Morphies Law: Remorphed - (Natalie Clayton)

Mind when games had big head mode? Morphie’s Law: Remorphed is a bit like that, but with your character’s whole body. The RPS treehouse have had our eyes on this body-morphing multiplayer game for a while: it’s a third-person shooter where blasting someone’s body-part causes it to shrink and yours to grow. For example – shot someone in the foot? Congratulations, you’ll be needing bigger boots and they’ll be downsizing to baby shoes.

It’s a bit less body horror than that sounds, wrapped up in a robot Day Of The Dead look that probably isn’t quite in the spirit of the holiday. Oh, and it’s out now, with a demo you can pop on for free.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Jay Castello)

Welcome to stage four of the Overwatch League! It’s finally happened: damage-dealing heroes are back, forced in by Blizzard introducing a role lock that enforces two of each category. That s why this week, we re mostly going to be talking about tanks.


Crusader Kings II - (Alice O'Connor)

Hey, you there, the reader who’s always fascinated to hear weird tales and unusual patch notes from Crusader Kings II but has never gotten into the wheeling-dealing empire strategy game because even just buying it is intimidating with the array of add-ons supplementing it. Yes, you. You can now grab CK2 and all fifteen expansions for just over 12 in a new Humble Bundle, which is one fine deal. Heck, it’s a good deal if you already have CK2 or even a few expansions, just to top it off.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Dave Irwin)

Champions in Teamfight Tactics have all sorts of details about them. From the traits they share to when they appear in the shop, there’s plenty to learn about each of them. The latest patch (9.15) has dramatically changed how a few of these work, with notable inclusions being an overhaul of Void and big tweaks to Guardians, Knights, and Nobles.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Dave Irwin)

Teamfight Tactics’s items are seeing a dramatic change in terms of which are the best and which have gone down in the rankings. Some all-stars have been knocked off the perch by some unlikely suspects. We’ve got all the item rankings for TFT, as well as the all-important cheat sheet for use alongside your games of TFT.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Dave Irwin)

Teamfight Tactic’s 9.15 patch is here and it makes some sweeping changes, most notably reworking what a few of the traits do in games. There’s a lot to cover and your favourite champion may have seen a buff or nerf, or a certain bug or two that was ruining games may now have been fixed.


Jul 31, 2019
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Tim Stone)

QQ’s first and, quite possibly, last sniper duel finishes with Stone’s (no relation) sharpshooters practising their synchronised cowering on the ground floor of the Hotel Lux. Before you judge the lily-livered jarheads too harshly, let me tell you about how the dastardly Qatabis broke one of the golden rules of the sport.

(Quitting Qatab is an open-to-all game of Combat Mission: Shock Force 2 in which NATO forces are orchestrated by commenters while Qatabi units are computer controlled. Each daily turn covers one minute of action. For a scenario outline and summaries of earlier turns, click here)> (more…)

Outer Wilds - (Alice Bell)

I have been skittering around Outer Wilds like one of those birds who lives on a rhino’s back and survives by eating rhino dandruff (I have watched both series of Planet Earth). I haven’t been able to sit and play it in big sessions, but I’ve been picking at it and finding interesting morsels, making a bit more progress each time. I’d be making more progress if I didn’t keep going back to the Dark Bramble.

Spoilers follow. You should play Outer Wilds first. You should play Outer Wilds anyway>.


Jul 31, 2019
Rune Classic - (Sin Vega)

With Rune 2 out very soon, what better time to ask this?

I used to describe Rune as “sort of like an FPS but with swords”, and that’s a terrible way to describe it. But it sort of felt like that somehow. You’re a Viking warrior named Ragnar whose village is blatted by an evil sorcerer, who effortlessly kills you and everyone on your boat for dessert.

Then Odin appears. Yer actual man Odin, with his massive head, resurrects you and rumbles that you must basically run across the underworld and the earth and murder absolutely everything in your path.


The Good Life - (Alice O'Connor)

After he directed the delightful Deadly Premonition, I’d follow Hidetaka “Swery” Suehiro into Hull and back for a new game about the characters, curiosities, and killings of rural life. Thankfully, all I must do for The Good Life is wait a while longer. Swery’s new studio, White Owls, have announced they’re delaying The Good Life so they can, y’know, finish it and make it proper good. After the jank of Deadly Premonition, there is no developer in the world I would give more time for refinement.

