Jul 31, 2019
Rocket Science - Arugin
Hello friends!

On August 1st, 2018 I decided to leave the prototype of the isometric shooter I was working on and make something small in one or two months. I started with a 2.5D arcade about launching rockets into space, where you were able to collect resources, bonuses and boosters during the flight and then spend it to upgrade your spaceship or buy new parts for it. And I don’t know how it has happened, but here I am, a year later, working on one of the biggest and ambitious games in my live. The great news is that the game vision has not changed since January, when the first Dev Update was also published. And I am slowly but steady getting closer to the goal.

Prototype of the game that I abandoned for HDYLIEM

As for development, I need to work on three main areas. First of all is the game sequence, which is important not only for the release, but for early playtests too. It is the hardest task I have ever had, because the first three hours of the game in Early Access will determine the future of the game in store. This includes compilation of all game systems into solid gameplay and making content for it as well as creating tutorial and hints for all of that. And I can’t even send the game to my friends to try it out before the tutorial will be developed. And it is hard to make the tutorial, when you not sure if some particular parts of the game is working as intended. But sooner or later, I will figure it out.

The second one is to brining all game systems to the “ready for Early Access” state. For example, I am happy with the planet generation system, but I am not satisfied with the planet’s rendering. There is an annoying tiling on the surface and lack of different materials. I need to develop a texture layering system to remove tiling and give the biomes more natural look. Another example is the water, that looks like this in the game right now:

Not great, not terrible

I found a several good water shaders, but they work only on planes and need to be rewritten to work with planets. This is very interesting task and it will be really exciting if the water in HDYLIEM will look like this:

Good water is usually 1/3 of the success

Another thing about planet generation is that I found the way to increase the heightmap resolution from 8192 x 4096 (the max allowed by Unity) to pretty much unlimited. The only limitation is the memory and disk space. For example, I found and will use 43200 x 21600 heightmap for Earth, which means that instead of 4x4 km area, one pixel of heightmap will cover 0.7x0.7 km! If you know, where I can find heightmap with the higher resolution, please let me know in the comments.

This is the part of heightmap with the Himalayas. You can even see rivers here.

Every other game system has some things that need to be finished too. For example, I need to implement patched conics for orbits, to show the spaceship trajectory, when it is leaves or enters the sphere of influence of the celestial body. Direct controls for flights without flight plans need to be done too. And there are a whole bunch of spaceport building, flight planning and rocket assembling tasks waiting for my attention. But the great thing about this is that I can switch between them every time I tired of the previous one. They all are completely different and each of them brings an unique set of problems and challenges.

The last one is the polishing pass that includes sounds, effects, optimization and quality of life features, like game settings. Unfortunately I haven't even touched this yet, but I finally started to think about this it, which is a good sign.

Every day the game is one step closer to what I imagine in my head. Not only this, but my passion for space, as well as your constant support, helped me to overcome this year-long journey and keeps me going. Thank you and see you next time.
Eldervale - Solkitte
Eldervale Patch Notes (0.9.2)

  • Added several new markers to be discovered on the map.
  • Currently selected map changes automatically when arriving on a new floor.
  • Added a low health effect on screen to further indicate critical health status.
  • Flashlight light intensity increased slightly.
  • Killed enemies disappear after a longer period of time.

  • Deviants now deal slightly less damage on Normal difficulty.
  • A certain dangerous enemy type now has slightly less health on Normal difficulty.
  • Enemy damage now capped at 25 (which is common on Hard difficulty).
  • Hives and exploders no longer respawn.

  • Unlocked door markers on the map now save correctly.
  • Selected costumes now save correctly.
  • Destroyed boards now save correctly.
  • More events included in the save file.

  • Fixed a bug which sometimes caused the ending to be played immediately instead of letting you make a choice.
  • Fixed a bug when starting a new game after resetting the playthrough.
  • Fixed several achievements which were bugged or inconsistent.
Dollhouse - Creazn

They are coming...
Rude Racers: 2D Combat Racing - Famous Dogg
We're happy to announce that the first round of Beta testing for Rude Racers is now open!

To request a key, join the Rude Racers Beta Test Group here-

The first season offers some crazy fast racing action with 11 levels and 4 types of events ranging from point-to-point races to death matches and knockout events.

We are a small indie team of two people and your help and support in testing Rude Racers will mean a lot!

Team Famous Dogg
Community Announcements - studio.first.ukrainian

Hello, we just released our new game. We prepared badges, cards and backgrounds, but for them to be in the game, good reviews are needed. It would be great if you told your friends about it. I hope you will like it. Thanks.
Prime & Load : 1776 - [RSE] Marks
Community Announcements - Zee

Dear comrades,

We'd like to take this time to thank everyone who participated in the public beta over the last 6 months or so. It has allowed us to form a reasonable testing method and as a result of your efforts, we are pleased to announce that v1.3.3 is now stable and has been released!

The update should automatically download for those that didn't subscribe to the pubic beta branch, for those that did, you'll need to switch back to the main release branch. 

As in the past when we update the game, it might mean that your previous savegames will no longer work, so be warned.

We're delighted to bring you this free content update, to start, it's jam-packed with goodies such as a brand-new B-130 truck model, dynamic weather, graphical improvements, increased winch range, free-roam camera, brand new audio system and stereo sounds to name a few!

There are so many changes, not all will be described herein detail, but feel free to check out the changelog at the bottom of this post.

Brand new B-130 truck model.

This truck, in our opinion, is ideally suited for the Spintires veterans looking to expand their off-roading skills. It might be nimble but don’t let it fool you into a false sense of security, it'll get bogged down easily and she'll buck like a horse when fully loaded!

It's the return of the B-131.

The legendary B-131 returns to traffic with its authentic sound-set and astonishing off-road abilities. 

And the return of the C-4310.

Hugely versatile, the C-4310 is at home in anyone's garage!

Graphical improvements and new game textures.

According to feedback, we've have improved the in-game graphics rendering which includes a reduction in fog, depth-of-field and we also increased the draw distance to suit. The colour palette now produces a more vibrant and realistic render too!

  • Game palette improved to offer a more realistic (warmer) game rendering.
  • All ground textures renewed.
  • Depth-of-field reduced.
  • Fog reduced in most cases.
  • Reduced eye-adaption effects.
  • Improved day/night presets.
  • Brighter night (moonlight).
  • Water surface tile improvements (less repetition).

Dynamic weather.

Finally, it's raining in Spintires, a dynamic weather system has been included with various rates of downpours and howling winds that sweep across the harsh-lands in a randomised manner. Watch as leaves and dust blow across the screen!

This is the first iteration of the dynamic weather system and more improvements are to arrive at a later date. Upcoming improvements include, mud becoming more difficult to traverse when wet, rain bounce effects and vehicles becoming wet. 

Sound system overhaul.

Often neglected by game studios in this industry; audio has a very important role in any video game since the sound design is what truly convinces the mind that it is in a place; in other words "hearing is believing".

That's why we revisited the sound system and gave it an overhaul. It's time to say goodbye to sounds being forced through a single channel, you'll now experience a rich and wide audio environment with birds singing your left ear and V8 petrol monsters screaming in your right ear!

The vehicle audio is now handled differently too, based on RPM and engine load. When you climb a hill, you'll hear a deeper engine tone as the engine struggles to output your request. It truly adds a more dynamic and immersive experience, hear for yourself...

  • Added stereo audio support
  • Added reverb audio effects (minimalistic).
  • Added listener cone.
  • Added the second iteration of vehicle audio system (including engine fan, twin-turbo system and engine onload and offload sounds).
  • Added the second iteration of vehicle sounds (stereo)(recorded from YaMZ-238 V8 Diesel, KamAZ-740 V8, Kharkiv model V-2 V12, 2.1L Gaz 69, ZIL-375YA 7.0l V8 Petrol).
  • Added stereo ambient/interaction sounds.
  • Added basic PTO winch simulation (activating the winch strains the truck's engine like powered constraints).

Free-roam Camera.

More of a debug feature for map makers and videographers; we've now added a free-roam camera, activated by pressing F2 in-game.

You can use the mouse and mouse wheel to move around, or the number pad arrows.

  • 2,4,6,8 (numberpad) -- Moves camera.
  • 5 (numberpad) -- Tracks the truck (toggle)
  • -/+ (numberpad) -- Moves camera up and down.
  • 0 (numberpad) -- Slow camera movement (toggle).


We have many more updates planned and we are looking into problems such as the ability to save in MP, and multiple peripheral support.

There's also new content coming in the near future, with a free DLC being announced early August.

v1.3.3 Changelog

Added / New Features
  • Dynamic rain with associated water refraction effects (iteration 1).
  • Dynamic wind with dust effects (iteration 1).
  • Engine sounds properly based on RPM, with engine fan and turbo.
  • Brand new engine audio for all trucks (except T700, more replacement engine audio to come later)
  • Added tire buzz sound.
  • Added steering pump sound.
  • Added engine hot cool-down ticking sound.
  • Added brake dragging sound.
  • Added brake squeal sound.
  • Brand new environment, ambient and interaction audio.
  • Added submerged exhaust particle effects
  • Weather effects moved to camera.
  • Weather effects now renders in the menu screen.
  • Water surface tile adjusted (less repetitive).
  • Added winch points to the sides of vehicles.
  • Faster file access (decreases loading times).
  • B-131 truck reinstated (used to be a certified mod).
  • New Localisation added for Portuguese Brazilian (a big thank you to Rodrigo Matsuura).
  • New B-130 truck model, including new attachments (flat bed, coupler, utility load, fuel load, logs).
  • Added localisation for new B-130 and renamed old B-130 to B-130 (old).
  • Added freeroam camera (F2 to activate, numberpad arrows or mousewheel to move, -/+ to go up and down).
  • Added stereo audio support.
  • Added reverb audio effects (minimalistic).
  • Added listener cone.
  • Added second iteration of vehicle audio system (including engine fan, twin-turbo system and engine onload and offload sounds).
  • Added second iteration of vehicle sounds (stereo)(recorded from YaMZ-238 V8 Diesel, KamAZ-740 V8, Kharkiv model V-2 V12, 2.1L Gaz 69, ZIL-375YA 7.0l V8 Petrol).
  • Added stereo ambient / interaction sounds.
  • Added basic PTO winch simulation (activating the winch strains the truck's engine like powered contraints).
  • C-4320 truck reinstated (used to be a certified mod).
  • C-4320 white truck reinstated (used to be a certified mod).
  • Added localisation for C-4320.
  • B-130: Added a custom exhaust accessory.
  • Added new menu map.
Reinstated Features
  • Dynamic tire tracks and mud clumps
  • SSAO effects
  • Water push effects
  • Water dripping particle effects
Improvements / Adjustments

  • Game palette improved to offer a more realistic (warmer) game rendering.
  • All ground textures renewed.
  • Mud/water resistance and friction values adjusted to be closer to that of the original release (more challenging).
  • Camera zoom out range increased.
  • Camera auto zoom removed (except on stations).
  • Steering doesn’t turn the camera anymore.
  • Improved UI, menu and localisation.
  • Doubled winch length.
  • Depth-of-field reduced.
  • Fog reduced in most cases.
  • Improved headlights and light rays.
  • Reduced eye-adaption effects.
  • Improved damaged engine particle effects.
  • Improved gear ratios and general handling of all vehicles (except T700).
  • Improved day/night presets
  • Brighter night (moonlight)
  • Improved rock friction for better rock climbing
  • Increased mud, grass, and vegetation rendering distance.
  • Removed gear crunching unless engine damaged.
  • D 537 / 7310 gear ratios and general setup improved.
  • Game day palette adjusted to increase colours (more improvements later).
  • Overall truck volume range increased to from 12 meters to 14 meters (since camera now zooms further away).
  • Reduced ambient sound volume slightly + added new ambient sound variation without crows.
  • Weather now bias towards sunny days (as per community feedback).
  • Camera now doesn't auto reset it's position (as per community feedback).
  • Reduced eye-adaption when around street lights at night time (as per community feedback).
  • Small adjustments made to menu map (more improvements later).
  • Wheel mud clump size reduced and positions altered (as per community feedback).
  • Turn radius adjusted on all vehicles (more realistic).
  • Suspension tweaks and adjustments on all vehicles (with thanks to >Forces<).
  • Exhaust shakes whilst engine is revving.
  • Removed autozoom on entering stations (garages, lumber yards, fuel stations...).
  • Additional adjustments to game colour palette to increase colours.
  • Overall truck volume range decreased from 14 meters back to 12 meters since stereo sounds are easier to hear.
  • Game balance adjustments for B-130 log loads.
  • Copied new configurations from new B-130 to old B-130.
  • B-130: Increased "1+" gear ratio slightly.
  • B-130: Flat bed rear door now is now manually controlled to allow for loading logs without physics related glitches (default position open).
  • B-130: Repositioned "log spawn area" when log loads are dropped to prevent the logs falling from the back of the truck.
  • B-131: Minor tweaks to suspension settings (thanks to Unster).
  • C-255: Tweaks to cart position, suspension and steering angles (thanks to Unster).
  • C-4320: Tweaks to cart (thanks to Unster).
  • T-700: Tweaks to suspension (thanks to Unster).
  • Removed unobtainable achievement (trespasser)
  • Utility semi-trailer light was misplaced
  • +1 gear fixed for all vehicles (as per community feedback).
  • Rain sound no longer plays in menu, unless its raining in menu (as per community feedback).
  • Added missing localisation changes.
  • Rev one-shot sound now fades out when truck is no longer accelerating.
  • Sparsing error fixed in classes/waters/green.xml.
  • Mist/Dust now has soft contact with ground (no hard edge).
  • Falling leaves now disppear when hitting the ground, as to save performance.
  • Weather system particle amount reduced, as to save performance and to fix exhaust smoke disppearing.
  • DPIIndependentCursorSize and HandleCursorWithoutDirectX for disappearing cursor issues.
  • Fixed C-255 wheel rims
  • Fixed tire track filename to supporting modifications.
  • Fixed D-535 HP issues.
  • Fixed 496 performance issues.
  • Fixed "lines cross road" shader bug
  • Fixed B-130 "chained wheels" not loading (missing mesh file).
  • Fixed logs from being loaded ontop of ultility load and fuel loads on the B-130 truck.
  • Fixed engine audio silences when using K-700 and steering left to right whilst stationary (_low to _idle blending).
  • Fixed crashes caused by reverberation effect when audio sample rate was outside the 20kHz to 48kHz. For sample rates outside of this range, reverberation effect might get downsampled to 44kHz, 48kHz, or disabled, depending on compatibility.
  • B-130: Prevented "trailers" from being connected without a "5th wheel coupler".
  • B-130: Prevented "trailers" from intersecing with the cabin.
  • B-130: Increased "load area" size to allow logs to be packed correctly.
  • Minor English localisation fixes.

Happy off-roading, until next time...

Spintires Team.

SpaceEngine - SpaceEngineer
Chinese and Japanese language support is released now! The new build 37.1705 have few updates, and merged with the previous beta build 37.1690:

Build 0.990.37.1705
- Some fixes in catalogs
- Updated localizations
- Fixed auto-filling of the pioneer name and discovery date for procedural objects in the Wiki
- Fixed star cluster selection bug
- Fixed issue with ship control panel appearing in the planetarium mode
- Semi-bold font for interface text of default (small) size

Build 0.990.37.1690
- While exporting planet textures, clouds transparency is not saved into a separate file
- Ability to specify custom subfolder to save video file/frames in the video capture dialog
- Fixed bug when some terrain node textures didn't generated
- Fixed bug with terrain not generating while recording video
- Opposition effect on planetary rings; parameters are added to planet scripts and editor
- Unicode support:
-- All localizations updated to UTF-8 encoding
-- Texture fonts replaced with ttf fonts
-- Added traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese and Japanese localizations
-- In language selection menu, country flags and full names of localizations are displayed
- Apollo 11 'Eagle' Lunar module model on the Moon surface
- Fixed bug with UI window stuck in moving mode when was closed by hotkey before releasing the left mouse button
- Fixed selecting of stars in star clusters and nebulae
- Mouse click in the text input field moves cursor to the nearest character
- Fixed arrow button of volumetrics resolution sliders
Blood and Lust - Ertal Games
I've been busy with the release of My Burning Heart, but this Monday Blood and Lust was sent to the review queue! So I hope it will be approved between today and tomorrow and we can finally have a Steam release!
Superfighters Deluxe - Hjarpe
* New weapon: Streetsweeper. A MetroCorp-patented attack drone which, when activated, autonomously seeks out and attacks enemies.
* New campaign: "Escape From Precinct 9".
* New versus map: "Sanctuary".
* New survival map: "Sanctuary Survival".
* New challenge: "Streetsweeper Sweep-up".
* Several new music tracks by Splinter.
* Several new customization items (the new items are currently not unlockable!).
* Map Rotation can now be set to "None", "Vote", "Random" or "One-by-one". This allows you to have a map rotation without the voting.
* All voting can now be done via the main menu as an alternative to using F1-F4 and spacebar. This makes it possible to vote when using a controller.
* The game server browser now shows servers that are hosted in a different version of the game in red.
* When playing any offline game (including challenges and the tutorial) opening the Esc menu will pause the game.
* Shuriken can now be sheathed at any time, e.g. while charging a throw.
* Shuriken pickup amount decreased from 7 to 6 and shuriken damage lowered from 20 to 17 - lowering the total potential damage output from 140 to 102.
* Made bots' aim more stable and less jittery, plus some minor tweaks to the aiming behavior.
* Bots will now always prioritize running towards their guard target if the distance to the target is more than 3 times their guard range or chase range.
* The /ban command now bans a user for 14 days the first ban, 30 days the second ban and permanently the third ban. The default values can be changed in the config.ini file by changing the HOST_GAME_FIRST_BAN_DAYS, HOST_GAME_SECOND_BAN_DAYS and HOST_GAME_THIRD_BAN_DAYS values.

Map editor:
* Live mines, grenades and molotovs can now be used directly in the map editor.
* Added property CameraSecondaryFocusMode to PlayerSpawnTrigger which controls how the camera's secondary focus works for spawned players.
* DialogueTrigger now has an option to show the text in the chat or not.
* Game.WriteToConsole() messages will be completely ignored if not running in the map editor and if the console is hidden.

Bug fixes:
* Fixed a bug where a local co-op player who had previously left an offline game would sometimes appear in a player slot when a new game was hosted.
* Fixed a bug where you could change the drop-in-mode for offline games in the host game panel (drop-in is not applicable in offline games!).
* Fixed a bug where bots could be duplicated over time as players joined and left a game.
* You can now throw shurikens, grenades, molotovs, C4 and mines without hitting teammates standing close to you, as with other thrown weapons.
* The game server browser will no longer reset its scroll position while refreshing.
* Fixed a bug where kicked entries in the server software wouldn't always be displayed properly.

* IPlayer.SetUser() and IUser.SetPlayer() now have an optional argument to disable the flashing effect.
* Added IPlayer.GetCameraSecondaryFocusMode(), IPlayer.SetCameraSecondaryFocusMode(), IObjectStreetsweeper.GetCameraSecondaryFocusMode(), IObjectStreetsweeper.SetCameraSecondaryFocusMode() to be able to control how the camera by default focuses on other players. This is similar to the old AddCameraFocusObject() and IgnoreCameraFocusObject() functions.
* Added IPlayer.SetCurrentMeleeDurability(), IPlayer.SetCurrentMeleeMakeshiftDurability() to be able to control current melee weapon durability.
* Added IPlayer.SetCurrentPrimaryWeaponAmmo(), IPlayer.SetCurrentSecondaryWeaponAmmo() to be able to control ranged weapon ammo and special ammo amount.
* Added IPlayer.SetCurrentThrownItemAmmo() to be able to control thrown item ammo amount.
* Updated IPlayer.CurrentPrimaryWeapon and IPlayer.CurrentSecondaryWeapon with the following properties to be able to read more data about current ranged weapon: WeaponMagCapacity, MaxCarriedSpareMags, MaxTotalAmmo, PowerupBouncingRounds, PowerupFire, ProjectileItem.
* Added IUser.AccountID, IUser.AccountName
* Added IGame.GetProjectiles() to be able to control projectiles.
* Added Events.ProjectileHitCallback to be able to listen on projectile hit events in scripts.
* Updated Event.PlayerDeathCallback with PlayerDeathArgs to be able to read directly if the player was killed, removed or both.
* Updated PlayerDamageCallback with PlayerDamageArgs arguments. This allows you to read type of damage and source object causing the damage.
* Added IPlayer.ChatActive to be able to read if a player has the chat active.
* Added IPlayer.RocketRidingProjectileInstanceID to be able to read the rocket's instance ID.
* Updated Game.CreateDialogue() with an option to show the dialogue in the chat or not.
* Added Event.ExplosionHitCallback to be able to listen to explosions and what they affect.
* Added Event.ObjectCreatedCallback to be able to listen on when objects are created.
* Added Event.ObjectDamageCallback to be able to listen on damage events on objects.
* Added Event.ObjectTerminatedCallback to be able to listen on destroyed and removed objects.
* Added PlayerMeleeActionCallback to be able to listen on player melee actions and what objects they hit.
* Added Game.RayCast(..), IObject.RayCast(..), IObject.HitTest(..) to be able to RayCast and HitTest against objects in the world.
* Added IGame.DrawLine(), IGame.DrawCircle(), IGame.DrawArea(), IGame.DrawText() to be able to draw debug information while testing your map in the editor. See summary for implementation details and notes.
* Added IObjectMineThrown and IObjectGrenadeThrown to be able to change dud chance on explosives and check whether it's a dud or not.
* Updated EffectName static class with available effects and documentation over possible arguments for each effect to be used with the Game.PlayEffect(..) function.