A Short Hike - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Natalie Clayton)

Correct me if I’m wrong, but flying seems to be missing the point of hiking. Where’s the challenge? Where’s the adventure? Where’s the knee-breaking burden of scaling a mountain when you can just flip-flap all the way to the top? Seems like cheating to me, really.

I guess it’s not really about the stress, is it? It’s not like I’m in any physical shape to judge. A Short Hike is about the pleasant side of going for a nice long walk: finding wee nooks and crannies, chatting with your fellow walkers (and swimmers, and flappers). And would you look at that, it’s out today.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Natalie Clayton)

Not enough games are sold on the premise of a good moose. A hypothetical listicle on “gaming’s best meese” would probably just land you some insufferable hunting games, and Skyrim. They’re proper giants in person. Absolute units. If I were to put together some sort of animal kingdom adventuring party, a moose would be right up there in the tank spot.

Mutant Year Zero‘s new expansion, Seed Of Evil, drops a corker of a moose in Big Khan. Oof, what a name. What a lad. What a moose.


HITMAN™ 2 - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Natalie Clayton)

A wise Australian once said: “Sniping’s a good job, mate.” When playing a lethal game of dress-up gets stale, sometimes a good assassin just wants to put a bullet in someone’s skull. When your job is murder, it must feel like the easy shift: Sit back, relax, point, click. Job’s done, get that invoice sent and wait for the blood money to roll in.

Agent 47’s latest paid point-and-click adventure DLC for Hitman 2 takes the bald murderer close to negative 47 degrees Celsius. Gosh, I hope he packed a scarf.


Palmyra Orphanage - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Steve Hogarty)

Science. What a concept. It s put men on the moon, chopped up an atom good and proper, briefly eradicated measles and edited the very building blocks of the human genome. But one field of science still eludes even our cleverest minds. What, exactly, is a scare?

Well, as far as the boffins can ascertain using the best microscopes available, a scare is a kind of horrible juice (or enzyme ) that your panicking liver dumps into your bloodstream whenever you see something frightening, like a ghost or the news. This craven liquid triggers what is known in psychology as a fight or flight response, presenting your fear-charged body with two simple options. You can either try to wrestle with the ghost, hoping that it s just corporeal enough that you can trap it in a figure-four leglock until it taps out. Or you can run away from it, and hope that the ghost is spiritually tethered to the haunted mansion you were staying in as per the instructions of your late great uncle s convoluted will.


Dota Underlords - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Ollie Toms)

So, you’ve played your first few Dota Underlords matches, you’ve a sense of the heroes and alliances and items and all that good stuff – and now all you’re missing is how to apply and combine all that knowledge into a game-winning Dota Underlords build. Our Dota Underlords builds guide looks to solve this problem by exploring nine of the very best builds (yes, this number does keep increasing as I think of more cool new builds) in the current Dota Underlords meta. From Knights and Trolls to Scrappy Mages to souped up Demon Hunters, these are the team comps to beat.


DOOM - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Dave Irwin)

Quakecon brought more Doom Eternal information, specifically about “Battlemode” – the new 2v1 multiplayer mode. While we never got clarification if the “invading players games” was a thing or something that was removed, we did get a very good look at the new multiplayer from their presentation. The following contains all the information you want for Doom Eternal, from the multiple trailers to the all-important release date. (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Natalie Clayton)

What’s more Christmas than crabs? Don’t answer that – this year, the festive season is one for crustaceans. Big crabs, small crabs, crab queens with great big slimy heads. Monstrous great ones, crawling out of the briny depths to do battle. Bin that turkey, the strategy games have spoken. This December is crab season.

Phoenix Point, eh? The poor thing’s gone from being due in December 2018, then to September 2019, and now it’s found a little more time to fit in one more delay before launch. Snapshot Games yesterday confirmed that our trip to Phoenix Point has been delayed by another three months, putting mutating crab on the menu just in time for the holidays.


Anno 1800 - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Alice O'Connor)

“Rumors spread among your crew about a hermit living on an isle of wonders, a shabby-looking scavenger and inventor who prefers the company of his own automatons,” Ubisoft say to introduce the new Anno 1800 mini-expansion. “But don’t let the cock-and-bull stories of your crew fool you; Old Nate may just be a genius a genius who is willing to share his ground-breaking inventions with all comers, so long as the price is right…”

And yeah yeah the DLC sounds neat with sunken treasure to dive for and all that, but first I must know: is this our Nate, our shabby-looking eccentric who keeps pet crabs and speaks cryptically about experiencing an “old-timey diving suit mishap”?


Dota Underlords - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Ollie Toms)

In preparation for the release of Dota Underlords’ first season, Valve have released a prototype Battle Pass (the aptly named Proto Pass) to all Underlords players, free of charge. The catch? No catch; they just want feedback on how it works, so they can get the Season 1 Battle Pass perfect before it’s released. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a square deal to me. Let’s talk a little about this Proto Pass in our Dota Underlords Battle Pass guide; and we’ll also take this opportunity to dive into what we know about the release of Dota Underlords Season 1, from new heroes to upcoming features and much more.


HITMAN™ - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Natalie Clayton)

He’s murdered in Miami. Punched lights out in Paris. Slashed throats in Sapienza. It’s hard to imagine what chrome-dome killer Agent 47 does on holiday, what with all the globe-trotting he does as part of his nine-to-five. Does he have a nice wee sit in front of the telly, sipping a cuppa, watching Columbo? I like to think so.

His handlers might be planning another season of work for the killer, but 47 could do with a little relief. With word of a secret new game at IO Interactive, Hitman might soon find a partner to share the load of holding up the studio.

