Aug 19, 2019
Space Wars: Interstellar Empires - Vesuvius

AI Director Faction Limits
Some players were taking advantage of 'averaging' down in certain sectors to make the AI director send lower tier ships to defend the region.
-8 faction sectors will now send a minimum class4 (frigate) ship to defend the sector
-10+ faction sectors will now send a minimum class5 (destroyer) ship to defend the sector
-Shipyard (spawn sectors) will now send a minimum class8 (heavy cruiser) ship to defend the sector

3-Race Victory Condition
The new Ma'Alaketh race, now playable, can win only by taking out both the Sol and Genari homeworlds. Same goes for Sol/Genari, they have to take two homeworlds to proceed to victory.

AI ships now have 10% base evasion instead of 25%

From the Depths - BaconsTV
Hey all :)

We would love to show you all our new trailer :D
Crossout - XO_Team
Riders of the Apocalypse! We welcome you beneath the dome of Youtube, to our weekly Show, made so that you - the Waste’s best mechanics and riders can win the Prize! New episodes every Friday! Anyone willing to submit a video, must send a letter to containing the link to your video, your in-game nickname and the email address registered with your game account, so we can send you the Prize should your video win!

In this episode:
Join the official Crossout community and subscribe to Targem developer page on Steam!
Aug 19, 2019
Dunderheads - BokBok

A new class has been added to Dunderheads!

The Demoboy carries a remote detonating grenade launcher. Shoot up to 10 grenades, then detonate them all at once to inflict massive explosive damage. Leave grenades lying around capture points or doorways to create traps for unsuspecting enemies.

The Demoboy's grenade launcher must be charged up before each shot. The longer you hold down the shoot button, the further your grenade will be launched.

The Demoboy can jump above his own exploding grenades to launch himself up or across the map. The more grenades you detonate under your feet, the further you will fly!

Aug 19, 2019
TV189 - Trollbae
Hello Everyone,
I hope you are all having a wonderful day.
I've been working hard on the game, We are including some extremely detailed levels, and I gotta say, It is really coming along. I am extremely happy with what we have so far.

We are working on cutscenes, rather than the ( Quite frankly terrible ) radio messages that are included currently, We are upgrading all of the weapons to more enhanced weapons.

We are outsourcing our scripting which allows us to include a wider range of mechanics.

But I've got to say, As my hours developing Games goes up, I am getting better with every click, and this being my first large project, I think its going well. We have sold nearly 300 copies, which is to me, quite staggering. Just the thought that people actually sit at home playing something I made, and I don't want to be like those developers who just make something and abandon it.

Woody is going to help out with the creation of the Zombies minigames, which will be included in our new launcher, so thats coming along great!

I gotta say, I am mind-blown with how good this is coming along as we approach our first year.

Kind Regards,
Trollbae <3
Community Announcements - AmagSwagGames
- Fixed achievements for kills
- Minor bugs fixed
- Optimization has occurred

Aug 19, 2019
Hammerting - WarpQueen
There was no update last week, so you'll get all that in this weeks update. The most important one comes first though. *drumroll*
We have a new co-worker! The office is getting crowded now. :)

Now, the update from the last two weeks:

2019-08-05 - 2019-08-18

We have a new person working with us from TODAY! Welcome Jorb(Discord)/Björn(IRL) who will do game design and scripting, mostly.

Worked on a generic key-value system, to be able to store values and stats for each entity.
Biome color grading is now up and running, giving each biome custom feel, but it still needs some artist love.
Data scripting improvements
Overworld location spawning
Overworld location window (WIP)
Overworld missions (WIP)
Movement related refactoring
Enabled hotreloading of game data
Loads of hotreload fixes
Changed data format for various game data
Biome generation, first pass

New character window, now with tab icons
Overworld missions drafted
Overworld locations (WIP)
Tutorial fixes

Created some icons for the Overworld map
Working on Background Caves, which will help in creating more depth in the game
Completed the first icons for currency
Worked on some more locations and also revisited some old locations
Started to work on location banner art
Made concept art for pick axes
Finalized Overworld map background
Dire tunnels biome iteration 1 complete. Most vegetation complete, needs optimizations
Grottos work in progress
Bum Simulator - Ragged Games

Hey there! It’s Weekly News time!

We are currently working on the day and night cycle. The visuals are close to the final version as can be seen here:

The shops close at night and open in the morning as you would expect. Some missions are time dependant as well.

We still need to adjust the traffic and crowd density based on the time of day and optimize the whole system for performance - hopefully, we will be able to do that before the next week's update.

See you next week!
XWallpaper - XDesktopSoft
Add 5 Animate Visual Effect: 2D_VFX_SeaWave ,2D_VFX_ShinyFX,2D_VFX_TurnLiquid,2D_VFX_LiquidWave,2D_VFX_Animated_PingPong_Rotation
Fix some small bugs

The 2D_VFX_SeaWave It is especially suitable for making waves animation of the sea.
Demo Live Wallpaper:

TERA - Action MMORPG - [CM]Melione

Want a peek at what awaits you for the upcoming patch? Then join our team on Friday (August 23rd) starting at 06.00 PM CEST for a special Livestream!

Atmorph (Game Designer) and Languste (Quality Assurance Specialists) will go through the following topics, will enter the new dungeon and fight their way through it! And of course, we’ll have various free item codes prepared for you to submit!

Here is the rough topic list of the Livestream:

  • Demon's Wheel & Event
  • New Dungeon & Infiltrators
  • New Treasure Maps
  • Huge UI Improvements
  • Secret Traders
  • Show Off: New Premium Items
  • 3 Extreme Dungeons

Don’t miss this out!

The TERA Team

Note: the Twitch stream will be in English only.