Mech Mechanic Simulator - iwopusniak

Howdy Mechanics!

It's been a couple of months since we, the Polyslash team, have been working on the Mech Mechanic Simulator. What have we done so far?

We've prepared 20 unique mech concepts, designed tasks and created a first version of your future workshop. But, of course, we're focused on the best part - enormous machines waiting to be deconstructed, fixed and rebuilt. And we are hyped to show you this GIF - the very first sneak peek of what's gonna make your hands dirty!

What's coming up next? Add Mech Mechanic Simulator to your wishlist and follow our Facebook page to be on track. Next time we'll see each other there will be much more to talk about.

Sep 15, 2019
Pro Motion NG - jan
[Major Changes]
You can now define a frame range when exporting animation data.

Layer based selections:
Ctrl +… selection actions for layers when clicking on eye-icon
no other modifier key = set
Shift = add
Alt = subtract
Shift + Alt = logical “and”
Right Mouse button = remove selection

Single color editor reworked:
– RGB square, RGB/RYB/LCh color wheels and edits
– Color harmonies and scales
– individual scale editor to easily create color ramps
– screen color picker

Reworked color sort functions
– made color sort functions to be always available with any selection
– sort from bright to dark
– use multiple sort levels where useful
– let transparent color be untouched when sorting colors

Color palette handling, paint modes, color matching algorithms reworked and glitches removed
– using CIE LAB color remapping
– paint modes used transparent color index if it’s best matching to the color to find (fixed)
– transparent color problem with multi layer merges (fixed)

See all changes and fixes here: official change log

Now in the make (already since a couple of weeks):
Standard floating selection tool set including move/rotate/scale/free transform/copy & paste.
Sep 15, 2019
Minotaur - Awesome Enterprises

New Bosses + Achievements
- Added a new bonus boss to level 3 (the road). Find her near the start of the path, behind a gate that you unlock with 5 INT.
- Added a new bonus boss to level 4 (the temple). Right at the start, walk left, turn left, then unlock the gate with 10 INT or 10 STR.
- Increased stamina recharge rate.
- Increased the size of the lost money chest collider, to 7x7x100 meters. So now if you die falling off a cliff, you can still recover your money.
- Decreased Parry time from 1 second to 0.5 seconds.

Endless Maneuver - Vadim_Gubin
1. Fixed bug with achievement drops
2. Added the ability to drop achievements during the game

3. Add statistical values for the number of attempts and total distance traveled

4. Added the ability to control in the air
Sep 15, 2019
Burden of Command™ - Saber72
Henk Stoffers is key member of our scenario design team. He also happens to be a reservist in the Dutch Army.
As such, he has access to some pretty cool equipment.

Henk recently got the chance to take a vintage MG42 to the range. While there, Henk took the opportunity to do some hands-on historical research.
Turns out, the MG42 is pretty darn lethal. It also turns out that Henk is a great shot!

That's all for now.
See you again soon!
Wrack: Exoverse - Carnevil
Hey folks!

Small little update with some fixes and optimizations. Here's what's new:
  • Fixed Kain attacking more slowly when having the Rune of Ursa Major/Minor.
  • Fixed the rendering of transparent enemies exiting portals.
  • Fixed the game not properly ending after world 3.
  • Fixed enemies sometimes shooting the ground when your framerate is set higher than 60 FPS.
  • Made several optimizations to various areas. The game should run even better now.
  • Tympitt tumblers and bulwarks now have a maximum duration in their protected state. This allows them to be killed even if something goes horribly wrong.
Thanks everyone!
The Islander: Town Architect - Boxhead Bros.

The past week we were busy updating and improving the landscape of the island. Original idea was to have a small homogeneous island where players could build their town. However the whole map seemed a tad too repetitive and uninteresting. That's when we decided to divide the island into sort of tiny areas that where defined by different resources - so you could find bamboo forest on one part of the island and metal ore on the other.

The flat landscape looked boring as well. So we wanted to create the land with different height layers, but without limiting player's possibilities when they'd build their virtual island town. That's when the land of The Islander became a lot more cliffy. And what's the best part about cliffs? The answer is - waterfalls.

-Boxhead Bros.
Sep 15, 2019
Atmocity - Dispersing Minds

Work on 0.14 progresses. Quite a few things remain, but a lot of things are falling into place.

As mentioned in last week's log, I was working on adding separate demand functions for each resource.This is now fully implemented. Demand is set in two steps: each group of resources has a demand function. The groups are raw materials, building materials, foods and consumer resources (like eletronics or plastic). These run along a random sin curve similar to how the global economy works. The other step, is that buying and selling large quantities affects demand. There's also a bit of randomness implemented to make things develop independetly on a per resource level.

The demand curves will be able to be toggled on and off (in fact they can be already, but the picture is from before that ). All these things combined, trade can now be part of a player's strategy to make more money.
Goods tickets, which have been mentioned before are also in the works. These are requests for three resources (one from each of the four groups). If you can deliver them in time, you will be given a resource or modifier as a reward. Delivering on them also boosts conglomerate happiness, which boosts output. Here's the trade panel along with one goods ticket (work in progress, thus a bit messy). As can be seen, you can now also add trades that are not timed, so they will run until cancelled.

The mini size zones are also in the works. Industry and residences are now finished. You can now fill those small left over spots with some small single family homes.

I've come across some performance issues, primarily in the new click n drag demolish function. This was a recent discovery, so it has not been fixed yet, but I'm hoping to have it fixed for 0.14.

Other than that, there's a bunch of smaller things done, like the addition of a restore default controls button in the options menu as well as an FOV slider.
In the upcoming week I will be finishing the goods tickets, working on currency, inflation and interest rates for an early implementation of this as well as finishing up the mini sized commercial zones and a bunch of other smaller fixes and additions.

A.L.A.N.: Rift Breakers - Dev Mia
The following DLCs will be removed from Steam soon.
However, I intend to include them with the base game after the removal from the store.

A.L.A.N.: Rift Breakers (Dev Support Donation) (982640)
A.L.A.N.: Rift Breakers (Extra) (1006290)
A.L.A.N.: Rift Breakers (Script Code) (1034090)
ChatAid (Script) (1121370)
Divine D.I.V.A. (Extra) (1064980)
Divine D.I.V.A. (Script) (1064981)
Entre-Deux: Cursed (Dev Support Donation) (982630)
Entre-Deux: Cursed (Extra) (1006370)
Entre-Deux: Cursed (Script Code) (1034100)
Hack the Core (Dev Support Donation) (921460)
Hack the Core (Ebook) (1027580)
Hack the Core (Extra) (1006350)
Hir Corruption (Dev Support Donation) (982780)
Hir Corruption (Extra) (1006360)
Hir Corruption (Script) (1034000)
Hot Takes (Script Code) (1148950)
Ivanoile (Dev Support Donation) (1090950)
Ivanoile (Script Code) (1104360)
Latangerine Last Journey (Extra) (1048180)
Les 4 Alice: Lorange Journey (Dev Support Donation) (982610)
Les 4 Alice: Lorange Journey (Ebook) (1025370)
Les 4 Alice: Lorange Journey (Extra) (1006340)
Red and Blue ~ Cycles of Existence (Dev Support Donation) (940200)
Red and Blue ~ Cycles of Existence (Extra) (1006380)
Red and Blue ~ Cycles of Existence (Script Code) (1034080)
Shantalia and Corali'hulu (18+ Version Ebook) (1033200)
Shantalia and Corali'hulu (Extra) (1032030)
VKT Prime System Crash (Dev Support Donation) (1021010)
VKT Prime System Crash (Extra) (1021011)
VKT Prime System Crash (Script) (1027670)
Vengeance ~ In my family's name (Script) (1143590)

I’m removing them for ethical reasons, since the content of those DLCs can easily be found in the games. The “Extra” are the game’s images. The “Script”, “Script Code” or “Ebook” are the story’s text. The Donation DLC… do I have to explain that one?

The only reason I was releasing so much of them its because they *do* sell. Not by much, but they do, and since the base game doesn’t give me a lot of money, I thought there was no harm in doing it, but not anymore.

The only DLCs that will remain to purchase will be the only ones containing a story | game.
Hot Takes - Dev Mia
The following DLCs will be removed from Steam soon.
However, I intend to include them with the base game after the removal from the store.

A.L.A.N.: Rift Breakers (Dev Support Donation) (982640)
A.L.A.N.: Rift Breakers (Extra) (1006290)
A.L.A.N.: Rift Breakers (Script Code) (1034090)
ChatAid (Script) (1121370)
Divine D.I.V.A. (Extra) (1064980)
Divine D.I.V.A. (Script) (1064981)
Entre-Deux: Cursed (Dev Support Donation) (982630)
Entre-Deux: Cursed (Extra) (1006370)
Entre-Deux: Cursed (Script Code) (1034100)
Hack the Core (Dev Support Donation) (921460)
Hack the Core (Ebook) (1027580)
Hack the Core (Extra) (1006350)
Hir Corruption (Dev Support Donation) (982780)
Hir Corruption (Extra) (1006360)
Hir Corruption (Script) (1034000)
Hot Takes (Script Code) (1148950)
Ivanoile (Dev Support Donation) (1090950)
Ivanoile (Script Code) (1104360)
Latangerine Last Journey (Extra) (1048180)
Les 4 Alice: Lorange Journey (Dev Support Donation) (982610)
Les 4 Alice: Lorange Journey (Ebook) (1025370)
Les 4 Alice: Lorange Journey (Extra) (1006340)
Red and Blue ~ Cycles of Existence (Dev Support Donation) (940200)
Red and Blue ~ Cycles of Existence (Extra) (1006380)
Red and Blue ~ Cycles of Existence (Script Code) (1034080)
Shantalia and Corali'hulu (18+ Version Ebook) (1033200)
Shantalia and Corali'hulu (Extra) (1032030)
VKT Prime System Crash (Dev Support Donation) (1021010)
VKT Prime System Crash (Extra) (1021011)
VKT Prime System Crash (Script) (1027670)
Vengeance ~ In my family's name (Script) (1143590)

I’m removing them for ethical reasons, since the content of those DLCs can easily be found in the games. The “Extra” are the game’s images. The “Script”, “Script Code” or “Ebook” are the story’s text. The Donation DLC… do I have to explain that one?

The only reason I was releasing so much of them its because they *do* sell. Not by much, but they do, and since the base game doesn’t give me a lot of money, I thought there was no harm in doing it, but not anymore.

The only DLCs that will remain to purchase will be the only ones containing a story | game.