Alienautics - Reality Gameware

After two months of early access development, Alienautics is now ready for a full release. The price of the game is not increased on full release as promised to the community. I'm very proud to present the first Alienautics game to the world.

Don't forget to check out the new trailer in the store showcasing updated graphics and details in level design. More content and updates will be added regularly. New sections in the discussion forum has been opened to talk about post-release improvements and further development of the Alienautics franchise. For more information, please visit the official website.

Alienautics is now available as a full released game package and no longer in early access. Huge thanks to the excellent community members for testing the game and sending feedback. Please download the latest updates to enjoy the full experience of Alienautics universe,

Pipeline Of Emperor Yu - lukekou
The three brothers of worker strongly requested
Yu decides to add achievement system for them.
Survive the Blackout - Mruqe
Save the date! February 6, 2020
is the new day of Blackout!

Releasing an indie game on Steam is quite a challenge, nowadays. The competition is huge, the store algorithms seem to favor established AAA games, and the discovery queue feature is as dependable when it comes to presenting your game to the audience, as a politician in election campaign speech. You have to take a lot of things into account when releasing - things like other games that release on that day, time of the month, last year's crops and - apparently the date of the Chinese New Year. And when you learn that a huge sale is starting on the day of your planned release and will bury your game under a giant pile of -90%s - you have no other option, but to move your release date. That's what we did.

We are terribly sorry to inconvenience you in such a way, but there is very little we could do about it. February 6 is our new release date, and we just hope the last-minute schedule change won't derail our launch. If you wish us well, and would like to support our case - please consider [FOLLOWING] our game on Steam (and wishlisting it as well), or maybe even telling your friends about it. The situation is sub-optimal, but we have to play with the cards we've been dealt, and we would hugely appreciate your support!

So - in four weeks, on February 6, you'll learn what are YOU willing to sacrifice to... Survive the Blackout!

Best wishes for the New Year, and the whole new decade!

Baby Bison Games Team
MiniLAW: Ministry of Law - >:3 gary
First off, we just want to thank everyone for the amazing reception we have had since launch!

We've been hard at working squashing the discovered bugs and improving the overall experience.

As announced yesterday, due to the nature of the overhaul of the phone system, this update will make older save files incompatible with the newest build. We know this isn't optimal but be sure to start a new game after downloading this update.

Additions and Optimizations
  • Controller QOL Improvements
    Car Screen: Pointer moves faster now except when over the beeper. Since the car screen requires you to use the pointer to navigate anyways, pointer now also engages "level engage" lever like when in mouse/keyboard mode even when in controller mode, so holding a button and then pressing down are an optional alternative instead of the only way to engage a level in controller mode. Level Engage lever has a more accurate hitbox now to facilitate it being used in controller mode.

    Phone Screen: Controller mode makes the pointer snap to keypad numbers (see below), and slows down over the codec up/down buttons.

    Map Screen: The selection car hologram now moves more slowly over blocks in controller mode, so hovering over the right one should be less of a finicky process. Hovering over the beeper on the map screen makes the pointer move more slowly like it does on the car screen.

  • After more than a few questions concerning non story/timed mode, we realized that the "Endless Mode" option wasn't clearly available as an option despite being available for a while now, so we made some visual changes to make that clear via the main menu. Below you can view the two different screens.

  • Changed the Restock/Reroll/Barrel Equip/Equipment/Skill Upgrade screens to work more intuitively when using a controller.
  • Phone dialogue prints out twice as fast.
  • Updated the ragdoll system to use "Accessors", which should work more smoothly and efficiently.

Bug Fixes
  • The phone system's backend has been completely overhauled. Variables concerning call progression were being saved/loaded improperly sometimes and therefore were not working as intended, sometimes causing crashes or unfinished storylines.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the player to become invisible if hit while entering/exiting an elevator.
  • All exploding/tension traps are now incapable of being detonated via triggering until the player is within a reasonable range of having it onscreen. So your primary target shouldn't suicide off screen now!
  • Fixed a softlock caused by Danny the Flash phone call not having a viable end.
  • Fixed a CTD caused by the map screen not detecting an isobuilding in some instances.
  • Fixed a CTD caused by VR Civilians not having enough animation frames.
  • Enemies will no longer spawn in the exact position of another enemy.
  • Enemies can no longer spawn in certain inaccessible areas.
  • Added checks to make sure high end machines don't run the game too fast and inadvertently hinder performance.
  • Fixed Master Detective/Deadeye bonuses and information being switched.
  • Steam Screenshots now function again! (EDITED IN)

As always, click Follow to be notified of announcements like these! Also, check us out on social media. It always helps to have people like and share our social media content. If you're on Facebook or Twitter, look us up! :D

miniLAW Facebook
miniLAW Twitter

Lasso Games Facebook
Lasso Games Twitter
Jan 8, 2020
Legend of Cina - Harry
Max level reverted back to 30, overall game balance improved...
Jan 8, 2020
Pixel Puzzles Ultimate Jigsaw - DL Softworks
Defend Them ! - Killerzwerg
Hey guys,
I was a bit lazy last month, Christmas and stuff ... you know ^^

But I'm on schedule, actually everything is already in the game I wanted to be in the game on release at February 20, 2020.

Only 1.5 months till release, yay!

New Map - Jungle Airfield

The new map is a small isle with tropic feeling, enemies are currently:
  • Penguin
  • Tapir
  • Cassowary
  • Tiger

More want come later^^

Rewards on Map won

The objective of the current map shows you directly which rewards you want get if the map was won (fades in at a certain distance)

Currently rewards are:
  • Random Equipment Item
  • Armor Item
  • Tower Item
  • Weapon Item
  • Coins (ingame currency)

Rarity of equipment can be up to legendary, from 2 items on legendary rarity to 6 items on common rarity.
Coins are multiplied by enemies level on the current map and a random amount of 5-30.
For each 25% the objectives health got decreased, the rewards are getting lowered (items by rarity and coins by amount).

Help Menu

The help menu got 2 new pages, Item Details with comparison to explain all the stuff and a damage types page with all currently added damage types.

Patchnotes v0.4a
  • Increased time till wave starts by 2x (easy = 90sec -> 180sec)
  • Fixed bug where next level button is available, even if map was lost
  • Added new map number 6 jungle airfield
  • Changed Rubberball Tower to have attack range
  • Removed Rubber Ball Particles (for performance)
  • Changed Rubberball Projectile to bounce only 5 times instead of 22 times (performance)
  • Swords can do now critical hits too
  • Added new help menu page, damage types
  • Fixed bug where enemy is not displaying animation if attacking game object
  • Added functionality to spawn bonuses when game won
  • Increased Base Projectile Speed from 3 to 4m/s
  • Changed "round" in HUD to wave
  • Changed Enemy Spawn System to allow spawning on only 1 spawnpoint, depending on wave (first wave 1 spawnpoint, third wave all spawnpoints)
  • Enemies spawn now on all active spawnpoints at the same time
  • Added new help menu page .... Item Details
  • Fixed bug with remaining enemies in hud is showing before wave started

Patchnotes v0.4b
  • Made some changes to the new map, because enemies were sometimes stucking
  • Changed values of the new enemies, because their sight-range was too high

The textures are delayed back into the future, it´s too much work for now, there are more important stuff I need to add^^
Jan 8, 2020
Jan 8, 2020
VR MEDIA VIEWER - BoninblueDesignLaboratory
Thank you for using VR MEDIA VIEWER!!
We updated following contents today.

Version 1.0.5

Fix / Specification changes:
- Fixed aspect ratio settings in the control panel.
- Changed the specification of automatic aspect ratio detection. When displaying a 2D screen, the aspect ratio of HalfSBS or HalfTAB is given priority, and when displaying a 180-degree screen, the aspect ratio of FullSBS or FullTAB is given priority.

Please enjoy!! Thanks!!
REFUGE - TlySoft
I got some reviews about the game at the moment. And I came to the conclusion that people would like to see more interactive objects on the map, as well as improving the combat system, but it is not yet clear what exactly you would like to see in terms of improving the combat system. In any case, in the next update, the world will be filled, and new mechanics will be introduced.

If you want to add something to the game, and enter something that is missing - write here in the comments. I will answer for sure. :)