Nov 8, 2019
Here Be Dragons - Red Zero Games

Patch notes

New Content
  • RoboCap Campaign - 3 new scenarios, 2 new types of enemies (Sea Pig and Kraken), new Bestiary entries, new action effects (Swarm and Dice Remove with Conditions), next chapter of Avant Armada story.

You asked for it
  • You can skip animations in cutscenes step by step by mouse click (so you don't have to skip an entire cutscene).
  • Seen dialogs, bestiary entries, environment tips and informations about Errata's upgrade don't appear again after battle restart.
  • Removed bottles in the Booty phase.

UI and Effects
  • Close panel with Erratas' options after using.
  • More industry-standard behavior for Window and Full-Screen modes.

Bug Fixes
  • Very long sequence of the Alchemist escape in battle end scene.
  • The same order of upgrade ships in the Booty phase.
  • Spawned triton sometimes doesn't have itself UI.
  • Spawned triton sometimes throws a trident instantly after the spawn.
  • Spawned triton appears in strange places.
  • Rare crash at the beginning of rolling the dice.
  • Crash after clicking Skip cutscene button couple times.
  • Crash if you kill an enemy by action with removing a die.
  • Ugly effect with shaking a die under the action's description.
  • Esc in Bestiary doesn't go back to the menu, but it closes the menu.
  • Missing dot at the end in the Bestiary entry.

Have Fun! And please let us know if the game plays better and we are looking forward to your feedback and additional ideas. Our Discord channel:
Yes, Your Grace - TinyPixxels

Ready to put on your crown and take over Davern? Your rule begins on NOVEMBER 15th in the Yes, Your Grace BETA! Head over to the Discord to sign up > Yes, Your Grace Discord

You'll take on the role of King Eryk, who must bring together his Kingdom and wayward family. Not everyone can be appeased, but hopefully, you will be able to bring some peace to Davern.

With a war brewing, every day will bring new people to your throne room. From neighbouring Kings and Lords to the downtrodden and homeless, it'll be your job to work out who is the most deserving of the kingdom's gold and resources - there won't be enough for everyone, but those savvy enough may be able to work out who has the kingdom's best interests at heart.

You'll also need to try to bring your family together as their own personal struggles roll on - with three fighting daughters and no sons, you'll have to act carefully to preserve the reputation of the kingdom!

If you think you're up to such a royal task, make sure you sign up at the Discord and keep watching those emails, the 15th is right around the corner!

Take a look at the trailer to get you in the mood HERE >> BETA Trailer
Chronicon - Squarebit
Hey everyone!

This update should take care of most issues, and also adds a fullscreen resolution setting. This should help people playing on large resolution notebooks and similar, as you now should be able to lower the in-game resolution to gain a higher FPS.

I wasn't able to reproduce nor verify a few of the bugs, so if you have experienced any of the bugs listed as "possible fix" near the bottom of the notes, please let me know if this update helped or not.

Thanks for all the reports, suggestions, and comments!

Here are the full notes:
  • Added an experimental fullscreen resolution option so you now can downscale for extra frames.
  • Added fullscreen resolution detection to match desktop resolution, however you may need to lower it if playing on a notebook or similar.
  • Improved visual of Divine Salvo with Council's Gavel (Templar).
  • Improved tiling of many area types, preventing ground effects from clipping through ceilings of caves, canopies of forests, etc.
  • Fixed controller detection on main menu not registering the left/right sticks.
  • Fixed keyboard detection on main menu repeatedly detecting keyboard keys at all presses, preventing re-binding of keys.
  • Fixed a large amount of typos and grammar errors on dialogue and lore texts.
  • Fixed Warlock getting stuck inside pillars and walls sometimes when using Soul Warp with the click-to-move control option.
  • Fixed The Cursed Statues in Dark Tower 3 not facing the correct direction.
  • Fixed Gib enchants not being procced from companions and indirect damage.
  • Fixed summoned companion skills, such as Dancing Blades, not properly re-calculating powers and stats based on companion count (and similar effects).
  • Fixed effects based on companions not re-calculating after companions die.
  • Fixed (probably?) the big boss not spawning in Dark Tower 3.
  • Fixed issue where if saving took too long or too many things were in the save queue at once, a load operation could run on a queued file, loading old data which is then re-saved, meaning for example the stash eating what you just put in it.
  • Fixed issue where players 2-4 couldn't see objectives of quests they were tracking that player 1 had already finished.
  • Fixed several tile problems with trees and canopies.
  • Possible fix for map corruption when repeatedly re-entering zones in co-op. (I still cannot reproduce this one, but it may have been similar to the stash saving bug)
  • Possible fix for the Retaliating Companions rune power not always working. (Unable to reproduce as of fixing the summon/death effect recalculations of companions)
  • Treant companions now have a smaller collision box so they are less prone to get stuck on corners.
Alaskan Road Truckers - havelyon
Hey there!

In the last devlogs, we've shown you models of city buildings in their raw state. We've promised you that we'll show them again soon, positioned in the world of Alaskan Truck Simulator. This moment has come! That's why we're presenting you some screens from bigger cities :)

Of course, we're still expanding the inventory of urban objects, to make you feel a little bit of civilization after the long journey :)

Have a nice week!
Westend Studio & Movie Games
SoulWorker - Anime Action MMO - [CM]threea

Dear SoulWorkers,

We have received all kinds of fantastic works of art and we’ve looked at every single one to decide which 10 are the most creative and original.

These candidates really caught our eye and have truly earned themselves their prizes: congratulations! <3

Zero Two – Candus

Chinate - Candus

Kemicho – Tenebris

LilyChan – Tenebris

queasyS – Tenebris


Shadria – Candus

NRii – Candus

Sayuuki – Candus

Zaly – Candus

Thank you all for taking part and until the next competition!

The SoulWorker team
Rec Room - magglerock
Just a quick patch to fix an issue where PC players were unable to save certain Inventions - sorry about that! =]

Please see here for convenient links to controls, tutorials, comfort options, etc.:

Thanks for playing Rec Room! As always, don't hesitate to give us your feedback =]
Nov 8, 2019
Golf It! - SchN!Tz3L

Editor Assets

With over 100+ new assets this update will enhance your vegetation. New trees, flowers, and tendrils allows you to build dense jungles and lush meadows. But beware of the flytrap...

Post Processing

Another addition to the editor is post-processing, which can be bound to zones or applied globally. You can easily change the mood of your map by applying LUTs and post-process materials.

What's coming next

- More asset packs
- VR Support
- Mac support
- Event system Expansion
- Controller support in menus

Our Discord

If you wanna get in contact with the rest of the Golf It community and the devs, please enter our Discord Server:

Take care,

Team Perfuse Entertainment


// General
- Added 100 new assets to the editor
- Added new crystals to Mines
- Added 3 new skins, 2 new hats, and 5 new trails
- Updated main menu to display latest game news instead of the leaderboard
- Updated scoreboard visuals
- From now onwards every played map will be marked in the game and Steam Workshop

// Editor
- Added post process volume to the editor for visual effects
- Added interactive flytrap to the editor
- Added river to editor multiplayer component
- Added transformation of master transformers to the event system
- Added folders to "Packs" section
- Added chat to the editor
- Fixed various issues with the editor gizmo and custom assets
- Fixed custom assets collections not saving textures correctly
- Fixed unloaded textures being reloaded from collections if missing
- Fixed mouse wheel for river width after deselecting river
- Fixed missing collision on various objects
- Fixed some issues with hiding objects
- Fixed various objects not being useable in master transformer and rotator

// Various
- Code improvements for more stability and making engine upgrades easier in the future
- Updated goal logic to stop balls getting stuck in limbo after entering a hole while in free cam
- Improved upgrade logic and item display
- Various smaller fixes and improvements

// 0.7.2b
- Added ability to activate/deactivate post-process volumes with events
- Fixed broken crystal materials during play
- Fixed various smaller issues

// 0.7.2c
- Enabled holiday drops
- Fixed water ripples using wrong rotation
- Fixed rare stuck issue on canons
- Fixed various smaller issues

// 0.7.2d
- Fixed multiple issues with the flytrap
- Fixed palms in pirates cove editor
- Fixed autosave changing in the editor
- Fixed being able to exit the editor while playing without saving first
- Fixed ice crown in the upgrade menu
- Fixed audio/music not being removable in the editor
- Fixed various smaller issues
-- Fixed more flytrap physic issues
-- Race mode will now end after time has expired
-- Fixed various smaller issues

// 0.7.2e
- Improved local maps, blueprints, and assets to be searched and displayed faster
- HowToPlay in-game UI will now disappear after a while even without hitting the ball
- Fixed network issues with flytrap
- Fixed some duplication issues in the editor
- Fixed issues with PostProcess volumes blocking particles and canons

// 0.7.2f
- Fixed issues with uploading maps to the workshop
- Deactivated Blueprint/Collection/Asset workshop upload temporarily
- Fixed some issues while saving a map in the editor
- Fixed various smaller issues
-- Re-enabled Blueprint/Collection/Asset workshop upload
-- Various smaller fixes and improvements
Conqueror's Blade - Sapozhnik
Please be aware that from 07:00 CET on Monday 11th November (10pm PST, November 10), the Conqueror’s Blade servers will be inaccessible. The downtime is expected to last for 3 hours.
  • Activating a 50% boost to Glory in matchmaking battles, lasting until 10:00 CET, Monday the 18th of November.
  • Removing the weekly purchase limit on the Scroll of Rare Glory.
Meanwhile, stay tuned to our Discord channel in case of any immediate server updates.
The Eye of Borrack - jimjamsgames

We've published another small update. While working on a sequel to the Eye of Borrack, we discovered a few areas where the parser can better predict what the player means.

In our constant search for excellence, we've ported those improvements back into Borrack, so all of our games will have the best parsing we can manage.

Thanks all,

The JimJams Games team.
Nov 8, 2019
Killsquad - Novarama
Kemmekh has fallen into the Plague's claws, turning into a Plague core. Neighbor Solar Systems have tried everything to stop it without much avail. They crowd-funded a mission for you to eradicate the Plague. Time to get your hands dirty.

Omen of the Plague

Make a Pact with an Omen of the Plague in exchange of Plague related rewards. But at what price...?

  • These mysterious objects appear at the beginning of Cursed Contracts. An extra one appears in the middle of the contract. To start these Contracts, you must be cursed by the Omen.
  • These Omens can challenge players to accept or reject its offer: Be cursed and, in exchange, you will gain Plague related rewards.
  • Omens never spoils what the curse could be, so players must accept it or not its offer blindly.
  • When Players are challenged, a pop-up will appear to everyone and it must be decided to accept its offer or not with a vote. If the voting ends up with a tie, it will be decided randomly.
  • If the curse is applied, everyone will be cursed, even players joining in the middle of a match.

What's a curse?
A Curse is a negative effect that varies from losing the maximum amount of health, to being chained with the rest of the players. When a curse comes into effect it will be applied to every player in the party. In exchange, if you survive the contract you will earn extra loots at the end of the match. You can accept up to 4 curses at the same time, to earn more loots at the end of the contract. But you should be careful, you can end up paying dearly...
  • Added 9 Curses. Some of them are exclusive on multiplayer matches.

New items added on the Black Market Store
The Occultist Ai'desh has brought new items that you might be interested on.
  • Added the Eye of the Omen, a resource that can be used with an Omen as a tribute during the pact. When in use, it can reactivate the Totem to gain more curses. Each Omen can Curse its players up to two at the same time.
  • Added 4 new skins that can be bought from the Occultist.

Cursed Contracts
We have added the following:
  • Added Purple Contracts: These are the contracts where the Plague is lurking around.
  • Added 2 Cursed Recruit Contracts.
  • Added 2 Cursed Veteran Contracts.
  • Added a new Vector 120 Cursed Contract on Spec. Ops.

Here are the rest of the features & bug fixes in this update:
  • Added 3 new Plague Portraits.
  • Added new particle effects related to the Plague and updated existing ones.
  • Improved the UI Notifications. Now you can hide/show the Skill Upgrades and new info stack nicely in the left side of the screen!
  • Balanced the EXP Reputation on the Sentinel Faction. Now players earn more on Cursed Contracts and a bit less on normal ones.
  • Fixed the bug where some players could be stuck with a black screen when joining a match, at the same time when the Host is exiting to the lobby menu.
  • Fixed the bug where the Ohgur's Spikes appeared offseted.
  • Fixed the bug where sometimes the laser trap activated by itself.
  • Fixed the bug where players/enemies could be stuck forever on the Federation Barriers with a knockback.
  • Fixed the bug where the controller's button didn't show up on the Upgrade Skill pop-up until you selected one.
  • Fixed the bug where it didn't upgrade your equipped faction when you bought something on the Lobby Vendor.
  • Temporarily removed the Barriers appearing on Federation encounters due to an issue with them appearing where it wasn't intended.
  • Fixed the "Plague Extermination Buff" gear upgrade interrupting player's abilities and attacks.
  • Fixed Kosmos' Anvil weapon burning damage and description.
  • Updated Localization Files.

What are we doing right now:
We have done 3 big updates in a month (Federation, Halloween, Plague). We will start a period of heavily bug-fixing everything that has been reported to us. Thank you everyone for your feedback and patience!
If your game crashes, please send us your saved folder (C:\Users%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Killsquad\Saved) here at

Wrapping up
We hope to see you all in the game this weekend, and please follow us in our Social Media Channels:


If you like our progress, please tell your friends about Killsquad and, if you have 5 minutes, post a review. We feel the game is maturing really fast, and we want the world to find out!

Thank you very much you all.

See you in the Outer Reach!
