Aug 20, 2019
MU Legend - seungbin

Hello MUtizens!
We have made several changes with today's maintenance.
To know more about these modifications, please read the full details below:

- New Creto pet and Imprint scroll sales -

- Fixed: Bound Redzen not being delivered for achieviement grades level 160+.
- Fixed: Issue with unclickable tombstone during Sleighbowa & Mysteryous quest.
- Fixed: Effect with Tephakin Speebinder's skill effect.
- Fixed: Item Enchantment effect issues displaying incorrectly: "Magic Sword", "Magic Book", "Shield".

MU Legend team
Aug 20, 2019
NYX: The Awakening - All in! Games || Luke

Dive into the world of neo-retro visuals and nightmares! Tormented by NYX, the goddess of night, Vicky must face enemies from her darkest dreams and find a way to escape!

Enter the arcade:
Face various types of enemies and solve environmental puzzles in this unique arcade game based on a color swapping mechanic. The stunning mix of neo-retro visuals and 80’s-inspired synthwave audio will accompany you on your journey.

Are you ready to defeat NYX and escape the nightmare?

Join the neo-retro hubs:
Add the game to your wishlist and get ready to fight back:
Egress - uckuht
Make War - DeqafStudio
A lot of you have bought Make War!
Let us know do you like it or not? What you think is cool in game and what is not? Maybe you have some ideas about improvement or you just spot a bug?

Share it in game review, let us and other people know more about Make War!
Europa Universalis IV - CountCristo
Today we take a look at some big changes to what is often the most powerful Religion: Catholicism. New abilities, mechanics and bonuses- especially for the Bishop of Rome himself!

Read all about it:

Aug 20, 2019
Limouzik - operationpid

Limouzik has now a demo, if you want to try our game/software!

It includes one game mode and you'll have access to the premium with the piano only!
Aug 20, 2019
The Ai Games - Doobachoo
The Ai Games has just launched, a huge thank you to everyone for helping me get to this point.

To anyone who decides to support my development dreams thank you so much, and please if you have any issues report them in the steam page I will fix it asap. Please give me some feedback and suggestions as well to help push further development in the right direction.

I have implemented steam achieves to a beta build, its working but has caused some other issues. I don't want to push it live until its in a better place but all achieves will be based off your save file so you wont need to re-do anything to receive the newly added achieves.

If you do encounter any isolated bugs please restart from checkpoint in the pause menu, this should temporarily fix most issues and I will fully remove any reported issues as soon as I see them.

Please have fun and go serve your creator well in the games..
Clue/Cluedo: Classic Edition - MGS_Lilith

When Scarlett took the job, she thought she was just going to be Dr Black’s personal pilot. But Black stole her beloved plane’s ownership papers and used them as leverage, forcing her to smuggle stolen artefacts out of the country to be sold on the black market. Perhaps Scarlett thought that killing Black was the only way to regain her plane and her liberty?
Heroes & Generals - Reto.Umbra

The SA Rifles VS. SMGs Event has started!
You have 5 days to compete for either credit discounts for weapon repairs or credit discounts for vehicle repairs and more!

The SA RIFLE VS. SMG Event will require Soldiers to come together and fight for the Credit Discount they want to get.

Will you be Team SA Rifles and use the First Tier of Semi-Automatic Rifles to fight for a Credit Discount on Weapon + Modification Repairs and Ammunition + Handheld Explosive Refill?


Will you be Team SMG and be the one to carry the First Tier of Submachine Guns into battle and fight for a Credit Discount on Vehicle Repair and Ammunition + Crate Refills?

The Team with the most amount of kills will decide which discount will be available for all Soldiers!

If you want to humble brag about how many kills you personally added to the pool, you can do so on our discord. You can monitor your stats, by clicking your username in the top right corner of the Heroes & Generals flash client, then click the pistol icon that appears in the column on the right marked “stats” – Weapon kills with a given weapon will be in the list that appears in the column below.

Choose your team wisely by using either the First Tier SMGs or the First Tier SA Rifles.

Factions don’t matter in this event, only the amount of kills with the specified weapons are accounted for! Bots do not count as kills.

All kills from the First Tier SA Rifles or SMGs from across factions will be counted together in two separate pools. Reach the tiered goals to get a bigger discount on credit repairs towards weapons or vehicles!

During the event you will have Double Experience on the Specialist Ribbons related to the two types of weapons!

In the week** following the event, you will get a credit discount on either:

Weapon + Modification Repairs and Ammunition + Handheld Explosive Refill


Vehicle Repair and Ammunition + Crate Refills.

(Updated last at 4PM CEST 25/08/19)

The event has concluded! We want to congratulate Team SA Rifles who won over Team SMG with 29.771 Kills!

Because Team SA Rifle took the win, a Credit Discount of 30% will be applied to Weapon + Modification Repairs and Ammunition + Handheld Explosive Refills for all Soldiers! The discount will be enabled from August 27th 10AM CEST until September 3rd 10AM CEST.

Thank you everybody for your hard work in this event, a lot of stuff is happening in the RETO office, so stay tuned!


* Event runs from August 20th 10AM CEST to August 25th 10 AM CEST
** Reward will be enabled from August 27th 10AM CEST until September 3rd 10AM CEST, depending on tier reached by community
Ryzom - Jayvaraman.Ryzom
Dear Players,

we are excited to present you the second edition of 'Behind the Scenes'.

This time we approach of our big loss inside the Ryzom teams by interviewing Tamarea and Tykus, our heads in Ryzom, talking about CSR Arionasis and her passion.

Also we like to go deeper into your feedbacks, by answer questions about the future reward system and the Wheel of the Fortunate Gubani.

We hope you enjoy it!
-Ryzom Team