Mar 16, 2020
Bassline Sinker - thefitzyg
Welcome new players from the giveaway. Thank you so much for taking part! Please enjoy the game and leave a review if you can!
Deep Space Battle Simulator - yeswecamp_DEV
This update brings the first version of in-game team voice chats to improve communications, you can bind a key you would like to push-to-talk and then communicate with your teammates in-game. There are also some improvements for the quick callouts that you can use to send pre-determined text messages to your team, like requesting them to hack the enemy hangar doors.

Capital ships now also look a lot more damaged if they are low on HP with additional, larger fires and new smoke effects. You can also set new config values for your dedicated servers to allow for co-op play on them or to disable the Tactical Droid AI. Also, there are fixes for AI not shooting intruders, players sometimes being invisible, and hopefully, a fix for players occasionally falling through the floor after respawning.

If you experience any issues, please let me know!

Full changelog:
- ADDED: first experimental version of team voice chat
- ADDED: more exterior damage representation
- ADDED: "coop" dedicated server config option (true = coop enabled)
- ADDED: "disablebot" dedicated server config option (true = AI bot disabled)
- IMPROVED: quick callouts menu
- FIXED: Droids/Barsk not shooting intruders on Linux servers (like the official servers)
- FIXED: players being sometimes invisible on round start
- FIXED: potential fix for falling through the floor
DemonCrawl - Therefore Games
Hello folks,

In light of the coronavirus pandemic, we have decided to run a 50% discount on DemonCrawl through the rest of March, effective tomorrow (3/17) at 10 AM Pacific.

We understand that money and recreation are both in short supply right now, and we want to help by making our game available to as many people as possible.

On a related note: we were originally scheduled to fly out to San Fransisco to attend the Game Developer's Conference today. Understandably, the event has been postponed (along with our trip), but we fully intend to go in the summertime. With any luck, the virus situation will be under control by then, and we hope to meet up with some of you there!

In the meantime, stay safe, keep your spirits up, and play lots of videogames. <3
Village Monsters - WarpDogsVG

Hello Villagers!
Well, there's no denying we're living in some strange times right now. I know some vague platitudes from a no-name indie dev won't do you much good, but I promise you that this isn't forever.

If you're feeling stressed, panicked, depressed, whatever - that's normal. Give yourself grace and patience. Just chill out at home and play some relaxing games - I can think of a few :D

On a personal note, although I live in one of the hardest hit US states (Washington) I have no plans on suspending work on Village Monsters. One benefit to being a solo indie dev working from home is that I've been following all these social distancing requirements for many months now.

Anyway, enough doom and gloom. Time for some patch notes!

Game Feel
Since November I've received a steady stream of feedback that the game feel isn't quite right yet. This is to be expected for any unreleased game, but I don't want to wait to the end before polishing things up.

Here are some changes I've made to improve the game feel of Village Monsters.

  • Drastically adjusted the inspection range to improve behavior and make it easier to inspect the object you mean to
  • Player movement now has acceleration and friction, meaning movement should now have more "weight" to it and feel less swim-y
  • Improved interaction points with merchants / services NPCs
  • Improved the deadzone when using a gamepad
  • Made camera a bit more dynamic and smoother
  • Added support for changing the camera speed to account for fluctuation in FPS
  • Lowered player's default max speed slightly (sprint is unaffected)

New & Improved Features
Every update brings more features and systems online. Here's a few of them new to v0.65

  • Villagers now reply to your letters. Their response depends on what they thought of your letter / gift
  • Your mailbox is now properly saved on game exit - you will no longer miss new mail if you quit the game before reading it
  • A new Odd Job for Treasure Hunting (Tutorial) has been added
  • Sending Feedback / Reporting Bugs is now accessible via the main System menu
  • A number of new gifts have been added to the store
  • Added a large number of new potions. The most useful might be the Potion of Agreeable Affections which makes it easier to befriend people
  • New entries for villager profiles have been added
  • Added a large number of new effects for the Dr. Klaus Human Experimentation job
  • Added a huge number of new treasures to find, including new rings, amulets, and more
  • Added or improved description and lore of existing treasures
  • Each region now has their own distinct list of treasures to find
  • Added a new message for unlocking post office boxes and added more items to discover inside
  • Dig spots now spawn at a slightly higher rate

Village Monsters now has cutscenes - it's finally like a real video game!

Most of my time was spent creating the infrastructure itself to support cutscenes, so there aren't many in the game yet, but that'll change soon pretty quickly.

  • Added the concept of cutscenes to the game
  • There's a new intro cutscene involving the mayor when starting a new game
  • There's a new cutscene that plays when encountering the glitched bridge in Firetree Forest for the first time
  • In general, story cutscenes will only trigger for new game files. In the future, other cutscenes - like for villager relationships, etc. - will trigger for existing files
  • Cutscenes currently can't be paused or skipped, though that will change in the future
  • Cutscene conditions are saved between sessions - meaning you'll never risk missing one before bumping into its trigger

Improved Graphics & UI
I improve the graphics with every release, but for this one in particular I spent a lot of extra time with art assets that have been around since the early days - this includes UI elements like the timepeice, many villager sprites, critters, shadows, and more.

  • Improved the sprites of many villagers, notably Umbrae, Edmund, Bugs, Trundle, Lindwyrm, Mayor Ludo, and others
  • Added movement sprites to a number of villagers
  • Added a brand new clock & calendar UI element and retired the old one
  • Added a new "virtual keyboard" for gamepad users
  • Completely redid the exterior and interior of the village library
  • Added an enormous amount of new furniture and decoration
  • Greatly improved Dio's home interior
  • Greatly improved Zigi and Bug's room
  • Improved the Active Effects page + descriptions for each effect
  • Improved various tiles in the spring tileset
  • Improved the look of several critters and fish
  • Changed (and standardized) a large number of fonts
  • Improved the look of a large number of buildings in the village
  • Improved a number of "flat" sprites by adding proper outlining or shading
  • Upcoming World Modifications are displayed in the End of Day summary
  • Added new & improved keyboard and gamepad icons
  • Updated a number of portraits for non-NPCs
  • Improved journal fonts across the board
  • Most list elements (like the main menu and dialogue choices) now properly loop

Bugs Fixed
As usual, I took the time to fix an absolutely shameful amount of bugs. The following will no longer plague the land.

  • Further reduced memory footprint by booting unused data structures to the curb. Get a real job, losers!
  • Fixed text formatting issue with the Donkey Fly
  • Fixed name and description of the Mail Key treasure
  • Fixed issue where player character could interact with objects during the end of the day transition
  • Fixed a number of instances where Zigi was incorrectly referred to as Zero
  • Fixed a large number of typos hiding in some new idle dialogue
  • Fixed an issue that could result in infinite confirmation boxes when performing Odd Jobs
  • Fixed villager relationships not increasing the proper amount when receiving gifts
  • Fixed portraits for a number of inanimate objects, like mailboxes
  • Fixed rare issue when the mayor would erroneously send cancelled holiday letters in the mail
  • Fixed issue where fish would not bite in the ponds of Firetree Forest
  • Fixed a number of missing words and typos caused by Valentine's textual glitches
  • Fixed a collision issue with ladders and other rotated objects
  • Fixed coloring issues in Vara's house
  • Fixed some furniture weirdness in Mock & Birdie's house
  • Fixed wallet display issues
  • Fixed collision box surrounding player mailboxes
  • Fixed tile issues in Saley & Stapes home
  • Fixed issue where UI elements would overlap objects in Saley & Stapes' home

Stay safe, keep cozy, and have fun!

Discord Bot Builder - MrGold

Hey Builders!
DBB was updated to version 1.0.0-beta4, migrating all bot files to the version 12 of Discord.js.
This update will be divided into parts because there are blocks that are still under development and need requirements.

  • Migrated all bot files to the version 12 of Discord.js.
  • Improved the bot.js file.
  • Added, updated, fixed and removed blocks. Check the list below;

New blocks:
  • Leave Server
  • Get Presence Info
  • Remove Message Embed Field
  • Random Color

Deleted blocks:
  • Add Blank Embed Field (merged with "Add Embed Field" block)
  • Get User Game Info (merged with "Get Presence Info" block)

Updated blocks:
  • Ban Member (added the input "Delete Member Message History")
  • Find Server (removed the option "Server Icon URL" in "Find Server By")
  • Get Bot Info (adding, updading and removing options)
  • Get Invite Info (added the options "Is Invite Deletable By The Bot?", "Invite Target User" and "Invite Target User Type" and removed the options "Invite Server Text/Voice Channel Count")
  • Get Member Info (added the options ""Member Last Message Channel ID", "Member Server Bot Voice Connection", "Member Boosted The Server At" and "Is Member Using "Go Live"?")
  • Get Role Info (removed the option "Role Permissions Bitfield")
  • Get Server Emoji Info (added the option "Is Server Emoji Available?")
  • Get Server Info (added 18 new options)
  • Get User Info (added the options "User Last Message Channel ID", "User Locale" and "Is An Official Discord System User?")
  • Math Operations (added the modulo operation)
  • Merge Lists/Texts and Add Message Embed Field (added the "Position Type")
  • Send Message (added the input "Attachment")

Fixed Block:
  • Add Message Embed Field
  • Command [Event]
  • Bot Typing
  • Check Comparison
  • Print
  • Remove Value From List
  • Split List
  • Wait
  • All message embed blocks.

Please update your bot.js file and blocks folder by going to Bot Menu -> Update bot.js File / Update Blocks Folder!

MrGold - Discord Bot Builder Creator
Discord Server
Mar 16, 2020
Foodtruck Arena - k.koryszewski
As most of the world has stopped playing ball games - we are working hard to make ours ready as fast as possible.

In these difficult times of a worldwide quarantine, we want be as close with you (our fans) as possible to put a smile on your face more than once in a while.

From now on - we are going to be more active and try to provide a lot of new cool stuff, as soon as they come out from the hands of Cat-astrophe Games.

To keep up to date stay tuned and follow Gaming Factory's social media for the hottest news and updates.

Remember, we are here for you and we want FoodBall to be the game that not only meets your expectations, but exceed them by far.

If you have some ideas, or just want to provide us with your great ideas, please post them on our social media or here on Steam. We will review and consider every idea gamer's minds can invent.

Stay safe
Gaming Factory
Horizon's Gate - Rad Codex
Dual wield passives are now stronger, a few more crash fixes, and some fixes to trade good pricing.

  • Increase Dual Strike and Thousand Fists damage from 30% -> 50%
  • Fixed moored ships becoming immune to the effects of having low crew
  • Fixed crash when boarding Towership with Boarding Corvus
  • Fixed crash when the game tries to spawn a fleet with no available commodores
  • Fixed rounding error making trade goods less profitable when sold in bulk
  • Trade goods sold by fleets now incorporate location to determine price
  • Fixed bug with 1.0.9 making trade goods unpurchasable if you can't afford the whole stack
  • Fixed gusts, rubble, brambles, etc. occasionally being picked up and added to player inventory when moved through
  • Added some sample mod data for defining new items
  • Added support for mods to overwrite existing ItemType, ActorType, ActorClass, Action, and JournalEntry data
  • Added SupportAbility mod support
  • Fixed bug with
  • Fixed bug with
  • Fixed Ray Oil price bug
  • Moved mod data to a single folder, "Content/Mods"
9Dragons - 9Dragons

Dear Nine Dragons Community,

The servers will undergo maintenance and server update on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, starting at 18:00 server time. The downtime will be approximately 1-2 hours.

  • Routine server checks
  • Fixed an issue where using Trade All to make multiple items in Create or Resource only showed a quantity of 1 in the system message.
  • Fixed an issue where Black Temple Red was dropping 4th Anniversary Silver Coins instead of 4th Anniversary Gold Coins.
  • Fixed an issue where Active Skills will miss upon equipping high-rank relics.

We'll update this post when the maintenance is complete, and servers are available. Thank you for your patience during the maintenance.
Mar 16, 2020
Ortharion project - Aryal
There will be an update that will change a lot of elements for the player's progress with :

  • Race additions.
  • New statistics.
  • New achievements.
  • Hidden achievements.
  • Progress restrictions.
  • Several difficulty levels.
  • Several modifications on evolution of spells.

As well as some minor improvements and bug fixes like the other updates.

So all the backups will be deleted.

This update will take place at the weekend, I plan to do it between March 19 and 21 where I will keep you informed at the same time of the current state of the game and the postponement of the release in detail.
Adventure Land - The Code MMORPG - Wizard

While Jayson almost finished the Dungeon map design, I dedicated this week to tackling the challenges of moving to NodeJS/new cloud technologies - While game-wise it is not directly productive, I consider it a good investment - I suspect it's going to take around 2 weeks to actually re-write/re-structure and move everything when/if the time comes to open source

Good thing about the current Python backend is that it can fully run locally too, the new Node JS one will assumably make things simpler, however, new stuff can't run locally, so it will be a game that will go live with 1 command - it's both cool and bad, bad because free tiers are very restrictive and cloud costs are high - I just hope it won't be a roadblock to those who attempt yo build their own experimental mmorpg's - and I guess it also eliminates the step each project has where you go from local development to a public version