Creaks - Lukas

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to give you all a quick heads up on the release date of Creaks - unfortunately, as many of you already know, it won't be ready for release this year. The last thing we want to do is to release an unfinished game, so we're giving Creaks a few more months in the oven. And we'll do our best to make sure it's worth the wait:)

We're now targeting a spring 2020 release.

Thank you for your patience!
this is trial ver.

I made new game's video.
You can play trial version!!
check it!!
Nov 1, 2019
MEMORIES OF MARS - apounder505
Hi Martians,

As promised, we are here again with more details about the new adventures and latest additions to come!

The JUGGERNAUT has finally decided to appear and unveil all its potential.

If you previously thought this new threat would be a deadly challenge…

… Well, you were definitely right!

The Juggernaut is not only gigantic but also deadly: various weapon ranges, several kinds of attacks, heavily armoured… This AI is waiting for new challengers! So, feel free to pay him a visit at your own risks.

Big Dangers bring Big Rewards: beating the Juggernaut will unlock the possibility to craft the Vanguard Armor!

This valuable equipment will give you a tremendous advantage over other players thanks to the incredible new abilities as follows:

• Gloves will trigger a super melee attack
• Legs will make you run faster than anybody else
• Boots will allow you to perform double jump
• And the cherry on top, the Chest part will unlock new Jetpack moves…

This should significantly help in the ice area since this is now the land for tough PvP fights.

This corner of Mars will also be the centre of attention because of its precious Deuterium resources. And since you will have to build a specific structure to collect it, you will need to be well prepared.

Deuterium is one of the main ingredients needed to craft the Memory Capsule and send your warning from Mars…
But that’s a different story and will be the topic of the next communication.

See you soon on New-Mars!

The Dev Team
Among Ripples: Shallow Waters - MartinECS

Hello everyone!

A lot has happened since we last spoke, we're starting to get the funding for the project together. We haven't found a publisher yet but if we play our cards right we will make it anyway, maybe we'll find one later down the line. The important thing to know is that we're progressing on the development with Among Ripples: Shallow Waters!

We have worked a lot on improving the visuals as you can see. New interface and better watercolour shaders!

Let's Play
Together with our lead programmer, Tomas I sat down and played our latest prototype. Next time we promise the recording will be even better. ;)

Keep in Touch
If you also want to see this game happen please let the world know by wishlisting it and keeping tabs on what we do on our social media. The bigger following we have the easier it is to convince the people with money. It's also easier for you to keep tabs on where we are. ;)

Social media

You can wishlist the game here on Steam.

We'll have more to share soon, stay tuned! :)

//Martin and the team
Forgetful Dictator - Rejoicing Peasants
Apologies for the slow update. I've been moving house and only just got my internet back! No trivia questions this time, but here's a few UI improvements. I also added an option to skip extraneous dialogue.

-Added an option to skip extraneous dialogue
-An indicator will now display your progress during the "Select a country" phase
-The "Ask the Army" button has been moved to the right, next to the other buttons
-The Dino Dictator warning UI has been streamlined

-High tier upgrades are now slightly less common
-High tier upgrades no longer guaranteed to appear in continent modes as they can make it too easy

-Fixed a text error in a question about the Hajj
Fantastic Creatures - FMR
It's with extreme pleasure that we now announce that we're happy with Fantastic Creatures and we're ready to make it available for all of you to enjoy it!

Fantastic Creatures will be available on 14th of November 2019 at 11AM PDT / 2PM EST / 6PM GMT / 7PM CEST. There will also be a discount at launch, so please make sure to wishlist the game and be notified when the game is out!

Finally, we'll share plans on the future of Fantastic Creatures on Discord. Make sure to join us here:

Dofense - bluemathsoftware
The new map editor is now in decent shape. I've been working on it for past month or so. It wasn't just the interactive hex map editor that took time, but creating procedural terrain from this map needed some work. This is how it looks like

I've also added more juicy model as a Qi Chamber. It still needs work though. But you can see how the map editor easily lets you switch back-n-forth between edit and play mode.

I had great time showing this around at a playtesting session in Montreal yesterday.

More things are coming soon. Stay tuned.

奇迹一刻 Surmount - 中电博亚









@中电博亚 (

官方QQ群 791842309

EDEN STAR - Clarkeh

Greetings Pioneers!

The team have been working through more gameplay and interaction improvements across the board this month, including advancements in gamepad support and new animations.
The new build wheel is looking sharp after receiving fixes and polish, new effects for impacting with melee improve the feel of all hits and distinguish more clearly when things are getting damaged vs not damaged, and an awesome new portable turret has been taking shape...

Here's what we've been up to in more detail..

Matt - Art Director

The team have been pushing to improve quality of life with the interface by fixing gamepad and crafting issues, both visual and input driven. The updated build system is close to being in a working/presentable state after being quite.. ‘broken’ whilst we were improving asset and UI visuals.

I’ve also had a hand in directing an update to player built doors which will replace the old shutter style door.

OG Tom - Lead Designer

From a design perspective we’ve had to go back through some of our key game system logic to help improve and speed up our workflow. Our next focus is working the improved A.I into our base designs so they can help us shape improved player enemy encounters.

Melissa - Technical Designer

The build wheel has had even more love this month and now looks very polished with new animations and artwork as well as new prompts to ensure you know how to use it!

A new addition to the build wheel is also Modifications, so now you can fortify your buildings, add lights and add doors.

Ryan - Designer

Hey! This month I have been working on keeping the game looking and playing perfect, by fixing up any issues we uncover along the development process. Along with this I have been adjusting some parts of the landscape around Pharus 7 to get it feeling just right.

Katrine - Senior Artist

Hello! I have a few exciting things on the game this month. I’ve been reworking all of the Visual FX. Making explosions, impacts and destruction!

Lauren - Lead Animator

This month I've been working with Chen to get our 3rd person animations up to scratch, finally replacing some of the placeholders that have been in there for a while. With improvements to both the motion and the blending method, It really is looking a lot more natural. Adjustments to the first person meshes have also taken place and I've been smoothing out the weighting of the first person arms along with making further alterations to various animations including the flare and axe.

John R - Developer

We’ve been creating a Turret weapon, which provides a cool twist to the set of weaponry the player can equip.  The Turret can be carried in your inventory and then placed whenever you want something defensive to watch your back or you just want a bit of extra fire-power when battling the enemy.  And once you’re done, you can pick up your Turret again and take it with you.

Leon F - Developer

This month work on the gamepad support for our Player Menu has continued with functionality added to allow us to select and highlight empty slots allowing us to extend our functionality for gamepad specific actions.

You can now navigate around the menu with just a gamepad with the essential functions such as equipping and consuming now coming together.

In addition to gamepad support I’ve also been hard at work adding the icons to the Build Wheel system that correlate to the resources you’ll need to build various structures and utilities as you create your colony.

See you in the fray!

-Team Flix

Infestation: The New Z - Sven
Dear Community,


As a part of the Halloween 2019 event we are doing a DOUBLE GC sale. This means all GC purchases for a set period of time will be doubled. Here is exact times of the event:


Start: November 1, 12:00 PM (CET) 2019.

End: November 4, 12:00 PM (CET) 2019.



Buy GC here:


The sale is indicated on Xsolla and in-game through Steam. If you experience any issues or need any assistance with a purchase feel free to contact us through support at:


Have a nice weekend!


// Fredaikis