Ticket to Ride: Classic Edition - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Matt Jarvis)

Did you hear? Board games are cool again. In fact, they re so cool that big hitters from the cardboard world are making their way over to the digital one on a more and more regular basis. To help you get your virtual collection of cardboard started, we ve gathered the 10 best board games available on PC today, all in one handy list. You ll find co-op hits, thinky strategy and everything in-between. The thing they all have in common is that they re worth your time and precious pennies, so there s no need to roll the dice, so to speak.


Euro Truck Simulator 2 - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Lauren Morton)

Euro Truck Simulator 2 or as I, an American, call it: unafforable vacation simulator has a new region dropping today. The next expansion available for one of few games to rival The Sims for number of DLCs is headed to eastern Europe with the Road To The Black Sea.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Ollie Toms)

Phoenix Point’s selection of soldier classes gives players a surprising amount of scope for customising your armies and your overall playstyle during tactical missions. From the initial three soldier classes to the unique specialists acquired through the three different factions, our Phoenix Point Classes guide will walk you through the abilities, skills, strengths, and weaknesses of each one – along with some useful tips and tricks on equipment, multi-classing, and more.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Katharine Castle)

For a small, streamlined gaming mouse, the Speedlink Orios sure knows how to announce itself. Replete with RGBs around the side of the mouse, scroll wheel and rear logo, this rainbow infused clicker is almost as much a sight for the eyes as the holey Glorious Model O-. Indeed, with its slender frame and weight of 95g, the Speedlink Orios definitely leans more toward that Glorious school of ultralight gaming mouse than, say, Corsair’s palm-hogging Glaive Pro RGB, but it does so without puncturing its chassis with a bunch of holes to really let those LEDs sing.

It’s also quite a loud gaming mouse with a very distinct clicking sound, but its switches do at least feel firm and responsive in-game. It is worth considering over other small gaming mice, though? Here’s wot I think.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (RPS)
Halo: Reach - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Josh Fortune)

I can t help but love Halo. It s one of the few things that lodged firmly enough in my teenage heart to build itself a permanent nest there, and it still comes and goes freely, even though the iron gate of age has barred so much else from getting in. Ever since 2001, when I saved to buy an OG Xbox purely for the sake of playing Combat Evolved, I ve gotten needlessly excited about playing each new release on launch day. I was also the guy Nate wrote this article about.

Over the last eighteen years, we ve slugged through pretty much every new release in the series together, and they ve burned a string of happy little plasma scars on my brain, each one a memorial anchor for a whole period of my life. A decision to join the army in my early twenties saw me playing Halo 3 in drafty barracks in Wales, about to be sent to Afghanistan. Despite feeling incredibly removed from normal life, just a few bars of the theme, or the familiar clatter of the battle rifle, would instantly transport me back to a sort of home.


Brawlhalla - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Matt Cox)

You! Are the Crystal Gems! You’ll always save the day! And if you think you can’t, you’ll have to stump up 10.40 for one of the Steven Universe characters Brawlhalla just added. Last night’s update to the platform fighting game also introduced a new mode where you punch the opposing team to trap them in bubbles, as is Steven’s wont.

I haven’t played much Brawlhalla because I can’t get my fingers to understand I’m not playing Smash, but it’s a neat, free, PC-based alternative. It’s done plenty of crossover nonsense in the past, but Adventure Time means little to me while Steven Universe is a cartoon that’s close to my heart.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Sin Vega)

“Toblo!”, cheers the peppy American woman every time you go back to the menu screen. Toblo!



DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS™ 2 - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Lauren Morton)

Dragon Quest Builders 2 has a free “jumbo demo” that you can play right now before it launches on PC next week. The first Minecraft-y spinoff from the JRPG series Dragon Quest never made it off consoles so it’s nice that we get a small taste of the sequel to see what it’s about.


RUNE II: Decapitation Edition - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Lauren Morton)

Nordic action-RPG Rune 2 released on November 12th. The next day, its developers Human Head Studios announced their closure and that all of its development team were offered new positions at a new studio with Bethesda. Apparently they failed to mention this crucial detail to Rune 2’s publisher. Now Ragnarok Game are suing Human Head to regain control of the game’s source code and assets.

