Feb 7, 2020
OSK - The End of Time - Sluggo971
OSK has just been updated and heavily improved!
Thank you all for your fantastic feedback and suggestions! Because of the many suggestions being that OSK was too hard, it no longer isn’t. I just solved this by making the game a whole lot easier yet the hardcore mode - a lot harder!

The update includes
  • Much more strength in the squirrels jumping - making it easier to climb the tree.
  • Slower falling speed - which makes it easier to land on platforms.
  • Improved Hardcore-mode. See below for more details.
  • A few tips in the beginning to guide the player.
  • Improved collision detection.
  • Bug fixes & more.

The Hardcore-mode speeds up everything within the game’s realms such as the enemies movement, their damage per second but also the player’s own movement which requires you to be quicker in your actions to survive. This can be setup in the game settings under game / difficulty.

RPG in a Box - Ol' Smaug
  • Added support to scripting language for optional "elseif" conditions in "If" statements (e.g. if x > 10 then ... elseif x > 5 then ... else ... end)
  • Added initial support to scripting language for defining and accessing array variables (e.g. my_list = array["A", "B", "C"]; print(my_list[random(0, 2)]))
  • Added Global Event Script option for "Player is Defeated" (script will override default behavior of restarting the game when the player dies)
  • Added new scripting function "Revive Character" which revives a defeated character, bringing them back to life with the specified health (e.g. revive_character(player, player.stat["max_hp"]))
  • Added "inverse" function to scripting language (e.g. inverse(value), where value is a direction, number, boolean, coordinate, color, or navigation type)
  • Added option to the Map Properties panel for setting the initial camera orientation to use when the map is loaded
  • Added ability to get X, Y, or Z value of coordinates stored in variables (e.g. my_var = player.coord; print(my_var.x))
  • Added support to scripting language for using concatenated strings in property names, IDs, etc. (e.g. global.property["prop" + string_var])
  • Updated "entity bounds" indicator in the Map Editor to also show the direction in which the selected entity is rotated (shown as an arrow)
  • Updated "Heal Entity" scripting function to only work on characters who are currently alive
  • Updated help button on the Game Configuration dialog to open the Global Properties and Translations documentation when on those tabs
  • Updated Map Properties UI components to open corresponding built-in documentation when dragging-and-dropping guide icon
  • Changed syntax highlighting for "random" function to match blue color of other scripting functions
  • Changed selection border color of visual script nodes to be more apparent and added shadow outline to nodes
  • Fixed issue where game cursor was still showing interaction icons after the player had been defeated
  • Fixed issue where title text of popup dialogs would display in the system's language instead of the configured one
  • Fixed issue with global event script dropdowns showing as blank instead of "None" for projects that hadn't assigned any scripts yet
  • Fixed issue with incorrect camera angle after using "Put Player" to move the player character to a tile at a different height
  • Fixed issue where group auto-hiding and fog-of-war logic was not being triggered when the player was moved via "Put Player"
  • Fixed issue in the Script Editor where previously saved comment node text would not be populated into the "Edit Text" popup until edited again
  • Fixed issue with scrollbar improperly showing in variable expression fields in visual script nodes
  • Fixed issue where Map Properties tab would be incorrectly displayed in certain cases when clicking on a model button while in an editor other than the Map Editor
  • Fixed Linux crash that could occur when a script was parsed in the Quick Script Builder dialog
  • Documentation: Added built-in documentation for the "Revive Character" scripting function
  • Documentation: Added built-in documentation for the "Execute Script" scripting function
  • Documentation: Added built-in documentation for the "End Battle" scripting function
  • Documentation: Added built-in documentation for "Global Event Scripts" functionality
  • Documentation: Updated built-in docs for "Script Syntax" to include info about the "random" and "inverse" functions, "elseif" functionality, and arrays
  • Documentation: Brought the built-in "Heal Entity" scripting function documentation up to date
Airport CEO - Apoapsis Studios
Good evening airport CEO!

We're finishing off this week with a stabilizing bug fixing update. This update solves a wide array of different bugs reported by you throughout the week and should ultimately provide a little more stable Alpha 34 experience. Huge thanks to everyone who's been keeping us busy with bug fixing!

Here's the patch notes for this version:

Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Alpha 34.6-0

[/url]] - Persons can become stuck at various points of a queue if rebuilt excessively while desk is open
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22355]ACEO-22355
  • [/url]] - Stand settings row in flight planner panel is sometimes behind a planned flight UI container making it impossible to change settings
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22356]ACEO-22356
  • [/url]] - Tutorial refers to a check-mark button in the tutorial panel when there's no such button
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22363]ACEO-22363
  • [/url]] - Toggles in operations overview panel not automatically set to false if conditions are not met
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22367]ACEO-22367
  • [/url]] - Catering and fuel truck panels shows hauled goods header twice
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22369]ACEO-22369
  • [/url]] - GA ratings visible despite GA allowance toggle disabled
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22370]ACEO-22370
  • [/url]] - Vehicle statistics header in management panel not localized correctly
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22386]ACEO-22386
  • [/url]] - Names of airport owned service vehicles not correctly deserialized
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22420]ACEO-22420
  • [/url]] - Improved save data routine for meta data files to prevent file corruption
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22422]ACEO-22422
  • [/url]] - Medium aircraft cannot take off from medium runway if turned around on a large stand
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22433]ACEO-22433
  • [/url]] - Allow medium flights toggle incorrectly disabled when closing settings panel on flight planner
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22478]ACEO-22478
  • [/url]] - Incorrect transform parent setting can cause excessive spamming of console warnings
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22491]ACEO-22491
  • [/url]] - Dangerous content can be loaded on aircraft despite perfect conveyor belt system setup
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22494]ACEO-22494
  • [/url]] - Tutorial only requires a dragged out baggage claim area and not an opened one causing confusion
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22496]ACEO-22496
  • [/url]] - Notifications belonging to resolved incidents are not always removed
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22499]ACEO-22499
  • [/url]] - Delayed tooltips are shown even if cursor has already moved away from target
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22500]ACEO-22500
  • [/url]] - Tutorial referring to old procurement system regarding R&D project "Baggage security (tier I)"
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22506]ACEO-22506
  • [/url]] - Tutorial doesn't instruct on completing R&D project "Remote stand service" before it's required
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22528]ACEO-22528
  • [/url]] - Job task occurring at job task object with assignable agents can in rare cases be duplicated across several job task agents
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22542]ACEO-22542
  • [/url]] - Stand names are sometimes forced to uppercase
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22565]ACEO-22565
  • [/url]] - Auto-repair not initiated if stand is left unused after a COO is hired
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22573]ACEO-22573
  • [/url]] - Non-clamped tutorial index value can cause loading procedure to break
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22574]ACEO-22574
  • [/url]] - Hover tool tip panel can when displayed in world not properly reset causing it to disappear immediately when again displayed in regular UI
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22619]ACEO-22619
  • [/url]] - Aircraft does not prioritize similar size runway when arriving and departing
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22621]ACEO-22621
  • [/url]] - Missing validation check for pushback job tasks can cause pushback to stall
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22645]ACEO-22645
  • [/url]] - Missing job task description for large aircraft ULD transfer
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22661]ACEO-22661
  • [/url]] - Incorrect UI architecture causes some R&D projects to become hidden
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22676]ACEO-22676
  • [/url]] - Baggage handling is most cases erroneously set to disabled after load
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22678]ACEO-22678
  • [/url]] - Medium aircraft not always utilizing large stands
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22686]ACEO-22686
  • [/url]] - Executive committee positions are first set to "vacant" even when filled
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22710]ACEO-22710
  • [/url]] - Disabled wall tile merging to slightly reduce performance degradation when building with walls
  • [[url=https://apoapsisstudios.atlassian.net/browse/ACEO-22728]ACEO-22728
  • [/url]] - Un-parseable break line characters in certain e-mail body texts

    Have a great weekend!

    // Alexander, Fredrik & Olof - Apoapsis Studios
    Feb 7, 2020
    Riftwalker - VoidFletcher | Deeplink Studios
    Good evening!

    This update is a follow-up based on user feedback from patch 0.5.1 - the update includes a new turret capable of shredding through low health enemies, reduced enemy wave sizes, reduced enemy wave scaling, reduced income and overall speed changes for monsters.

    New Turrets

    Shredder turret - The Shredder turret takes the place of the steam rifle turret. It is cheap and has a high rate of fire with a culling effect that scales with its level. Type F in the comments to pay your respects to the steam turret.

    Heavy Turret - The heavy turret is what the old steam rifle turret was, but more specialized. It hits hard, initially quite slow, but with the right investment, it becomes a vital turret to any defense layout.

    Balancing Changes

    Reduced monster speed - Revealed monsters have had their movement speed reduced significantly. While darkness still moves at its original pace to get to the action without wasting your time. Monster speeds will be adjusted further over the course of the next few updates until they feel completely right.

    Upgrade costs - Several towers have had their upgrade costs adjusted.

    Known Issues

    The following issues are visual only and will be fixed in the next update:

    Heavy turret faces multiple directions, this will be fixed in the next update.
    Heavy turret fires from the base, this will be fixed in the next update.
    Some enemies now, occasionally adjust in size when ragdolled and may cause weird artifacts until the body despawns, this will be fixed in the next update.


    As always, please leave your feedback in the forums and I'll reply to them as soon as I can.


    Street Fighter V - capcommarketing
    While Street Fighter V is available for the Free Trial, be sure to check out the full list of content included in the Street Fighter V: Champion Edition Upgrade Kit! Purchasing the Champion Edition Upgrade Kit provides instant access to all available content on the list!
    *DLC that are not included in the Champion Edition are not on the list.

    Street Fighter V: Champion Edition will be available on February 14th 2020!

    On A Roll 3D - Battenberg Software
    We've given the original On A Roll - known as On A Roll 2D and available as DLC for On A Roll 3D - a bit of a graphical makeover. We've redone all the sprites and doubled the resolution of them so the game looks much better on high definition displays.

    Let us know what you think. Hope you enjoy it!
    Paycheck: City RPG - Evil E
    Hi everyone!

    The VOIP seems to not always be working so please join our discord voice channels.

    Thank you and we will address this.

    Feb 7, 2020
    Titan Outpost - Franky
    This update vastly improves character navigation.



    • Pathfinding greatly improved for Outpost, Tuxing Liu, Throat of Kraken and a few other locations
    • Outpost vicinity hill periphery will no longer clip the static cam
    • Builder 'not enough resources' text layout more consistent between tabs
    • Builder info panel GUI improved
    • Clicking on a topic that you're currently researching now only shows the progress in the 'currently researching' box
    • Time Panel now shows you if a system you're trying to work on is powered or not
    • Time Panel work dropdown menu state is now stored in savegame
    • New rover model implemented at Throat of Kraken
    • Camera control improved
    • 'Unread message' alert now shows up in top-left corner each time you enter the command center or the rover, rather than in the middle of the screen
    • Opening the front entrance to Tuxing Liu with a clandestine transponder while Syaoran is by the door will make him take it off you
    • Can ask Daxia to come with you after being told to by Ling (she would come anyway, this is just confirmation)
    • Production rate added to Greenhouse buildable description.
    • Lighting improved at Tuxing Liu
    • Bright mode is brighter
    • Supercomputer quest moves to complete after a post-singularity conversation with Horst. (Must start a new character for this, but keep in mind that this is post-ending)


    • Cryovolcano foothills no longer glitchy with misclicks, telportation etc.
    • Aiguo helping you when you're stranded no longer blocks the mouse (you could still press 1 to proceed)
    • Canceling trade with yatsen will no longer keep his portrait in the background
    • Can no longer cancel Ling's reward
    • Static Zoom function no longer shows a black screen in basement

    1.161 Changes

    • Can no longer select the Hesiod channel after it leaves orbit if you haven't refreshed the comms panel
    • Your suit is on in the cave again (this was a test flag left in)
    • Contacting Herschel after you've opened the nexus but haven't built a supercomputer yet while already having asked all the questions no longer halts the conversation
    • Can no longer click on the reactor room until the door is open
    • 'Unread messages' no longer shows after you die
    • Going back up from the throat could block the character sometimes
    • Can ask IPMS about cardinal directions

    1.162 Changes

    • Added outside overview in the Outpost stock panel
    • Fixed Ling Dialogue bug with trading
    • Easier to enter Tuxing Liu
    • Fixed getting stuck on Tuxing Liu roof in a certain spot
    • Twirling issue improved
    • Interactable more responsive
    • Ling now takes away the correct transponder when he mentions it
    • Can no longer trigger the Herschel Nexus opening sequence twice
    • Minerals transfer exploit fixed

    1.163 Changes

    • The first Supercomputer quest entry only completes when you power the Computer Room, not as soon as you build it
    • Haggling with contractors is back in
    • Search Button deactivates if you finish a search level but lack the skill for a higher tier
    • Ara Fluctus now has new rover
    • Ara Fluctus navigation improved
    • Ara Fluctus has free cam mode
    • Ara Fluctus mission description fixed
    • Compass will remain if you return to a location that you already surveyed
    • Globe rotation mouseover range increased

    1.164 Changes

    • Can click on bottom of screen to move if toolbar is collapsed in Polelya Macula
    • Menvra crater has new rover model, free cam, static zoom and better pathfinding
    • Feia lacus has new rover model and static cam zoom
    • Added 'process this to' sentence to plutonium case item description
    • Character Look creator maximum values lowered (no more giant hands and monstrous abominations)
    • Yat-sen dialogue fixes
    • IPMS singularity negotiation fixed
    • Throat of Kraken spawning point fixed
    • Ling now mentions specifically that his reward is free
    • Changing in and out of the suit by clicking the wardrobe at Tuxing Liu now shows a message
    • Can no longer walk around during dialogue
    • Plutonium storage at Tuxing Liu now accessible again if you have the transponder
    • Ling dialogue fixes
    • Ice XI now stacks
    • Transfer exploit with usable items fixed
    • Required item check for EMP at mount doom fixed
    • Processing non-stackable item with amount '0' fixed
    • Herschel Nexus no longer shows up in the overview at the start of the game
    • Jammer exploit fixed
    • Horst glasses fixed
    • 'Having a good time' now actually passes a few minutes
    • Some typos fixed

    1.1641 Hotfix

    • Tuxing Liu terrain no longer blocked
    • Gameplay Settings Menu no longer starts open

    1.1642 Changes

    • Tuxing Liu corner window fix
    • Rooftop occlusion bug fixed.

    1.1643 Hotfix

    • Hetpet Regio has a proper starting position again.
    • Van Hoorn Dialogue dead end fixed

    1.165 Changes
    • Mission log was slowing down games with lots of messages even when compressed. It will now only display the last 100 entries. Scroll down to load 100 more.
    • Climbing ladders and the radio tower is faster on slower systems.
    • Caffeine Addict infnite rebuff bug fixed. (This would also cause the log to clutter up)
    • Caffeine Addicts can now convince Karen they don't need sleep. This wasn't triggered properly.
    • Coffee beans now grow at a set rate if you have at least one seed in store.
    • Fatigue buff panel now shows correct color for negative awareness.
    • Charisma no longer rebuffs in a loop when spending leisure time to improve morale.
    • Character name updated immediately on loading game.
    • Search icon no longer stays after you leave the submarine.
    • Levitating cup removed in Throat of Kraken.
    • Unclickable location north of the Outpost removed from command center map.
    • Pump deployed icon will show up properly in the Rover map.
    • Hack icon will disappear after succesfully hacking the construction station.
    • Dialogue dead end fixed.
    • Arrows removed for stat points on levelup. (You can't increase stats during the game)
    • Search Area now halts player movement so you can no longer accidentally enter the rover if you gave the command to do so before searching.
    • Hetpet Jammer exploit fixed (this time for hacking as well)

    1.1651 Changes

    • Saving the game on a certain tile in the warehouse area of Tuxing Liu will no longer teleport the player on loading.
    • EMP Parts can now be transfered
    • Uranium processing fixed.
    • Coffee seed growth issue fixed.

    Known issues to be resolved for the next update:
    -Teleporting to the first floor while reporting to Ling
    -Various quests issues with confusing text in the mission log.
    -Screen too dark on certain systems.
    Feb 7, 2020
    Out of Space - $_Shiva_$
    Hi everyone! A huge thanks to everyone sending us bug reports and helping us improve the game even further! This is what was added to the game in patch v.0.9.4. As usual, items tagged with [COM] were changes based on community reports and feedbacks!

    • Added a button on the Compendium screen to show the credits;
    • You can now skip the credits by pressing and holding the “back” button;
    • [COM] The system that set where it is possible for players and AIs to walk on has been reworked, which *may* have fixed the invisible wall bug that we have tried to fix many times before lol;
    • [COM] Rework in Cleaner Bot’s AI to reduce the chances of getting stuck on corners and/or appliances;
    • The camera now stops following cocooned players thrown into space;
    • Cocooned players can no longer control their trajectory after they are thrown into space, so inertia works as it should and throwing friends there becomes more satisfying;
    • Added some new elements to the menu background scene;

    Bug Fixes
    • [COM] Added a fallback font for some interfaces that were not compatible with the main fonts of languages that had special characters;
    • [COM] Fixed an issue causing some eggs that spawned on the floor to prevent a door from getting cleaned;
    • Fixed the bug causing Flying Aliens to sometimes have wings smaller than usual;
    • Removed the looping sound effect of the stunned aliens that kept on playing after the alien was recycled.
    • Added an extra check to avoid appliances on corridors to get dirty after the room is deactivated (this started happening after the performance improvement from the last update);
    • [COM] The camera no longer considers the spot where a player died as a relevant point to show on online matches (it was keeping that spot in focus even after the cocoon was removed);
    • [COM] Fixed an issue causing building holograms to have physics and, therefore, become extremely difficult to aim and build;
    • [COM] Pumpkin Gardens no longer display two fruits for clients on online matches;
    • Laps no longer lure aliens on hologram mode;
    • The mopping “dust” effect is now properly synchronized in online matches;

    If you want to know more or participate testing features before release, please join us on our official Discord Server .
    Oxygen Not Included - Klei-JoeW
    • Fix for crash when deconstruct occurs before a replacement build on the same cell