not. This is something that I have actively tried to avoid in Dei Gratia Rex. Thinking about that led me to further endeavor to make no trait wholly good or bad. An example might help:

Here our grim king has been laying waste to the lands of his enemies. However up until that point, he had been a very kind man. This presents a personal contradiction. The king can accept that he may be more cruel than he thought. He could also waste precious willpower to table the matter, at least until the war is over. However, if he is not particularly bright, he might not even understand the conflict between his commitment to kindness and his tactics in war. It is generally better to be smart, but it's not always good!

Here our wayfaring king has chanced upon a village in Wiltshire which is operating a market without a charter. Naturally shutting down the market will cause economic damage. However, the burgesses exist in relative comfort due to their hard-won economic privileges; grating a new charter or else accepting a bribe to ignore will also quite naturally annoy them. The king in this case however is sufficiently shy that he can simply avoid the gathering altogether. This allows the market to continue, but also allows the king to prevent making a hard choice. For someone who has to deal with large amounts of people frequently, being shy is a curse. But not always!

I do want to make clear however, in light of both this and the previous entry about trait-constrained roleplaying, some options will only show up at all subject to certain conditions. The shyness example is such a case. If you are not already shy, you cannot will yourself to panic at the sight of the crowd.

I made a Tweet demonstrating this a while ago, using the debug REPL. I planned on including it directly in this update, but my only option for moving pictures here is .gif files at 3 MB or less. It just wasn't going to happen in any way that was legible.

What's Next

I must admit that the changes to routine have cost me some time. There's a reason I pay for a (very) tiny office after all, despite having essentially no money. All that's to say, there is still a bit more war content left to write. I really hope to have something beyond that to talk about next time!
Community Announcements - Bmc Studio
We added small upgrades to The Jekoos with a demo of Jekoosware in the bonus section.

New Jekoos game:
Mar 28, 2020
FISHERY - Undercover Cheese
Hello everyone,

Apologies for being a bit late with this week's update. We have finally added the new algae system into the game and later tonight a new build will be uploaded to steam for you all to try.

The underlying code that governs how algae works is a lot cleaner and more robust than what was previously in the game. Algae's growth is far less volatile and players are able to tweak the water chemistry to keep algae levels where they want.

In order for algae to spawn in the first place players need to maintain relatively high levels of CO2 and nutrients. This can happen by design or by neglect. Once algae spawns it is intentional by us that it is difficult to remove entirely. However having algae growing in your aquarium is not necessarily a bad thing and if players keep an eye on their water chemistry it's growth can be stabilised. Furthermore it can be used as a natural way to control the levels of co2, nutrients and oxygen. It will also be a food source.

In the not too distant future there will be fish that eat algae and hopefully not to far beyond that we will add other algae eating organisms like shrimp and snails.

We are also going to make it look more pretty. There is certain type of beauty that can be found in the natural world when nature becomes a little overgrown and buzzing with life. We want to try and capture that in Fishery and algae will play a big part in that.

The little tufts of algae that grow on the surface of the objects in the pictures below are not final at all and they will be replaced soonish with better models. Another part of the algae visualisation that we are working on are the various painted maps that will appear on the surface of objects, substrate and glass. We are also going to experiment with having algae particles floating around in the water as well as experiment with algae appearing on fish when levels are really high.

At the moment algae is only visible on the surface of decorations so you will need them in your aquarium in order to see it. Above you can see what it looks like as algae grows from nothing to it's maximum level.

Algae grows on the surface of objects over time. You can see it's progress on a per-object basis by selecting it. In the real world if you add a rock into an aquarium full of algae it will take a bit of time before algae is covering it. This is a simple attempt to emulate that behaviour. It serves only as a visualisation and it is not adding more algae into the system.

There has also been a small tweak to the overall water chemistry system that we wanted to add a little later but needed to be added now in order to get the algae working correctly. This change is to the speed that the water chemistry adjusts to changes.

There is an additional parameter added to the water chemistry UIs. "Output". Using the example picture above, The output is 28.4. This represents how much is actually being added into the system by some object/s. However the CO2 level is far greater. This is because the output must have previously been around 40 and suddenly it was reduced. Over time the CO2 level will decline and settle to the value of 28.4 because 28.4 is the amount of CO2 being put into the aquarium and no more. When players modify the CO2 level the output adjusts instantly to reflect the change. This allows players to make changes with precision and know that in a short while levels will rest at that number.

Many of the numbers that govern how the algae and water chemistry system work will be changed a lot over time as we playtest and get feedback from you all, so keep in mind that this is all going to change and improve week by week as is the rest of the game. We did do more work this week on other parts of the game but priority was given to getting algae ready and it sort of took over everything.

We wish everyone a good weekend and shall update you with more progress next week.

The Fishery Team
