Fernbus Simulator - TML Studios

Tourist Bus Sim ist on sale for -25% on our publisher's website from 19th to 25th August:


Of course, after purchase, it will run via Steam and become added to your games library on Steam.

And remember, all vehicle DLC's are compatible between Tourist Bus Simulator and Fernbus Simulator: Buy once, play twice!
Tourist Bus Simulator - TML Studios

Tourist Bus Sim is on sale for -25% on our publisher's website from 19th to 25th August:


Of course, after purchase, it will run via Steam and become added to your games library on Steam.

And remember, all vehicle DLC's are compatible between Tourist Bus Simulator and Fernbus Simulator: Buy once, play twice!
Aug 19, 2019
Tools Up! - All in! Games || Luke

Sit back and grab some popcorn - a new Tools Up! trailer has just arrived!
Time to get excited about the upcoming house renovation fiesta!
Tools Up! is a couch co-op game that will test your teamwork skills. Get ready to:
  • Renovate apartments under severe time pressure
  • Split challenging jobs among team members
  • Face adverse conditions on lots of unique levels
  • Unlock new fantastic characters
  • Revisit your favorite apartments in Party Mode
Tools Up! will renovate your Steam library later this year. You’ve been warned! Add it to your wishlist:

H-Hour: World's Elite - RosieRascal
Servers will be offline while we update to the latest release for H-Hour.

This patch includes a brand new competitive grade player skill rating framework that was built from the ground up by our Senior Developer. Player stat reset is required to move to this system. We are releasing on a test basis to allow for identifying any tuning requirements before a final release of the rating/ranking system which will also include game achievements.

Controller players with custom setups should take note of Bug Fix 830.

Special thanks to the community for their patience as this complex custom rating framework was developed. Also much appreciate the work done by the bug reporters and our community mappers who keep continually contributing to the betterment of H-Hour.


Patch 3.5.22

New Features

Custom Rating/Ranking Framework:

Replaced the Proof of Concept Ranked Scoring system with a competition grade player skill rating system. This required a stat reset for all players to allow the new rating/ranking system to be implemented.

Player ratings are driven by a number of factors throughout gameplay and will vary according to match length, room size, ratings of team mates & opponents to name a few.

Ratings can raise or decrease depending on match outcome and drive the player's leaderboard positions which will be used for Officer Rank assignments.

Updated Features

Bullet Impact Feedback:

Bullet impact feedback for the shooting player is now instantaneous versus waiting for shot confirmation by the server. Note, due to the nature of networks and that data and player connections move at different/varying speeds throughout the internet, shot feedback cues (sounds and bullet impact effects) will always have a degree of inconsistency.

Recoil system:

Reduced the degree of impact from the recoil compensation system


• Change blend in time for scoped animation
• New animation for presssing of bridge detonator
• Cleanup of stand back keyboard montage

Easy Anti-Cheat (EAC) Updates:

• Connection of more in game actions for detection activities
• Log messaging corrections

Bug Fixes

• BF(716) - ESC key & Gamepad Right Face Button will back out of a UI window/menu like hitting the Back button
NOTE: Some interactions may take away focus from the UI widget which will require restoring focus such as hovering over the UI element (like one of the buttons) or clicking on the Back button directly
Right Face Button means the B button for Xbox controllers, the Circle button on PS controllers, etc

• BF(826) - Weapon points to the sky when doing a forced Reload (empty magazine) while changing stance out of prone

• BF(827/837) - Locked out of movement temporarily when holding grenade and knockback triggered

• BF(828) - Movement issues when in prone and traversing over bomb satchel

• BF(830) - Melee Controller Button too sensitive when using default trigger button.
Note: Players using Customized Controller bindings will be required to go in to their controller input options and set the Left Trigger binding in the Analog/Axis key assignment section for custom bindings

• BF(832) - Cove: Character "sinks" partially in to the Street at certain curves from sloped to flat elevations

• BF(834) - No smooth transition of camera movement effects while moving, looking, idling in Scope view (Jitter/Bounce). This may require additional tuning pending more feedback.

• BF(836) - FPV with grenades equipped and jumping can allow brief view through walls

• BF(838) - Knockback stops defuse action but not icon timer

• BF(839) - While holding action to Diffuse a Bomb and looking around, the action tile can disappear/reappear from view, causing multiple issues resulting from the desynchronization

• BF(840) - Softspot in Temple

• BF(841) - Temple-Painting in Seal right breach tunnel

• BF() - Corrected collision on WolfRun chicken coup bldg

Workshop Community Content


SnowFall by newybond (extraction & sabotage)

Damitha by newybond (demolition)


Desert Raid by SelfLessOne

-add j2c on balconys
-work on sand

FishHook by newybond

-Added 2 breach points and added 1 route to get into the compound
-Changed collision on trees so leaves no longer stop bullets

FoxHunt by newybond

-changes to fog density

RainForest by newybond

-add more ruins, new boulders for cover and ladders for access to hut roofs

Resilience by SelfLessOne

-Fixed Sabotage Loading screen
-optimizations and mesh gap fixes
-fix sound attenuations
-can get on depot roof

SubRosa by SelfLessOne

-fixes for sound and some collisions

Tribulation by Mik3C

-Adjust lighting slightly
-Added additional props to allow for better flow
-Re-arranged props to allow Seals better vantage for balance

Verge by Mik3C

-Added 2 Radio Tower POIs also doubles as barriers
-Adjusted Seals and Terr spawn locations slightly for better balance
-Added 3 additional cover props at Seals spawn area
Riding Club Championships - Artplant Games

Huge congratulations to our Weekly Showdown Grand Final Winner, tofurlscatteredclouds who wins with a great round for the second week running!
Less than 1 second seprating the top 3 this week and 8 clear rounds saw a very competitive Grand Final.
Congratulations to everyone who made it through and did so well! :)
Aug 19, 2019
Unconventional Warfare - SPITFIRE

With this patch out, we're going to redirect our focus into adding more features. There probably still will be bug fixes and balancing patches, just not as our priority (unless there's some big bad bug, of course).

We're gonna be working on to improve combat and camping so stay tuned and feel free to tell us what you'd like to see in UW!

Here's what's we new in v0.5.2 :

  • Procedural generation of field levels is back, you'll be on a new level every time you encounter enemies or camp on the field
  • Destructible objects are coming back, some objects/covers are destructible (with a tank, explosives or just by shooting it a lot)
  • AP ammo now deals damage to the tank crew, meaning you can use it to take out certain tank crew members (e.g. front MG gunner)
  • Placing constructibles (tent, trench, etc.) during camping won't cause lag anymore
  • Added VSync option to the settings option under "General"

  • Grenade now deals full damage regardless of explosion radius (red & yellow) to tank
  • Grenade damage slightly increased
  • Mk5 Tank health increased by 20%

  • Campfire and Tent being placed in non-camping levels - Fixed
  • Decals(Blood, footprints, etc) not being covered by fog - Fixed
  • Water not covered by fog - Fixed
  • 'C' key opening inventory when it wasn't supposed to - Fixed
  • Incorrect UI Layer order - Fixed
  • Removing tent or campfire sometimes giving you multiple items - Fixed
  • Trench extrusion - Fixed

Thank you for playing and keep on sharing your experience and ideas through twitter:

And join our dev discord server to report bugs, make suggestions, and most importantly, talk about guns and waifus!:
Hentai Babes - Broken Vows - BobLee

Extra Babes! Extra hot! No Install! 100% Free
Hentai Babes - Waifu - BobLee

Extra Babes! Extra hot! No Install! 100% Free
World War 3 - Captain Price

Available in the following languages:PL | RU | DE | FR

Hello, Soldiers!

Let’s recap what’s been happening in World War 3 in the last week - and it’s been a busy one!

Armed Forces Day
Last Thursday, on the 15th of August in Katowice, Poland, we’ve had a parade of military assets, including helicopters, planes, armed personnel carriers, tanks and other hardware, as well as personnel for the national holiday of Armed Forces Day. World War 3 took part in the celebration by setting up a stand with Polish Territorial Defense Forces. We’ve had a lot of people visit and play World War 3, ranging from families with children to veterans. We’ve had a lot of fun talking to everyone and we hope to do more of this kind of cooperation in the future.

At the Studio
We’ve had a busy week at the studio, with preparation of the first PTE build of 0.7 being almost ready. We’ve discovered an instability in the game on tuesday that caused it to crash a lot when loading into a match which pushed the release of PTE patch to next week. We’re anxious to get the new engine into your hands and we really can’t wait to see how it performs, but at the same time, we want to give it enough time to be a good testing tool, not just something to show. We’re still making the game and the more solid information we get, the better the end result will be.
Apart from the instability (which is already fixed), there are only a few minor issues that could get omitted in the first iteration of the PTE version, so we’re pretty sure you will see PTE on 0.7 this week. Of course, if something unpredictable happens, things might change.
The version of 0.7 you will get is going to include almost everything that is planned in 0.7, with further stability, content and - most importantly - performance upgrades coming in during the duration of PTE testing. We want 0.7 to be at least as good as 0.6 was, so it will take a few weeks of testing and improving to finally get 0.7 to Live in a satisfactory state.
To get you up to speed on what’s in 0.7, let us recap the changes and new features we’re going to have, according to our Roadmap.

We’re implementing the first pass of the Challenge System. It consists of daily challenges randomized every 24 hours. Everyone gets the same ones, so you can have fun with friends completing those in a party. Completing a challenge will net you a reward - those can be some cash, XP or even items like weapons, skins or attachments.
This system is a precursor to something much bigger - an expanded progression for players and more complex challenges. We also have a few surprises related to this, but we are not sharing them at this time. Let us know what doesn’t work and how would you change it - and your ideas for more challenges, too!
New Squad Manager
The new squad manager is mostly an “under the hood” feature, but this doesn’t mean it’s not exciting. If we did our job right, you shouldn’t notice much change, but this new tool lets us expand how squads work greatly and was a necessary change to making the party system work as intended. It will make the party system a lot less unpredictable and fun to use and fixes a lot of old bugs we had no way of fixing without changing it.

HUD Improvements
We’re starting to upgrade all of our HUD elements closer to their final versions. We’ve learned a lot about how people interact with the game and where the UI has its shortcomings and we feel like there’s a lot of good changes to be done with the HUD. 0.7 marks the beginning of this change, and we’re starting off with the new Kill Screen and strike HUDs. New Kill Screen will now show you an approximate direction the kill shot got you from via a small minimap and will provide you with much more information on what you were killed by - including how much HP you enemy has left, too! It’s not a 100% final version, but it will be more useful.

Another HUD change are the vehicle HUDs.
They are much more clear and should work much better than the old ones, while looking a lot better.

Information Layer Improvements
This is an umbrella term for a lot of small changes we’re making to the way information is presented in the game. Starting with new challenge progress UI elements and new widgets, with new information in the customization (you will be able to see how the sight looks in-game without having to equip it or even buy it!), new HUDs are also part of this initiative. It will continue after 0.7 up until 1.0 release.

Attachment Rebalance
We’re taking a look at attachments and how to make them more of a cool choice and less of a ‘take X because it’s best’ that we see happening with some parts right now. The rebalance will also impact weight, so some builds that were impossible to do earlier will now be viable. We’ll see how it turns out during the PTE testing and update the values accordingly.

We haven’t been satisfied with our previous implementation of the VOIP system, so we’ve decided to make it a lot better. It will now let you choose between Open Mic and Push-To-Talk, choose your own bindings and has a lot more options for the players. You can disable it altogether with a volume slider or mute people from the scoreboard or deployment screen.
Remember - VOIP in World War 3 lets you communicate with your Squad only. This is done for a number of reasons, one of them being the performance of decompressing audio from a lot of people, but also the vision of your squad being a self-contained unit that can change a lot in the game. We feel like playing with your squad is the best way to play World War 3 both because it helps your team the most and because it’s the most fun.
This new VOIP mimicks how a radio could sound as well and is really adding to the ambiance of the conflict. It sounds a lot better and will improve team communication a lot.

Other improvements
You will get a more detailed list of changes once the Patch Notes are out, but we have taken some time to introduce some quality-of-life changes and fix some small, but annoying bugs like adding Vehicle Assists or the inability to rebind X. The list is long and will take a while to compose, but for now - rest assured there’s a lot of small changes as well.
One more thing - if you are at Gamescom 2019, make sure to find us and have a chat - we’ll be there!

Thanks for reading and see you in 0.7!

- World War 3 Team

Want to be up to date? Sign up for our newsletter, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and VK, talk to us on the official forums and Discord server!
Survarium - joewillburn
Hello everyone!

Currently we are discussing our plans for Clan Wars. Several ideas on how to implement them in our game. One option is to launch them on weekends while rating matches will be available on weekdays.

We invite you to discuss this topic and express what you'd like to see from the updated concept of Clan Wars, whether you are currently a member of the clan, what advantages you expect from being part of a clan, in addition to playing clan against the clan, etc.

Please use the link below to join in the discussion.
