Community Announcements - KTG_Dev_Messenger
A new Venus, Fiona (CV: Kaede Hondo) has been added today (2020/01/14 Tue) for the Windows PC Vacation Game DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation.

Star Outfit Gacha (Fiona)

From 2020/01/14 (Tue) after maintenance to 2020/01/28 (Tue) 18:59 UTC

In the Star Outfit Gacha, Fiona's exclusive swimsuits will have higher drop rates. Players will also receive Fiona Stars as a bonus each time they do the Paid V Stone Gacha.

・SSR Swimsuit "Noble Tutu (Fiona)" *Exclusive to Fiona

Please click here for the “Star Outfit Gacha (Fiona)” Start Notification.

Fiona Commemorative Login Bonus Campaign

From 2020/01/14 (Tue) after maintenance to 2020/01/28 (Tue) 18:59 UTC

Login 7 times to get an SSR Swimsuit.

Day 1   SSR Gacha Coupon x 1
Day 2   SSR Gacha Coupon x 1
Day 3   SSR Gacha Coupon x 1
Day 4   SSR Gacha Coupon x 1
Day 5   SSR Gacha Coupon x 1
Day 6   SSR Gacha Coupon x 1
Day 7   SSR Gacha Coupon x 2

Please click here for more information about the New Venus “Fiona.”

Winter's V Stone Sale

From 2020/01/14 (Tue) after maintenance to 2020/01/28 (Tue) 18:59 UTC

An attractive V Stone Set will be on sale (each person may purchase it up to 5 times).
・Paid V Stone x 20,000

Please click here for more information about the Winter's V Stone Sale.

Trendy Outfit Gacha (Marie, Helena)

From 2020/01/14 (Tue) after maintenance to 2020/01/21 (Tue) 05:29 UTC

The following new swimsuits will have a higher drop rate:
・SSR Swimsuit "Cymric (Marie)" *Exclusive to Marie
・SSR Swimsuit "Liberte (Helena)" *Exclusive to Helena

Please click here for more information about the Trendy Outfit Gacha (Marie・Helena).

New Event "Love Dance Party"

From 2020/01/14 (Tue) after maintenance to 2020/01/28 (Tue) 18:59 UTC

Fiona is a new addition to your group of companions on Venus Island.
A dance party was held to welcome Fiona to the group, allowing her to grow closer to the others, but unexpected trouble is brewing behind her sweet, honest demeanor.

Trend Bonus
The following swimsuits will be powered up by the trend bonus. 

・SSR Swimsuit "Noble Tutu (Fiona)" *Exclusive to Fiona
・SSR Swimsuit "Cymric (Marie)" *Exclusive to Marie
・SSR Swimsuit "Liberte (Helena)" *Exclusive to Helena

・Event episodes
・Trendy Ticket
・Unlock STM Stone (XL), etc.

Please click here for more information about the “Love Dance Party” event.

Owner Support Trial Pass

From 2020/01/14 (Tue) After maintenance to 2020/01/21 (Tue) 18:59 UTC

The new “Owner Support Trial Pass” will be available in the “Owner Shop,” FREE for a limited time only!

Please click here for more information about the “Owner Support Trial Pass.”

For more information, please check this week's Update Info.

Thanks for your support, and please continue to enjoy “DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation!”

奇迹一刻 Surmount - 中电博亚





Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

The New Year celebrations are over – even in Russia – and we are, once again, hard at work bringing you a lot of exciting content that’s going to appear in Armored Warfare in 2020. In the first quarter of this year, we’d like to launch another, Asian-themed season called Spirithaven and, today, we’d like to show you the first of the progression vehicles that are coming with it – the Type 16 Maneuver Combat Vehicle.

Ever since 1945, Japan’s military force has become practically exclusively defense-oriented and tasked with the protection of its mainland. Only in the recent years, discussions have begun about changing some elements of that concept, but the Second World War had a profound impact on the way Japan sees its army and its mission.

In order to understand the concept behind the creation of this vehicle, one has to have two things in mind.

The first thing is that Japan is essentially a mountainous country. In the event of an invasion, fighting in difficult terrain would be unavoidable and there are very few tanks that are suitable for such a task. This is one of the main reasons why Japan has been developing MBTs with hydraulic suspension that can help depress or elevate their main weapons beyond the limits normally allowed by their turrets. When tanks have to aim up and down the slopes to repel an attack, every degree would help.

Secondly, weight also plays a major role in such environments. Truly heavy MBTs would struggle getting into position through narrow mountain passes or across various bridges (that’s why many Japanese MBTs tend to be on the lighter side). A lighter vehicle (ideally one that could be transported by air) with the firepower of an MBT would therefore be actually more sensible than a sixty-ton category tank.

And that’s essentially the rationale behind the Type 16 MCV. The Japanese created an agile wheeled tank that is very suitable for the Japanese terrain. It lacks the protection of a tank, but features very advanced electronics and optics, allowing it to ambush its enemies, leaving them battered and retreat to safety after the action.

The development began perhaps as early as in 2007 by the Technical Research & Development Institute of Japan’s Ministry of Defense. The first prototype was ready by 2008, and between 2009 and 2014, several extensive rounds of testing took place. After their successful conclusion, in 2016, the vehicle was accepted in service under the name of Type 16 Maneuver Combat Vehicle.

The Type 16 MCV weighs 26 tons and has a crew of four since its main weapon is manually loaded. In order to keep its weight this low, the vehicle is only lightly armored with same type of modular welded multi-layer steel armor the Type 10 MBT uses. According to some sources, it is nano-crystal steel with high matrix density, incorporating some non-metallic elements (carbon) – something between an alloy and a composite.

Regardless, in its most basic for, it offers protection from small arms only (STANAG 4569 Level 3) with particularly low resistance to mines and IEDs – despite its light (“colonial”) nature, this vehicle is not meant for asymmetric combat abroad or anything like that and you generally don’t need to encounter mines in defensive actions. However, some sources have noted various planned or developed armor upgrades that would make the front of the vehicle resistant to 20mm or 30mm autocannons or even RPGs.

Additional protective measures include:
  • 76mm smoke grenade launchers
  • Laser warning system
  • Automatic fire extinguisher
Where this vehicle truly shines is mobility. It is powered by a 570hp Mitsubishi 4-cylinder turbocharged diesel, allowing it to go as fast as 100 km/h. It is also transportable by the Japanese Kawasaki C-2 transport planes, further adding to its strategic value, since it can be deployed anywhere across Japan in short order. It is also quite agile, albeit some sources claim that its off-road characteristics leave much to be desired for. Indeed, wheels are worse off-road than tracks and the Type 16 MCV was clearly designed with roads in mind rather than bogs or forests – the Type 16 MCV is not amphibious.

The firepower consists mainly of its 105mm Japanese Steel Works L/52 rifled gun. This weapon is roughly similar in performance to the Royal Ordnance L7 and can fire the same NATO standard ammunition, but it is not (contrary to popular belief) its copy – it was developed indigenously in Japan using special alloys and processes. The ammunition it can fire includes:
  • JM33 APFSDS (460mm of penetration at 2km)
  • Type 93 APFSDS (460-500mm of penetration, depending on sources)
  • Type 91 HEAT-MP
  • Type 75 HEP
Like it was mentioned above, the gun is loaded manually, allowing for the rate of fire of roughly 8 rounds per minute. Its maximum elevation is +15 degrees and its depression is -6 degrees, although these values are estimated only from various photos and are not openly stated anywhere.

The gun is fully stabilized and features both a thermal shroud and a muzzle reference system. It is paired with an advanced fire control system similar to the one used in the Type 10 MBT. It includes a Thales weather sensor and a hunter killer capability (where the gunner can engage one target while the commander already searches for another one and designates it for the gunner). The gunner has the following tools at his disposal:
  • Day/night sights
  • Thermal imager
  • Laser rangefinder
The commander, on the other hand, has the access to his own:
  • Panoramic day/night sights
  • Thermal imager
  • Laser rangefinder
Between 2016 and 2019, 109 vehicles of this type were built by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and most are intended to be deployed to Kyushu (the southernmost Japanese island). This reflects the shift in Japanese defensive policies. One of the biggest problems for Japan is the fact that they have a limited number of tanks available and their tanks are very expensive. Replacing some of them – especially the aging Type 74 MBTs that are scheduled to be phased out in the near future – with Type 16 MCVs would make for a cost-effective solution.

The deployment to Kyushu is connected to the threat shift – instead of the defunct Soviet Union, Japan now has the Chinese ambitions in the East China Sea to contend with. The behavior of China – an emerging superpower and regional hegemon – is therefore likely to dictate the defensive strategies of all other countries in the area for years to come and since Kyushu is the first and most obvious target at hand for any potential invader, it makes sense to deploy the bulk of these vehicles there. From there, they can be air-transported easily to the other regions of Japan.

In Armored Warfare, the Type 16 MCV will be a Tier 7 progression Tank Destroyer, available through a new dealer we’ll be implementing in Update 0.31. Just like with the American Dream branch of U.S. vehicles, the Type 16 and its branch will be unlockable from already existing machines – in this case, either the C13 TUA TD (Francine De Laroche) or the Type 90-II MBT (Zhang Feng).

At first glance the Type 16 will be comparable to a Centauro – the concept is the same: light wheeled fire support vehicle with a 105mm rifled gun, even though the weapons are somewhat different.

With its ingame weight of 26 tons and its Mitsubishi 570hp engine, the Type 16 will be fairly mobile and about equal to the Tier 7 Centauro. The same goes for its armor – it will protect the vehicle frontally only from 30mm autocannons or smaller weapons and the flanks will be even more vulnerable, making it clear that this vehicle should not enter close combat under any circumstances.

Things will start to get really interesting when we look at this Tank Destroyer’s firepower and special abilities. The Type 16 MCV will be armed with a Japanese Steelworks 105mm rifled gun, comparable in performance to the famous NATO standard 105mm L7. This manually loaded gun will fire all sorts of shells, including APFSDS, HEAT, HESH and even the LAHAT HEAT-MP guided missiles. With its solid penetration (up to 650mm for the upgraded APFSDS) and damage output (reload time 4 seconds), it’ll be an effective second line Tank Destroyer.

But its true strength will lie in convenience – or, more specifically, the ease with which it will be able to hit its targets. For starters, the gun will be very accurate while moving and will have solid depression and elevation levels (-6/+15 degrees). However, that’s still not all.

The tank will feature a very special mechanism called AI Target Assistant. This ability will work both in automatic and manual aiming modes.

In the automatic mode, normally, marking targets with right click will automatically aim your gun at the center of the target and keeps it locked there. In addition to that, the Type 16 autoaim will also “lead” the target – if the target is, for example, moving from right to left from the Type 16 gunner’s point of view, the gun will aim ahead of the target so that when the trigger is pressed, the shell will fly towards where the target is going to be at the time it will cross its trajectory.

In the manual mode where you control the gun, you will see a marker indicating where to aim to hit the target moving on its current trajectory.

While not as effective at close ranges, this mechanism will make long range shot adjustments easier, allowing the Type 16 to snipe more effectively. In addition to that, the vehicle itself will be fairly stealthy (32% camouflage factor) and equipped with excellent optics (410m view range), upgradeable further with a thermal imager.

Overall, what we have here is a dedicated gun sniper that will be able to take some trick shots thanks to its advanced systems and a perfect launching vehicle for the fairly diverse progression branch. It’s also worth noting that the Type 16 MCV wasn’t chosen randomly – it was selected based on your feedback from 2019 when it was one of the most popular suggestions for the upcoming branch.

We hope you’ll like it.

See you on the battlefield!
3DMark 11 - UL_James
This update marks the end of support for 3DMark 11. Please see our previous announcement for details.

This final release - 3DMark 11 v1.0.179 - improves compatibility with Windows 10, however, for benchmarking PCs with modern hardware, we recommend using the latest version of 3DMark instead.
Community Announcements - IDC/Games

Greetings fans of the Esports!

We bring you a new edition of the Zula Europe Championship so you can compete with the best teams in the competitive scene of Zula.

Tournament features:

- 32 Teams. The selection of teams will be carried out based on the sign-up order.
- All matches will be best of 1 (Bo1) except the Final and the match for the third and fourth place, which will be best of 3 (Bo3).

- Veto system:


1. BAN 1st team
2. BAN 2nd team
3. BAN 1st team
4. BAN 2nd team
5. LAST MAP - 1st team pick side (the one in the upper bracket)

1. Team 1 - Ban
2. Team 2 - Ban
3. Team 1 - Choose Map | Team 2 - Choose Side
4. Team 2 - Choose Map | Team 1 - Choose Side
5. Last map - The team that wins the most rounds in the two previous matches Choose Side

- No live broadcast will be carried out.


1 -> 80,000 Zula Gold per player
2 -> 60,000 Zula Gold per player
3 -> 30,000 Zula Gold per player
4 - 8 -> 10,000 Zula Gold per player
9 -16 -> 50,000 Zula Points per player
17 - 32 -> 25,000 Zula Points per player

You can check all the information here.

See you on the battlefield!
Super Mega Space Blaster Special Turbo - bareknuckledev
Super Mega Space Blaster Special Turbo blasts it's way on to Steam(Win/Lin/Mac), Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4. Bringing a mix of retro gameplay from classic games like Asteroids and Super Fantasy Zone, and modern game mechanics from space shooters like Geometry Wars and Super Stardust HD. With 5 game modes, local co-op, 15 unique space blasters, 40+ fun challenges, leaderboards, and an original 80's inspired synth-pop soundtrack by Electric Fan Death the space blaster offers a lot of 'pew pew' for your buck. The game was created by solo developer, Ste Wilson, for Bare Knuckle Development from the ground up. His months of working long hours on a coffee drip are starting to pay off as the first reviews come in and they are very positive. Check out some of the nice words from reviews below:

Super Mega Space Blaster Special Turbo is simple, addictive and most importantly a blast to play. A lot of effort has gone into making this game, borrowing from classics but adding its own spin at every opportunity. There is a bucket load of content to keep you interested and the hook of ‘just one more run’ will have you coming back for more. Super Mega reaffirms the notion that a budget price point doesn’t have to mean corners are being cut.– 8/10
Two Beard Gaming (TBG) – read the review

All in all, this is a super addictive little retro-inspired title that, while perfectly suited to playing in quick five or ten-minute bursts, can, if you’re not careful, suck you in for hours on end with its one-more-go score chasing and achievement completing appeal… it should offer most an absolute bargain.– 4/5
The Switch Effect – read the review

Visually, it’s an indie treat. It’s not a typical pixel art budget title but hand-drawn. For the price, it’s a no-brainer if you’re up for a classic shooter in the mould of Asteroids. There aren’t any gimmicks here, just quality gameplay mechanics that will have you coming back for repeat plays… an excellent title...– 4/5
The Vulgar Knight – read the review

Super Mega Space Blaster Special is shockingly good. The style of old school space shooters has been refined and evolved here into something that both captures the joy of quick score-chasing sessions while also providing progression challenges and unlockables to further motivate the player to push forward. – GREAT
The Game Hoard - read the review

To read more about the retro inspiration behind the game, the difficulties of creating a multi-platform game for a solo dev, or get more details about the game check out our article on the BKD website.
Jan 14, 2020
Bouncing DVD : The Game - Alex (RFR)
Hello, is this thing on? Testing, 1 2 ...

Hey there! How's it going? It's been a hot minute since I last talked to you guys!

First things first, I, the original developer, am back. I won't bore you with details but trust me, you'll like this...

- The update that was requested last year is finally coming, it's ready! just going through a few tweaks and it'll be ready for you guys to ... bounce back into ;)

- Social media! Back from the dead, my socials rise... here's some links:

Twitter! For my hottest takes, game dev stories and midnight rambles, it's gotta be @RoomsForRockets

Patreon! If you're feeling generous and want to support me and my games, head over to The RoomsForRockets Patreon

Anyway, i'll see you on flipflop.

Jan 14, 2020
AO Tennis 2 - Bigben Games

Hello AO fans!

A new update for AO Tennis 2 is now available to download on Steam. Please read the Patch Notes below to learn about its content.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixing an issue with online searching which could occasionally cause a crash.

Let us know if you've experienced any issues, our team will do their best to resolve them as soon as possible.

Thank you for playing!
Mad Tower Tycoon - Eggcode Games
Mad Tower Tycoon Leaves Early Access

After more than 2 years of development, "Mad Tower Tycoon" is leaving early access.
I would like to thank you for the numerous tips, bug reports and suggestions for improvement from the community.

Of course, the game will continue to be patched and updated.
A version for MacOS is also available today.


EA.19.10.11A - EA.20.01.14A
- MacOS version available
- 7 scenarios added
- Achievements added
- New backgrounds added: Fir River, Diamond Beach, Moutains
- 10 New decoration objects added.
- Selection of antenna, ferris wheel and observatory improved.
- Pathfinding optimized. (Elevators with locked floors)
- Decoration: Blue armchair added
- Visitors now have better surnames.
- Hotkeys for construction menus are now sorted.
- Optionen: Reflections for water can be deactivated in the options.
- Optionen: Reduced maximum size for GUI.
- Languages updated: Turkish, Chinese Traditional, Japanese, Spanish
- GFX: Palms and stones improved.
- GFX: Some backgrounds have been revised.
- GFX: Cars replaced with new models.
- GFX: Added particles at pool.
- BUG: Sometimes cars collided.
- BUG: If you demolished an elevator, the lift settings were not deleted.
- BUG: One could build balconies and bridges over antennas, ferris wheel and observatory.
- BUG: If roof terraces were destroyed by fire, a burned-out hallway was created.
- BUG: If you replaced the lobby with a hallway, the lobby was not deleted.
- BUG: The tooltip of burned rooms was displayed in German.
- BUG: Skylobbies could not be demolished.
- BUG: Construction workers' pathfinding no longer worked correctly.
- BUG: Elevators did not work if you built them on the edge of the map.
Jan 14, 2020
Digimon Masters Online - Levine_Kan

#01. New Dungeon Added: Fanglongmon (Easy)

The Fanglongmon (Easy) mode is updated.


- Condition to Enter
1. Required Tamer Lv. 80 and more
2. Obtain [Fanglongmon Dungeon Pass (Easy)] 2ea from NPC Lenamon Daily Quests at D-Terminal
3. The [Fanglongmon Dungeon Pass (Easy)] is able to be purchased with [Yin and Yang Spirit] 50ea by Defeat Monsters in [Varsandi Terminal].
4. Use [Fanglongmon Dungeon Pass (Easy)] 1ea to enter [Fanglongmon Dungeon Pass (Easy)] via NPC Terriermon at D-Terminal

- Procedures
1. Tamer can meet the Raid Monsters of Fanglongmon, but with weakened capacity.
2. This dungeon is not able to battle tag
- Rewards
1. After defeat each raid of Boss Monster, you can obtain [Fanglongmon Dungeon Coin].

 [Fanglongmon Dungeon Coin] Obtain Information

2. Craft [Yin and Yang Box (~mon)] from NPC<Craft Item>Digitamon with obtained [Fanglongmon Dungeon Coin] as material item.

 [Fanglongmon Dungeon Coin] Craft Recipe

※ [Fanglongmon Dungeon Coin] is character bound.
※ Each [Yin and Yang Box] item is the same as the one tamer can obtain at the Fanglongmon Dungeon (Normal).

#02. Integration of Moon-Milleniumon and Milleniumon

The evolution of specific Digimon has changed.

In the case of Agumon (Black) [Millennium Mon] and Gazimon [Millennium Mon], Moon Millennium Mon's Evolution slot which is locked will be added in the final stage of the Digimon's evolution tree.


- Changed contents
For tamers who have Agumon (black) [Moon Millennium Mon] and Gazimon [Moon Millennium Mon], if the evolution slot is open to Moon Millennium Mon, the items that can be unlocked the locked Millennium Mon evolution slot in order to prevent gameplay problems will be distributed to the Cash Warehouse after Server Maintenance of 14th Jan.
Use this item to unlock Millennium Mon's Evolution slot and play the game as the same before.
The items also can be obtained through the Jogress Evolution quests.

※ All event reward items are character bound.

#03. New Item Added: Recovery Item

Higher rank of recovery Item has added to Shop NPC.


1. New Recovery Item Added
- Higher rank of recovery Item added to Shop NPC at Dats Center, Odaiba area.

 New HP Recovery Item Information

 New DS Recovery Item Information

2. Improved Recovery Item List
- The Recovery Item sold by Shop NPC in each region have been improved to match the difficulty of the region.

#04. X-Antibody Craft Recipe Added: X-Antibody Factor: Gallantmon
The New craft recipe of X-Antibody Factor: Gallantmon is added.

- Quest NPC : NPC Digitamon at Versandi Terminal, PawnChessmonW at D-Terminal
- Craft Recipe

※ All event reward items are character bound.

#05. New Rare Machine Added: Steam User Only Rare Machine [2 Type]

Steam-specific Rare Machine with Rare Coin [Steam User] added.

- <Alpha Ver.Steam>Rare Machine Item List (Rare)

※ The obtained Item from < Alpha Ver.Steam >Rare Machine is character bound.

- < Beta Ver.Steam >Rare Machine Item List(Rare)

※ The obtained Item from <Beta Ver.Steam>Rare Machine is character bound.

#06. Arena Season 8

Arena Season 8 begins as Arena Season 7 has ended.
Battle Points obtained from previous season will be removed.
Digimon from the normal difficulty level in Arena have been changed.
Daily Battle Point investment rewards obtainable from Digimon Arena Board have been changed.

○ Changed Reward Information

※ All event items except [Accelerator], [X-Antibody Factor Exchange Ticket] are character bound.

#01. [Spin it! Unique Evolution Item Machine!]
Period: After maintenance of 14th Jan 2020 ~ before maintenance of 29th Jan 2020

- Quest NPC : NPC<Unique X-Antibody> Rare Machine, <Event> Rare Machine at Dats Center
- Procedures
- During the period, 2 types of Event Rare Machine will be appear at Dats Center
- Each Rare Machine will be initialized when the Rare Item is used up
- <Unique X-Antibody>Rare Machine requires to use [Rare Coin] 1ea for 1 spin

- <Unique X-Antibody > Rare Machine Item List (Rare)

 [Random Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg[Lv.5] [X-Antibody ]V.2] Item List (Random)

※ The obtained Item from <Unique Evolution Item>Rare Machine is tradable.
※ The obtained Item from Steam Only Machine is character bound.

- <Spin it round and round ~>Tamer able to spin Rare Machine once with [Rare Coin(Event)] 1ea

- < Spin it round and round ~>Rare Machine Item List (Rare)

※ The obtained Item from < Sin it round and round ~>Rare Machine is character bound.

#02. [New Year Limited Event! X’s Royal Nights!]
Period: After maintenance of 14th Jan 2020 ~ before maintenance of 29th Jan 2020

- Quest NPC : NPC Digitamon at Versandi Terminal, PawnChessmonW at D-Terminal NPC
- Procedures
- [X-Antibody Factor : Gallantmon], [X-Antibody Factor : Magnamon] Craft Recipe added during the Period.

- Craft Recipe

※ All event reward items are character bound.

#03. [Four Holy Beast’s Perfect New Year Plan]
Period: After maintenance of 14th Jan 2020 ~ before maintenance of 11th Feb 2020
- Quest NPC : NPC <New Year 2020> Fanglongmon at Dats Center
- Procedures
1. Receive 4 Daily Quest from < New Year 2020> Fanglongmon
○ [Xuanwumon's Perfect New Year Plan] Daily Quest Information

○ Information of Daily Quest of [Perfect New Year Plan of two digimon]

○ [The Perfect New Year Plan of 3 Digimon] Daily Quest Information

○ [Four Holy Beasts's Perfect New Year Plan] Daily Quest Information

2. Each of Four Holy Bests appears at designated place, designated time
3. Tamer can obtain the [~ Plan] by defeating each of Four Holy Beasts

○ Four Holy Beasts Monster Appear Information

※ All event reward items are character bound.

#04. [Find the Seven Wish Orb of Fanglongmon!]
Period: After maintenance of 14th Jan 2020 ~ before maintenance of 11th Feb 2020

- Quest NPC : NPC <New Year 2020>Fanglongmon at Dats Cemter
- Procedures
- 7 of Daily quests are able to receive from <New Year 2020> Fanglongmon, during the period.
- Each of daily quests are able to receive after scan the [1st Orb].
After scan the [1st Orb], next Orb Item will be obtained with certain rate.
The [1st Orb] will be dropped with certain rate by defeating monsters at all digital world.

Ex. If Tamer success to scan the [1st Orb], the [2nd Orb] will be able to obtain.

- The Item can be disappear when Scan is failed
- Complete the Daily Quests with [~ Orb] Item

○ [Best Friend Right? 1] Daily Quest Information

○ [Best Friend Right? 2] Daily Quest Information

○ [Best Friend Right? 3] Daily Quest Information

○ [Best Friend Right? 4] Daily Quest Information

○ [Best Friend Right? 5] Daily Quest Information

● [Ouryumon’s New Year Wish Box] Item List (Random)

○ [Best Friend Right? 6] Daily Quest Information

● [Qinglongmon's New Year Wish Box] Item List(Random)

○ [Best Friend Right? 7] Daily Quest Information

● [Fanglongmon’s New Year Wish Box] Item List (Random)

※ All event reward items are character bound.

#05. [Kuzuhamon's 2020 Fortune Telling]
Period: After maintenance of 14th Jan 2020 ~ before maintenance of 11th Feb 2020

- Quest NPC : NPC <New Year 2020>sakuyamon, <New Year 2020>Kuzuhamon at Dats Center
- Procedures
- Receive Daily Quest [Lost 2020 Fortune Telling Card] from <New Year 2020>Sakuyamon during the period.
- Collect the [New Year's Fortune Card] 20ea by defeating Monsters from all area except Yokohama, Western Village. The Item drops with certain rate.
- Complete the quest and collect [New Year's Fortune Card Packages] 3 ea
- You can play card game with obtained [New Year's Fortune Card Packages] 1ea each for 1 round of <New Year 2020> Kuzuhamon’s Card Game

○ <New Year 2020>Kuzuhamon’s Card Game Item List (Random)

● [~ Fortune Bundle] Item List (Random)

※ ※ The Fortune Bundles have same item list, but with different chances.

● [Veiled Fortune Bundle] Item List (Random)

※ All event reward items are character bound.

#06. [2020 Fantastic New Year Firework Start!]
Period: After maintenance of 14th Jan 2020 ~ before maintenance of 11th Feb 2020

- Quest NPC : NPC<2020 New Year> Candlemon at Dats Center
- Procedures
- Receive daily Quest [Fantastic New Year Firework!] from NPC <2020 New Year> Candlemon during the period.
- Complete the quest by collecting [Banished Gunpowder] 20ea from defeating Giromon Monsters at all area.
The Item drops with certain rate.
- Complete the quests and receive [New Year Firework Box] 1ea

● [New Year Firework Box] Item List

※ All event reward items are character bound.

#07. [White-beard Guru's Happy New Year – The Ultimate Power of Secret Box]
Period: After maintenance of 14th Jan 2020 ~ before maintenance of 11th Feb 2020

- Quest NPC: NPC<2020 New Year>White-beard Guru at Dats Center
- Procedures
- Defeat the Monsters at all area except Yokohama, Western Village and obtain [Secret Key Fragment] for certain rate
- Craft [Secret Key] via <New Year 2020>White-beard Guru with [Secret Key Fragment] 10ea
- Use [Sealed Secret Box] 1ea and [Secret Key] 1ea as a material item to craft [The Ultimate Power of Secret Box] 1ea.
The [Sealed Secret Box] and [Secret Key] are able to collected from Log-in Time as a Reward.

- Receive Daily Quest for [Original Secret Diagram] from Year 2020>White-beard Guru
- Collect [Diagram Bundle] 20ea to complete the quest by defeating the monsters at all area except Yokohama, Western Village. The [Diagram Bundle] drops within certain rates.
- Complete the Quest and collect [Secret Diagram] 1ea
- Use [Damaged Secret Diagram] 1ea and [Secret Key] 20ea to craft [The Ultimate Power of Secret Box] 1ea.
The [Damaged Secret Diagram] and [Secret Key] are able to collected from Chance Time Reward.

○ [Damaged Secret Diagram] Obtain Information

○ <New Year 2020>White-beard Guru Craft Recipe List

● [The Ultimate Power of Secret Box] Item List (Random)

※ All event reward items are character bound.

#08. [Stay with DMO! Claim the Secret Log-in Reward]
Period: After maintenance of 14th Jan 2020 ~ before maintenance of 11th Feb 2020

- Procedures
- During the Period, Log-in Time Rewards will be changed
○ Log-in Time Rewards Information

※ All event reward items are character bound.

#09. [Is the time for end of Transcendence?]
Period: After maintenance of 14th Jan 2020 ~ before maintenance of 29th Jan 2020

- Procedures
- Use Fruit of Yggdrasil during the period and have chance for double rate of possibility for partner Digimon size up to 140%

#10. [Let’s have some fun in File Island!]
Period: After maintenance of 14th Jan 2020 ~ before maintenance of 29th Jan 2020

- Procedures
Defeat the Monster at the File Island area (Silver Lake, A Silent Forest, Lost Historic Site, File Island Waterfront, Ancient Ruins of Secret, and Infinite Mountain) and receive double EXP.

#11. Check your Attendance Here! Let's Not Miss a Day!

- Gather all the rewards by logging-in Digimon Masters Online every day.
- Period: Unlimited

[About the Attendance Check]

- You can check the rewards of attendance check event from the "Event Contents UI" window every day.
- Don't forget to log-in every 28 days to claim the final attendance reward.
- When the event cycle (28 days) is over, attendance check record will be initialized and you'll restart from the first.
- Reward items can be received from your Cash Warehouse.
- The rewards are character bound.

[Attendance Check Rewards]

Please note:
- The reward item is not tradable.
- The rewarding time for reward item is reset every midnight (Game king time PST).

#01. Gifts Box of New Year Limited Sale
Period: After maintenance of 14th Jan 2020 ~ before maintenance of 29th Jan 2020

- Gifts Box of New Year
[Item List (Random)]
- 103-SnowFlower-OT Box 1ea
- Gehenna 1ea
- X-Antibody Factor : Dynasmon 1ea
- Reinforced Digiclone Set X8 [Event] 2ea
- Hatch Backup Lv.5 2ea
- Option Change Stone 20ea
- Seal Opener 100ea
- Number Change Stone 20ea
- Burning Red Light of Life 1,100ea
[Bonus Item]
Fortune Cookie 1ea

#02. Rare Coin End of Sale & Rare Coin [Steam] Sale [Only for Steam User]
Period: After maintenance of 14th Jan 2020 ~

- Rare Coin [Steam]

#03. Additional Sale(Limited) of Rare Coin, Rare Coin [Steam Only]
Period: After maintenance of 14th Jan 2020 ~ before maintenance of 29th Jan 2020

- Rare Coin or Rare Coin [Steam] 50 + 25
- Rare Coin or Rare Coin [Steam] 10 + 3
- Rare Coin or Rare Coin [Steam] 5 + 1

#04. The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway Equipment Set Limited Sale
Period: After maintenance of 14th Jan 2020 ~ before maintenance of 29th Jan 2020

- The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway Equipment Set

- Cozy and Warm Hat
[Option] : AT + 50, EXP + 200% [Part] : Head
Attribute Slot : 2ea, Apply: 100%

- Warm Hand Warmer
[Option] : DE +100, EXP + 200% [Part] : Fashion
Attribute Slot : 2ea, Apply: 100%

- Cozy and Warm Quilting Jacket
[Option] : SCD + 10%, Max HP + 700 [Part] : Top
Attribute Slot : 2ea, Apply: 100%

- Cozy and Warm Pants
[Option] : AT + 200, Max DS + 1200 [Part] : Bottom
Attribute Slot : 2ea, Apply : 100%

- Cozy and Warm Leather Gloves
[Option] : AT + 300, Max HP + 700 [Part] : Hand
Attribute Slot : 2ea, Apply: 100%

- Cozy and Warm Socks
[Option] : MS + 30%, FS + 30, DE + 200 [Part] : Shoes
Attribute Slot : 2ea, Apply: 100%
[Bonus Item]
Fortune Cookie 1ea

#05. Terriermon & Lopmon Consignment Shop [2 Type] Limited Sale
Period: After maintenance of 14th Jan 2020 ~ before maintenance of 29th Jan 2020

- Consignment Shop License (Terriermon) Box-[30D]
- Consignment Shop License (Lopmon) Box-[30D]

#06. Awesome New Year Gift Bundle Limited Sale
Period: After maintenance of 14th Jan 2020 ~ before maintenance of 29th Jan 2020

- Awesome New Year Gift Bundle
- Awesome Random DigiEgg[Lv.5] 1ea
- Raremon DigiEgg-Lv.5 1ea
- Random Mid Class Transcendence Convert Chip Box 5ea
- Fruit of Yggdrasil 10ea
[Bonus Item]
Fortune Cookie 7ea

- Awesome Random DigiEgg[Lv.5]
[Random List]
- Ryudamon DigiEgg Level 5[Champion] 1ea
- Dorumon[RaptorDramon] DigiEgg Level 5[Champion] 1ea
- Agumon DigiEgg Level 5[Champion]] 1ea
- Gabumon DigiEgg Level 5[Champion] 1ea
- Agumon(Black) DigiEgg Level 5[Champion] 1ea
- Gabumon(Black) DigiEgg Level 5[Champion] 1ea
- Agumon(Black)[BlitzGreymon] DigiEgg Lv.5[Champion] 1ea
- Gabumon DigiEgg Level 5[Champion] 1ea
- Impmon DigiEgg Level 5[Champion] 1ea
- V-mon[V-dramon] DigiEgg Level 5[Champion] 1ea

#07. High Skill Memory Capsule Limited Sale
Period: After maintenance of 14th Jan 2020 ~ before maintenance of 29th Jan 2020

- Highest Skill Memory Capsule [Attack]
- Highest Skill Memory Capsule [Defense]
- Highest Skill Memory Capsule [Support]