The Singularity Wish - manlymousedan

Check it out: here!
The Girl and the Robot - Old Monkey King
We are happy to announce that we will launch a card game variation of our video game The Girl and the Robot on Kickstarter October 24th 2019.

The Girl and the Robot – The Card Game is a Russian roulette inspired strategic card game that involves protecting yourself and your teammate in the award winning video game setting of The Girl and the Robot.

The game features:

A unique blend of cooperative and competitive gameplay
Easy to learn and hard to master
For 2 to 4 players
Age 10 and Up
30-45 minutes of play time

You can get notified as soon as the Kickstarter goes live by going to the Pre-Launch page here:

Here are some other useful links:
Official page:
Board Game Geek Page:
Press Kit:
Lumberjack Simulator - lumberjack.simulator
Updated engine for level design allows detailed foliage and grass

Full-version of the game will include different times of day that produces realistic light effects.

Deformable terrain is still awesome and mud makes it even harder to go through. There were updates to mud particles making them more natural looking than before.
The Wild Eight - DeadRich
Greetings, Survivors!
An unnamed whistleblower recently provided us with several documents, leaked directly from VAPOR-3 servers. Among these files, some were particularly intriguing…

Report File #001

Coordinates: 64.2005° N, 149.4937° W

Object: U.S. Navy Submarine SSN-792 “Vermont”

Point Of Origin: 8.7832° S, 124.5085° W


The “Vermont” was found during area survey by researchers ████████████████ and ████████████████████████████████ . This report is a transcription of their spoken word re-telling of the encounter with the “Vermont”.

“We were patrolling through the woods - looking for the any evidence of Dark Matter , which began showing up more and more after the ████████████████ .

We initially thought that it was another part of the Kennicott Mining Facility, since the mines were scattered all over the area after the ████████ ████████ event.

However, upon closer inspection it turned out to be the hull of a submarine. How did it get there? It almost looks like it was just transported from somewhere - and just stuck into the middle of the land. Like a teleporter accident, where a guy gets stuck in the wall - like in one of those sci-fi movies, you know?...

We circled it a bunch of times before we found any markings on the hull - and after we found out the ship’s name, we immediately reported it to Mann. After a few minutes, word came back from the ████████ facility that there was a submarine that went by that name and number. In fact - there was a SSN-792 “Vermont” out in the Atlantic Ocean at the time, with its crew completely intact.

Soon as we heard it, a deafening thud shook both me and ████████ - and it sounded like multiple people, banging against the hull. Were those people, in fact, people or not - I don’t know.
We ran off as fast as we could…
Whoever could help the crew - it wasn’t gonna be us.”

Report File #002

Coordinates: 64.2013° N, 149.832° W

Object: Kennicott Mining Camp

Point Of Origin: Kennicott, Alaska


This bears many similarities to the “Vermont” Case:

  • This structure, originally found in the center of Kennicott, Alaska , has appeared in the vicinity of VAPOR-3 ████████ Facility
  • The structure appears to be a ██████ copy of the actual place - as the original in Kennicott is still intact.
  • The structure has undertaken heavy internal damage, with many of its interior destroyed.
  • Heavy Dark Matter readings near both structures.

However, what is different this time is this - the “Vermont” had the entire crew inside.
The building itself is completely empty. In fact, not a single trace of human remains were found in the building.

Some of our researchers reported sounds of footsteps and howling-like sounds - but no evidence supporting any kind of creature being inside the facility was found.

Will continue to investigate.


Report File #003

Coordinates: 64.2013° N, 149.832° W

Object: ████████████████ Dimension Portal

Point Of Origin: ████████


This picture, along with the polaroid camera it was taken with, was found on ██████ grounds - along with other seemingly random items, scattered around the area. Some of the items closely resemble the ones pictured in the photo - especially the object itself, broken into pieces all around the area.

Near the camera was an Anchorage Aces hoodie, a pair of ███████ jeans and ███ shoes. Presumably, these items belonged to the owner of the camera - however, there was no trace of the owner himself. More than that, there were no footprints, or any markings that could’ve indicated a person being anywhere near the area.

The VAPOR-3 ████████ Researcher’s current theory is that the owner experienced ███████████ vortex - however, how did he, along with ████████, got there is currently unknown. Some speculate that he went hrough to the █████ portal - and that the reason these have been appearing more directly coincides with ████████ increased activity near the Dark Matter core.

Of course, all of this still remains nothing more than speculation.

So, what other mysteries might await the survivors in Act 2 on their way out of the seemingly-normal Alaskan forest?...

Find out tomorrow, as The WIld EIght launches on October 3rd, at 9PM Pacific Time!

Want to join the fight against the Aslaskan freezing wilderness? Enter our Twitter raffle that will end on the 2nd of October, right before the 1.0 release and try your luck - click the picture below to enter!

Legends of Aria - TheGingerarchy

Greetings, adventurers!

The Experimental Server is back online, updated with Point Release 8: Part 1 features! We have set up a feedback thread here, and on our forums, in order to ensure that your feedback on the new features is getting to us in the best way possible.

We hope you enjoy what we’ve got for you, and we can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

***NOTE: If you're playing on Steam, make sure you have the free Experimental Client DLC downloaded and that everything is updated. If you're having issues, right click on Legends of Aria in your Steam Library, and click on "Play Legends of Aria Experimental Client" - it should be the third option on the list.

Full Patch Notes:

Martial Abilities
- New Martial Abilities added. These are PvE oriented abilities which use the Martial Prowess Skill and a new resource system called Bloodlust.
- - - Taunt
- - - Defiance
- - - Bloodlust
- - - Vengeance
- - - Enrage
- - - Shield Wall
- - - Demoralize
- - - Execute
- - - Nemesis
- Martial Abilities can be used by obtaining a Martial Abilities book, similarly to bard songs and riddles.
- Bloodlust is a new resource that is obtained by dealing and receiving damage.

Macros have been added and can be accessed through the chat command /macro.
- Macros can be dragged to the hotbar.
- Macros can have up to 21 steps.
- Abilities, spells, craft icons, and custom commands can all be added to the macro interface by dragging and dropping them.
- Macros can special conditions that can be added between steps they include;
- - - Target Current
- - - Target Self
- - - Sleep (pause) 1 second
- - - Sleep 3 seconds
- - - Sleep 5 seconds
- - - Sleep 10 seconds
- - - Sleep 60 seconds
- - - Use Primary Ability
- - - Use Secondary Ability
- - - Repeat 1 time
- - - Repeat 5 times
- - - Repeat 10 times
- - - Repeat Endlessly

Crafting Orders
- Rewards should feel more appropriate to the difficulty and material investment of the order being filled.
- Crafting orders and rewards adjusted based on in-game economy.
- Distribution of crafting orders should be more consistent and evenly balanced for skill level, recipe, and material types.
- Loot tables for CO rewards have been completely rebalanced. Essences rewarded have been significantly increased.

- Runebooks are blessed items that hold runes and allow players to teleport (using charges) or open portals (via portal spell) directly from the book.
- Runebooks can be used from the ground and can be set to Public / Friends / Co-owners if locked down in a house.
- Runebook is charged via the “Charge Runebook” manifestation spell and can hold up to 10 recall charges.
- Added “Runebook” to inscription skill (no recipe required), Minimum skill to craft is 30.
- Added “Charge Runebook” spell to inscription and high end scroll drops. (Difficulty 5 Manifestation spell)

Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with corpses not resurrecting properly in wilderness.
- Fixed hireling merchants disappearing from plots.
- Manifestation spells no longer cause magically attuned weapons to loss durability.
- Fixed a bug allowing players to mark runes and use portals to Barren Lands. Old runes already marked for Barren Lands will no longer work.
- Fixed bug in mining pick causing people to get double resources all the time.
- Non-allegiance bards can no longer play beneficial songs on party members that are in an allegiance and in combat with an opposing faction member.

Enhancements & Adjustments
- Dye Tubs can now be used from the ground.
- Dye Tubs can now have security settings if locked down in a house (public, friends, co-owner).
- Bard and Martial abilities now list resource requirements where applicable.
- Taming now requires line of sight.
- Added improved bandit hood.
- Added Founder’s Hood.
- Updated starting colors for new character clothing.
- Day/night color transition is now driven by angle of the sun.
- Improved all Bard VFX.
- Doubled wood count in ash and blightwood trees.
- Added skill bonus for chance to get double resources (min 0% max 50%) - previously it was flat 25%.
- Reduced price of land deed.
- Meteor damage is now divided evenly among AoE targets instead of dealing maximum damage to all targets.
Zengeon - 2PXIIIX
Hey master!

The swimsuit of today is for Liu Muying!

I'm going to punch your chest with my little fists!
Little Square Things - gbelo
The branch called "canary" is a public beta version of the game, complete with new experimental features and probably bugs, too. It's an incrementally updated version of the update that's going to be pushed out at the end of October.

Here's how to access it:
  1. Right click the name of the game in your Library. Hit "Properties".
  2. A window titled "Little Square Things - Properties" should pop up. Click the BETAS tab.
  3. Underneath "Select the beta you would like to opt into:", you'll probably see "NONE". Click that and select "canary". Leave the "beta access code" blank.
  4. You should then see "Successfully opted into the 'canary' content beta." Then, after the new branch downloads, your Library list should change to "Little Square Things [canary]".

You can revert to the main version by following those steps and selecting "NONE" again.

Canary has Undo fully implemented, with more stuff to come soon.

Happy Squaring!
Oct 2, 2019
Path of Exile - Natalia_GGG
In Path of Exile: Blight we introduced a new NPC, Sister Cassia, whose hummings and divine power have quickly found their admirers among our community. Our narrative designer Nick has written an article about the process behind creating Cassia, which we'd like to share with you today. We hope you enjoy reading it!
Whenever we introduce a new NPC alongside a league, I am filled with a confusing blend of excitement and dread. Sister Cassia, the NPC introduced alongside Blight, was no exception.

NPCs like Cassia have to do a lot of heavy lifting. They are often your first point of contact with the league, and are thus responsible for helping teach the league's mechanics and intricacies. But on top of that, they also have to provide a lot of context for the mechanic. It's one thing to add tower defence into Path of Exile. It's another to make it fit within the world, and to give the player a purpose to interact with it beyond the juicy rewards.

A personal goal of mine, however, is to ensure that even if you don't enjoy the specific mechanics of a league, you'll still enjoy the presence of the NPC. That means each new NPC needs to feel distinct from those already present -- not just the masters in your hideout, but the dozens of other characters you interact with throughout the campaign.

Cassia was an interesting character to work on. Quite early on we decided she'd be a nun, as Elreon's betrayal meant we didn't have much of a Templar presence anymore, and given the society all the Exiles hail from, having a technical background meant likely having a close relationship with the Templar (the group, not the player class). Internally, she was referred to as "Technonun" for a while as her final name was nailed down. Fun Fact: Cassia is another name for Cinnamon, a plant with natural fungicidal properties!

Knowing she was a Templar with technical prowess, it wasn't a huge leap in logic to assume she probably knew Dominus and Piety. It's hard to make someone with those close associations 'good', which is fine, because few people in Wraeclast are truly good. I loved the idea of her being morally ambiguous, but broadly doing something healthy for Wraeclast (killing the blight). Her previously high-status among the Templar allowed her to be believably snobby and condescending, as a counterpoint to the broadly-helpful pool of Masters we currently have.

Often I'll sketch out a character's backstory (Templar engineer, exiled for misappropriating Templar resources, still somewhat brainwashed) and as I'm working on the script, the more important personality traits will emerge. Her habit of over-explaining, her hymn-singing and her strong disdain for Piety all developed across the first draft or two of her script.

Once we were happy with the script, we cast the wonderfully talented Jodie Rimmer to play her. I'd written out three goofy lines to be sung as hymns, and wanted her to also hum the league's theme. During recording, I suggested one tune be sung as if it were for a marching army (hence the upbeat tune about burning the unrighteous). I love that, on its surface, those songs are amusing and tell you a lot about Cassia, and on further reflection, tell you even more about the Templar themselves, and the story of Sin and Innocence.

Originally I'd planned for her to sing a lyric once and then go quiet -- essentially Cassia's equivalent of "Still sane, Exile?" -- but once it was implemented, it felt too weird for her singing to suddenly stop. We put the longer-form lines in and trimmed the "oh!" off of her greetings on a whim, and it just totally worked.

I was very pleased with how well she was received, though like many of you, I wish we'd recorded more lines for her. There's always a balance to be struck between good signalling, where you know she's telling you there's a new minion lane or that monsters are too close, and enough variety that you don't get sick of hearing those signals. In this case, I think we probably erred too much on the signalling side and not enough on the variety. Hopefully we'll get a chance in the future to expand her character a little more! I'd love for her to tell us what she thinks of all the masters.
篮球计划 Project Dunk - 嘻哈诗人-马修




Knightmare Lands - norlin_ru
The nearest DevGAMM conference will take place in November (21-22nd). It seems there is a lot of time ahead... but in fact, the deadlines to submit the game are much closer.
Last weeks I've been pushing the Knightmare Lands forward to implement different features for the showcase and today I want to tell you about the most important things.

Perks system
On the last week, I've completely redesign the whole progression system in the game: instead of leveling up the heroes' skills, player will spend the earned points to take perks. And there are a lot of different perks planned!

The whole system is much more straightforward and allows for more customizations and different play styles - player will be able to choose from dozens of perks, starting with simple "Add more scores" and not ending with perks which can add new abilities or change the basic attack for a selected Hero.

There are three main types of the perks:
  • Instant: just do something cool once to affect the gameplay (add scores, revive a dead Hero and so on)
  • Group perks: affect the whole group (Increase movement speed, allow to choose from more perks next time)

  • Hero perks: applied to a specific Hero, the most interesting part. These perks can be common for all heroes (increase max health, improve damage, instant heal) or individual for each of the heroes classes (learn Fire Ray for Sorceress, make all arrows to penetrate enemies for Hunter and so on)

Most of the group and hero perks can have multiple grades, increasing it's effects. Those perks will be saved for the specific Hero and even if player will replace the Hero to another one, later the old Hero can return back to the group with all learned perks.

Group composition
The second important part of the game's updates is exactly about group composition. From now on, player can replace Heroes right in the game, combining different classes and adjusting the play style considering different enemies and obstacles. It's heavily based on random - all the heroes replacements can only be dropped from the killed enemies, and player will decide if they need to take the replacement or drop it this time.

...and more!
There are a lot of minor changes, fixes and improvements, anyone interested in details can look into the Discord channel for all the commits history.

Of course, I've started to work on the new levels: I've decided the game should have non-linear elements to add some exploration and maybe backtracking.

Improved the player's movement system to use the proper navigation system

Finally added the fifth Hero - Monk!

I'm not even talking about the whole bunch of bugfixes...
Anyway, there are still the far road ahead and hope to see you on my next updates and at the DevGAMM!