Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Natalie Clayton)

The best thing about Bastion, Overwatch‘s portable chaingun, is the way it falls apart. Other heroes might spiral and ragdoll once they’ve popped their last hitpoint, but Bastion? The robot falls apart like every screw in its chassis just gave up, leaving a discarded Bionicle kit on the battlefield. There’s a bunch of Overwatch Lego kits these days, but it’s no wonder Bastion’s Lego reimagining fits the best out of the Overwatch cast.

Burning money on a licensed plastic turret is a big ask, mind. Fortunately, you can now earn a digital Lego look for Bastion in Overwatch this month by completing in-game challenges.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Ollie Toms)

Zane the Operative is definitely the most flexible and versatile of the four Borderlands 3 characters. Thanks to his unique ability to equip two Action Skills at once instead of just one, he’s got more scope for customisation than anyone else – but all that choice can also make things difficult as you try to decide how best to build him up to suit your playstyle.

In this Borderlands 3 Zane build guide, we’ve laid out 3 top-tier builds that you can use to get the most out of this wise-cracking Operative: one for Barrier & Digi-Clone, one for Barrier & SNTNL, and one for Digi-Clone & SNTNL. With each build we’ll also detail our route down the different skill trees and the decisions made, along with useful tips and explanations to ensure that you get the most out of your time with this deadly former hitman.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Jay Castello)

I had a different opening paragraph for this article until I went looking for a header image. Now I’ve deleted it, and instead I’m going to talk about why I’m in love with this picture of Park “Saebyeolbe” Jongryeol. This is my 22nd and penultimate entry in this column, and choosing a lead photo is always one of my favourite parts, because there are also always so many moments of joy to choose from. Yes, you’ll often see pictures of players looking focused or upset, but my personal style guide generally skews towards an image of celebration. Like this one.

Except Saebyeolbe just lost a game in this image. That confetti is San Francisco Shock orange; they just made it to playoffs, leaving Saebyolbe and the rest of the Excelsior in third place. But he’s still smiling, congratulating his team, generally looking on top of the world. It’s more than okay for players to be gutted after losing, and they should be given the space to feel that way without being exploited for broadcast. But where we over-focus on those, we miss ray of sunshine reactions like Saebyolbe’s (and SonicFox before him).


Elite Dangerous - (Natalie Clayton)

When you think of it, it’s kinda shocking how little experience you need to get behind the wheel of a spaceship these days. I don’t remember Frontier ever issuing driving licenses, and it shows. Rich kids slamming into the walls of space stations, speeding into black holes. No wonder warp-heads keep going on five-month trips across the galaxy – it’s the only way to avoid getting into a trillion-pound rear-enders. Not to worry. Getting into the cockpit should be a little less daunting starting today, with Elite Dangerous‘s New Starter Experience.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alice O'Connor)

If you played Destiny 2 through the Forsaken expansion but didn’t buy the Annual Pass after that, good news: you can new play all of the Pass’s modes, raids, quests, and that for free. With an update last night, Bungie set the Annual Pass content free for all Forsaken owners. There’s some good stuff in there. That can more than occupy you for the next fortnight until the Shadowkeep expansion and free-to-play relaunch arrive.

Bungie have also blopped out a dev diary vid chatting about their “five-year vision” for the sci-fantasy MMOFPS. Five years, huh? I’m game.


Slay the Spire - (Matt Cox)

The Watcher is the best thing to hit Slay The Spire since sliced fungi beast. She’s the new character currently lurking on the beta branch: a monk for whom deck balance is unprecedentedly essential. She’s all about flowing in and out of different stances, dishing out unseemly damage, but then taking unseemly damage if you can’t play a card that stops her being so angry. In the late game, a single turn will see you pivot between stances more often than two coked-up adolescents on a see-saw.

That looks a little bit like this, if you’re curious.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Matt Cox)

Rain, rain, go away, come again once you’ve got a new assortment of tools I can murder monsters with. Oh, hello Risk Of Rain 2. What’ve you got there? The Skills 2.0 update, introducing a loadout system that lets you configure each character’s skills at the start of each run, a new survivor with a grappling hook, plus new monsters, bosses and items?

None of that fixes my main problem with the 3D roguelike, but as the ancient proverb goes, a grappling hook is a balm for all wounds.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Brendan Caldwell)

Skater bois and skater goils, rejoice. There is a new skateboarding game rolling around. Session is an early access ollie ’em up with a familiar twin-stick setup and a big concrete playground to cruise around in. Steve did not enjoy it in his early access review. But for me, “the QWOP of skateboarding games” sounds perfect. And as the only person in the RPS treehouse who can comfortably pop a 180 yeetspin into a frontside blundergrind, I had to look for myself to see if it was up to my high standards. Conclusion: I like it, as demonstrated by these GIFs of me failing to land simple tricks.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Sin Vega)

It should have been remade by now. If Rocket Jockey were made today, instead of in the retail-dependent marketing murk of the 90s, it would have stormed it. You ride rockets around an arena, using grappling hooks to steer, but also to yank other riders off their rockets. It’s bloody great.


Mondo Museum - (Natalie Clayton)

Running a museum, I imagine, is probably quite hard work. Academia is a nightmare to deal with, VIP visitors and families want to be entertained. Ben Stiller’s chasing a tiny wax Owen Wilson all over the shop and the T-Rex skeleton has gotten loose, again. Developers Viewport Games reckon that sounds like an absolute riot, and have only gone and thrown together their own museum-builder. Scrap your plans to go to the galleries with your gran next year – we’re planning a trip to Mondo Museum.

